We Become the Night

Chapter 15:

Creature of the Night

Mr. Killian turns his attention my way, now that the wolves have all left.

“Now, Mr. Hemming, is it?” I stand up, fold my hands in front of me, and nod to him. “Mr. Hemming, I find it difficult to believe that this is the first I am hearing of your existence. Why is this?”

“I... Uh...” My mind goes absolutely blank, and I can’t think of anything except how easily this man standing in front of me could rip me to shreds.

“He’s relatively new, Dad.” Garrett intercedes. I nod fervently.

“Thank you, Garrett, but I believe I have asked young Mr. Hemming here.” My cheeks go red. Whether from embarrassment or fear, I have no idea.

“Sir, if I may?” He sweeps his hand in a “go ahead” fashion. “My parents and brother were killed by the creature that bit me just a month ago. This entire world is new to me, and your son has been a major help to me.”

“Yes, I noticed that earlier.” If it’s possible, my cheeks and ears got even more red.

“Ah... Ah... About that, Sir...” I stammer, not entirely sure what I want to say. He waves his hand dismissively.

“What my son does in his spare time is his business. What concerns me is the fact that a changeling is now in our town. I’m sure you may have noticed that there aren’t any other changelings here.” He takes a few steps towards us. I back up a little, moving closer to Garrett while Garrett moves closer to me.

“Mr. Killian,” I start to say. Mr. Killian interrupts me, “Please, call me Cash. All my close friends do.” His smile is menacing. I gulp loudly as Garrett’s hand reaches for mine. I grasp Garrett’s hand like my life depends on it, which it may very well.

“Uh, okay. Cash. I don’t know exactly why you don’t like changelings, but I can assure you that I’m not going to be causing any trouble. I just needed some place to go that I could be safe.”

“Caleb. May I call you Caleb?” I nod to him. He nods back. “Caleb, the reason I don’t care for your species is simple. Your kind are dangerous. You have no control over when you turn. And when you do turn, you have no control over what you do or who you hurt. My actions, which undoubtably my son has told you, are done to protect not just my town but also paranormals everywhere.

“Can you imagine the havoc that would play out if humans realize that not only are paranormals real, but a great threat to them? There would be chaos everywhere.

“ALL para factions would be hunted because of the actions of one. I simply can’t allow you to put my family and friends in danger.

“I realize it’s not your fault that you’ve been bitten, but I’m afraid fault has little to do with safety.”

Garrett moves forward while his hand holding mine pulls me back. He stands between me and his father.

“Father, I know why you hate Cal’s species, and I also know that it has little to do with safety. Don’t pretend otherwise. Cal will not do anything to harm anyone here or elsewhere. I can guarantee it.”

“Son, I know you like him, but even you can’t guarantee that a savage beast won’t do harm to you or anyone else.”

“I can, actually. I have a way that he would be safe from hurting anyone.” My eyes widen. Garrett said nothing of this before. Could he actually deliver on his promise? I want to say something to him but think better of it. Cash is studying his son, presumably to find a chink in his armor.

“Very well, Garrett. You will be responsible for Caleb. If he does anything to hurt a creature, para or human, their blood is on your hands. This goes for his human and wolf forms. For that, you both will be executed. Is this understood?”

“Understood, Father.” The last word is dripping with disdain. Garrett turns and pulls me along behind him. I can tell he’s incredibly upset, but I don’t know if he’s upset with me or his father.

I don’t say anything to him as we walk back along the blood red hallway and back into the bar. He’s still holding my hand and pulling me with him as we make our way through the still crowded bar and out into the cool night air.

I shiver as we step outside, and Garrett finally slows his pace. He stops on the sidewalk, looks up at the sky, and sighs. I look up at the sky trying to see what he’s looking at.

“Caleb,” he says softly. I jolt and look at him. “Please, don’t ever think that I’m angry with you. I can hear your heart beating rapidly, and I know that you’re worried.”

“I, uh...” He whirls around to look into my eyes. Before I can say anything, he grabs my lower back and pulls me to him. We stand there, chest to chest, for a moment before he dips his head down to mine. His lips are on mine. In the next second, all worry and thoughts leave my head. His kiss is heavy and quick, a preview of what is surely to come.

He pulls his head back and looks into my eyes again. His hand rubs my hair back from my forehead.

“You have the most gorgeous eyes I have ever seen.” He dips his head again and gives me a lighter, quicker kiss. “Come on, let’s get going.” He grabs my hand again and brings my knuckles to his lips and kisses them.

“Where? Can you actually do what you promised your father?”

“We’ll talk about that tomorrow, we’ve got time. As for where, do you want to go to your house or mine?” He starts walking down the street. I fall in step next to him, still holding his hand.

“Let’s go to your house.” I smile at him. He smiles back and brings my hand to his lips again.

He doesn’t speak as we walk together down the street. His SUV is parked a few storefronts away from the bar. He unlocks it, and we climb in.

He starts up the car and puts it in gear. Once he eases out onto the road, he grabs my hand again. He drives towards my house and then past it, going deeper into the trees that line the road outside my subdivision.

He turns onto a road that I know I’d have trouble finding in the daytime, let alone at night. His headlights cut through the darkness, showing the bare winter trees. It’s not long before he stops the car in front of a rather modest house. This is single-family, not like my townhouse, but small. Cozy would be a good word for it.

He still doesn’t say anything as he shuts off the car, climbs out, and comes around my side to open the door. He’s so fast, he’s at my door before my hand can reach the handle. He reaches down and offers his hand. I can tell he’s waiting for me to say something, for me to tell him that this isn’t what I want. I don’t say anything, just accept his hand.

He leads me through the front door and into the house. It’s just as modest on the inside as the outside. This makes me feel more relaxed, knowing that although he comes from money and royalty, he doesn’t flaunt it.

He goes to the couch and sits down, pulling me next to him.

“Caleb, thank you.”

“For what?”

“For not bolting after what my dad said. For willing to believe me about the promise. For just being here.” He leans over and lays his head on my chest. We sit on the couch with him laying on me and me stroking his head and shoulder. I could sit here with him like this forever.

He sits up after a bit and stares me straight in the eyes.

“You have the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen,” he says again.

“I don’t know about that. Yours are incredibly unique.” His swirling blue/green eyes brighten at my compliment.

Looking into his eyes, I can almost forget all about the fact that I have no parents or brother. Or the fact that I’m a wanted species. Or that I’m apparently king of said species.

“What would you say if I asked you to come upstairs with me?” He looks nervous, as though he’s afraid of what the answer might be. I smile at him reassuringly. Without answering, I stand up and take his hand to pull him to his feet. He smiles back and leads me out of the living room and up the stairs.

In his bedroom, he pauses long enough to close the door. He looks into my eyes again, asking silently if I’m sure this is what I want to do. I nod my consent.

He dips his head and takes my mouth in his.

His kiss is hungry and desperate. I wrap my arms around his torso and match his hunger and desperation with my own. I pull him closer to me, no easy feat as we’re already so close. One of his hands is fisted in my hair, the other slides down my back and under my shirt hem. His hand rubs up and down my back sending chills racing through my spine.

My breath shudders out as he releases my lips to roam my chin and neck with his lips. His fangs scrape gently against my throat, making me shiver all over with an intensity that has nothing to do with the chilly night air filtering in through the open window. I tilt my head back, giving Garrett easier access to my jugular vein. I feel his fang scrape harder, but still not hard enough to pierce my skin.

My knee bends up, grazing his leg and pulling his step closer to me so that his leg is in between mine and I feel his obvious erection. The move causes the both of us to lose balance and tumble onto the bed.

My breathing is coming fast and hard as I anticipate his fangs digging into my neck. I feel a slight pressure, like a pin prick. Again, my breath shudders out at the sensation, but I feel no pain.

The weight of his body on mine should make me feel trapped, but, as he lifts his head and looks down on me, it does the opposite. I feel protected, loved even.

There’s a slight wetness on my neck, and I realize there’s a drip of blood running down my neck. Garrett ducks his head back down, and I feel him lick it up. I shudder again at the same time he does.

He sits up and scoots back, allowing me to sit partially up. He scoops his hands under my shirt, lifting the hem and pulling my shirt over my head. I mirror his actions and pull his shirt over his head.

He gathers me up close to his chest and continues kissing me. He lays me back on the bed. I look up at his naked chest and just bask in the knowledge that this wonderful specimen is here with me.

He climbs into the bed, peppering my face with light kisses as he lowers himself to me.

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