We Are NOT Alone

Chapter 14

He returned bursting into the room wearing a fantastic new pair of board shorts he bought just for the trip. They were indeed the promised rainbow. The board shorts began very normally at the top with a rich red band that then blurred into orange then yellow, then green, blue, indigo, and finally the rich, regal violet band ringing each knee.

“Rainbow, as promised!” Josh giggled.

Peter grinned. “I should have been expecting that!”

“You know, even though mine is fabulous, suits are optional here in our little part of the island. I don’t mind if you cannot decide on what to wear to join me.”

“No, no, no! While you fetch the picnic lunch, from the drop box at the front door, I will change into something special to match you.”

“Picnic lunch, I was only kidding.”

“Nope, Mintaka, you think I don’t know you by now?”

“Am I so predictable?”

“When left to its own devices, your mind will run through a pattern of topics: hunger / food…”

“Uh huh,…”

“Who’s your favorite and likely to win left in this season of ‘Drag Race’,…”

“Doesn’t everyone?”

“Your job / school / taking care of kids,…”

“Actually, that’s before ‘Drag Race’, but I’ll give you that.”


“You! Ok, ok, and you remind me of food, so back to food.” Josh looked a bit pouty about this. “You make me sound shallow.”

“No way, I’m just kidding.”

“I know but you are not far off. And, if that’s a pie chart, you get about 90% of that whereas everything else has to share 10%.”

“Thank you! I was going to say I get 95%, but now I know.”

“Now that we’re forever partners, yes, 95%.”

“So, this morning, I ordered a picnic lunch when you were cooking breakfast.”

“Clever, then no matter what I wanted to do today, you magically pipe up with picnic lunch. I forever partnered with a clever dude, everyone! Now go change! Someone left the waterfall running and no one is there to watch.” Peter laughed, he had never thought of waterfalls that way before.

Peter headed back to the bedroom and Josh to the door. He found the big drop box which he had not noticed the night before in the dark. He opened it and took out a huge, covered picnic basket like you see in the movies but would not believe are possible in real life. He resisted peeking inside because he knew that Peter would want to surprise him revealing the contents one by one at the waterfall. He carried it inside setting it on the table. As he set the basket down and stood back up, there was a jolt and shiver up and down his spine like a pinched nerve. He stood there momentarily paralyzed and as had happened before, his ear lobe started to fire up and emit a super intense glowing light. He regained enough muscle control to get to the bathroom so he could observe it better, and then it started to oscillate as it had in the past. The sequence was random and seemed chaotic. As he stood there, Peter rushed in. He was drawn into the trance fixation by the oscillations of light as well. The two of them stood there frozen for several minutes as the light and oscillation pattern held them fast. The light gradually intensified in luminosity to nearly 300 lumens and then went out. Josh and Peter stood there for a while, and then suddenly came back. Also, as usual, they had no recollection of the event other than the shocking first moment and then ending up somewhere inexplicable.

“What happened?” Josh asked Peter.

“Who knows? I just thought I heard you shout something or feel something and then I appeared in here with you.”

“Ok, well, don’t you look cute,” Josh said slapping Peter on his right butt cheek with a snap.

Peter had ordered a customized pair of board shorts made for the honeymoon that he thought Josh would adore. From afar they looked all white with black polka dots, but up close each polka dot was actually a picture of Josh or of them together printed in black and white. Josh knelt down to look at each one closely.

“Hey, these are mostly of me?”

“Of course, they’re mine. Do you think I want board shorts with mostly pictures of myself? You think I’m so vain?” Josh stood up and kissed Peter hugging him very solidly and appreciating this very cool gesture. They stood there kissing in the mirror for a while. Peter was feeling Josh close to him again, and even though they had had a pretty miraculous night together, when Josh was this close and this sexy and rubbing his body next to his it was very hard not to respond. Josh slid his hand up the leg which was far easier than trying to go in from the top with these board shorts and squeezed the base of Peter’s member a few times to calm him back down. “Not yet, save it for the waterfall!” They left the bathroom with Josh giving his hair a nudge or two, grabbed the picnic basked (each one carrying one of the offsetting handles), and headed to their own, private waterfall.

Everything looked entirely different during the day. This was a very lush region of the island with dense foliage and every imaginable type of indigenous flower growing freely. They hopped from stone to stone. Josh was in seventh heaven. Being able to be totally barefooted for their entire honeymoon was also a dream come true for him, because, of course, Peter would be barefoot too. They reached the waterfall which looked as beautiful during the day as it has at night only with all of the colors of a real rainbow. It was picture-perfect to the last, minute detail.

Peter laid out the blanket and Josh set the basket down and then ran and jumped into the pool shouting “Cannonball” realizing too late that he might have just soaked the blanket, lunch, and Peter. He popped up in the middle of the pool and pushed the hair out of his eyes. He scanned around. The blanket and basket looked fine, but Peter was not there. Just when he started to enter that zone between ‘it is fine’ and ‘panic’ he heard this sound of air parting above him. Peter had climbed up the side to a hidden ledge within the waterfall and dove off of it in perfect form piercing the water just next to Josh. He popped up moments later and smiled.

“Wanna try it?” The water in the pool was super warm, but not too hot. Peter kissed Josh, and they treaded water there for a while kissing.

“Yes, let’s go,” Josh said swimming over to the edge to climb out. They climbed up the rocks together being a little careful not to slip and then dove off at the same time in perfect unison as if they had trained for this moment all of their lives. Peter popped up first, and then he looked around. But there was no sign of Josh.

“Josh?” He called out. There was nothing. Automatically, he started to panic. Maybe Josh hit his head on the bottom or a rock or floating branch, he darted under the water and searched around, but there was no sign of Josh. He was almost out of air in his lungs, so he popped back up, and there was Josh, sitting on the blanket dripping wet. “Mintaka, I called you, but you didn’t answer.”

“I answered, and then you dove under. I guess you didn’t hear me.”

“No, I didn’t see you either. Well, I saw you. Come on, let’s eat, all of this cliff diving is making me hungry.”

Peter was a little confused. All this cliff diving, they dived only once. But it did not matter. He got out and laid down on the blanket next to the basket across from Josh. “So, open it!”

Josh could not wait. He opened the basket and out first was a big pitcher of passionfruit, pineapple, and coconut juice. He looked in and found two champagne glasses and poured them each a glass.

“To the Expalibours,” Josh said as they clinked glasses. They each took a healthy swig. “That is excellent. What is it? Passionfruit, pineapple, and coconut?”

“You got it,” Peter looked amazed.

Josh reached in and pulled out a tray of precut and prepared pineapple. Josh took a piece and fed it to Peter. “Oh my. What they say is true, you have never tasted pineapple until you eat it in Hawai’i. Exporting it should be a crime.” Josh gobbled up the rest of the pineapple off the plate — some sixteen pieces or so — offering Peter only one more slice. Josh proceeded to pull out dish after dish after dish of every imaginable Hawaiian delicacy from poke to kulolo to loco moco to three different kinds of macaroni salad and homemade spiced ham musubi and finally a huge assortment of Hawaiian versions of malasadas with various dipping sauces and rubs from powdered sugar to crushed macadamia nuts and chocolate.

In all of their lives, Peter had never seen Josh devour so much food. It was as if he had not eaten in a week. Also, not that he minded nor felt like he did not get enough to eat, but he had not gotten enough to eat. Josh spared him a scrap here and there without even seeming to notice. Josh, had never behaved like this before. “Mintaka, are you okay?” Peter finally said after Josh had crammed three malasadas into his mouth at once. Josh looked over at him and chewed these malasadas carefully over and over in his mouth. The dough was getting very chewy and the flavors of pineapple, coconut, and passion fruit were mixing, and he just wanted to savor them.

Finally, Josh spoke. “That was a feast, Pumpkin, thank you so much.”

“Um sweetheart, you did not answer my question.”

“Yes, I’m great, fantastic, never better.” He jumped up ran and dove into the pool of the waterfall again. Peter sat up and waited for him to pop up. As his head came out of the water, he looked like the prince of the waterfall. He treaded water there for a few minutes realizing that Peter was enjoying this view. He mouthed “I love you, Pumpkin,” for Peter to lip-read. Then he swam over and climbed the rocks up to dive down. Peter took his cell phone from the blanket and set the camera to record a video. He wanted to capture this moment and Josh’s dive. Moments later, Josh broke through the water and dove down perfectly. He was so smooth as to be a blur. His rainbow board shorts shimmered the whole way down as he pierced into the pool like a very hot knife through butter. Peter noted Josh’s perfect form in his dive. He was not a diver, but here again, his natural athleticism just made his body know what to do. His feet were pointed with toes curved perfectly. He entered the water with no splash at all. He was as graceful as the gold medal divers even without their years of practice and there was no explicable reason why. That was just Josh. Then Peter started to panic. What was the rule, no swimming until an hour after you eat?

When Josh popped up this time he shouted, “Mintaka, don’t get cramps, you ate a lot.”

“Thanks, Pumpkin, if I start to drown, promise you’ll save me.”

“I don’t need to promise. You know I will rescue you no matter what.”

“I know.” Josh climbed up and came back to the blanket to be with Peter.

“You must have been super hungry.”

“How many calories did we burn last night, Pete?”

“Good point.” Josh huddled next to him, and Peter pulled the blanket up around them to keep him warmer as he dried off. Peter ran his fingers through Josh’s wet hair. “You are positively glowing, Mintaka. You are the most beautiful human being I’ve ever laid eyes on. I recorded your dive, and I plan to watch it over and over. You are amazing. One of the most graceful, strong, fierce things I’ve ever seen.” Josh took ahold of his hands and squeezed them with meaning and purpose. His eyes seared into Peter’s like laser beams burning a logo into wood.

“Listen to me Peter Sven Expalibour. I will never tire of you complimenting me because your praise is sustenance to me. Just know, however, that I feel exactly the same way about you. You are the electricity, the power, the flame, and the inspiration for everything I do. You are incredible. I don’t know the words to describe to you how beautiful and handsome and amazing you are to me. I’ll assign them numerical values instead, add a factorial sign to them, add them all up, and divide by 0 because that gives infinity and that’s my love for you. I love that you love me. I hope that you love that I love you. I don’t just mean love. I mean L-O-V-E.

They sat there under the blanket for a while, and then Josh turned to Peter to ask him a question. “Peter, would you like to go into the waterfall pool with me and explore?” Peter was not sure what Josh had in mind, but he nodded. Josh took the blanket off them and spread it out again. Then he took Peter by the hand and led him into the water. Then he splashed him.

“Oh, I know what you meant, you want to play! Ok, tough guy!” Peter splashed Josh back causing him to giggle hilariously. This went back and forth for a while, and then Josh dove under and popped up on the other side of Peter. As he emerged, he paused and untied Peter’s board shorts, and freed his member. He took Peter’s member into his mouth and started sucking on it very gingerly but lavishly. Above the surface, Peter closed his eyes. Josh’s tongue darted around the surface of his head and into the slit. Peter’s balls started to swell a bit and his member grew harder and longer giving Josh more and more surface area to please. Josh used his free hands to release his own hungry member from the rainbow board shorts and gave his member a healthy tug or two to start increasing its relevance underwater. Almost out of oxygen in his lungs, Josh gave a few final flicks of the tongue, and then cupping his lips around just the head of Peter’s member, he squeezed and sucked and pulled giving Peter enormous pleasure. Peter moaned out loud loving the sudden burst of intensity. Then he felt Josh’s head and torso rising against his own torso. Soon, Josh’s head emerged. He stood up now face to face with Peter. Peter kissed him very excitedly. He was not expecting this at all, neither was he expecting his hungry, new, forever partner’s member to be rubbing and grinding into his at this moment. He reached down and held onto Josh’s butt cheeks steering the grinding of their members just as he usually did. It was not as effective as when they were in bed, but it did not matter because it still felt absolutely incredible.

Their passion for each other was mounting by the moment. They kissed and kissed with urgency. Josh held him very tightly and kissed him with more vigor than he could ever remember. It seemed that Josh was impossibly stronger. Even more so than the very night before. Peter suddenly had the urge to suck on Josh so he started kissing down the side of Josh’s neck and then followed his collarbone around to his sternum. Then he licked and kissed down Josh’s chest furrow to his belly button and he cuddled, nuzzled, and licked all around darting his tongue in and out of Josh’s belly button. Josh held the back of Peter’s head cuddling him and running his fingers through his semi-wet hair.

Then Peter plunged below rubbing his nose against Josh’s happy trail all the way to his politely groomed bush and member. He nuzzled the long, hard sausage and then his ample balls. He held onto Josh’s cheeks from behind as he nuzzled and then eventually commenced full-on sucking. He pulled Josh’s member down hard so it was almost parallel to his legs, and then he released it. It snapped up with full force, and then he took it into his mouth again. He repeated this motion several times each one cranking up Josh’s euphoria like jacking up a car. He took Josh’s member down deeply into the back of his throat and swirled his tongue about the head, darting into Josh’s slit with authority knowing it to be one of Josh’s most guarded erogenous zones — the deeper the better. He nuzzled Josh’s member with his nose and cheeks a firmly kissed the head. It responded by engorging and shifting about uncontrollably with power. As much as his mouth and mind were thirsty for Josh’s cock, his lungs started to thirst for oxygen. He took one last second to chew a bit on Josh’s ball sack which he realized he had largely ignored. Once he started, though, he knew Josh would want more and more. He did his best and then surfaced completely out of breath.

As he came up, Josh immediately started rubbing their members together back and forth and back and forth faster and more furiously than ever before darting them around like tetra fighting fish while then kissing all over Peter: his armpits, his nipples, his neck, his nose, his mouth, nothing was left alone for more than a few seconds. Josh was driving them both into a quixotic frenzy the likes of which neither had ever experienced before, and they had had a lot of sex together. The was something new, unrivaled, unbridled, unencumbered.

They had just shared one of the most amazing nights of love-making in their lives the night before going further in some areas than they had ever gone before, but this, this was like Josh’s stamina had been suddenly supercharged. His strength, his confidence to know what he wanted, and how to make things happen within Peter’s body that Peter had not known were even possible, all of his senses and perceptions were amplified by factor tenfold. In fact, it was like suddenly discovering you have a new sense but no idea how to process the sensations. Josh hugged and kissed Peter more deeply and more passionately and pressed their bodies together while gyrating their members in a dance that could best be described as some new-age Argentinian tango. Then, out of nowhere, they both started ejaculating underwater shooting ribbon after ribbon of hot milky fluid spanning out like a web.

Years ago, they had discovered by accident together at a friend’s pool party the intense pleasure of peeing underwater which, for some reason, they had not been previously aware. They then wondered about ejaculation. Would underwater ejaculation hold the same sense of magnified pleasure and found, sure enough in their own bathtub at home that it did indeed.

Josh forced their members together and apart and jets of fluid shot out with each thrust. After the third shot, Peter was sure he was done but that Josh, would go on and on. Most unexpectedly, however, Josh’s amazingly soft but hard member poked about on his, a bit, and he shot again. He squeezed Josh. “Mintaka, how did you do that.” Josh, did not respond he just kept these maneuvers going with each of them shooting loads one after another until Peter reached six and Josh was probably on eight or nine before his body started shuddering. The look on his face was an incredible sight to see. There was no way on this earth any person would have been able to resist falling even more deeply in love with this face. It was the most perfect thing he had ever seen. He wished he could take a picture but his cell camera was out of reach so he just stared at Josh trying to burn that image into his mind. Josh’s eyes and mouth were sealed shut, and drops of water rolled down his face. He had never looked more radiant, more chiseled, more majestic. As their members began to relax and restore to normal, Peter pulled Josh close. He kissed him and kissed him. Below the water, their members were also fusing together like their lips. Peter’s member had never felt better in his life. He was dumbfounded because he had thought that they had done it all and there could never be anything more profound — as profound but not more profound. This was like discovering how to make yourself have an orgasm the first time, and thinking that was an unreal feeling and wanting to do it again and again, and then realizing you can, and then trying some other grips, variations, each hand separately, both together, working on different parts at the same time, etc. and think you have found the maximum wattage setting, only to be totally blown away by something new called a blow job.

Then Josh picked Peter up into his arms and carried him to the blanket where he laid him down. They both lay there side by side for a while in complete silence with the tree canopy protecting them from the now scorching sun beating down on them. They left their members out for a while and just laid there holding hands. “My gosh, Josh, what the fuck?” Peter finally said.

“Was that amazing, Pumpkin?”

“Uh, yeah. I came more times than ever before in my entire life, and each time it felt more amazing than the one before. I never wanted it to stop. My gosh, Josh, oh my gosh, Babe, oh…my…hella…gosh…Joshy babe! Fucking fantastic!” He rolled on his side so he could cuddle Josh and snuggle him better. Josh lifted up his arm so Peter could nestle against his chest and he could hold him as they started to relax and wind down from their pure euphoric state. Peter could not stop replaying the feelings in his mind over and over. He snuggled and nuzzled Josh and held onto his cock cuddling and holding it like it was as precious and fragile as a newly hatched baby bird. His member felt amazing so strong even as the blood flow started to retreat restoring it to its picture-perfect flaccid state. He wanted to kiss it and Josh, but he did not want to leave the perfectly heavenly position he was in now. So, he just played with it and then hugged Josh around the waist. He also realized he was face to face with Josh’s gorgeous nipple which he then reached over to kiss with his mouth and encircle with his tongue. Josh had the most amazing smile on his face as if he had just won a major acting, sports, and academic prize all on the same day. Josh then fell soundly to sleep obviously having exhausted himself in this most unexpected of experiences. Peter closed up their board shorts firstly Josh’s then his own. They then fell asleep on Josh’s chest. If he had thought he had known existential euphoric sexual bliss before, he had not. Moreover, it was obviously not just the incredible sexual feelings, it was all of these combined with the love he had for Josh. He imagined it might sound boring or repetitive to keep hearing over and over how deeply in love they were, but he did not care because it was the most powerful experience of his lifetime.

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