Watch The Dark

Chapter II: seven

"How do they know about him already? We have been here less than a day. There's no possible way," Tana breathed, instinctively holding Icarus closer. He didn't seem to mind, though. He just idly played with her hair as he was in her arms.

"We don't know. But it's everywhere. Rogues and even other packs know about it and want in," Markus explained. They had moved up to the small office Declan had in the house so that the guards and the other women in the house couldn't hear.

"I want you to increase patrols immediately. There are to be wolves out there at all times. No one enters or leaves without my permission. And I want more guards around the house. We can't take any chances," Declan ordered, running a hand through his hair with a sigh. "Do we have any idea how many members Fang's pack has?" He asked.

Markus shook his head. "We could only track their rough location. We didn't want to cross our old border because we didn't know how many of them could be out there," he explained. Declan nodded in agreement.

"Right. Don't cross the border for now, but tell the patrols to keep an eye out for any activity across the border," Declan said. Markus nodded.

"I think Talon might have been the one to tell Fang somehow. But I never told him Icarus's name. Plus, the bounty here says Icarus Reiner. That's under Declan's last name. It doesn't make any sense," Tana offered, tapping the paper that Markus had found.

"Maybe there's someone else getting information. Until we know more, you need to be guarded at all times. Icarus as well. We can't risk anything," he told them. Markus nodded, his eyes promptly glazing over as he started a mind link.

"Blake said that Sincere is with him and Jade at the packhouse, by the way. She's refusing to come back unless Tana and Icarus leave," Markus added, chuckling when Declan rolled his eyes.

"You're dismissed, Markus. You and Blake should go organize the patrols. Thank you," Declan said. Markus dipped his head in respect and headed out.

"Mama," Icarus giggled, holding up a letter opener that he had found on Declan's desk. Quickly, she snatched it out of his hand and huffed slightly as he giggled even more.

"He likes getting into trouble, it seems," Declan observed. Tana huffed again.

"That's an understatement. He drove the daycare women insane, especially since he started fighting with the other kids. He thinks it's hilarious," she told him. Declan smiled slightly at that.

"What are you going to do about Sincere?"

Declan sighed. "She never really acted out when you left. She cried a bit, but nowhere near as much as I thought. I don't think she processed it until now," he admitted. Icarus peeked over the desk at Declan, giggling before he ducked down to hide. A few seconds later, he reappeared and laughed when Declan acted shocked.

"Sincere hasn't had a very normal life and I think I made it worse. much as I know you want to form a relationship with Icarus, you need to pay just as much attention to her. I've never seen her act the way she does with you with anyone else," Tana told him. He nodded in agreement.

"I'm still new to the whole dad thing. But I love her just as much as I already love Icarus. She may not be related to me by blood, but she's my pup now. Through and through," he said. Tana smiled at that. It was good to know that Sincere had someone who loved her so fiercely in her corner.

Which was why she needed to tell Declan the truth about Sincere's parents. Not that she had ever lied, but she had never spoken a word of it to another person after Lumina swore her to secrecy.

"Fang doesn't just want me. He wants Sincere as well," she said. Declan narrowed his eyes and gestured for her to sit in the chair across from him. Once she sat down, Tana had to draw in a deep breath to keep herself from freaking out.

"Her mother, Lumina, was a high ranking warrior in the Blood Wolves. She and her mate both were. Neither of them agreed with the policies, but they couldn't get out without being killed. So they just climbed in the ranks until they were as comfortable as possible," she started. Lumina and her mate were both born into the Blood Wolves. At the time, the alpha wasn't Frasier nor Talon. He wasn't nearly as cruel. But Frasier killed that alpha and took his place.

"They had Marie, Sincere's sister, when I was ten. A few years later Lumina's mate tried to find a way out but was killed in the process," she explained. Declan cocked his head slightly.

"So Sincere and her sister are only half siblings?" He asked. Tana nodded.

"Lumina didn't want another pup after that. But one day, the day I turned eighteen actually, Fang came to visit. He...he was raised thinking that females were only there to pleasure him. So he found Lumina because she was such a high rank and raped her. She ended up getting pregnant, but when she told Talon that it was Fang's pup, Talon accused her of lying and demoted her to an omega. Fang had no idea that Sincere was his until a few weeks before I left. And now he wants her back," she told him.

Declan didn't move a muscle at that point. He kept his eyes fixed on the floor and released air in shaky breaths. Icarus waddled over to him curiously, but when he didn't get a reaction ended up going back to Tana and getting her to lift him onto her lap.

“This is a joke, right? You’re messing with me? Which, by the way, is some fucked up joke,” he scoffed. Tana narrowed her eyes at him and kept silent as the realization that she was being deadly serious dawned on him.

“So all this time I’ve been raising that son of a bitch’s daughter? I imprinted on a psychopaths daughter?” He snarled, shoving his chair back as he angrily stood up.

“He’s never even met her. Don’t you dare start judging Sincere because of him now,”

“But he wants her back. She’s his heir,” he snapped.

“She’s your heir. He has no right to her and any werewolf council would agree with me. He didn’t even know she existed before this. You’d better cut this shit out and get yourself together. If you’re wondering why I didn’t tell you before, this is exactly why. I knew you’d try to abandon her and she doesn’t need that. She’s obsessed with you and if you hurt her, so help me Aurora I’ll rip your face off,” Tana snapped back. Declan relaxed slightly at that, letting out a huff.

“I guess you’re right.”

“I know I’m right.”

He rolled his eyes.

“We have a lot more catching up to do. How about we do it over lunch?” He suggested. Tana hesitated at first, pressing her lips into a thin line as she contemplated it. But, then after deciding that she had run for long enough, she looked up and smiled at him.

“That would be lovely.”

A/N: sorry for such a late update! The next one probably won’t be out for a while, I’m really struggling to write since I now have school and stuff again. Hope you all enjoy and thank you for being so patient with me.

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