Warriors of Blue moon

Chapter 8- Alone.

I woke up still feeling tired as my sore eyes were already begging close, but this time I forced them to stay open as I stared blankly at the overhanging leaves of the weeping willow as they effortlessly trailed around me while the breeze flickered through them. My back was practically hugging the tree’s stump and It had been for the last three days since I found it to hide under. I couldn’t see what was past the leaves, which on one hand made me feel safely tucked away, but on the other it made me dread what was lurking beyond them. I breathed in lightly as the soft grass now warm underneath me. I had cried almost nonstop since I got here and now my eyes were red raw and my head was thumping but it was only now that hunger was starting to set in my stomach as it gurgled and rumbled to be fed and my wolf kept howling at me to eat.

I sighed and begrudgingly pushed myself to sit upright and picked through my bag to find some fruit and a pouch of what looked like was supposed to be dried meat. I ate my food slowly, trying to motivate my mouth to move as I stared out ahead of me, wandering if it was as bad out there as people always described it to be..

Were there really that many rogues? and were they all spineless, cruel and violent? I had heard so many stories over the years of rogues trying to sneak onto our land and kill anyone they could set their sights on. My dad and Gabel had led all the fights against them and won, so eventually rogues stopped coming and I had never witnessed or known of any attacking as I got older… Not knowing what was out there filled me with an unsettling fear.

I kept telling myself over and over to get up and come out from under the willow, I had to move and I had to brace the unknown forest, even if I wasn’t entirely ready or brave enough to face it. I wobbled to my feet and hulled my rucksack onto my back, taking a deep shaky breath I slowly moved the trellises aside to see the sun was shining today as the rays hit my face and shone through the tree’s and settled across the long thick grass. I rapidly blinked my eyes a few times to adjust to the sudden brightness. I stepped out anxiously as I took in my vast surroundings and it was...intimidating and daunting! I gulped heavily as I looked all around, willing my feet to move.

I slowly stepped out and looked behind me to the treeline of my old pack in the distance. I stood staring at it… Right there was the pack boarder, their territory, just a few yards within my reach! oh the temptation was strong, just to walk back in and run home to the safety of my parents and plead to Layton to be allowed back in the pack! But if I did I’d have to repay my faked crime some how.. I’d have to also apologize to Zara and her family for it and I knew that once I came face to face with her I wouldn’t end up being able to do it… to beg for forgiveness for something I didn’t do.. so I’d only end up back here anyway and put my family and friends through the torment of saying goodbye again! But just the sight of that tree line was so inviting because I knew everything that I loved was just beyond it. I shook my head knowing that I couldn’t stay here, right here for the next two years with it just staring me in the face while I wait for each day to tick by.

I looked back to the forest and as daunting as it felt I knew I had to move deeper into it and get far away from the pull and the reminder of The Blue Moon pack. I took my sheath out from my rucksack and tied it round my waist and placed my sword and a dagger into it. Putting my rucksack back on I rested my hand on my sword so I could be quick to use it, If I needed it. I took one step, then another as I kept my eyes peeled all around me looking for any movement amongst the trees. I walked further down into the vast forest, and I could feel my wolf was listening out for any sounds or smells that were threatening. I kept walking and stopped a few times to have some water I had bought with me unfortunately I hadn’t come across a lake yet to refill my flask and I was running low.

I must have been walking for a few hours when I finally decided it was time to stop.. I saw a small sprout of water splashing out from a crack in between a tower of boulders and rocks, I quickly ran over to it and filled my flask to the brim, setting that down, I splashed water on my face, neck and shoulders to help me cool down, I took in the trees around me and saw I was surrounded by Western white pine trees. Setting my eyes on the tallest one I grabbed my stuff and climbed to the top. I perched my stuff on a large branch next to me, I pulled out my sword and held it readily in my hand as I sat back against the tree trunk and sipped my water, sweat dripping from my hairline down to my neck, the sun still trying to glow through the clouds.

I took a pouch of tomato and herbed tuna from my bag and slowly ate it with my fingers as I watched the sun turn pink and orange and slowly setting behind the clouds. From up here, it made the forest look dazzling, the tree leaves shimmering under the reflection of the sun, nothing but the sound of birds singing as trees lightly danced in the cool breeze.

My eyes felt weighty and sore, my whole body felt as if it needed a few more days’ worth of sleep, but I suppose that’s my own fault for neglecting it of food for the last three days. I let my eyes shut and leant my head against the tree, as I gripped my sword reassuring myself, I’d be ready. I perked my ears perked up for any curious sounds below me as I tried to let my body rest and sleep.


I’ve definitely made this tree my new safe zone.. It’s been seven days and I only left it to quickly relieve my bladder or refill my flask from the water sprout that was luckily only a few yards from me, I never stayed on the ground for long and I’d always rush back up into the tree shaking, I dreaded it every time I had to climb down.

Every day I have been trying to pull myself together telling myself to stop being afraid and just to get out there and venture further away from my old home so that I wouldn’t be racked with so much desperation I ended up going back. I wanted to get as far away as possible but fear kept getting the better of me, I kept telling myself I was ridiculous, I’ve had so much training and I worked so hard to be a strong pack member... but that’s the problem.. I trained to fight as a pack unit... not alone and that’s what I was out here.. alone! Completely and utterly alone.. Rogues were used to fighting for dominance and survival almost daily out here and there was no order, rules or a civilised way of co-existing together. it was kill or be killed. I knew I had a good survival rate against one rogue but I had no idea if I could be strong and quick enough against more of them and even with all my training I had never actually had to fight a rogue or go into any battle and if I had come across a rogue it would have taken mere seconds for my pack to provide back up. but now I have no one, no one to watch my back, or catch a movement i may miss or even a scent.

Out here I’m not trained, I’m new. Rogues know this forest.. I don’t! This feeling of being so isolated and scared was so new to me it was overwhelming, I never thought in a million years I would be an outcast and have to fend entirely for myself with not one person to call a friend or guide me. BUT it has to happen.. I knew I’d have to adapt eventually. I may have some food provisions now, but it definitely wouldn’t last more than another week or two at best if I ration hard but as it was I already wasn’t eating enough to keep my energy and strength up.

"right come on… stop being such a wuss” I whispered to myself ”come on, just get down and walk, come on, come on.....” I grabbed my bag and skimmed down the tree as quietly as I could until I reached the bottom. I took a moment to listen and watch for anything moving, I tried to sniff the air but I knew with all the new forest smells that I wasn’t quite used to, I wouldn’t be able to catch a rogues sent quicker than they’d be able to catch mine. although they smelt more like wet dog they would still be able blend in with the smells of the forest, whereas mine was still fresh and would definitely stand out...more than I care to think… If a rouge scented me now, they’d know I was new here!

When I felt the coast was clear I willed myself to walk forward, my hand holding onto my sword ready in my sheath. I moved further from the tree and deeper into the forest, it was a cool bright day and the dimmed sun made the forest look so pretty and serene, if it wasn’t for the fear in me, I’d love to be able to run carelessly through the trees and the grass and let my wolf out too.

As I walked on further and further with still no sign of any threat, my legs began to relax a little as they moved quicker and had stopped shaking, but the trees were endless it just went on and on, every part of the forest was as beautiful as the last and I could feel it buzzing with wildlife... At least I know I wouldn’t go hungry with all the rabbit, squirrel and deer that was roaming around.

I had walked for hours and passed many streams and rivers, only stopping to refill my flask and have a bite to eat from my provisions, the sky was now glowing orange telling me it was now evening and the sun would start to set soon.

I paced through quicker, keeping an eye out for somewhere new to stay for the night but when I couldn’t find anything suitable, I settled for a sequoia tree, it wasn’t as concealing as the pine tree but at least it was tall, I clawed up to the top and reaching into my bag, luckily I had some masking spray that Sam had packed for me, I wanted to save it for times like these when a tree like this wouldn’t do enough to hide my scent. I hid back in the tree and tucked into some of my fruit as again I watched the beautiful bright sky, turn from orange, red, blue, that gradually darkened to black encased with bright dazzling stars. Watching the sky every night had become the only comfort to me out here.

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