Watch The Dark

Chapter II: five

Declan's P.O.V

"I told you not to go after the girl. She's got too much baggage, Declan. You're running a pack and she's distracting you," Lionel huffed. His father was sitting across from him at his desk with his usual apathetic demeanour that made Declan feel small.

"She's my mate. I bet you never said that about your mate," Declan spat. Lionel turned narrowed eyes at him, leaning forward on his elbows.

"My mate was strong and resilient. Yours is a complicated mess. She may have had your child but she said it herself; she does not want to be your Luna," his father drawled.

Declan did not understand his father and he didn't think he ever would. He was a traditional man when it came to family and pack leadership, and yet he had accepted Sincere as his granddaughter without a second thought. Now, he has a grandson of his own blood and has not desire to meet him.

"If all you have come here to do is insult my mate, you can get the hell out and leave me be," Declan snarled. Lionel didn't flinch, just let out a soft snort in response.

"I don't know much about your history and I don't quite care. However, you have kept the fact that her parents are still alive to yourself. How many lies will you keep from her until you burst, boy?" His father said calmly.

"I said get the hell out!" Declan yelled, the alpha command coming out unexpectedly. Since his father was an alpha, it wouldn't work on him. But he felt it all the same.

"You'd better get yourself together. It's been two years since that battle, Declan, and you can't even find the time to try and protect your pack. Tana, whether she will become Luna or not, will always come second to your pack. I hope you understand that," Lionel snapped, roughly shoving his chair back before he stormed out of the room.

"He's acting like a fool, Lennox. I hope you can knock some sense into him," he heard his father say as he stormed down the hall. Moment later, with his baby daughter on his hip and Asher and Sincere following behind him, Lennox appeared in his office with a quirked eyebrow.

"I heard what happened. I don't know whether to congratulate you or feel sorry for you," Lennox stated, placing Rosie down while Sincere showed Asher where she kept her crayons and colouring sheets.

"I told her that she was weak and that she was the cause of A-" he cut himself off when he caught Sincere staring at him. "-of her brothers death. It went about as well as you would expect from there," Declan said. Lennox huffed slightly.

"You are one stupid mother fucker, Declan. I barely even recognize you. You were such a bad ass, tough alpha two years ago. Before she arrived. I don't even know who you are anymore," Lennox stated. Instantly, Declan wanted to yell. But the more he thought about it the more he realized how right his friend was. Tana had taken advantage of his kindness and had made him weak. He had taken advantage of her trust and broken her.

They were a sorry excuse for a couple.

“Mates are supposed to compliment each other. When I met Erica, I mellowed a bit. But she didn’t change everything about me. And it’s not even Tana’s fault; it’s yours. Get your head out of your ass, Declan,” Lennox growled. Declan stayed quiet, the truth of it all dawning on him.

“Asher, come on, let’s go,” he said. The little boy waved to Sincere, who frowned and waved back as her friend left.

“Why did he talk about Tana? Tana went away forever,” Sincere stated, cocking her head to the side as she observed Declan.

Declan let out a sigh and turned to the pup.

“I think we need to talk about something, Sincere.”


Tana’s P.O.V

Tana had been lied to before, but never like this.

The moment Bea finished what she had to say, Tana felt like she was going to pass out.

She wasn’t a normal wolf. She was a weapon. She was just being used her whole life.

“I know it’s a lot to take in,” Bea started slowly, just as Tana stood up.

“Watch Icarus for me,” was all Tana said. Bea narrowed her eyes and stood up, Icarus propped up on her hip as Tana headed to the door.

“Where are you going? Tana? Tana!” Bea yelled after her, but Tana was already storming out of the house. The guards outside of the door followed her instantly, but she didn’t care. They wouldn’t stop her. She wanted real answers.

She walked all the way over to the pack house, scaring a few pups who were playing in the main lobby as she slammed the doors open. Immediately she turned her attention to the cells, where two other guards stood.

“Let me through it I’ll spill your guts all over the damn floor,” Tana snarled. The two of them glanced behind her, probably at the other guards, and then hesitantly opened the doors and stepped out of her way.

She could smell him immediately. Though the smell wasn’t the same as before, she would never forget it. She could never forget it.

“I see you decided to come back. What a fun surprise,” he drawled. She turned to the first cell, her eyes fixed on the man who lounged on the dirty floor behind the bars. He wore that same smirk he always had. Not even two years in a cell could wipe it off of his face.

“Cut the shit, Talon. What is Fang going to do with my blood?”

Talon laughed, stumbling up to his feet as he moved closer, allowing Tana to get a look at just how awful he really looked. His facial hair was long and tangled, as was his hair. He was scrawny and looked utterly defeated, but you wouldn’t be able to tell by the cocky look on his face.

“Did your little witch friend tell you the truth? I’m assuming it was her because your mate is one pussy of an alpha. As for your blood, I would assume that he’s already done what he wants to with it,” he said, his eyes taking over her body. He was trying to intimidate her, but it wasn’t going to work.

“Was all of it just some sick trick? Everything you did to me? It was just to break me so that you could take my blood?” She snapped. He laughed again and shook his head.

“My father always told me that he would bring forth a Star Child. I didn’t know what he was on about. He was a crazy bastard. Crazier than me, if you can believe it. But then he found you. He told me that I could have you when you were old enough,” Talon started, but Tana cut him off with a snarl.

“I was thirteen.”

“It’s a tough world, isn’t it?” He spat back.

“The more I learned about Star Children the more I was interested. It was such an idiotic concept. A wolf with no other power but to control other wolves with their blood. But then I found a way to use that to my advantage. Turns out, if you mix your blood with wolfsbane, any alpha can use it to bend other wolves to to their bidding. Even another alpha,” Talon told her, letting out a snort.

“But then, of course, my brother wanted in. He’s sicker in the head than me, Tana. He’s going to be the one to break you once and for all,” Talon said, throwing his head back with another sadistic laugh. “I never should have shared you with him. Should’ve kept you all to myself,” he laughed.

That was the last straw. In a flash, she grabbed him by the collar on his shirt and yanked him into the bars.

“I am not yours and I never was,” she snarled. He laughed again.

“I hope you know how to protect your son,” he rasped. Tana felt her heart stop. How could he have known she had a child? Let alone a boy?

She yanked him harder and reached through the bars, curling her hand around his throat until she could hear him gasping for air. He clawed against the bars as his face turned red in a feeble attempt to get free.

“Tana, let him go,” one guard snarled. She didn’t listen.

“If you ever threaten my son again, I’ll drain ever drop of blood form your body and use it to paint his wall,” she spat. Just as his eyes began to flutter, she felt a sharp prick in the side of her neck and the hands of the guards wrapping around her arms. A cool, sedate feeling washed over her and made it impossible for her to stand upright and keep her eyes open.

But as she plummeted into darkness in the arms of the guards, all she could hear was Talon laughing.

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