Warriors of Blue moon

Chapter 13 - Battle of Blue moon

The grounds outside the palace and in front of the main gates were crowded with warriors and their families. I could hear muffled cries from their children and loving kisses from their anxious mates as they said their goodbyes. It broke my heart to know that some of them wouldn’t make it and return back to their loved ones, let alone all the other warriors that would be joining us from other packs! The aftermath of this… weather we win or lose is going to be unbearable for so many and felt by every pack involved. These rebels, whoever they are, are about to inflict an unspeakable amount of pain and sorrow on so many, and for what? what revenge could possibly be worth destroying the lives of innocent people… its savage, ruthless!

Everyone started loading their kit into the jeeps, each picking one to ride in. Heath insisted I rode in the first jeep that he would be driving along with Adeena, Mitch and his brother Warren who was also a warrior. Trey, Yen and Danny and another warrior had the jeep behind us and behind them was a long line of black jeeps that held brave and fierce Diamond moon warriors. As the first jeep in front, I couldn’t help but feel we were leading them on some sort of suicide mission... each of them leaving their world behind to fight for the Blue Moon. All I could do was hope the Blue Moon hadn’t done something so horrific to deserve such a rebellion against them.

We drove in silence for a while when Heath finally spoke ”by the way I don’t think you two have officially met” he said as he glanced to me then to Adeena who was sat next to him in front. “Lelanna this is Adeena, my mate and Adeena this is Lelanna, my great friend and ally”

I smirked at his description of me ”ally” like I class myself as my own leader or something… well actually I suppose putting it that way… I do!

“Hi Adeena, it’s nice to meet you finally”

She glanced back behind her seat ”and you Lelanna, I’ve heard great things about you. I’ve been told you’re an excellent fighter”

I blushed slightly at the compliment “well I’m glad it’s all been good things” I chuckled, and she gave me a big smile. “So how are you finding it being at Diamond moon? are you looking forward to be the new Luna?”

"Mmm well nervous actually, everyone’s been so welcoming though. Heath and Trey have been great at helping me to settle in, it seems like a wonderful and strong pack, so I am hopeful I’ll fill the role well enough”

I nodded in agreement ”I’m sure it’ll take time to get used to it but you look as though you have leadership qualities, I’ll bet you’ll be absolutely fine”

She gave me another smile ”Well it’s comforting to know I’ll have Heath by my side every step of the way. If I make it back to be Luna I’ll definitely do my best to make him proud"

My heart lurched her sudden statement and I couldn’t help but notice Heaths hand that was holding one of Adeena’s had squeezed it tightly the moment she said those words. I looked to them both, my heart felt pangs of sadness and worry for them, it is going to be so difficult for them both to fight in the same battle trying not to constantly worry about each other. I know that it will take so much strength to not let it distract them from the fight and in turn putting themselves in danger when their thoughts go to one another rather than focusing on the rogues.

I knew when I first saw Adeena walk into the conference room with Heath today that my feelings for him weren’t romantic I noticed her calm but strong aura straight away and the love radiating off of them both and it didn’t bother me, if anything I felt happy for Heath but I do and will always think of him as a dear friend and I hope with all my might they both come back safely hand in hand.

We all chatted more amongst ourselves as time passed and the day grew dark. it would take us another day and a half to reach Blue moon and Heath had stated there would only be stops for the drivers to switch over meaning each one could rest. Our chatter stopped and one by one everyone apart from me and Heath, the rest of them were nodding off. I knew I should rest but I couldn’t shut my brain off. All I kept thinking was if our boarder is breached and the rogues make it into the village I had to protect the families there as much as possible especially as my own family would be there...well that’s if they are still there, Afterall I don’t know what might have changed and what will be there when I arrive.

A few more hours later, one by one the jeeps came to a slow stop, all the drivers got out and another member in the car took over to drive. After only a few minutes when we rushed to have a toilet break, we set off again. In our car Mitch took over to drive, Heath moved to the passenger seat and Adeena got into the back with me and Warren. When we had been driving for a while, I had finally managed to nod off. Only waking up hours later to the drivers swapping round again and this time Warren got in to drive. I wish I could have been helpful and take some of the drive but although I had learned how to drive with my dad, I hadn’t driven much and after three years I doubt I’d be able to drive us safely or even at a decent speed.

We came to a stop when Heath decided it was best to let everyone take in turns to have another break and stretch their legs. We didn’t have long though as we didn’t want to be spotted by any rogues lurking beneath the forest trees, as we took in turns, the warriors waiting all stood guard around the Jeeps and watched the forest for any movement. We all did our business being as quick as we could. Once everyone was back in their Jeeps, we set off again. We were driving at a fast speed, Heath wanted us to get there in under two days, so everyone had a chance to eat and rest once we got there.

After some time had passed and me and Adeena got to know each other better when Heath informed us, we were only three hours away, Heath then mind linked the rest of his pack to let them know, we were due to arrive soon.


“Were here” Heath said and all of a sudden, I felt nauseated as we started to approach the packs large, thick metal gates and I could feel myself start to sweat and not just because I was in my armour!

I had honestly believed that with everything that’s happening I wouldn’t think twice about going through those gates and being back in Blue moon. My original plan had been to make sure I kept my hood and my mask on when I wasn’t alone, when the thought hit me… My armor is the Blue Moons armor, I would be dressed exactly like them but all the warriors here knew each other, they’d surely realize something was off as the warriors here never wore their masks unless we had to. I knew I’d look suspicious the moment I got out of the jeep. I gulped hard and my hands felt clammy. I put my hand to Heath’s shoulder in front of me to grab his attention, to which he glanced at me, but so did everyone else in the Jeep

“You, ok?" he asked with a concerned look.

"Heath, when we get to the gates, I’m going to get out, I’ll run into the treeline and stay hidden there, I can’t go in, I’m not ready. besides at least I can be out here on the lookout in case they decide to attack sooner”

He thought for a moment as he looked to me then back to the gates ahead, we were almost at a stop now when he finally nodded and answered ”ok, if that’s what you need to do then that’s fine. Once we’ve all met with Alpha Layton I’ll send some of our warriors to camp out in the treeline with you. However…. Mitch give her your phone” with that Mitch took his phone out of his pocket and handed it to me ”If you don’t shift into your wolf form then you can’t mind link us so ring me the moment you see or hear anything, you’re going to be out there on your own for at least a couple of hours. so, you promise me ok... you will call the moment you see anything” He looked at me in the rear-view mirror with a firm look on his face.

I nodded and agreed “I will, I promise. Just don’t tell anyone I’m here”

“Why not?” asked Adeena ”is everything ok Lelanna? I’ll come with you so you’re not alone”

“no”, I stopped her “your Heaths mate and as the future Luna of his pack you’ll need to be with him to greet everyone that’s coming and meet Layton… I’ll be fine, I’ve been out here long enough, I know what I’m doing” I reassured her and hoping it would reassure Heath too. In the short space of time, I’ve gotten to know her, I could sense she was kind and good and I valued her life. As we came to a complete stop, I gave them all a quick smile and nod, they all looked at me as they tried to mask their worry with smiles. I quickly got out and darted into the trees before the gates were opened.

I got to where I could be hidden from view and watched as the jeeps slowly made their way in through the gates on onto Blue moon territory. My heart flipped when Sam’s face flashed into my mind, he’d be just behind those gates with Layton to greet everyone… Just within reach he’d be right there. An urge to run through the gates just to see Sam, hug him and show him I was ok started to cloud my mind. I had to shake it off, I had to remain clear headed and focus on what I had been good at the last three years...keeping myself alert and scenting any of the bastards that lurked around the forest. I ran through the trees that lined around the blue moon boarder, I could already smell all the familiar homely scents, all hitting me at once. the smell of the lake, the beach, home, the training grounds, and it was sublime, and I could feel my wolf stir as she could smell it ten times stronger than I could... Stop… keep focused! I scolded us both.

I looked for a maidenhead tree and climbed up to the top, keeping myself hidden with the forest ahead in view... I was far enough from Blue moon territory so no warriors on patrol would scent me but close enough to stand ground and defend its treeline. I sat and looked and listened to everything around me. As time passed it had remained quiet and nothing out of the ordinary caught my eye or ears, when I felt Mitch’s phone vibrate in my back pocket.

Pulling it out I saw a message from Danny. ”Heath told us where you are, were almost done here then a few of us will be sent to cover with you. I overheard Alpha Layton asking Heath, where is this fighter “May” you told me about, is she not fighting with us? Heath told him that you were on your way and would be here for the fight, that seemed enough to stop him from asking anymore questions… anyway stay vigilant, stay safe, we’ll see you soon little warrior”.

I smiled at the text knowing they had my back. “Thanks Danny and thank Heath for me, I’m keeping watch, nothing here yet. see you soon” I replied.

I put the phone away and focused on the forest before me, try as they might those fuckers won’t get near without me knowing and for now my wolf seemed calm, if they’re lurking about, she’ll know straight away after all we’ve become so accustomed to being so alert!


I could feel the quiet vibrations of feet hitting the ground, I could hear the soft rapid breathing of the warriors now running into the trees to join me. One by one they quietly and stealthily climbed up high in the trees. Luckily because we were so close so pack grounds the rogues wouldn’t think it odd to smell our scents once they got close to its boarders. The forest grew quiet again once everyone was settled and it was so quiet you could hear the chirping crickets hiding in the grass and now that the summer season was here, although it was now 22.00 at night the air was still warm, and the sun was only just beginning to set.

Sitting in the tree I stared at the pink glowing sky and breathed in the humid evening air and although considering the circumstances, it was nice to be up here and regardless of what was coming, the view before me made me feel calm. I kept wishing the sun wouldn’t set and it would hang around just a little bit longer so that the peace and quiet we now had wouldn’t be gone and instead we’d be bought with bloodshed, death, screams and despair and there was where my calm feelings ended and I felt anxious once again. I took my eyes off the sky and looked hard all around the forest. We anticipated they would attack early tomorrow morning, but we didn’t want to take any risks and assume we had one last night to rest peacefully.

I felt a vibration in my pocket and remembered I still had Matt’s phone. I took it out to see I had a message from Heath “We’ve sent out 100 warriors to you for the night, Matt and Yen will be with them too. Lelanna, stay safe”

I lightly grinned at the message, it was comforting to know I had Matt and Yen with me. I slightly moved my head to look behind me and I could see Matt just in the tree a few yards away from me, he pointed to the tree to his right to show me that’s where Yen was, Yen gave me a reassuring smile and nod, so I smiled back, I looked back to the phone to reply to Heath ”Yes. they’re all here, we’ve concealed ourselves up in the trees, they won’t know we are here. Keep safe Heath, we’ll take down as many as we can then make our way back to the boarder with the rest of you”. I sent my message, but I stared at it holding it as if it would magically give me all the answers I wanted. I took a deep breath and sent Heath another message. “Have you seen Sam or Dakota?”

I kept looking from the phone to the forest as I anxiously waited for him to reply, although it probably wasn’t long when he finally replied, to me if felt like forever just to have one little answer. ”Yes, they met us when we arrived... Lelanna, don’t let your mind be distracted, focus on the fight… Please, I need to know you’ll be ok and not concerned for others”

I knew he was right, I was already letting my mind waiver and think of all the people I wanted to protect rather than making sure I held my own and focused on the goal: don’t let them overrun the boarder!

“It’s ok Heath, I’m focused. I promise" I reassured him. I tucked the phone back in my pocket and decided to get a bit comfier on the trunk I was sitting on and looked out into the forest. It was dark now, nothing but the light from the moon that only created shadows across the trees, the grass now looking black instead of its bright green. I really really hoped they wouldn’t decide to attack at night, it makes it a lot harder to tell how many there are in number, and they would have even more of an advantage fighting some of us here in the forest.

Apart from a fox or rabbits here and there, nothing else moved across the forest, even the trees were as still as statues, no breeze not a drop of sound in the air, on a normal night that would have been rather peaceful but tonight it just seemed eerie as if the forest and the sky itself was preparing for the evil that was on its way to taint and spoil its beauty. However at least it had seemed as though it was on our side as without rain, wind, animals scrapping or tooting owl’s it would make it easier to hear the rebels coming. I sent up a silent thank you to the moon and the sky for being so calm and still tonight and a wish that not so many innocents would fall tomorrow... In fact, if I was going to wish for anything it would be for them to miraculously change their minds and not come here and just leave us in peace to carry on with our own lives. But of course, we all know the likeliness of that… I’d be more likely to see animals talking as if they were humans… HA at least that would be entertaining.

Every now and then I could hear slight movements in the trees behind me, obviously the warriors weren’t as used to being so uncomfortable as I was. I got used to a numb bum years ago. Bet they’re missing their soft beds and pillows tonight. What a shame...that for some of us here… this would be our last night and this is how we have to spend it rather than with loved ones and in comfort!

Stop being so depressing...this is war... its life, people are going to die… now FOCUS! Focus as if it’s just you out there fighting just like it has been for three years… YOU AND THEM! Be strong… Not weak!! You can take them down just like you always have! I gave myself the same pep talk over and over to keep myself motivated.. I needed to go back to how I used to feel and think… It’s me fighting alone… I have my own back... AND I WON’T LET MY LIFE END BY THEM!

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