Watch The Dark

Chapter II: two

Declan's P.O.V

Lennox, the Alpha of the South Bay pack, had become one of Declan's best friends during the past two years. They were quite close as children, but Declan found himself relying on him a lot more now. Especially since their pups got along so well.

Sincere hadn't taken well to Tana's disappearance at first. However, after she turned four she stopped asking about her cousin and seemed content with her pack. When she turned five, she started hanging out with Lennox's pup, Asher, almost every week instead of once a month.

That's where Declan was now. Not managing his pack or controlling rogue attacks. He was supervising a play date between a five year old and a six year old.

"I've sent some of my wolves out as well, Declan. We're getting close to finding her. I've gotten many reports of my wolves picking up on her scent. It's faint, but it's leading us in the right direction," Lennox was saying. Erica was busy with some paperwork a few rooms down, so the males were the only ones watching the pups.

"I was upset at first, but now I'm just pissed off. So is my wolf. She thinks she can just leave without a word with my heir and face no consequences? Great Aurora. She's going to get a huge dose of reality soon," Declan growled. He knew he loved Tana. He never said it, but he felt it. Being angry at her hurt his wolf more and more each day. So did being apart from their pup. Declan wondered if it was a boy or a girl.

He hoped it was a boy. He had always wanted a son.

"It isn't fair, that's for sure. But I think you need to see it from her point of view. You weren't exactly a stand up guy when you were younger. Those rumours were going to reach her eventually. And, on top of that, you weren't there for her when she just got back from being tortured. You can't exactly blame her," Lennox snorted. "If I did that to Erica, she'd chop my balls off. I think she's angry enough that I got her pregnant again," he joked. Erica and Lennox had had a baby girl a year prior and Erica was expecting another pup in a few months.

"Daddy! Asher said I'm not gonna be as strong an alpha as him," Sincere said, rushing over to him with a frown on her face.

"I think Asher is just jealous that you'll be a stronger alpha than him," Declan replied, earning a wide grin from Sincere.

"Hey! My son is going to be just as strong," Lennox huffed indignantly, pulling his baby up onto his lap as she waddled over to him. Rosie was her name; at least that's what Declan thought. He wasn't exactly in the best headspace.

"Yep! My dad is super tough and so am I! Girls can't be strong alphas," Asher said. Lennox growled a bit at his son.

"Asher, that's very rude. Do you think mommy is any different just because she's a female?" Asher frowned and shook his head. "Exactly. She's just as strong as me if not stronger. I want you to apologize to Sincere and remember that from now on," Lennox said. Asher frowned again and wandered off after Sincere to apologize.

"I never really got the hang of the whole parenting thing. I think I'm lucky Sincere is the way she is. Otherwise I'd be in over my head," Declan said, causing Lennox to chuckle.

"I freaked out when Asher was born. I had no clue what to do. I think Erica came close to kicking me out of the house a few times. I was so useless," Lennox replied. Declan smiled sadly. He would have loved to see his pup the moment it was born. To hold it in his arms so that no harm could come to it.

But Tana took that away from him. He would never get that moment back.

"I'm going to go looking for her myself. The last reports said that they smelled her in a neutral zone a few towns over. Hopefully if I get close enough, my wolf will recognize the pup and that will lead me to her," Declan stated. "Can Sincere stay here for a bit?" He asked.

Lennox shrugged. "Sure. Ahser loves having her around. I think he has a crush on her," he said. Declan just rolled his eyes. As if he would let Asher have a crush on his five year old daughter.

"Just...don't do anything reckless. Take your Beta with you. You don't want to upset her, Declan," his friend warned. Declan nodded solemnly.

"I'll be careful. I promise," he said. As soon as he said that, Sincere perked up from across the room.

"Bye, daddy!" She called. Declan smiled at her.

He wondered how Sincere would react to Tana coming back.


Tana's P.O.V

The day at the cafe moved slowly. Eleanor, the woman who owned the place, had had to go home early due to a migraine. So that meant Tana was alone. However, since they only had a few customers here and there it wasn't that big of a deal.

"Oh, goddess. It's so quiet in here. I'm glad I came. I brought the little devil with me. The daycare ladies didn't even question it. How good are they, anyway?" A peppy, female voice rang through the store. Mika, another friend she had made on her journey, stood in the door with Icarus in her arms.

Tana met Mika at the cafe originally. She had apparently turned rogue after her mate rejected her and had been alone ever since. They had hit it off almost instantly. Mika had even cut Tana's hair so that it hung halfway down her breasts. It was much more comfortable.

"You've picked him up tons before, Mika. They know who you are," Tana huffed. Mika rolled her eyes and put Icarus down so that the pup could wander around the empty cafe.

"He was causing trouble, actually. He was getting aggressive with the other kids. It's normal, I think. I've heard that Alpha pups tend to be more dominant when they're around other kids," Mika said, plopping herself down in a stool in front of the counter.

"He's been like that for a few weeks. I don't know how to stop it," Tana admitted, smiling and ruffling her son's hair when he waddled up to her.

Before Mika could respond, the door opened and a scent wafted in that set her wolf on edge. Mika got up instantly and Tana grabbed Icarus, her eyes narrowed at the people who had walked in. They were wolves. Dark Wolves.

There, in the doorway, stood two men Tana never wanted to see again.

Tuk's friends; Reggie and Emery.

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