Welcome to the Dark Side: A Forbidden Romance (The Fallen Men Book 2)

Welcome to the Dark Side: Chapter 22

I waited a block away like a fuckin’ teenage chump sneakin’ out with his teenage girl after curfew. The fuck of it was, I sure as hell wasn’t a teenager anymore—the grey comin’ in slow at my temples and the crow’s feet ’side my eyes proved that—but my girl was a teenager. It was a reality I had to face ’cause I knew, if I was serious about ’er, which given my plans for the evenin’, I was, it’d be a fact I’d have to face with brutal regularity.

I tried not to sit there in the cold dark of the mid-November night and think about all the ways this thing with Lou could go wrong but there was somethin’ about being drenched in shadows that made a man contemplative and there sure as fuck was somethin’ about knowin’ you were about to take a woman’s cherry that made ya careful.

So, I was thinkin’ about H.R.’s reaction when she found out I was seein’ a woman her age, about King’s face when he realized I was fuckin’ a girl two years younger ’an him, and my brothers rowdy cheers each time there was evidence that I’d taken her to my bed. Grown up not givin’ a shit what people thought but I’d also spent most of my grown life bein’ a father to two kids I’d give my life for a hundred times over so the idea of them not likin’ the woman I chose sat so wrong in my chest it felt like a cancerous lump.

I thought about it, hated it and moved on from it ’cause I didn’t have the willpower to start my Harley and drive away like I shoulda and I sure as fuck wouldn’t have it tomorrow when I woke up beside Lou, her gold hair spread over my pillow like a fuckin’ halo, her virgin’s blood gone dry on my cock.

This was happenin’. Me and Lou. If I was bein’ honest, it had been happenin’ since I saw that pretty girl with her velvet bows and Mary Janes running at me from across a parking lot rainin’ bullets like I was Jesus come to save ’er. I knew in some freakish place deep inside the gut a me that Lou was made for me.

She was it.

My ex-wife had been a mistake, every other woman a blip and Louise Lafayette, the forbidden girl, the worst option, was the only one for me.

So, I leaned against the side of my bike smokin’ my one cigarette a day as I waited for her, tryin’ not to get too worried or too fuckin’ turned on about my plans for the evenin’ when finally I spotted the glow of her moonlight coloured hair in the moonlit night.

She ran at me.

Hair flying, arms pumping, smile spread clean across her prettier-than-all-else face, Loulou ran at me like she’d done when she was seven and she would, I knew, until she could run no more.

And, like I’d done when she was seven and like I would, I knew, until I could stand straight no more, I caught her in my arms and hefted her tight against me.

She buried her head in that place she liked under my right ear, her nose pressed to my throat, her lips to my pulse point and her forehead in my hair.

And fuck, it felt like home to have her there.

“Zeus,” she said, and I got the feeling she said it just to say it, just ’cause she knew she could and knew now that she had a claim to that name. To me.

And just ’cause I knew I could, I titled her head back by that lush white-blond mane and claimed that pouty mouth as my own. As soon as my tongue swept through her lips, she groaned softly into my mouth and opened for me. I angled her head to get deep, explorin’ that hot mouth like it was my job and I had all the time in the world to do it right.

It settled me deep that I did. Nothin’ would stand in the way of me and this girl; not her fuckface father or her age or even my own kids.

She was mine.

“Mine,” I tore away from her, leaving her lips open, moist and swollen.

Couldn’t help myself and licked at the sweet red bottom lip while she breathed, “Yes, always.”

Before I took things too far and fucked ’er on my bike—keepin’ in mind to save that for another day—I walked her over and dropped her carefully onto the bitch seat. As soon as I settled my bulk over the bike, she was plastered against my back with her clever little fuckin’ hands divin’ down to my lower stomach, rubbin’ at the hard abs she found and the ever-hard cock stretchin’ at the front of my jeans.

“You want me to crash this bike?” I rumbled, prying her hand from me.

She giggled in my ear but happily slid her hands up my tee and black hoodie so that they rested palm down on the skin of my lower chest. It’d be cold, my belly exposed to the winter winds rippin’ past the bike, but I couldn’t’a given less of a fuck.

“Ready,” she told me huskily and I felt it in my dick.

I shook my head at her, which gifted me another laugh, and then I shot us forward into the dark. She whooped loudly as soon as we merged onto the Sea to Sky Highway, liftin’ her hands in the air until they were blocks of ice before slidin’ them up under my clothes again. She felt my growl of complaint against her fingers and laughed louder than the wind in my ears.

It was an hour drive across the rollercoaster ups, downs and curves of the mountainside highway. A lot for a girl’s first serious time on a bike and she didn’t have a leather jacket, just a little pink denim one that made her look all’a fourteen years old. But she didn’t complain and somehow I could feel ’er enthusiasm radiating against my back. A coupla times, she swirled her fingers over the ridges of the bullet wound in my chest and it felt like a direct line to my heart. A coupla more times than that, she trailed cool fingers down my abdominals, skiing ’em like moguls and it felt like a direct line to my hard-as-steel cock.

So, when we finally reached the wood cabin I’d built into the treed mountainside, I was off the bike in less than a second and had Loulou squealing in my arms the next.

She laughed but wrapped her arms and legs tight around me, Koala-style as she’d called it, and played her fingers in the ends of my hair as I carried her to the house, unlocked the door and kicked it shut.

“What has you so impatient?” she asked me, humor and confidence ringing in her voice.

I pressed her against the wall beside the door, the house dark and stale all around us and growled, “Ten years waitin’ for you to grow up so I could do this.” Then I slammed my mouth to hers.

In about a nanosecond her lips parted on a soft moan of surrender and her tongue came out to tangle with mine. Her fingers in my hair slid up to the back of my neck and fisted, anchoring me to her tight as if her straining thighs weren’t keepin’ me close enough. I fuckin’ loved that she gave back just as good as she got, biting at my lip until I hissed just this side of pain. Somehow, she managed to shuck off her jacket and reveal the dainty little tank she wore underneath, her nipples pebbled from the cold ride.

I had to taste her, been thinkin’ about the taste of her for years and it was this fuckin’ close to drivin’ me crazy. So I hoisted her higher against the wall with one arm wrapped around her back and up under her ass then gripped the fragile left strap of that tank in my teeth and snapped it in two. Her gasp ruffled my hair as my lips followed the path of the fallen tank. Loved the taste of her smooth tanned skin, salty and sweet under my tongue as I pressed hot, open mouthed kisses to her chest, to the deep crease between her plump tits. I rubbed my bearded jaw there, felt her shiver at the abrasive contact and then pulled back to stare at the sweet tips of her exposed tits, red and furled like fuckin’ raspberries.

My mouth watered.

I nipped one between my teeth to make it harder, then did the other.

“Zeus,” Lou panted, writhing against the wall where I’d pinned her.

The sounda my name in her mouth, comin’ off her lips like a prayer sounded both blasphemous and right. She was done prayin’ at the alter of another man’s church, now she worshipped at my feet and made me feel like my namesake, God of fuckin’ Olympus.

Thunder gathered in my chest and rolled up my throat as I hefted her higher and sank to my knees, ready to bless her with my tongue and taste her holy fuckin’ waters.

She gasped as I dropped to the floor, unbuckled her jeans with my teeth and then shucked them off but she sassed me when I ripped off her little panties with a rough yank by sayin’, “You better buy me more of those or I won’t have any left for you to rip off.”

I wrapped my arms over her hips and between her golden thighs so I could pet the smooth skin either side of her wet slit.

“The less the better between me and my new favourite meal,” I told her as I spread my fingers on either side of her swollen clit and pulled back so I could lash it roughly with my tongue.

She screamed.

I shut her up with my mouth pressed tight over her pretty, weeping pussy. The second my tongue parted her folds and her sweet cherry taste exploded in my mouth, I knew I’d hit heaven, kneelin’ there with my mouth on the sweetest pussy any man had ever dreamt of tastin’. I yanked her tighter to my mouth and feasted.

Two noisy, thrashing minutes then she was coming and she was doin’ it loud, long and glorious, pulsin’ against my tongue and callin’ out my name.

“Fuck, God, no, Jesus,” she chanted but her hands were in my hair and usin’ it like reins to keep my tongue workin’ her even as she came down.

“Don’t interrupt a man when he’s eatin’, little girl.”

“Again,” she begged, practically sobbing.

“Thought you were a good girl, little Lou, so where are your manners?” I asked, circlin’ my thumb ’round her entrance.

My cock was so hard it ached like a motherfucker but I needed this, needed to see this girl I’d wanted since before it was legal beg for me and say my name while doin’ it. So, she knew for sure whom she was inviting into her body and her bed.

“Zeus, please.”

I tilted her hips so I could drag my tongue over her cream from pretty pink asshole to swollen clit. She rattled like a cage around me, so fuckin’ close already.

“Fuck, I need you. Please, I want to come on your cock. Please, please,” she sang, yankin’ at my hair to move me away from her cunt.

Fuck but that sounded like a good idea, feeling that snug virgin cunt come all round my cock. I tried to focus, tried to remember why I shouldn’t take a seventeen-year-old virgin on the floor of the kitchen in a cold, dark house she didn’t know.

Tried and fuckin’ failed.

I dropped her down so we were face-to-face again then swapped out my teasin’ thumb at her cunt with two fingers and thrust just inside ’er. Her hips jerked up against me, trying to fuck down on my hand at the same time lookin’ down to watch me unbuckle my belt one-handed.

“Yes,” she hissed and her eyes sparked. “Show me.”

“You’ve dreamed ’bout this cock, haven’t you?” I asked her, still fuckin’ her with my fingers bumpin’ up against the virginity I was about to obliterate. I unbuttoned and shoved my jeans down my ass just enough to show her the rock-hard length of me pressed to my thigh behind my boxers.

“Oh God,” she breathed, her eyes gone so heavy it was a wonder she could fuckin’ see me. “So big.”

“You want it, take it out.”

Her eager hands sprang out to fumble with my boxers and even though they were clumsy, I bit on my tongue to keep from comin’ when they slid under the fabric and exposed my cock. It was hot as fuck to see her eyes wide and full’a fear and fuckin’ excitement as she tried to wrap her hand around the base of my cock and failed.

“Hands around my neck, Lou,” I rasped out, replacin’ her hand with my own so I could rub the tip of my dick against her hot velvet pussy.

She moaned and wiggled her hips closer but I held her still with my hand at her hip. I pressed my forehead to hers and my cock against her tight hole.

“This is it,” I warned her. “I’m it for you after this.”

“You’ve always been it for me,” she gutted me by saying.

Then, because I was no saint and I’d held out long enough, I slammed my mouth on hers and swallowed her harsh moan as I thrust up into her drippin’ cunt.

My mind splintered. It was the only way to explain how the monster in me broke free of his chains and gripped Lou harder than I shoulda, tight at the hips, hard in the hair, drivin’ her wet, raw cunt up and down over my cock until my thighs were a mess of her juices and sweat dripped down my back. It was the only way to explain the way pleasure popped the lid off my head and left me thoughtless of the fact I was kissin’ her ’til she nearly couldn’t breathe, bitin’ her neck until it blossomed with flowery hickeys all over.

It was the only way to describe how I fucked her so hard, I marked her in every heathen way as fuckin’ mine.

And she loved it.

My seventeen-year-old ex-virgin moaned and groaned, scratched up my back like a feral fuckin’ cat and begged me when she had enough breath to do it, to fuck her harder. It had to hurt her, the way my big cock stretched her and made her bleed, but she loved it so fierce she even loved the pain.

We were sweaty, gruntin’ animals on the floor of the kitchen. So far past fuckin’, we were just rutting, greedy beasts.

Her fingers slipped in the sweat on my shoulders then dove into the damp hair at my temples to hold my eyes steady.

“Watch me,” she managed to pant. “Please, watch me as you make me come.”

My hand in her hair trailed down her back so I could grab two handfuls of her plump ass and buck up into her like a fuckin’ pile driver.

“You come for me, you do it sayin’ my name. You do it knowin’ you’ve got me inside you and you do it knowin’ all that I am.”

Her cunt was ripplin’ and spasming already, drawing me impossibly deeper into that tight, burnin’ sheath. My balls drew up and I knew I was gonna come too, deep inside her like I’d only done in my darkest fuckin’ fantasies.

“You be a good girl and come for me right fuckin’ now,” I said then ducked down to take the junction of her left shoulder and neck in my mouth, holdin’ her still with my teeth.

“Fuck, Zeus,” she screamed on a dyin’ breath, her body already gone, already shakin’ on me, squeezin’ around me.

She chanted my name the whole way through, her cum warm and wet on my dick as I churned in and out of her then finished with a fuckin’ roar. Each jet of cum I shot tight up against her womb jerked my whole body against her, draggin’ everything outta me until we both fell exhausted against each other.

With the last of my energy, I dropped back to the cold ground and lowered her on top of me. She settled like a cat in the sun, fallin’ to sleep quicker than I could blink at her and notice the smile that kept at her face even in slumber. A smile that said she was the cat who’d finally eaten the canary.

I knew how she felt ’cause my heart was beatin’ too fast and too hard, not stoppin’ or slowin’ like it shoulda after the hardest orgasm of my fuckin’ life. But I couldn’t sleep, couldn’t even really relax, not with the way my blood was pumpin’ and my mind was whirrin’.

Her hair was fuckin’ everywhere, warm silk on my chest, arms and abs but I loved the feel’a it, the smell of burnt sugar and warm cherries all around me. Couldn’t stop touchin’ her even though she was asleep sprawled over my body like a heavy blanket. Loved the feel of her on me, her curves against my edges. Loved the weight of her on my chest against my heart.

Loved fuckin’ everything about this girl.

If I’d had any doubt before, it was fuckin’ clear to me now that Lou was mine.

Didn’t give a single fuck that there were a million and one fuckin’ things that made her forbidden to me.

That her father would try to toss me back into prison for it.

That my enemies would try to maim, torture and kill her for it.

That my own kids might throw a shit fit ’cause of it.

I was keepin’ her.

“No one should be that tense after sex that incredible,” Lou muttered.

I chuckled. Smoothed a hand down her hair and twisted it all up in one of my hands so I could tug it back and force her eyes to mine. They unveiled like heavy curtains, the kinds in old movie theatres my uncle had taken me to as a kid. Glamorous. That was the old Hollywood word for what Lou was, all woman, all sass, all fuckin’ gumption all the time with a sweet center just for her man.

Just for me.

She gave that to me now, that sweetness rough men like me craved.

“Want to make you happy enough to relax,” she whispered up at me.

Damn that sweetness and the ache it sent straight to the heart of me.

“Can’t relax when there’s still fuckers out there who’d keep you from me,” I told her honest.

Her eyes flared. “You want to keep me?”

I rolled my eyes at her and slapped at her sweet behind so she squirmed. “You think I tell every bitch I fuck that I’m ‘it’ for them? Fuck, takes a helluva a guy to step inside my shoes after I’ve been there but I don’t warn women off of it.”

Lou planted her boney little elbows in my chest so she could prop her face in her hands and glare down at me. “Sorry, I think I lost your point when you implied you’ve slept with and ruined dozens of women.”

“Little girl, I’ve fucked and ruined hundreds of ’em.”

Her beautiful face collapsed into shock and then she surprised me by laughing loudly, leanin’ down to do it right in my face. When she recovered, she fell against me to give me a full body hug and say into my chest, “Good thing for me, then, that you want to keep me and not them.”

I grinned into her hair and hugged her back, almost wrapping her up twice over in my arms. “Good thing.”

“I woulda made you keep me, you know?” she told me, tippin’ her head back so she could look up at me.

I propped my hand behind my head and snorted, “Figured as much. I like to fool myself into thinkin’ I make my own decisions so I had to sort it out quick, I wanted to keep ya.”

She giggled and closed her eyes, sighing until she was melted against me.

“So happy,” she muttered. “Never been happier and doubt I ever could be.”

I thought about all the things she had left to look forward to in life—graduation, marriage, travels, kids—and I thought about all the things I was lookin’ forward to givin’ her—celebration parties, my ring, vacations, baby Garros—and I knew she was wrong.

“Gotta lot more of life to live, kid.”

This time she sighed, it was a sad thing. “I like to live a day at a time, Z.”

Kicked me in the face to hear her say that but I got it. You don’t live through cancer to take life for granted and I was fuckin’ proud of her for decidin’ no matter what to live it to the fullest.

“I can do that,” I told her even though I was already thinkin’ and plannin’.

I mighta been a biker but I’d been a planner, a smarter guy than anyone ever gave me credit for ’cause of my bike, my tats, my size and my cut. I’d always known what I wanted and got it, even if I got some surprises along the way.

And I wanted Lou. So, I knew I’d get her and tie her to me in all the ways normal society and biker society would allow.

But despite what she said, I knew we had all the time in the world, so I wasn’t in any fuckin’ rush. I could enjoy lyin’ on the floor of my cabin holdin’ my girl and do it knowin’ I’d have a lifetime with her.

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