We Become the Night

Chapter 24:

New Revelations

The rest of the night was spent playing with Balan in the yard. As dawn nears, we can hear the other changelings heading back. The first rays of the sun peak over the tops of the trees. I can feel the changes beginning to start. I almost let it happen right there, but then I realize that Kali is still out here, and I don’t really want to see her naked just as I’m sure she doesn’t want to see me or Balan naked. I gesture to Kali and Balan to head inside.

The three of us go inside and Kali makes a beeline for the upstairs rooms. Balan and I go into the living room since we can’t make it downstairs in time. The reverse changes are just as strange as the changes into the wolf.

Fully human and stark naked standing the living, poor little Balan is shivering. I grab the throw blanket from the couch and drape it over his shoulders.

“Hey!” I hear from behind me. I turn around just in time for a set of clothes to hit me in the chest. Garrett is standing in the doorway to the kitchen grinning. Max follows in behind him with some clothes for Balan that are obviously too large.

“Sorry, Bay. Your clothes got shredded when you changed. These are some of mine. You can use them for now and we’ll get you some new clothes.”

“Thank you, Max,” Balan says as he takes the clothes and rushes to the little bathroom in the hallway.

“You boys decent down there?” we hear Kali’s voice project down from the upstairs hallway.

“Yeah, Kal. Come on down,” Max calls back. She descends down the stairs. As she rounds the corner at the bottom of the stairs, I hear Max suck in his breath quickly. I look at his face and notice that his eyes are stuck on Kali. She smiles when she sees his face. I can still feel the remnants of the flavors from being a wolf. I can feel the start of something forming in her, even if she can’t feel it herself.

I get a flash of the other changelings’ flavors heading our way. I pick up the anger that I felt last night. I head outside to see a group of male changelings in all manner of dress crossing the yard from the trees. The anger that I feel emerges from the tree line. He’s the only one around, so I know for a fact who it is. Patrick. I begin to storm out to confront him, but Garrett grabs a hold of my arm before I can even leave the porch.

“Garrett, Patrick...”

“I know. I can tell you were going to rush off and do something profoundly stupid. First, before you bash his head in, which I’m perfectly alright with by the way, I need to talk to you.”

“Fine,” I say angrily, pulling my arm from him and crossing my arms over my chest. I follow him into the house and into the back room, away from the rest of the house.

He whirls on me the moment the door is closed behind me. He pulls me to him in a tight embrace. The move surprises me enough that I lose my anger at him for stopping me.

“What’s that for?” I ask when he releases me.

“Just because. As cute and fluffy as you are as a wolf, I missed seeing you as, well, you. I wanted my arms around you, not the wolf.”

“I know what you mean,” I say, my eyes cast downwards in my embarrassment at being angry with him.

“Last night, before you changed, you started to say something. What was it? It sounded like it was important.”

“Oh, yeah. I had a thought right before the changes prevented me from talking. Your father. He came and saw us the other day.”

“Yeah.” He looks confused.

“In the middle of the day.” He still doesn’t get what I’m trying to say. “In the sun.” It dawns on him.

“How? How could he be in the sunlight? He hates other paras, only barely tolerating the wolf shifters because they are useful to him. How would he get a bloodstone that’s been enchanted for him to be in the sun?”

“That’s what I was thinking. Another thing came to me too. The prophecy. The line that Lex was talking about with the old king. I don’t think it’s referring to a changeling king.”

“You think it’s referring to another para?”

“Yeah. I know that each faction has its own king, but there’s one I know of that has massive issues with changelings.”

“The vampires.” Garrett whispers as realization hits him. “My father is the king that the prophecy is alluding to. He’s the one that’s going to attack.”

“I’m sorry. I hope I’m wrong, but...” He cuts me off before I can finish my thought by pulling me into his arms again.

“Don’t be sorry. I don’t think you’re wrong.”

“I... I don’t want to make you choose between me and your father.”

“There never was any choice. It’s always been you. It’s always going to be you.”

I don’t say anything, just hold onto him as though my life depended on it. I don’t even notice when the door to the room opens. Garrett does. After all, he’s facing the door. He loosens his grip but keeps his arm around me as he turns me to face who came into the room.

“I’m very sorry to interrupt, but the rest of the changelings are back. They want to know what to do now.”

“Thanks, Max. I’ll be out in a few minutes.”

“Everything okay, Cal?” He asks, obviously concerned.

“Yeah. Well, no, but it will be. I’ll tell you about it in a little bit.”

“Alright. I’ll be out in the living room with Bay.” I nod to him. He turns and leaves, shutting the door behind him.

“Well, I suppose I should go be a king. I’m gonna want you to be there with me when I confront Patrick. King or not, I was bullied by him for many years, and it still bothers me.”

“Of course, I will, sweetie.” He smiles and gives me a kiss before we leave the room together.

We find the changelings gathered in the backyard. Some of them are eating, some are playing with a soccer ball they found, some are just lounging and chatting. Like before, the minute I step out, all talking ceases. As a group, they all get down on one knee and bow their heads.

“Please be comfortable, my friends,” I tell them, projecting my voice so that those in the yard can hear. The ones that were the farthest away come closer and sit in the grass on the edge of the patio. The ones that were eating or chatting sit in the seats they had been in before I came out.

“I would like to say that the test last night was an astounding success. I’m very happy that it worked,” I say, looking down at the silver and stone ring adorning my fourth finger on my left hand. I twist the band back and forth a little as I search for the next words to say.

“As long as Garrett is agreeable, there will be no need to go out to the desert again. The trees here should be sufficient enough to hide everyone.” I turn to Garrett and see him nodding. “We all have to do our part to make sure we aren’t discovered. As I’m sure many of you guessed, there is a war coming. We need to work together. All of us, changeling, human, vampire, shifters, fairies, everyone. What say you? Can you all work with other paras and humans to ensure our survival?”

There’s a roar of approval rising from the crowd. I do notice that there is one in the crowd that doesn’t cheer. And he’s the one that I long to have it out the most. Patrick.

“Please continue to enjoy this mild February day. It’s not often we get these. Come the night, make sure each of you has a change of clothes ready at the forest’s edge. That will make it easier for you to change in the morning.”

All the changelings bow and then continue what they were doing before I interrupted.

I make my way through the changelings to Patrick, who is sitting on the outskirts of the yard watching the others play soccer.

“Patrick, I need to speak with you.” My voice neither welcoming nor damning. He looks me over for a moment, taking in Garrett standing possessively at my shoulder. He must decide that it’s not worth disobeying his king, because he shrugs and stands up. I turn around wordlessly, expecting Patrick to follow me.

In the house, I head straight to the room that Garrett and I just spoke in. Once the door is closed, I turn on Patrick. As much as I want to beat him down, I refrain and simply ask, “What’s your fucking problem?”

“I don’t know what you mean, my lord,” sneering with his use of my title.

“Your fucking attitude for one. But we can come back to that. What’s with the massive hatred and anger I keep getting from you?” He’s confused for a second. “What? The old ones didn’t tell you? I can feel your emotions in wolf form. Yeah, that’s right,” I say as understanding hits him. “I know what you were feeling all night.”

“Fine. You want to know? You asked for, highness. I hate you. I always have. I didn’t know why before, but I certainly do now. I should have been KING. You don’t deserve the crown. It belongs to me. I’m older. I’m not some mixed breed brat.”

“What the fuck are you talking about?”

“My great-great-great however many greats grandfather is Andulv. The rightful king of the changelings.”

“You’re one of the bastard children’s great grandson?”

“Yes. I’ve been a changeling far longer than you have and I deserve the crown.”

“No, you don’t. Aside from the fact that your great grandparent was a bastard child, Andulv never should have been king in the first place. He killed two proper kings. Kings that did wonders for the changeling faction.”

“Unworthy kings,” he growls. “I should have killed you instead of biting you.”

His confession rocks me back on my heels.

“What did you say?” My voice is barely audible. Garrett holds my shoulders in support.

“You’re the one that bit Cal?” Garrett asks him, his eyes narrowing in anger.

“Yeah. I should have killed him, but he’d be pretty mad about that.” Patrick’s attention isn’t on me and Garrett anymore, but somewhere far away that we can’t see.

“’He’? Who’s he?” Garrett asks him. Patrick is staring off into space. “Hey!” Garrett snaps at him. It brings Patrick back to the present.

“I don’t answer to you. Fucking blood sucker.” He yells at Garrett. That gets me out of my stupor. I step forward and slap Patrick hard across the face before any of us knows what is happening.

“Don’t ever call him that. And you sure as hell do answer to him. I don’t give a shit whether you hate me or not. I’m your goddamn king and you WILL treat me and those around me with respect or I will take your ass out.” These words are punctuated by me repeatedly poking Patrick square in the chest.

“Do you understand?” I growl at him.

“Understood, your majesty,” he says quietly. I don’t know which of the three of us is most shocked by my slapping him. I’ve never been able to stand up to him until that day in the cafeteria, and I’ve never been a person that resorts to physical violence.

He quietly, with his head hanging low, exits the room. Garrett doesn’t move or say anything for a few moments. Then he gently touches my back making me jolt.

“I’m sorry about that.” I tell him.

“Don’t be. He deserves much worse. I just can’t believe he’s the one who turned you. How you doing with that?”

“I don’t know.” I answer honestly. I think on that a little bit. “I’m shocked. I mean I knew someone had to turn me, but I didn’t think it would be Patrick. Although thinking on it now, it seems super obvious. The question remains though, why did he turn me? It’s clear he didn’t want to.”

“I wish I had an answer for you. Unfortunately, I just don’t. We will find the answer though. I promise.” He holds my chin in his hand and tilts my head up to his. I willingly allow him to control my movements. He brings my head up at the same his head descends towards mine. His soft lips molding over mine in a gentle, yet hungry kiss. The contradiction has me tingling all over. I grin under his lips before returning the kiss with a hunger of my own.

A knock on the door interrupts our exploration of each other. I let loose a growl worthy of my wolf.

“For fuck’s sake.” I mumble under my breath. “What?” I snap at whoever dared to disturb us. The door opens slowly.

“Uh, your majesty?” Faolan pokes his head in the room.

“What is it, Faolan?” I sigh.

“There’s a witch here that says he knows you and Sir Garrett. He’s insisting I let him in here.”

“Sir Garrett. I like that,” Garrett remarks. I shove at him.

“That must be Alexis. Let him know that we’ll be right out.” I tell Faolan.

“Yes, sir.” He bows his head before ducking back out.

“What do you think Lex is doing here?” I ask Garrett.

“I don’t know, but I really like being called Sir Garrett.” He chuckles quietly.

“I’m gonna call you Sir Gonna-Get-Your-Ass-Kicked if you don’t get out there. Damned if I’ll go out there alone in this state.” He glances down and laughs out loud. “Don’t laugh, asshole. It’s your fault.”

“I know, I know. Still, it’s pretty funny. And the changelings are going to see their king like that.” He pretends to wipe a tear from his eye. I growl at him.

“Come on. The sooner we get this done with, the sooner you can finish what you started.”

“I like the sound of that.”

Both of us exit the room, a thick sweater wrapped around my waist.

“I feel like I’m a kid from the 90’s.” I complain to Garrett as we get to the living room.

“Would you rather have everyone see just how you’re feeling?”

“Good point.”

The entirety of the changelings is gathered in the living room with one exception. Patrick doesn’t seem to be in attendance. Alexis and a new guy are sitting on the couch waiting for us. This new guy is as different from the changelings as night is to day. Not just in looks, but also in the way he holds himself. He’s tall, easily approaching seven feet, I’d say. He’s also thin. Not sickly, but lean, more like he’s an athlete, maybe a runner or something like that. His bright blond, shoulder length hair is streaked down one side with a brilliant blue. His eyes match the blue of his hair and sparkle in the early morning light. As I approach them, I see his pendant hanging from a chain around his neck. It’s a dragon encircling a large, smooth stone. The stone catches my eye just as easily as his blue hair. It’s a mossy green swirled and dotted with a deep blood red.

“Alexis, what are you doing here? Not that it’s not great to see you. We just didn’t expect you here. We could have met you in town.” I ramble. I’m committed to Garrett one-thousand percent, but Alexis is still smoking hot.

“I know, but I had to see you guys immediately. Especially you, Cal.”

“Me? Why? What did I do now?”

He and the other guy laugh at that.

“Cal, Garrett, this is Tyson Wulfric. He found me in my shop and insisted I take him to you.” Alexis introduces us.

“Tyson, what can I do for you?” I ask him, extending my hand. He grabs my hand and shakes it.

“Is there somewhere we can speak privately?”

“Sure. Let’s go in the back room here.” I lead him to the room Garrett and I were just in. Garrett and Alexis follow. After the door shuts, I invite Tyson to sit on the couch.

“Alright, what’s going on?”

“First, and I mean no disrespect, but can you please verify you are who you say you are?”

“Huh?” I look at Garrett and Alexis and they seem to be just as confused as I am.

“I need to be absolutely certain that you are Caleb Hemming.”

“Okay, dude. You’re freaking me out.”

“I know how it sounds.” He smiles, which actually makes me want to trust him. Some part of me seems to know this guy, though I’ve never met him in my life before.

“Alright, what do you need to know to prove it’s me?”

“Tell me something only Caleb would know.”

“Like what?”

“Like an embarrassing event that happened in your childhood.”

“What about you? How do you know what happened in my childhood? And I don’t know you. I’m really fucking confused here.” I groan and rub my hands over my face in a sign of frustration.

“I know.” Tyson sighs. “I can’t really explain it, at least not till I know that you are actually Caleb Hemming.”

“Grrr, alright. But this better not be repeated.” I glare at Alexis and Garrett. Both of them put their hands up in surrender at the same time. Then they both mime locking their mouths and cross their hearts with a finger. I narrow eyes at them, but don’t say anything, hoping beyond hope that they’ll keep their mouths shut.

“When we were kids, Cole and I took our bikes out for a ride around the neighborhood. We must have been out for a few hours or something. I had to go to the bathroom really bad. We were still pretty far from our house. Cole told me to just go in the bushes. I was only like seven or eight and was terrified of peeing outside.

“Cole said he’d block me, so no one saw. So, we parked our bikes near a thicket of bushes. I had to go so bad, I wasn’t really paying attention to where I was aiming. I pissed on a cat that lived up the street from our house. The cat was mad as hell, so we lit outta there. I stuffed myself back into my pants while still going and got piss all down my pants.

“Then, as we booked it back to the house, I wasn’t looking where I was going. I was watching the cat to make sure it wasn’t following us, and I ran into a mailbox. My bike flew forward, and I flew backwards. The mailbox was wooden, and I broke it when I collided with it, getting cut on my chin in the process. I still have the scar.” I tell them, pointing to the thin white line on my chin.

“My glasses broke too. Our mom was so upset about the glasses when she found out. We never told anyone, and our parents thought that I dropped them when I was wiping the lenses off and ran over them with my bike.

“This is the first time I’ve spoken of that time, ever.” Garrett and Alexis gape at me wide-eyed. Tyson looks satisfied.

“Yes, I remember that. Okay, I believe it’s you.”

“What do you mean, you remember? You weren’t there. Were you?” I ask him standing up quickly.

“Yes, I was. I’ve been watching you your whole life. Both of you. As well as your mother before you and her father.”

“Why? Who are you?”

“I guess the best explanation would be your great, great, great, however many great-grandfather.” My heart stops. Garrett must have sensed my distress because he’s right by my side all of a sudden.

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