We Are NOT Alone

Chapter 18

At around 7:30 the next morning, Peter woke up with a start. He bolted upright in bed. He wondered, “Had it all been a dream? Josh had a baby? He and Josh were parents? They had a baby?” He rubbed his eyes. Josh was still very deeply asleep. He moved over to spoon with him and cuddle him, and then he heard this little cooing sound from nearby. He turned and bolted up again, craning his neck to give his eyes a look. He could see some pink toes and fingers wiggling behind this cushion barrier. He stood up and walked over to peek in, and there he was, baby Hunter, their boy, smiling and cooing. He seemed very happy, very happy. Peter grabbed his phone to record a video of this. No one would believe their baby was so perfect.

Watching him cooing and wiggling, Peter wanted to pick him up, but he debated back and forth about it finally deciding that it was ok for him to do so even with Josh asleep. Sniffing him, he realized that Hunter could use a diaper change right away. He took Hunter into the kitchen where they had set up a changing area and placed him in the middle on a few layers of soft towels covered by a fresh layer of cotton sheets. Hunter seemed un-phased by the transfer. Peter opened the diaper, pulled his little feet together cleaned him off, and then put on the new diaper snugly but not too tightly. Then he picked Hunter back up and took him outside to sit on the porch swing and soak in the morning fresh air and sounds from nature. He held Hunter to his chest and cuddle him so carefully being extra sure to cradle his head. All of the sudden, Hunter started to do with as he had done with Josh and nuzzle and then start to suckle on Peter’s nipple. As he did, Peter started to feel something unexpected and unusual just as Josh had the night before. A milky fluid started to flow out and into Hunter’s mouth. He suckled and suckled on Peter’s nipple which continued to provide him everything he needed. Just then, Peter looked up and saw Josh had joined them. Josh sat down next to them on the swing and put his arm around Peter.”

“Mintaka, I don’t know, he just started suckling, and this happened.” Peter did not want to steal Josh’s thunder as Hunter’s provider.

“Wow!” Josh said. “This is amazing.”

“How is it possible?”

“I have no idea, but, it looks like we won’t be needing a doll anymore. We can take turns with him.” Peter smiled. Josh squeezed him and wrapped his other arm around Peter’s waist and looked proudly at his little son and forever partner. Hunter seemed absolutely perfect in every way. Josh kissed them one by one on the forehead. Peter kissed him back. Josh toyed with Hunter’s toes and tiny little feet kissing them for the first time.

“Oh, Peter, I love his little feet. They are just like yours! So perfect. He’s so beautiful.” Josh started to shudder and sob. The emotions of everything were finally catching up with him. Peter leaned over and kissed him on the nose.

“I know how you feel, Mintaka, just think of all of the amazing adventures we are going to have. You, me, and our beautiful son!”

At that moment, Muriel appeared and looked visibly shocked as Peter was feeding the baby very comfortably.

“What’s this, Peter?”

“I don’t know M. The two of us woke up at about the same time. I changed his diaper and came out here for him to enjoy the fresh air, then all of the sudden, he started suckling on me, and well, I’m making milk for him too somehow.”

“Well, the miracles never cease,” Muriel said. “Looks like you two will be needing less and less of me.”

“Don’t be silly,” Josh said. “Hunter will always need his Fairy U-mother.” Muriel smiled. “Well, since you’ve got our babe’s food covered, Pumpkin, I’m going to go make us breakfast.”

“Don’t be silly,” Muriel echoed to him, “I’ll make the breakfast while you three just enjoy this time together. Besides, Josh, you need to rest, sweetheart.” Josh, however, was not hearing it. He took her and they both went into the kitchen together.

“Muriel, can you believe it?”

“No,” she said. “It’s astonishing, yet, not surprising, I guess. There’s always been something about you and Peter. You are genuinely special. Anyone could see that.” Josh smiled, and then realized, he should probably go put on a shirt, it would be more polite in this situation. So, he went to the bedroom and grabbed a baby blue t-shirt. His stomach was already starting to restore to normal far faster than it should. He returned to the kitchen. “Oh, you don’t need to dress up for me,” Muriel said.

“I know, but,” Josh did not dwell on the matter, he just proceeded with his breakfast plan.

“What is your menu for this morning, Chef?” she asked him.

“Well, it’s a special occasion, so I thought I’d make all of the usual and some special dishes as well.”

“How can I help?”

“No need! Maybe you would prefer to keep Peter company right now think about making an appointment to see the doctor and all that,” Josh suggested.

“Ok,” Muriel replied. “That’s a fine idea if you don’t need me.”

“We need you, M. We all three need you, but I can handle breakfast.” Muriel went outside to check on Peter. He was rocking Hunter back and forth slowly with the wind. He looked positively glowing and almost regal holding the baby against his chest.

“How does it feel?” Muriel asked him.

“I cannot describe it, M. It’s daunting but so cool.”

“Yes raising a child,” she said. “The bond.” She paused. “So Josh suggested we research physicians and decide where to take Hunter today.”

Peter pulled up his phone and started searching. “Well, there’s a Dr. Karin Schrader who seems to have the best rating at Honolulu Pediatric Clinic. Let’s see if I can get an appointment.” Peter spoke in hushed tones. “Ok, we are set for three o’clock this afternoon.” Peter disconnected the phone.

“Do you want me to go with you two?” Muriel asked.

“Of course we do, and I suggest we all settle on our story before we go there, don’t you?”

“Yes, I think that’s a very good idea. I suggest also that the narrative be as simple and logical as possible.”

“Ok, how does this sound? Josh and I wanted a baby, we hired a surrogate, you delivered the baby yesterday evening as we planned a home natural childbirth, and then she flew back to the mainland this morning.”

“I think it’s best not to mention too much about where she is, better just to have the signed surrogate agreements.”

“Good call. Except for one problem.”

“Of course, you don’t have any documents.”


“So, let’s find one online, print it in the business center, and sign it up. In fact, I can just sign it and be myself — I mean not the surrogate, but the surrogate. Which means, I should stay here.”

“Unfortunately, I think so.”

“I’m ok.”

“Breakfast is ready,” they heard Josh holler from the kitchen. Peter stood up and shifts Hunter so he can now sleep on his shoulder with his body against Peter’s chest.

“That little boy is so lucky to have you, Peter, as a parent. You are going to be a wonderful father.”

“Thank you, M.!” Peter gushed. He walked up to the door and slid open the screen door with his foot. Muriel followed him in and closed the door behind her.

“Mintaka, we set the doctor’s appointment for three o’clock with Dr. Shrader. She has good feedback online and is close by. We’ve also got our cover story done.”

“Wow busy bees,” Josh said as he escorted them over to the breakfast nook if you could call it that being the size of their home’s entire first floor. Josh had set the table and prepared a huge array of dishes from pancakes with local honey to omelets and pastries.”

“Looks like you were busy too, Josh,” Muriel said. Her phone buzzed indicating an incoming text message. She looked down, “It’s Angelique. I better send her something.”

“Josh, oh my gosh. We cannot tell her anything yet. Quick snap a picture of us and send it saying we asked you to forward it to her for us as we are in the throes of all things honeymoon.”

“Ok, will do,” Muriel said. “Ok, kiss, and I’ll crop out Hunter.” She did not like cropping people out of photos, but this was for everyone’s mutual safety for the time being. Josh leaned over picked up a pancake, smeared some whipped cream on it, rolled it up, cut it in half, handed half to Peter, and then wrapped his arm around Peter’s.

“Ok, Pumpkin, just like we rehearsed,” they did the forever partnering ceremony cake first bite routine for the camera and then kissed lovingly. Muriel’s angle made the resulting photos look like Josh and Peter took them of themselves.


Chat with Angelique

8:52 am

A: Mama M. have you heard from our boys? They were supposed to send me four photos every day? I’m worried they don’t love me anymore.

Oh, Angel, that’s my fault. They sent me a bunch of breakfast photos. I was supposed to send them to you. I think they look fine. I mean, I think they are fine. (gulp) I cannot not make that sound appropriate. Forgive me. Sending the photos now. : 👵🏼

[The breakfast spread] [Josh and Peter NSFW photo] [Josh and Peter kissing and eating pancakes]

Muriel captioned each photo and then sent it.

A: Oh! Thank you! Damn, that’s a sexy photo.

Shirtless at breakfast? : 👵🏼

A: No, the breakfast. Peter is so lucky to have Josh.

LOL — is that the right expression? : 👵🏼

A: Yes, Mamacita! Where’s this NSFW photo? This set is too tame? Where’s the fire?

Maybe I misunderstood? I thought NSFW meant Not Something From Wedding? : 👵🏼

A: ROLF, Mamacita, no, Not Safe For Work — should be a sexy photo you should not open on your work computer.

I see, sorry. I just copied their captions, so maybe they were kidding. : 👵🏼

A: Do you want to meet for lunch tomorrow to gossip about our boys?

I would love to, but I have to take a quick trip to SF tomorrow. : 👵🏼

A: Oh, ok, I’ll be happy to take you to the airport?

Thank you, but I already booked a car service. We can get together later in the week when I get back? : 👵🏼

A: Perfect.

T2UL8R? : 👵🏼


Sorry, I was trying to be hip and young, and I just can’t seem to get it right. : 👵🏼

A: 🤗💋It’s an art form! Ciao, Mamacita.

“Sorry, Boys, that took longer than I thought. I’m not good at sending these text messages like you young people.” Muriel said sitting down to join them. Hunter was awake and suckling again, this time on Josh. Peter was on his third helping of omelets.

“It’s an art form, don’t worry about it, M.” Peter encouraged her.

“Funny, that’s what Angel said.”

“Believe me, I’ve learned a lot from her,” Josh said. “She knows how to spice up a text.”

“Well, I think she’s off the trail for now. But, it would be best to keep up your end of the photo bargain just to be safe,” Muriel suggested.

“Yes, good suggestion,” Josh agreed. He seemed to have no problem balancing Hunter, who was suckling greedily, in one arm and eating with his other hand. He was stabbing at bits and pieces of small things off the serving platter and gobbling up everything in sight. Muriel looked around, but there was not much left to eat. Peter got up and went to the oven. He grabbed an oven mitt and pulled out a plate.

“Not to worry, M. We just didn’t want your breakfast to get cold.” Peter brought her over a warm plate of eggs, pancakes, and a few chicken sausages. She smiled.

“You boys! Every time I start to think you are not as perfect as you seem, you do something like this.” She took some of the fresh nut butter and honey for her pancakes. Normally, she did not even eat breakfast, so this was pure indulgence.

“Of course, M. we have each other’s backs,” Josh giggled which made Hunter stop suckling for a moment and coo. “Are babies supposed to be cooing and so active this early? I mean, he’s a day old, not even.” Josh asked.

“Well, darling, every baby is different. Let’s remember, this one gestated in how long?”

“Good question. The positive pregnancy test was three months ago, and then this rapid onset was a day ago.”

“Who knows then what timetable applies to him,” Muriel said.

“All I know is that he’s adorable,” Peter said.

“That he is,” Josh said, “But, we are probably a little biased.”

“I might be too, as his official U-mother, but I agree with you,” Muriel added.

“So not to change the subject, but you two have our cover story for the doctor’s visit?” Josh quizzed them.

“Sure, Mintaka, it’s simple. We show up with Hunter and the paperwork signed by the surrogate, get him checked out and the birth certificate completed, and we walk out with our baby.”

“Peter, that sounds easy enough, but we don’t have a surrogate or paperwork.”

“Oh, but Josh, we do. I already sent the paperwork to be printed in the business center, and Muriel agreed to sign her rights away and be the surrogate for the records. Therefore, she won’t be joining us.”

“Doesn’t there need to be a witness to these forms? Or some kind of notarizing thing.”

“Oh my gosh, M., we didn’t think of that. Josh is right. I didn’t read the agreement carefully, but it’s definitely got to be witnessed and notarized I’m sure before a surrogate could give up her rights.”

“I’m just the school teacher here, not the MBA,” Josh giggled. “Nor the multimillionaire real estate agent.”

“Don’t put yourself down, Mintaka, you’re the smartest person I know,” Peter said firmly.

“I was kidding, but just making sure we have everything done right before we show up at the doctor without crossing all the Ts and dotting all the Is.” Josh finished.

“I better go get the documents,” Peter said, getting up and putting on a shirt and flip-flops. “I’ll be right back.” He kissed Josh and Hunter on the foreheads. “He smiled? Didn’t he?”

“I don’t know. But, I am positive babies cannot smile this young. The facial muscles to make a smile are too complicated to have developed this early.” Josh said.

“Well, I think he smiled at us! Ok, love you.” Peter said as he hurried out the door to the resort business center. “I’ll be back in ten.”

With Peter gone, Muriel seized the opportunity to ask Josh a couple of burning questions. “Josh, has anything strange happened to you and Peter in the past few months?” Muriel asked him quite seriously.

“Well, other than me getting morning sickness, testing positive for being pregnant, being told that I couldn’t be by the doctor, and then the baby bump leading up to the last few days and Hunter being born, nope. Not a thing.”

“No lost time? No waking up suddenly in an unexpected place? Nothing like that?” Josh went to put Hunter over his shoulder so he could burp him. As he picked Hunter up to move him, their eyes locked. Holding him there for a few seconds, Josh felt that Hunter was really seeing him for the first time even though he knew that everyone said human babies cannot see very clearly until around four months. Hunter was very special in every imaginable way in the first place, so, as Muriel had said before, who knew what else was the case about his development schedule. Josh hugged him and then placed his head over his shoulder and nuzzled him. Then he started gently tapping on his back in a rolling-up motion to help dislodge any gas bubbles in his tummy. Muriel observed all of Josh’s parental behaviors marveling at his instincts.

“Lost time? Waking up in strange places?” Josh said thinking back, and then he remembered just the day before when he and Peter were suddenly together in the bathroom with no recollection of how or why they were there. He thought about it, and then he decided not to share that information with Muriel. What she did not know would not hurt her, and there was no reason to give her any reasons for concern. “Not that I recall,” he said finally.

“Ok, darling, well, please let me know right away if anything out of the ordinary happens to either of you,” Muriel said, but something about the long pause made her doubt if Josh was telling her the truth. Almost at exactly the same instant, Hunter let out a fairly sizable burp followed by a very clear and unmistakable ‘Josh’ type giggle. Apparently, he found the feeling of the burp funny and satisfying to his little digestive system, and Peter hurried into the nook where Muriel and Josh were sitting exactly where he left them.

“You missed his first burp and giggle,” Josh said to Peter not meaning to hurt his feelings more to keep him informed.

“Darn, burp I don’t mind, but giggle? Was it like you, Mintaka?”

“Yes, exactly like Josh,” Muriel spoke up.

“Double darn.” Peter bent down and kissed Josh on the lips. Josh kissed him back warmly. Prompting Peter to put his hand behind Josh’s neck and hold their kissing for a few more seconds while nuzzling him a bit. Hunter started to giggle again. Peter and Josh then turned their kissing to their baby’s plump cheeks. They kissed him rapidly with some raspberry vibrational noises from their lips. Hunter opened his eyes wide and smiled and giggled. He was the very definition of an expressive and adorable baby. Though clearly exhibiting signs of developing much more rapidly than usual. Muriel hopped up and took pictures of the three of them together.

“Ok, now one in front of the baby’s face for Angel. Kiss together again.” This time, Josh put his hand behind Peter’s neck and moved him in for a kiss.” They held it for a bit so Muriel could get a few shots. Then they turned to face the camera shielding Hunter from view and smiled and grinned. Muriel dropped all of these to Josh’s phone. “Josh, you should send these to her yourself, I know it would mean a lot.” Josh smiled and nodded.

“I will, thank you, M.” They pulled apart revealing the still actively observing Hunter and then pulled Muriel in for a group hug.

Hunter seemed to love the attention emanating from these three doting adults. He giggled and bounced a bit kicking his feet and stretching out his arms. His rapid development stopped surprising them, they just accepted that he was very special.

“So, the documents are all ready to go, I just need Muriel to come back with me and get her signature notarized. The notary doesn’t care if Muriel may not really seem to be the surrogate mother, just that this is her legally signing. Problem solved, thank you, Josh!”

“Brilliant!” Josh exclaimed.

“Sure thing, Peter, let’s do it right now. The doctor’s appointment time is not that far away.” Muriel urged.

“Go, you two, I’ll be fine with Hunter!” Peter and Muriel hurried back to the hotel front desk to get the document notarized. Luckily, Muriel always carried her passport with her so she had two forms of photo identification. On the way, she seized on the opportunity to question Peter as she had Josh.

“So, Peter, darling, I have a question. I hope you won’t find it forward, but I’m still piecing this whole thing together, and I was wondering if anything strange has happened to you and Josh in the past few months?”

“Strange? Such as what? I mean other than Josh getting pregnant and now we are parents three months later? Which, I guess qualifies as strange.”

“No, I mean more along the lines of lost time, waking up in odd places and not knowing how you got there, that kind of strange thing,” Muriel explained patiently.

They were walking rapidly not wanting to leave Josh alone for too long when Peter started to flashback. “Well, now that you mention it, yes. A couple of times including just, was it yesterday? Josh and I sometimes find ourselves out of bed, standing in front of the bathroom mirror, wondering how we got there. Or sitting in the car frozen.”

“Interesting. Anything else?” Muriel quizzed him more.

“We can both lactate, Josh seems to suddenly be developing physical skills that normal humans don’t have, but compared to having a baby? What more do you need to qualify? Honestly, you want to know what’s the strangest thing to me, M.?” Peter pauses and speaks to her directly.


“That we are all so calm about it. I mean, I try to think about normal people in this situation, wouldn’t they be scared out of their minds that something really crazy is going on? But we three, it’s as if, somehow, for us, this is just normal? Do you know what I mean?”

“Yes, I know exactly what you mean, Peter, and I concur. However, you are both obviously in some state of shock that’s giving you a false sense that you feel calm about everything. I’m not so worried about that. I think your systems will survive that shock down the road, but I’m more worried about any other strange things.”

“Well, that’s all I can remember.”

“Ok.” Muriel seemed satisfied.

They arrived at the desk and got everything notarized, signed, and sealed for the doctor, hospital, and state of Hawai’i. By the time they returned to the villa, Josh had gotten Hunter changed and dressed into a new onesie and swaddled up like a fancy French pastry. “There’s papa, and Fairy U-mama,” Josh said as Muriel and Peter came in.

“Don’t tell me he’s talking now,” Peter smiled.

“Not yet, but he’s been pointing at stuff and cooing like crazy.”

“Well, I hope he doesn’t display too much at the doctor’s office or they will never believe he was born yesterday,” Muriel mentioned a little nervous at the thought.

“Another good reason to hurry then,” Peter said. “Josh, the car will arrive to take us in five minutes. I’m going to throw on a more respectable golf shirt and some loafers.” He rushed to the bedroom.

Josh turned to Muriel, “I think he’s nervous.”

“I wouldn’t say that. More like, he’s trying to anticipate what could go wrong and pre-empt it,” Muriel softened Josh’s concerns.

“Ok!” Josh had already put on a freshly pressed long-sleeved, sky blue dress shirt, with his rainbow board shorts and new upscale, if there were such a thing really, flip flops. Peter came out of the room ready to go.

“My, look at you and Peter, it looks like Hunter isn’t the only one growing up. You two look like parents today. Nothing to do with the clothes, it’s the confidence. Upscale photo opp?” Muriel suggested. Josh handed Hunter over to Peter who cradled him tightly, and Josh put his arm around Peter. They made for a parenting magazine cover-page-worthy family photo. Josh kissed Peter and nuzzled him.

“Peter, you are amazing!” Josh said.

“I adore and love the hell out of you, Mintaka,” Peter said. “But, why do I feel so nervous, Babe?”

“Better nervous than foolhardy,” Muriel piped in. “Let me hold Hunter and snap a quick couple of candids of you two together,” she said hoping to take Peter’s mind off the pressure and drama of the situation. Peter smiled and transferred Hunter to Muriel’s well-trained arm. Balancing Hunter and the camera phone, she shot a quick stream of photos of Josh and Peter acting like perfect newlyweds. “Ok, Boys, I’ll send those to you, you better go.” Josh took Hunter back, and they headed out to the car. The driver opened the door to allow them to get in.

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