Warriors of Blue moon

Chapter 15 - Part 4, Enemies of Blue moon.

When we had come home successfully with Tina as our prisoner, Florence had insisted on throwing a ball in honour of all the warriors that fought in the battle and the ones responsible for Tina’s demise. She had been planning it for the last three weeks, organising the decorations, the food, music and seating chart and I helped where I could. We were to have the announcements and our food in the main dining area, which was only used for special dinners with neighbouring Alphas and Luna’s or for certain ceremonies. Then drinks and dancing in the great hall. It was always used for balls and fancy parties. The room was so big it could hold around 1000 people easily.

Florence had the invites sent out the day after she had announced in a pack meeting of her idea for the ball and I had already gone dress shopping with my mum and Dakota to find a dress for each of us, as the invites stated men in black tux and women in red. I had made up my mind on a dark red velvet long gown, with a heart-shaped neckline, short strapless sleeves that hugged my biceps and the dress clung to my body in a fishtail style as it loosened with a split and flowed around my ankles with lace draping down the back, from the curve of my bottom down to the floor, it was stunning and elegant, and it accentuated my curves.

With my dark hair curled loosely and one side pinned slightly back with a silver diamond clip, my smoky eyes and red lips made me feel the most womanly I had felt in years with my dress flowing behind my silver heels. I can’t remember the last time I got to dress up and feel like someone other than just a warrior, someone that constantly has a sword at her side and as much as I love that side of myself, I have deeply missed being this part of me too.

The one that once loved art and shopping and drinks with friends, dancing and laughing. I forgot I ever had anything other than my armour and fighting... It was refreshing to feel elegant tonight as people awed and smiled while I walked past with my parents accompanying me.

Maisie and Lola were already here, and Dakota would be entering the dining hall soon with Sam and Layton. I thought I’d feel nervous without them, but I felt lighter today, like tonight it’s a different me, a me that’s trying to decide if I should stay here or join Heath’s pack.

We sat at our table and, thanks to Florence, we were seated with Maisie, Jackson, Lola and Jay. Everyone was chatting and bustling around as they tried to find their seats. I was watching as the waitress poured champagne into my crystal flute when the room suddenly went quiet.

I looked around curiously when my eyes fell on Layton at the top of the shiny marble staircase with Sam and Dakota behind him. He looked devishly handsome in his black tux that hugged his toned body, and I wasn’t the only one who thought so, as I could hear the faint giggles and whispers from other females as they remarked on how ‘hot’ and ’incredibly ‘handsome’ he looked. I could even hear them whisper about how he was still single, and they hoped they could fill the spot as his Luna.

I quickly glanced at some of the tables around me and noticed some of the women quickly applying extra lipstick and blusher to their faces. I inwardly chuckled to myself at how so many women still act the way they used to whenever Layton was around. He always had women lusting after him, hoping to be the one that got him to settle down. But from what I’ve seen and heard, so far none of them have yet succeeded.

Everyone got to their feet as their Alpha, Beta and Female Beta walked down the stairs and approached the head table at the front of the hall, once they were seated, everyone else sat back down. At the head Table sat Layton at the centre, the seat to his right was empty… the seat only meant for a Luna, or partner. the seats next to that was accompanied by Florence and their parents. To Layton’s left was Sam, Dakota and Gabel. I kept looking at the chair on Layton’s right wondering if he ever had anyone sit there or if he ever planned on choosing someone temporary or the one to be his Luna.

Even though I had mixed feelings when it came to Layton, I knew that whichever of these women he chose would be very lucky indeed, not only was he gorgeous, but he had become a strong and dedicated to his duties and a generous and kind Alpha, but a bit of jealousy rose in my stomach at the thought of him being with another woman and her being his chosen Luna. I took a gulp of my champagne and cursed myself for being so ridiculous and jealous over his future, just as I always had been.

Florence stood up from her chair as she tapped her champagne glass with a silver spoon to address everyone in the room, looking radiant as always. ”I would like to extend my thanks on behalf of myself and our Alpha Layton and our Seniors Alpha Nicholas and Luna Mila to all of you attending this wonderful occasion with us tonight. I wanted to host this ball in honour of our brave warriors that have bought our entire pack safety, and have put an end to our vicious enemies. Please give them all a round of applause and raise your glasses with me in thanks to each and every one of them”.

A round of applause echoed through the room, then everyone pointed their glasses in the air in toast and took a sip of their champagne. As Florence sat back in her seat, Layton rose from his, earning more awe and hushed whispers from the women and I found myself too wanting to ogle at the sight of him.

The room instantly fell quiet as he started to speak with so much authority and strength in his voice. ”As you all know, we have faced trials and uncertainty these past few months over the safety and future of the Blue Moon pack. But I want to personally extend my appreciation and, most of all, my respect to all those that fought with such bravery and honour, putting their lives at risk to protect our people.”

“WE’LL ALWAYS FIGHT BESIDE YOU ALPHA” one man shouted which was followed by other shouts of agreement and cheers.

Layton chuckled and for the first time I saw a small smile slightly threaten his lips, but it quickly vanished as his features turned firm and strong again as he continued to address the room. “Ericsson Maven died on the battlefield, killed by our warrior Benjamin Oaklam” He clapped and nodded his head for Benjamin to stand as everyone joined in and clapped for him with a few whoops and cheers resounded in the room with everyone again taking a sip of their drink in his honour. Benjamin sat back down, and Layton cleared his throat and raised his hand for everyone to quieten and listen.

“However, there is another person among us whom we owe our upmost thanks and gratitude to. If it wasn’t for her and her skills, we never would have known what was coming our way, or the extent of how large in number our enemy was. Neither would we have captured Zara Maven, who was caught fleeing the battle, and her mother, Tina Maven, who was in hiding and planning another attack against us. I’m sure many of you had seen her being taken to our cells only three weeks ago.And while we’re discussing the Maven family, I also have another matter I’d like to announce to you all. Zara Maven admitted in her own words that she, her mother and her father had personally planned and falsely accused Lelanna Vanderwood of the attack on Zara herself in hopes of having Lelanna put to death”.

Gasps flooded the room and, to my surprise and relief, I heard whispers from people saying they knew it was a lie all along. My mum grabbed my hand on the table and squeezed it as she smiled at me with tears in her eyes as Layton continued with his speech “Lelanna Vanderwood, I personally owe you my deepest regrets and apologies for the decision made on your banishment, but, that I am so grateful to you for all that you have done for The Blue Moon and for our ally the Silver Moon pack”. Layton raised his glass, and everyone followed in toasting and sipping their champagne once again. Cheers and claps erupted from everyone, but even their noise couldn’t cover the loud strong claps from Layton as his eyes stayed on me, even when he sat back down.

I tried to give him a faint smile and nod of acknowledgment, but his strong gaze on me made me feel uneasy and nervous. I could even feel my hands slightly shaking as I picked up my glass and tried to take a sip. I was looking at everyone on my table as they all chatted away to one another as everyone’s voices now filled the air, but I could still feel his eyes on me, it was so hard not to look at him and keep myself distracted. The entire three-course meal felt as if it went on for hours. Every time I glanced over at Layton, although he was conversing with everyone at the head table, his eyes would always wander back to me.

Later that evening as we made our way to the Grand Hall, I couldn’t help but admire how beautifully decorated it was, with pink and white roses, diamonds dotted on the buds, and they sparkled under the twinkling lights that were draped across the ceiling with pink and white ribbons, Florence even had white and pink balloon arches at every doorway. The band were playing classical music at one end of the room on a makeshift stage with pink and white silk draped behind them. I stood next to the girls as I swayed softly to the music watching some couple’s dances as I tried to block out the noise of everyone’s loud voices, so I could focus on the beautiful songs being played.

Every now and then I’d look over to my left where Layton was accompanied by Gabel and Sam, as woman after woman would go over to him and try to strike a conversation. I could sometimes hear cackles from them as they tried to laugh and flirt with him, some of them even touching his arm or his hand as they would flip their hair over their shoulder to look seductive and attractive. But he always looked unfazed and never seemed to speak with either of them for very long and I sighed to myself, I don’t know why I keep looking over like it’s actually any of my business… Just listen to the music Lelanna, I told myself as I watched the couples hold each other with loving smiles as they danced.

Another two drinks later from the waiter that passed by and after a few men, had asked me to dance, which I refused ever so politely. I watched as Dakota and Sam were now dancing. I couldn’t help but smile to myself in awe at how happy and in love they looked with each other and even though Sam was generally a happy guy, I don’t think I have ever seen him smile and laugh as happily as he is now with Dakota in his arms, they looked perfect together.

A slight tap on my shoulder pulled my focus as I turned to be faced with a broad chest, I looked up to see Layton staring back at me. “May I have this next dance Lelanna....please?”

It wasn’t the fact that he said please, it was his eyes… as if they alone were pleading with me, the way his brows had slightly furrowed, he looked as if he was expecting me to say no and a part of me thought that I should turn him down, but “yes” I agreed instead.

Obviously my willpower isn’t very strong when it comes to him and his smell alone was fucking intoxicating, like he would taste better than chocolate. Even my knees felt wobbly, not to mention, I had noticed he hadn’t danced with any other woman tonight.

The corner of his lips tucked up at my answer as he held out his hand for me to take. I placed my hand into his warm large one, his thumb and fingers slightly curled over mine. Just ever so gently, I could feel the skin hovering over mine and now my stomach was turning like crazy, and my mouth was dry, I had a million sparks and fuzziness flying all around my body. Once we reached the dance area, he turned to me and put one hand on my back as he kept his other hand still holding mine. He pulled me close to him gently as the band started to play ′Pachelbel’s serenade’. We stepped softly around the room with our eyes fixed on each other, his hand now holding mine tightly, my body pressed against his, there was not a slither of light between us, and I could only think back to the last time I was this close to him.

“You remember the last time we danced?” He asked me as we swayed, like he read my mind, I had just thought back to that night.

I nodded, suddenly feeling as if I had lost my voice to the overwhelming butterflies fluttering in my stomach.

“I remember the song” he said. “I even remember what you were wearing and how wonderful you smelt… Lelanna, you look as beautiful now as you did then.”

I could see his Adams apple bop in his throat as he gulped “No one could surpass your beauty and strength… not in my eyes anyway.”

My lips slightly parted as I stared at him feeling taken aback by his words “Layton I.... I.” again I lost my voice, feeling so…… I didn’t even know right now, it was wonderful but so scary at the same time as my heart beat quickened.

He shook his head. ” It’s ok Lanna, you don’t have to say anything, just having you with me right now is perfect enough.”

I smiled and finally relaxed as I suddenly felt like I was nineteen all over again and he was twenty-one but this time he was saying all of the things I always wished he had said back then. I smiled at the thought of how different we both seem to be now and how we’re worlds apart but so close at the same time.

“What are you smiling about?” he quirked his eyebrow with a slight cheeky grin on his face.

“Just thinking about us… Well, I mean the younger us and how different life seemed to be.”

“Ahh...” I could see his lips curling as if he wanted to smile, which made me smile even more. Layton had the most dashing and charming bright smile. I wonder what has made him so serious all the time and why he never seems to smile anymore. But nevertheless, I didn’t say anything about it, I just smiled as we continued to dance. As my hand moved and touched the nape of his neck, I felt his goosebumps suddenly rise under my touch. My body felt warm and safe against his. This moment felt nearly as magical as the last time we danced, as if no one else was here but us.

I just wish, It could have stayed that way a little longer and I could see Layton did too, as he looked suddenly disappointed and annoyed, he shut his eyes tightly, then reopened them, sighing when Gabel approached us. “Sorry to disturb you, Alpha but it seems we have a situation in the cells.”

Layton still held onto me as we stopped dancing, his thumb suddenly stroking my hand softly, a sudden urge to want him to stay with me filled my body, I wanted to tell him to stay... “don’t go” I whispered in my head and a part of me wondered if Layton felt the same as he hesitated to even look at Gabel let alone let go of my hand. But after a few moments he looked forlorn as he slowly moved his hand from my back, “forgive me Lelanna, I have to deal with this but.... but this has meant more to me than you know” his hand still held mine as he let his fingers softly graze over mine until we were no longer touching, and he turned away with Gabel and left.

I was stood watching his back as he disappeared into the crowd and out through the main doors with lots of women eyeing him as he passed by. I suddenly felt cold and empty without him close, which not only surprised me but annoyed me at the same time. However, tonight it was a different annoyed feeling, as if I was more annoyed at the fact that we were disturbed rather than annoyed at letting myself feel so close to him. I mean, I do remember as clear as day what happened the last time I allowed myself to do that. It seems my heart hasn’t forgotten how much it had loved Layton back then and it’s determined to love him the same now. A sudden smile found its way to my face as I recalled the words he had just said to me. “Just having you with me is perfect enough”. My smile grew wider as I walked through the crowd to find Dakota and the girls. We danced to some more music and I danced with Sam, Jackson and my dad and the happiness I felt this night completely overshadowed any doubt or unhappy feelings I had felt about being back here... these moments… I had missed so much and it had been so long that I forgot ones like this could even exist.

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