Warrior Wolves, M.C.

Chapter 18 ~ Long Skinny Hash Browns

Venom ~

I sighed .. “Look, Drake. That bomb nearly cost a ten year old little boy his life. If not for his big sister.. my mate.. throwing her body on top of his.. he would be gone, too. Anything you can tell me about your father’s plan.. will save more lives. Do you know where he is?”

He shook his head “He’s not living at the mansion now. Last I heard, anyway. My mom threw him out.. after the shipment of guns.. She was pissed.. Talking about some vendetta because he got caught disobeying a direct order and bombing a village of women and children.”

I said “Yeah.. I know about that. I am the one who got him court martialed. I testified against him. When asked why he would order a bombing when there was no reported sighting of enemy targets.. he said they were collateral damages of war. That’s what he called my mate when he blew her up.”

Drake put his face in his hands and told me “I didn’t know. I swear.. I didn’t know. I’m sorry. Man! He served four tours.. Well.. three and a half. When he came home.. after the court martial.. he was fucked up. Talking about getting his job back.. going after the snitches and panty wastes that turned on him. I guess he meant you.. He has two guys with him all the time.. One he calls LT… the other is Sarge. I think he served with them.. but I never cared enough to ask.”

I asked “You’re sure? LT and Sarge?” At his nod, I said “Snake.. show him the picture of the guy in the hospital.”

Drake looked at it.. then he said “That’s LT. I’m sorry.. I don’t know his real name.” I smiled.. this ain’t a bad kid.. This is a kid wanting to please his father. “That man probably served with your dad on one of his tours.. I have a feeling I know who Sarge is, too. You’ve been helpful, Drake. I can’t let you go home, yet.. but I can let you out of here.. and into a room in the clubhouse.. if you agree to a guard.”

He grinned “Fuck.. give me ten guards.. If I can get out and breathe fresh air.. I’d be happy chained to a bed.” I nodded at Snake and he unchained him.

I assigned Manic and Demon to guard him.. and the first thing the kid did was raid the refrigerator.. just like every other kid on the planet.

I had just stepped into the shower when my phone rang.. it was Axe. Grabbing a towel I dried my hand and answered.. “Axe? Everything okay?” He tells me “Fuck if I know. That pushy nurse tried three times to get in here.. saying it was time for Laney’s medication.. but Laney was sleeping.. and I wasn’t letting her in anyhow.”

I responded “Okayyy.. Anddd? Why are you calling?” He said “Oh! Yeah! Right.. That nurse is missing.. now there’s no nurse in ICU and that paralyzed guy was just found dead.”

Fuck! I knew something wasn’t right! Why the fuck did I leave!? I told him “I will be back in a little bit. Bringing Snake and Chainz. I want two people on her door at all times!”

We arrived at the hospital to the red and blue flashing lights of the local P.D. A deputy tried to stop us from entering the hospital. I grinned “Aw.. Snake.. ain’t he cute. Here he is thinking he can keep me away from my wife.. when the man in the room right next door to hers was murdered.. while supposedly in police custody. Not to mention they are supposed to be protecting my wife.. after the attempt on her life.”

He snarled “I am under strict orders. No one in or out.” I grabbed his arms.. above the elbows.. I lifted him out of our way and walked to Delaney’s room.

Axe whispered “She’s sleeping.. but has been talking in her sleep. Still worried about Maddox in her dreams”. I nodded and told them to get comfortable. We were in for a long night. Axe laid on the cot with Maddie.. Snake took the sofa. Chainz pulled a chair over in front of the door.. leaning it back on two legs to keep the door from opening. I laid on the bed beside Delaney.. being careful not to jostle her..

The sun was shining through the shades.. and I heard two quiet voices “And Venom didn’t make me go to school even one day.. so I could be here with you.” Delaney said “Have you kept up with your work, though? I don’t want you to fall behind, Buddy Roe.”

I grinned from ear to ear. She is awake.. her voice sounds so much bigger. She’s mom-ing the shit out of Maddox and in this moment, I can’t think of any time I have ever been happier.

I whispered “Good morning, my beautiful wife. I have missed you” and kissed her. She giggled and said “I missed you, too.” Grinning at her, I told her “You slept.. Can you miss someone in your sleep?”

With utmost confidence, she replied “Yes. Yes.. you can. I say this with absolute authority so that makes it believable.” I busted out laughing.. telling her “Makes perfect sense.”

Axe woke up and asked “What fucking time is it? Why you people up at the ass crack of dawn?” Delaney laughed and clapped her hands “Good morning, Axe. I missed you!”

He chuckled and said “I missed you, too, peanut.. Let’s don’t go around town getting ourselves blown up anymore, yeah?”

She laughed.. then got serious “That man was creepy. He was actually excited when he called me collateral damage. I am assuming.. by his military bearing..and his high and tight buzz cut.. he is the Colonel.”

I nodded and explained everything to her.. while she listened carefully. Then she growled “Have we located this piece of shit?” I told her that we had put any search on hold.. actually, we put everything on hold.. I could only concentrate on two things.. her.. and Maddox.

She smiled and kissed me.. “I love you, Venom. We are going to find this Dick and when we do.. I get first shot at him. He hurt Maddox.. when I am finished with that fucker, he’s going to be shaking hands with the devil in gratitude, for rescuing him!”

Snake came back in, with breakfast for everyone “Luna.. you most definitely can have first shot.. but right now, we have to get you healthy and back on your feet!” He set french fries down on her tray table and she dove in.. moaning at the flavor.

I raised an eyebrow “French fries? For breakfast?” She nods her head “MmHmm.. they’re like long skinny hash browns.. right?” I laughed “Okay.. that’s a pretty solid analogy.. I can work with that! And you’re eating.. so I’m happy.. even if it’s long skinny hash browns!”

Making everyone laugh.. our world is back on its axis!

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