Warriors of Blue moon

Chapter 15 - Part 6, Enemies of Blue moon.

Lelanna's POV:

It had taken us a few weeks to get everything in place, especially as we wanted our plan to go undetected by any rogues that might be watching us. Patrol shifts had been doubled and I had been helping night and day to patrol the boarder, the city and the village, even Layton who usually, as an Alpha doesn’t take part in the patrol had been working tirelessly all day with his duties then doing patrols at night.

He would usually take into his wolf form and patrol the edge of our forest and a little further beyond our treeline, as his wolf was black, he could blend into the dark forest without being seen. Every now and then we could sense rogues nearby, but they never came too close. Obviously they had sensed our extra warriors keeping watch, but we knew they were out there, listening, watching. Waiting to see what our next move would be and funnily enough it was exactly what we were doing with them.

Zara had only managed to get small bits of information from Tina and all she could tell us was it seemed as though they would attack soon, but Zara also claimed that what she knew of her aunty and uncle was that they weren’t much in the way of fighters just more mouth than action she would say, wanting power and position without getting their hands dirty, so once again we were facing unpredictable rogues.

I wanted to go out in search for them like we did before, but Layton suggested they’d probably be expecting that as we had caught them last time, they’d most likely be on high alert and watching us closely to see if we left our territory and I knew he was right, but I hated being here just waiting, never knowing if any time I had gone home to catch up on sleep, shower or eat that, that’s when the attack would happen so I felt as if everything I did was rushed and I couldn’t relax not when there were my sisters, my parents and so many young and innocent people in our pack that couldn’t defend themselves and as our house was in the village that was situated near the forest boarder. A fear was constantly running through me of the rogues being able to gain victory this time and murdering everyone that was left alive without any warriors left to fight for them and get them to safety.

When Layton first started putting his plan into motion, he requested Sam and Dakota to arrange trial runs for the people that couldn’t fight, they were to go over the protocol every few days so everyone knew what to do and where to go if we became overthrown. I had taken out my dad’s old daggers and swords and readied them in sheaths for my parents to wear when the attack comes, I couldn’t let them go anywhere without any weapons. Even though my dad isn’t as quick as he used to be, I didn’t want them completely unequipped… It’s better to try to fight than not try at all!

Now everything was finally in place, we were ready standing at the pack gates as we welcomed Alphas and warriors that were coming to us in quiet, small groups. We’d bring them in and settle them around the pack grounds. All the Alphas were to stay in the Palace while all the warriors they bought with them were to stay in the lake house that Layton had refurbished. It was big enough to house a couple hundred of them while others were to stay in the nearby hotels in our city that Jackson’s family had taken over and managed. Jackson and his family had rooms redone and equipped specifically for the warriors. His whole family worked around the clock to get ready and to cater to their needs.

Luckily for us, numbers were on our side, even more so this time. When me and Layton had been making calls to other packs it turns out there were some that knew of the Maven family and some that even had them reside in their packs. Zara’s Aunty and uncle, some of them had apparently left their packs six months ago. So, for six months they have been plotting and waiting but we still didn’t know when to expect the attack.

All the new warriors and Alphas were asked to keep hidden away from the boarders so the rogues couldn’t catch on to the help we had enlisted. We already had three Alphas staying with us and they had each bought 100- 150 warriors. Two of the Alphas were seething for blood from the Maven family for the issues and problems they had inflicted on each of the packs while they had been living there and all the other Alphas from seven different packs had sent us over 100 rogues each. They didn’t have a personal vendetta against the family but when they heard news of their treachery and deceit and of their attempts to slaughter an entire pack, they wanted to help and put a stop to their endless ploys to takeover. No Alphas merried in the thought of anyone trying to lead rebellions in hopes to steal their status from them and leave them as a bloody corpse in the ground. To fight their way to entitlement rather than accepting the position is rightfully passed down to heirs.

Many of the warriors looked fierce but they were all so humble and ready to put their lives on the line to rid of us of our rogue infestation… or at least that’s what they felt like! It was as if where there was one cockroach, there were many more that were hiding.

Hours passed and more arrived and my feet and body had begun to ache from standing here all day. I welcomed another Alpha and his 175 warriors just as Dakota came to the gates to take over from me. “Hey Lanny, take a break, Alpha Layton asked if you wanted to have dinner at the Palace, your parents and sisters are there as well as the other Alphas, the poor cooks have been busy all day prepping food for all our newcomers, thank goodness the ones staying in the hotels will be fed by Jacksons staff”.

I chuckled as I motioned for the Alpha to follow me “Thanks D I’ll head there now” I smiled at her then turned to the Alpha “Just this way. You’re lucky sounds like you’ve come just in time for food, I’ll bet you’re all hungry after your travels”.

I nodded to Drake who was also guarding the gates “Drake can you take the new warriors to the lake house please”.

“Of course, Lelanna” he smiled and bowed his head a little “thank you for coming all, please follow me and we’ll get you settled in, and I’ll have more food bought over”.

I left Drake then and headed to the Palace with the new Alpha beside me. “Lelanna? that’s a pretty name” He stated in his husky voice “what’s your last name?”

“Vanderwood” I informed politely

“Vanderwood? Ahh your thee Lelanna Vanderwood, the great warrior” He chuckled “I’ve heard stories about you and not to mention you’re the daughter of Westin Vanderwood!?”

“You have? And yes I’m his daughter, Alpha… you know him?”

"Oh, not personally, but my father heard of him and would tell me stories of the two fierce fighters! The legends of Blue Moon!”

“Really? What stories?”

"Ahh, well, when my Father was growing up around the same time as your father, he heard stories of a Gabel and Westin, they were a force to be reckoned with. They were the Blue Moon warriors, he would tell me stories of some of their battles and how Westin saved the Luna!“.

"Oh wow, my father always used to tell me about his and Gabel’s fighting days and I knew everyone here knew of how many victories they had won but I didn’t realise other packs had heard of them too”.

“Oh yes, I grew up quite in awe of them actually, as my father always seemed to admire them whenever he’d speak of them. Are they still around? I’d love to meet them, my father would be rather ecstatic to know I had been in their presence.”

“Well, you’re in luck Alpha” I smiled a genuine wide smile ”Gabel is Alpha Layton’s guard, so he’ll be at the Palace, and my father although retired from fighting, he’s actually there now having dinner, I’ll take you straight to them”.

“Wow, that would be great” he smiled excitedly “thank you Lelanna, I’ll bet your father is happy to see his daughter has taken the role of a warrior too, you’ll be the stuff of legends too just like your father and Gabel “.

I grinned shyly ”Yes, he loves that I’m a warrior and so is my brother Sam, But I know it does also worry him”.

“Yea, I can imagine it does, and please call me Alpha Greyson… Just Alpha feels too informal and like we’re strangers which I hope not to be during my stay here”.

“Of course, thank you Alpha Greyson”. We made more small talk as I lead him to the dinner hall. By now it was quite empty apart from Layton, Nicholas, Mila, Gabel, my parents, Daisy, Lily and Sam.

As soon as we walked to the main table, Layton stood up to greet me and Alpha Greyson. But what made me chuckle to myself in surprise, was how Layton instantly put his hand on my waist and pulled me to his side away from the new Alpha even before he had shaken his hand. was he jealous? I mean the Alpha was good looking with sandy blonde short hair and blue eyes, he was tall and had a muscular build. Not as big as Layton, but he was toned and lean. But pulling me to his side so suddenly was a show to the Alpha that I was his! I was to be untouched by Greyson and all other Alpha’s. I mean, it did feel a little possessive and forward, considering I’m not actually his nor have we even had a discussion of that sort in the slightest. But I couldn’t help but like that he made such a point of who I was to him, even if we didn’t know ourselves where we stood.

After they had greeted one another and gotten their pleasantries out of the way, I turned Greyson’s attention onto my father and Gabel and introduced them. Greyson looked like a little kid at Christmas, as if he was just given a new toy train or a mountain of sweets and chocolate. He shook their hands eagerly then started to rant on like he was hyped on sugar about how he and his father admired them and all the stories he had been told about their fights and mercy they had shown to the weak and innocent.

We had eaten our food as they all talked, we all marvelled in the stories Greyson relayed about our legends and I could see the sense of pride that shone from Layton and his parents to hear such glowing words about our own people. We finished up and Layton informed Greyson that both he and I would show him to his room. They had just gotten into typical guy talk, about fancy cars and their favourite motorbikes when Greyson suddenly stopped in his tracks. His eyes widened as he gulped, sticking his nose in the air, he started to sniff. “What is that?” he asked as he started to look antsy. “WHAT IS THAT?” he shouted impatiently, but I couldn’t smell anything new, nothing out of the usual smells was capturing my senses.

"Alpha Greyson, are you ok?" Layton asked as he put his hand on the Alphas shoulder to calm him. But his eyes went even wider, his mouth fell agape as his breathing etched. I turned to look in the direction of his gaze, when I saw Florence turning the corner into the hallway we were standing in, her eyes also as wide as Greyson’s as she halted in her steps and stared at him.

“Mate!” he whispered, then without wasting another moment, he darted toward her, and she toward him ”MATE” he called again as he threw his arms around her and picked her up, engulfing her as she wrapped hers around his neck and buried her face into him. I heard her call him her mate as she laughed with happy tears falling from her eyes. He put her down and stroked her face. ”what’s your name sweet one?”

“Florence… Florence Conteras…. what is yours?”

“I’m Alpha Kye Greyson… I… I can’t believe I’ve finally found my mate…. and one so beautiful and perfect...my perfect love.”

She smiled at him and placed her hand over his as he rested it on her rosy cheeks. I realised I was so captivated in their moment that I too was grinning like a Cheshire cat with tears in my eyes and I quickly looked up at Layton, I nudged him and motioned for us to leave them alone so they could get further acquainted.

Although it was beautiful that they had found each other, it kind of came at a bad time. Now they have each other to worry about when the fight comes. He’ll be worried for her safety, and she’ll be scared that he may very well lose his life while in battle. I sent silent hopes that their newfound happiness wouldn’t be short lived.

“Well, I’m going to go home” I said to Layton as I was about to turn in the other direction to him to head out of the palace doors ”I need to shower and rest”.

“ok” he nodded but he seemed to look dispirited as if he hadn’t just witnessed his own sister meeting her forever love.

“Everything ok?” I asked and without thought I stepped closer to him, a desire rising in me, wanting to comfort him, but I caught myself before I did anything and from pushing the boundaries I still had.

"Umm, it’s just wonderful for them you know”.

“Of course,” I looked at him confused ”then why do you look so...unhappy?”

“I don’t know...I guess it just made me think of something”

“What?... why haven’t you met your destined mate yet?”

“No” he shook his head as his brows furrowed ”I don’t need to meet whoever that is… I… Just seeing them react that way made me realise I already feel that way”

Now I felt even more confused and rather jealous, feels that way? about whom or what?

"You do?... and who makes you feel like that?”

“umm”… He rubbed the back of his neck looking weighed down and lost for words “Lelanna...I”

“What?” I asked softly. He looked in my eyes as he stepped closer leaving only a small gap in between our bodies and I could feel my body heat rising and my hairs standing up to attention, his scent washing over me.

He looked as if he was about to say something as his mouth opened then closed again. He shook his head and closed his eyes before looking at me again “nothing, just feeling sentimental I guess, I have to go I, need to make sure things are ready for the last group of warriors that are coming… ok”.

My shoulders fell in disappointment, and I sighed as I rolled my eyes ”sure, goodbye Layton” I said annoyed as I turned and walked out of the Palace.

I mentally kicked myself for standing there stupidly thinking he was about to say something I had longed to hear but just as always, I was kidding myself and letting myself get wrapped in all things that are Layton… I was so confused! He would say things that would make me think perhaps he does have feelings for me! Could it be true? did he have feelings for me and all the things Zara said about him being in love with me! But he’s never uttered those words! “Wow… you really are just your old self, some things just don’t change! ” I mocked in my head. I had hopes going off of mixed signals and the words of a girl who was known to be a liar and unpredictable.

I reminded myself not to fall into that trap again and especially now, with so much going on. I shook off any thoughts about Layton and told myself to get fuck in check and stop reacting to him any time he was near.

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