We Are NOT Alone

Bonus Chapter 22

Josh’s & Peter’s POV Pages [sic]

Josh’s POV Pages

Wow, all I can think about is that I never thought this would happen to me. Growing up, I never thought I would be able to get married. Now, here I am forever partnered with the most amazing guy of my dreams. People always say this is the person of my dreams, my soulmate, my twin flame, but how do they know? They say that yet I’ve been to their forever partnering ceremonies, and then I’ve been on the phone with them for hours counseling them after their divorce. Peter and I will never get divorced. How do I know? Because we each know what to do to make the other person happy. We don’t think about what will make us happy. I think that’s the key. If you are trying to get the other person to make you happy or to change to make you happy or you only think about how happy you are. I worry, your relationship may fail.

Oh, I’m sorry, were you thinking I was going to write about what Peter and I were doing on the apex night of our honeymoon. Ok, well, I will, but I think it’s important first for you to understand something I think a lot of people don’t get about sex and people who are forever partners vs. just sexual partners. While I’m not super experienced in that I haven’t had a lot of sexual partners, I do know that there is sex between sexual partners and there is sex between people who are in love and maybe then forever partnered if they so desire that kind of legally binding partnership which I do not judge people who don’t want that as long as the reason isn’t because of fear of commitment. I hope no one will fear that. That’s exactly the point. When you are committed to someone, it means that you are placing them and their needs above your own. It is my firm belief that relationships cannot last long-term unless both people do that. I mean, they can, but one or both of them will be miserable through most of it. I think it’s the source of cheating, divorce, etc. Some people fake it, especially once they have kids. They can put their kids first, and they continue the relationship for the kids. No judgment for people who do either (stay together for the kids or divorce for the kid’s sake) neither is ideal for anyone involved and could have been avoided if people are sure that the person with whom they are having kids is able actually to put their needs at the bottom in the relationship. If everyone does this, the relationship has a better chance of lasting. As for the sexual relationship, it will get even better because once you are in such a relationship where the sex is more about the needs of your partner than your own, you will see a whole new side of the sex. Peter and I have already felt this for a long time. I think the only thing that will change about it now is that we may feel even freer because we know we have officially committed to each other.

NOTE: SAFE SEX / SAFE SEX / SAFE SEX / SAFE SEX — unless, like I am you are in a committed monogamous relationship you can NEVER be too careful. Practicing safe sex is the right and responsible thing to do for you and your partner! Please! Don’t let your guard down even one time, and don’t let anyone encourage you out of it who hasn’t already become your forever partner no matter how much you trust them.

Ok, so now that I got my chance to say that… here are some of my point-of-view scenes. I am not sure how to write these because I am not a writer. My grammar and punctuation are not so perfect. Please ignore any mistakes, this is my unedited writing in my own words.

Wait, I think I need to make a few more points! Not yet!

Before beginning, I also need to say that Peter is amazing in bed, on the chair, on the stairs, and in the shower, but he wasn’t always. He knows that because guess what? We talked about it. And, as for me????? I was pathetic. Fortunately, in the beginning, Peter only wanted oral stuff; and, apparently, he liked the way I did it. Because of this, you will see, I am still overly fixated on Peter’s member…and his feet…gosh, I love his feet.

Note About my Foot Fetish: I know a lot of people don’t get foot fetishes. They think feet are nasty or dirty or weird. I cannot explain why I like guys’ feet so much, but I always have.

My favorite class in 8th grade was swimming because, you know, everyone was barefoot. Lots of guys would go shirtless when we played basketball (you know shirts and skins which I didn’t mind, but I would go crazy over the barefooted guys during swimming). I would compare them. Which ones was I more drawn to. Which guy’s feet were the most memorable, which guy’s feet had the longest toes, and which toe on the foot was the longest?

Gay Sub Note: Once I read that you could tell a guy was gay if his toe next to the big toe is the longest, so I would always check that out. While I have tested it, and it is true for both me and Peter. I have met guys with this foot feature who claim they are not gay. Yet, there is a percentage of those whom I know, who came out later. There is also a percentage of people who, for whatever pressures in their lives, enter straight relationships and marriages, only to realize later in life they cannot live with this any longer and they then come out. So, who knows? In fact, I have a really good ‘straight-married friend’ who used to be my Judo buddy back when I took Judo to learn to defend myself better. Peter told me he loved Judo when he was a kid. That didn’t sell me. Then he reminded me it’s a barefoot sport and I was sold. Well, my Judo buddy’s second toe was longer on both feet. I even asked him point blank one time, after Judo while having smoothies, if he was gay. He was shocked. “I’m married! I have kids. What, Josh, do you have a crush on me?” At that time, of course, I was already committed in my heart to Peter. I’m not going to lie and say this guy wasn’t great to look at, great to be around, and a great catch for every great reason, he was, but he was not Peter. If I had never met Peter who knows?

Personal Sub-note: Peter and I have a rule that bears sharing on this topic, though maybe we’ll change it now that we are forever partnered. That rule is we cannot control seeing nouns (person, place, thing, or idea). I mean with our eyes only. Unless you go around with your eyes closed all the time. And it’s ok to see another noun and think it’s attractive. It’s also ok to like the noun, even a lot. However, if that degree of liking, starts to grow too big, we will immediately let the other one know, and work together to bring it under control. Peter was fully aware that I liked my Judo buddy a lot — I told him. He also knew, however, that he and I were committed, and even if I liked other people, there was only one person I love. Like and love should not be confused. We also draw a line. No sex of any kind with anyone else as long as we are committed. When you have the kind of amazing relationship Peter and I have, you don’t feel inclined to let other relationships grow out of hand. Other people will not be filling any void because there is no void.

Personal Sub-Note 2: One exception, friendship. Peter and I both fundamentally believe that having friends is good for both of us. Most of my friends, to be honest, are and always have been girls. Even though I was into sports, I always had more to talk about (other than sports) with girls. Plus, I loved it when they would talk about who they thought was cute and why. When I was younger, I just listened. After I came out in high school, I participated equally in such ‘cute boy’ conversations. Peter, ironically, is the opposite. Most of his friends are guys. Another ironic thing is that, apart from Muriel, Angelique, and his mom, he gets very awkward around girls. He doesn’t know what to say to them and feels uncomfortable around women. I don’t know exactly how he didn’t realize he was gay sooner based on that alone. I mean, are you going to have a long-term relationship with someone who makes you feel awkward all of the time? Maybe if he tried it more, he would have grown out of it, I don’t know, and by now, there’s not much need to worry about it.

My Foot Fetish Note (conclusion): A couple of months ago I found out Judo buddy and his wife were getting divorced. Apparently, she got suspicious about his business trip expenses showing up with nearby hotel charges on their credit card statement. So, she hired a private investigator. Her money was wasted though because before she found out anything, one weekend she came back a day early from a business trip of her own and found him in bed with their son’s seventh-grade science teacher. Apparently, he needed help in biology (his son not him) so he invited the teacher over for tutoring, which then turned into dinner, and then after the kids, all went to bed, so did he and the teacher. So, you never know. Maybe the toes know!

If it seems like I’m avoiding writing about last night, I am. I have to get over it. I agreed to share. Ok. Well, Peter will probably write about the beginning, if I’m correct. So, I can skip that part. You know what, I’m going just start with Peter’s feet. If you don’t like feet, you can just skip to Peter’s part now. There! I will lose a lot of readers, and more of what happened will be for just me and Peter. Why did I agree to this?

Ok…here goes…(gulp)…

I am laying next to Peter. We have just reached a wonderful climax. We are holding hands: my right to his left. I prefer to be on this side of him. I have no clear answer for why. I think we fit together better this way. I love the grip of his left hand. He’s left-handed you know?

Maybe you don’t. It may have never come up. I love that he is left-handed because I was told that there is no genetic relationship to explain why some people are right-handed and some are left-handed. In fact, no one could figure out why there are even left-handed people or why they are such a smaller percentage of the population. I read it’s around 12%. I guess the prevailing idea is that when twins form, one is left-handed and one is right-handed. I guess all people are supposed to be right-handed. Then, if one twin absorbs (creepy but true) the other, the single one that survives will be either the right-handed one or the left-handed one. I’m not making this up, I read this. So, the only way to be left-handed is to be a twin that survives not being absorbed. I wish Peter hadn’t absorbed his twin. To think there could be two of him makes me happy (as long as I have one—and, in this case, I happen to have the only one). This also explains why most identical twins being genetically identical often turn out opposite handed. They used to think it was because they would watch each other and mirror each other. I shot a hole in that hypothesis right out of the gate. How would twins mirroring each other cause one to be right handed and one to be left unless they always mirrored each other with the same hand. So, like I choose to grab something one time with my right and you mirror and grab with your left, but next time I grab with my left and you mirror with your right? It makes no sense. Still, talking about twins…

Of course, I wouldn’t dream of thinking of having sex with both of them at the same time. Wait! Why not? Plenty of straight guys fantasize about sex with girl twins. What’s wrong with me fantasizing about having sex with guy twins? Nothing. There is nothing wrong with that. Well, unless you’re raised not to have sex until after being forever partnered.

Back to the event! So, I am holding Peter’s very strong left hand in my strong right hand. I like to interlock our fingers when we hold hands. I found out that not everyone likes that feeling, but I do, especially with his left hand. It feels really powerful. I also like it when, after we both climax, we just lay there side by side in silence holding hands. I’m not going to lie. While we are, I am usually looking down at his feet not up at the ceiling.

Note More About my Foot Fetish (part 2): People always ask us top or bottom. I don’t know why everyone is so fascinated to find out which of us is the top or the bottom for sex. The truth is we are both very, very, very extremely versatile and love each other’s bodies and all we can do together. However, for fun, I always say top, because I really prefer the tops of a guy’s feet to the bottoms. I guess, for people with foot fetishes, this is not uncommon to prefer one or the other. Honestly, it may not seem like it, but I have not studied foot fetishes extensively (just a little), but I know a few things and others from my own experience.

Remember if you want to skip down to Peter’s part at any time feel free. I will not be offended or hurt in any way.

Note More About My Foot Fetish (part 2 - continued) Some people like feet no matter what. Some prefer socks. Some like tops, some bottoms, and some don’t care. Me? I prefer the tops and shoes. Socks no way. I really hate sock feet. If feet were always in socks, there would be no foot fetish for me at all. I like bare feet the best. I do, however, think lots of guys’ shoes are very sexy. I don’t know why at all. I think that is strange. Also, a note, my foot fetish does not extend to women. My foot fetish is not purely a foot fetish. It’s the top of barefoot guys’ feet foot fetish. Rather specific maybe. I haven’t read any surveys to find out if I’m common or uncommon. I also really like toes. I think each one of Peter’s toes has sort of a different personality. Do you think I’m really weird now? Well, you don’t have to read this. It’s my POV. So, I’m sharing some pretty intimate stuff about me. Just because I have agreed to share doesn’t mean you have to read it, and I would hate to think it will make you judge me harshly. There are a lot of very diverse fetishes out there. On the whole, I think mine isn’t that strange on the spectrum. And, part of the reason I am sharing this is so that you can understand a little more about me, and what I am often thinking about during certain times when Peter and I are intimate.

Back to the Big Event: So, I’m looking down at Peter’s toes. Usually, as we reset before we go again, and most nights that we go, we will go again at least once or twice because it’s fairer if you know what I mean for versatile people if you know what I mean. So, while we are resetting, one of the things I like to do is play with Peter’s feet. The first time I played with his feet, he wasn’t, I wouldn’t say, weirded out by it, but surprised. He likes my feet, I mean he’s not disgusted by them. He’s sucked on my toes now and again as he has all parts of my body, but he’s not into feet as much as I am. Partly why I did a little research into this fetish was to find out if I am the only one. I’m not. Peter, dealt with it. He has. He no longer minds my fetish and will pretty much let me do whatever I want with his feet and freely gives them over to me. I love to cuddle with his feet, suck on his toes, and kiss all over the tops and bottoms.

I don’t love the bottoms as much, as I said, but chewing a little on the tough skin on the bottom of his feet drives him insane. He’s only ticklish really, supposedly, in two places. The bottoms of his feet—insane. If I start to chew ever so slightly on the tough skin in his arch, oh boy, I gotta watch out for being kicked in the head he will go into apoplexy it tickles him so much. Actually, come to think of it, liking to be tickled is also a fetish. Some people love to be tickled before, during, and after sex. Peter is not one of them, nor am I, however, tickling Peter is fun nonetheless, and he loves to tickle me because he loves to hear me giggle. Peter doesn’t really giggle. He has a cute and sexy laugh — one for me and one for jokes. I get the cute laugh, jokes get the sexy laugh. Yes, even when my mom tells a joke. She loves to tell jokes to Peter to hear that sexy laugh. I had to ask her to please stop asking him to tell her jokes because it was kind of making me feel uncomfortable. His tickling laugh, however, is a third kind of laugh. It’s uproarious good fun to hear and induce. It also makes him very tired, so, I avoid it until we’ve gone twice. Or we are not going to go all the way and just want to fall asleep.

So, last night, I was looking at his toes and thinking, these are all legally my toes now. We are forever partnered, my gosh, such a fine set of toes. And one thing led to another, and I crawled down and took his left foot into my hands. Gosh, I’m going to be honest, even though you are not supposed to play favorites and even though Peter is the most symmetrical person in the world, and his feet are perfectly perfect mirror images of each other, I like his left foot just a bit more. Is it stronger? Maybe? His toes are really strong and he can use them better than most people. Like he cannot open a jar with his feet — at least I don’t think so — maybe I should get him to try it. However, he can pick up a pencil and then write with it in cursive. I am not kidding. But only his left foot is that good.

Note about Sucking on Peter’s Toes and Toe Sucking: So, I love to just cuddle with his toes and play with them and then, yes, suck on them. If you’ve never had your toes sucked, you have no idea what you are missing.

When I was thirteen, I went on a camping trip with some of my best friends: Jimmy, Tony, and Frank. Tony’s father was our chaperone. We thought he was a lot of laughs. We found out later that part was because he used to drink a fifth of vodka the moment the tents were set up and the fire was going. I guess that’s the only thing that made it tolerable to chaperone a bunch of thirteen-year-olds on a camping trip. Anyway, we didn’t know why he would tell us so much stuff about sex, but it was the kind of stuff you couldn’t find out any other way. He was full of great principles to live by. One of those was, “Boys, there are two things that feel so damn good, you’ll want to have them twice a day. Getting your dick sucked and your toes sucked. If you ever come across someone willing to do either without making you do it back or pay them money, take them up on it, guy or girl who cares, a mouth is a mouth sucking on your dick or your toes, you won’t believe how good it feels and won’t care who it is. It’s safe sex for the most part — especially toe-sucking. In all my years, I’ve never heard of a sexually transmitted disease spread by toe sucking.” Personally, I liked hearing about this stuff. Everyone else, not so much. In fact, maybe that was our last camping trip, and now I wonder if he told us that stuff to keep us from thinking about sex or ever trying it? But, for me, he was right. I discovered I loved getting my toes sucked. Peter will suck on my toes. But he only does it because he knows I love it. See my first paragraph! Does he like having his toes sucked? Yes! Yes, he does. He didn’t know it until the first time I did it, and now, he absolutely loves it. He will let me suck his toes whenever I want — which is pretty much all the time, but I suck his toes at least twice a week. Sometimes when we are watching a movie he’ll give me one of his feet. He’ll eat popcorn, and I’ll suck on his toes. It doesn’t tickle him, but it feels very good and turns us both on. As for me, I don’t know how to describe what I feel. I just feel intense love and affection and adoration for him. I like all of his toes and sucking on each one is a little different. As I wrote, each one has its own personality—all ten of them. Sometimes, when I’m sucking on his toes, he will pull back my feet and suck on my toes at the same time. It’s really sweet when he does this. He knows he’s doing something just for me. I’m not sure if he’s grown to like it as much as I do (both giving and receiving), but I love that he has come to his own terms with it. That’s what people in love do. They learn about each other’s desires and they blend together.

But last night when I started sucking on his toes, Peter started eating my ass.

Oh gosh, I’m really going there. I’ve tried to really avoid writing this.

Ok, so Peter really likes to eat my ass. I love to eat his too, no surprise, there’s no part of him I have found I don’t love. But, he really loves to eat my ass. Deeply. The combination pleasure of him eating my ass while I’m sucking his toes, there’s no word for it. I have been known to spontaneously ejaculate when we are doing this, and that’s often his goal to try and make that happen. I thought it was a myth until it happened the first time. His skillful darting tongue. I don’t know. I got so rock hard, and then, I could feel it happening, and then I just exploded. There is something about that kind of ejaculation without penile manipulation that feels so explosively powerful and amazing. And making it happen in someone else is a worthy conquest I think. In my life, Peter has made it happen to me maybe a dozen or so times — not that I am counting. It is still rare enough to be special. I have not been as successful with him, but I still try.

So, Peter started to eat me out and then fingering my hole. His left-hand middle finger which is insanely long and strong can punch my g-spot easily and he loves hitting that spot in rapid succession because each time it would cause my member to get 10% harder. Even if I think it cannot get harder, he’ll punch it one more time, and sure enough. He also likes to softly chew on my scrotum during this time, which I didn’t know what that was about at first, but then after a while, I got it. It doesn’t hurt like you might think. He doesn’t pinch or hurt me. It’s more like the kind of chewing I do on the bottoms of his feet that tickles him. The scrotum skin is different from the rest of the penis. And, I learned from Peter that it feels interesting to chew on it very gently while kissing and cuddling the ball sack. Oh, he really likes it when I do it to him.

So, I’m sucking on Peter’s toes and he’s driving me crazy punching my g-spot with his long finger and then he starts chewing softly on my scrotum and kissing my perineum back and forth. Well, it didn’t take much more and then he got to watch my cock start to shudder and oscillate unstimulated by any physical contact, and then it happened, and I started spontaneously shooting. I shot maybe three or four loads in rapid succession, and then he pulled my member back like cocking a gun and released it which caused me to shoot maybe two or three more times, I don’t know, he was down there watching. I just know that it felt insanely amazing, and I was shivering and shuddering from head to toe.

Then he flipped me over on my back and opened up my hole with the tip of his insanely wet member. I think he had been oozing himself for a while. He held on to each of my ankles and entered me. I was so ready to have him inside me. It was his turn, and he had saved up the best performance of his life for this moment. He started rocking in and out of me slowly and then he sucked on a few of my toes on each foot because he knew I would love it, and then he rocked back harder and pushed in harder and faster. He was like the piston in a sports car engine. And just when I would think he was going to climax, he would stop. Not just slow down, He would stop. And I would get a feeling of his entire hard member inside of me, and it felt like this was just where his member was supposed to be. Like a bear going into its cave for hibernation. And then, he would start back up again. Rocking in and out, bank and forth, side to side, swirling inside like a screw being drilled into the wall by an electric screwdriver. So, of course, I reached up and made a ring with my middle finger and thumb of my right hand and put it around the base of his member to regulate its activity and prevent anything premature from happening. I tightened and relaxed and tightened and relaxed until he said, “go”, and then I squeezed a bit hard and then let go at which time, he shot his load deep, deep inside me. He thrust in and out a few more times and shot at least one more load for sure, maybe two.

At the end of his climax his face! OMgosh! Unreal! I don’t know about you, but for me to see this much ecstasy on a guy’s face. It’s the most incredible thing to witness. Someone so strong and so powerful who, for that moment, looks so vulnerable and so excited shuddering in a primal and basal instinctive kind of way that personally drives me primal wild, base core nuts. Meanwhile, about halfway through his orgasmic explosions, I started to feel the tingles and shudders within my own internal organs. Whatever is going on in there, we call them ‘assgasms’, I started having jolting, powerful orgasms in my ass. I know a lot of people say these are a myth. They are not, and they are spectacular. Peter is a master at these. He’s been able to give me this for years, and I to him. Until last night, however, we had never been successful at the illusive trifecta. That is his penile orgasm, and both my assgasms and penile orgasms all at the same time. I think both of us will remember that feeling forever because there’s never been anything else like it for us sexually — we checked all of the boxes and experienced unparalleled lovely sex between two forever-partnered people who have been desperately in love with each other for years. That much pleasure in our bodies at the same time was breathtaking, like an out-of-body experience of euphoria, I cannot imagine ever not wanting to have it again, but maybe only on special occasions because it was something you would never want to treat as common. This was very, very, very special and unique, another way to express our love for each other.

Whew! I’m exhausted now writing all of that.

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