Warring Mates

Chapter 26

“I can’t do this,” I muttered, staring out of the window. The full moon hung high in the sky—proud and untouchable. It cast a mellow light on the scenery that laid displayed in front of the cozy house. “I can’t... No way.” I broke my stare away from the chairs and the altar that stood in front of the woods. People were already gathering, conversing with one and another.

I paced again, my arms crossed over my chest as if they could protect me from the dread that threatened to consume me. In a moment, the entire pack and the rulers of the other four kingdoms would watch me become the next queen of the Lycans.

Miriam halted me in my steps by placing both of her hands on my shoulders, her face inches from mine, etched with a seriousness I didn’t know she was capable off. “I am only going to say this once,” she warned. “Stop pacing.”


“No,” she interrupted me, pointing a finger in the air to shush me. “I didn’t pull an all nighter on that dress of yours only for you to back out.”

I glanced in the mirror, slight guilt snaking its way through the cracks. Miriam did an amazing job on the dress. Provocative yet sophisticated. It was made of a delicate light grey tulle that started at my neck, leaving my shoulders bare, before flaring out at my hips. The fabric covered my chest, safe for the barely seen split that went from my neck to my stomach. And then you had the back... It was completely bare, leaving little to the imagination.

I could only imagine how Collin would react. The desire swirling in his eyes as he watches me walk to him like I was his Goddess. I would love it. Love the way he was holding himself back from reaching me—touch me. For him to be on the receiving end for once.

“You really did an amazing job,” I breathed, gliding my hands through the flimsy multiple layers of the skirt. They added depth and playfulness, whereas the slit that reached to my mid-thigh added sensuality. The part I loved the most. “It might even be the best dress I have ever worn. Not that I wear dresses that often,” I added with a chuckle.

“I’m glad you like it so much,” she said as she pushed me to sit on a chair in front of the dressing table. “And I can’t wait to see Collin’s reaction.”

I looked at her through the mirror, cocking a brow. She had said that last part with a bit too much enthusiasm, almost as if she had more ideas coming on how to make me irresistible.

“We agreed on letting my hair loose,” I reminded her.

She hummed, putting some pins in her mouth.

“Miriam,” I prompted. “Nothing extravagant.”

“You are being crowned queen,” she said, exasperated. “This is a once in a lifetime thing.”

I pinched the bridge of my nose, wondering where the kind-looking girl went. “I just don’t want to need an entire manual to undo my hair before going to bed.”

Miriam froze, her mouth half open before she doubled over in laughter. “Goddess,” she wheezed. “I’m only going to braid some flowers into your hair.”

I narrowed my eyes at her, not fully believing her. “Just flowers.”

“I promise.” She chuckled, combing my hair and braiding it loosely. The innocent whiteness of the little flowers was a stark contrast to my unusual dark hair. It reminded me of snowflakes. The big ones that fell on a slow winter’s day. “I think it looks perfect,” she said at last with a bright smile.

I stayed silent, watching myself through the mirror. Never had I felt so beautiful.

“Oh, no.” Miriam squeaked. “No, no, no. Don’t cry.”

I let out a short, broken laugh. “Don’t worry, I won’t ruin your masterpiece.”

Her shoulders sagged. “It’s not about that.” She wrapped her arms around me. “I can’t stand to see you sad.”

“I’m not sad.” I breathed in her calming scent. “I’m happy for once.”

Miriam tightened her arms around me before letting go. “Does this mean you will complete the mating bond soon?”

I pulled my lip between my teeth, contemplating about my answer. “I’m kind of dejected I won’t be able to mark him since the bond between me and my beast is non-existent. Though that shouldn’t be a problem to fulfill it.” A sort of fail-safe of the Moon Goddess in case something like this happens or when their mate wasn’t a werewolf or shifter. “But that doesn’t really matter.” Throughout my period of grieving, he had stayed patience, had let me treat him like garbage if it meant helping me get through it. “What really matters is that I think I love him and I'm feeling finally ready to commit.”

"There is no rush," she reassured me. "But if you are truly ready, I'm happy for you. I know these last several weeks were hard for you."

I thanked her and turned to the window. The entire place was filled with people. The rulers and beta and gamma sat in the first row, the rest of the chairs occupied by the others. Though most of them had to stand as the entire pack had come, and even the wolves of the surrounding packs. They stood both in their human and wolf’s form between the trees.

"There's so many," I whispered, fumbling with the bracelet around my wrist. It was a thin silver band with a crescent moon carved out of a moonstone. A gift Leah had given me, as she couldn't wait until after the ceremony like the rest.

Miriam placed a hand on my shoulder. "We will be waiting for you," she said, and I watched her leave, her bare feet padding against the cardboard floor. For the ceremony, my friend was wearing a deep navy blue dress that accentuated her curves. I had to admit that even I felt a sting of jealousy. I may be thin and athletic build, but I didn't have those curves.

Sighing, I glanced outside one more time. It was time. With shaky steps, I walked out of the house. All eyes turned on me, staring at me. Cold sweat formed on my back, my palms clammy. I faltered in my next step, lungs squeezing the last drops of oxygen out of me. So many eyes. So many people who all had expectations.

The next step never came.

A gentle nudge—a fleeting, loving touch—coaxed me to find those hazel eyes. The world around me stilled. Those orbs filled with adoration and affection the only thing I could see.

Hey, little mouse.

My heart sunk. Goddess... He was the definition of perfection. A tailored suit, a hunter's green. No jacket, only a waistcoat. Upper buttons of his white dress shirt open, giving me a peek of the tattoos on his chest. My eyes slid to his hair that was combed back for once, his eyes that twinkled mischief, lips that were curled in a smirk as if he knew what I was thinking. Bastard.

You look lovely; he purred.

I forced myself to take another step, refusing to let him see what he was doing to me and taunted, You don't look bad yourself.

His lip curled up—an invitation. Your reaction from moments ago tells me something else, darling.

A witty remark formed inside my head when, in the corner of my eye, I saw my dad standing from his chair. He strode over to me, buttoning his grey jacket. A lump formed in my throat when he offered his arm; the little conversation I had with Collin long forgotten.

“We’re proud of you,” he whispered in my ear.

I accepted his arm and blinked away my tears, muttering a thank you. The only words I could muster without breaking down.

Together we walked to Collin who carefully smiled at my dad and in return my dad glared at him. A warning not to mess with me. I held back my laughter at the brief exchange. My dad kissed my head and squeezed my arm before letting go.

"Are you ready?" Collin asked, wrapping an arm around my waist.

“Is it too late to back out?” I joked as he led us to the Elder who was waiting patiently at the altar. An aura of wisdom and kindness surrounded him, soothing some of the building panic inside of me. He wore a black robe, a wooden staff in his hand to help him stand upright.

Collin's genuine laugh echoed in my ears, a joyous melody that had me staring at him. “I guess if you really want to, it’s possible.”

A playful feline smirk stretched across my face. “Then it’s a good thing I’m head over heels for you.” I walked out of his embrace, daring myself not to look at the shock on his face that was surely written all over it. I stood in front of the elder and acknowledge him with a small nod. Leah had told me he was one of the eldest wolves in this kingdom and had done many coronations for the Regiliri pack.

Collin moved next to me. Not close enough for our bodies to touch, but the sexual tension was palpable. As if it didn't need us to touch each other. One glance, one thought, was enough.

“We have gathered here today for the joining of princess Lexi Fergalus to the Regiliri pack.” Heat crept through my body upon hearing my title. “And for her coronation as our next queen,” he finished at last, his gaze drifting over the people.

I clasped my hands in front of me, Collin still standing right beside me. An anchor I needed at the moment.

The Elder walked to the bowl in the middle of the altar and picked up the dagger that laid on its left. The blade shimmered in the sunlight as he brought it to me. By the way, the leathers on the handle were slightly torn, I knew it was an old blade. Used for many blood pacts. He held up his hand, his face softening when he noticed the nervousness in my eyes, and said in his by age worn down voice, “May I?”

With shaking fingers, I placed my hand in his, palm up. He slid the blade across the soft skin. The scent of blood teased my nostril. It welled up from the wound, dripping down my hand. Collin held out his hand, and the Elder did the same by him. Tension tightened the muscle in his shoulders for a moment before he looked at me. Pride and something else swirled in his eyes. As if he couldn’t wait for me to join his kingdom officially. As if he had waited for this moment for decennia and not just mere weeks.

The Elder placed my wounded hand in Collin’s and said, “Will you, Lexi Fergalus, princess of the Faery kingdom, vow to protect the pack. To give your life for your pack members.”

“Yes.” The word echoed through my mind, the air, the silence. Its power reverberating through my body. I had meant it. With my soul, with my entire being. I wanted to protect this pack, to lead it with Collin—my mate.

Collin intertwined our fingers and as the Elder wrapped a white silk rope around ours wrists, he went on, “Will you adhere to our traditions. Respect the Moon Goddess with not just your words, but your actions as well.”

I swallowed, eyes still gazing into the Elder’s pale blue orbs. They were an unwavering force. A will of iron. This ceremony... It meant the world to him, and it showed. The earnest he put into every word, every look. He didn’t just respect the Moon Goddess. It was almost as if he was her voice.

I nodded, unable to form words.

“Then by the power vested into me, I will crown you the next queen of the Lycans.” He set the rope on fire. I gasped, and Collin tightened his hold on my hand as I involuntarily pulled my arm back. “May the Moon Goddess bless this union.”

I watched the flames die out, watched the ashes of the silken rope flittering in the air, the wind carrying it away. It hadn’t hurt. Instead, a warmth spread through me, overwhelming my senses. Bond after bond locked in place inside of my mind. Every feeling of every wolf. It became one with me. If they were hurt, I would feel it. If they died, a piece of me would die too. But I would also feel their happiness. Their joy they were feeling now as they accepted me as their queen.

A tear rolled down my cheek as I looked at the spot where the rope was not too long ago. Collin caught it with his thumb and pulled me closer to him. “They love you,” he whispered, his lips grazing the shell of my ear.

I hummed, basking in this feeling.

"I don't want to interrupt your little moment," Leah started as she strode over to us.

I groaned, leaning into Collin's body. "Then go away."

In return, she smirked and pointed behind her. "You have a party to go to."

Right... the party. I untangled myself from Collin's body and followed Leah to the mass of people. Most wolves had gone on a pack run to celebrate our union. Though there were still enough people here to dizzy you.

"How long do we need to stay here?" I asked Collin as I smiled awkwardly at the people. Gatherings like these weren't my thing. More exactly, I loathed them. The talking. Pretending to like people when the only thing you wanted to do was to rip them to shreds.

"It's not that bad," he tried.

I glanced at him from the corner of my eyes. "Yeah, right." He was playing with the button on the end of his sleeve. A habit he often did when he was uncomfortable. Fumble with his clothes.

"It's not like we can leave our own party," he said, but it barely registered in my brain, my gaze focused on Ace. He leant against a tree by the edge of the woods, dressed in his combat uniform. Tonight he was leaving.

"I'll be right back," I said to Collin, not waiting for an answer as I strode to Ace, whose face was etched in that usual scowl of his. A glare that had most run for the hills. "You're leaving so soon?"

"We only stayed for the ceremony." He pushed himself off the tree, his hands in his pockets. The arrows in his quiver clung with the motion. "Zak and Ryan are already waiting at the lake."

"Not even one drink?" I pressed on.

His lips lifted into a smile. A rarity he only showed to his friends—and me. "I think Evie will do the drinking for me." He jerked his head to her. She was indeed drinking a lot, much to the dismay of Santos who became the victim of her pranks.

"I guess this means no more training."

"You don't need me to help you train." He pressed a kiss to my head when he walked past me to the lake.

"King Durland and queen Elora are looking rather uncomfortably," Collin said from beside me when Ace was long gone. He placed a hand on my hip, pressing my side into his body.

"It's their own fault," I said. Queen Elora was sipping of her wine as she engaged in a conversation with her husband and other people. But everyone who looked closely would catch the way her eyes darted to her son, longing engraved all over her face. The son they had banned from their kingdom.

"That's true," he said, his breath caressing the side of my face.

I bared my neck to him, my eyes closing, toes curling. "Collin..."

"How about we leave?" he purred in my ear, his teeth nipping at it. "I have something I want to show you."

"Thought you said we couldn't leave our own party," I reminded him.

"All I care about right now is getting you alone." His fingers trailed up my bare back, leaving a white-hot desire in its wake. "Have so since the moment I saw you coming out of our house," he added with a hoarse whisper.

My core clenched at his words. The yearning laced into it sent a tingle down my spine. "The house is occupied at the moment." Better said, taken over by almost the entire pack.

“Then follow me." He intertwined our fingers and dragged me with him. I giggled as he led us through the woods.

"My mom is going to kill me for disappearing.”

"No, she won't." He hauled me flat against his chest, capturing my lips into a short, swift kiss. He pressed me against a tree, the bark biting into the soft tissue of my back.

“Where did you want to go?” I mumbled against his lips before we were both dragged under by this desire. This hunger for each other’s skin.

He groaned, pulling back. “Can’t I kiss you for one time without you interrupting me?”

I pecked at his jaw. “How about we first go to that spot you wanted to take me to?” I trailed my fingers over his hand, the lower part of his arm, the bulging muscles under his dress shirt. “Maybe then we can have some fun.”

A low growl rumbled in his chest. Like thunder. Fierce and far-reaching. But instead of stretching all the way to the cursed mountains, it set its claws deep into my body, resonating in my soul, my core. It planted a seed in me. One of need. One only he could quench…

His nostrils flared, scenting my arousal. “You’re making it gruelling for me to not take you right here,” he rasped, eyes piercing into mine. The sheer hunger inside of them, the golden ring around the hazel, had my breath stock. His wolf was present, ready to claim what was his.

"What's a couple minutes compared to the rest of the night?" I countered with a cheeky smile.

A tick in his jaw, forced breathing to calm himself. "Couple minutes," he mumbled to himself.

I intertwined my fingers with his, squeezing his hand. "Let's go."

He brough my hand to his lips and kissed it.


"This is what you wanted to show me?"

We stood in front of his old home, the cave. Though it wasn't the same as first. The bed was gone, replaced by tons of pillows, the furniture replaced by an open drawer filled with paints and books.

"Not exactly." He turned me around and pointed to the sky. "That is what I wanted to show you."

"The night sky?" I asked hesitantly.

"Be patient."

I leant backwards into his chest, his arms wrapped around me, protecting me from the wintry air. In the serenade of the black sky, stars twinkled—danced amid the purplish galaxy clouds. As if those very same stars loved to taunt us. To flaunt that they were the only ones who could cross this infinite universe. If that was even possible...

I stared and stared into the dark abyss. Waited for the one thing that was supposed to be happening.

And there it was.

A flash of blue light. Another one. This time a purple one. Colours ranging from blue to purple to pink coloured the sky together with the occasional grey and white flash. They crossed the starry night with a speed that was hard to follow. But that didn't matter. There were so many, they lit up the sky.

"It's beautiful," I breathed, leaning forward as if I could touch them—catch them. "How did you know this would happen?" I had seen the yearly meteorite shows, but they were never like this. Not with so many colours.

"The very first king that ruled these lands recorded them when he had seen them on the night of his and his wife's coronation." His hands travelled to my hips. "And then he saw them again. This time with the coronation of his son and his son's mate. With each coronation they appeared as if the Moon Goddess gave her blessing for their union." He turned me around, leaving a trail of kisses along my shoulder, my neck, my jaw. They compelled me to close my eyes, leave behind the marvelous sight as the need to revel in this feeling overtook my senses. "Our union," he said at last, a whisper, a soft caress that bared the truth. Our mating.

"Collin." His name a plead on my lips. "I'm ready." The words left my mouth, a smoldering cinder that set the fire blazing again. He crashed his lips against mine, forcing me backwards and into the cave. I didn't fight for dominance, didn't object when his tongue explored my mouth, tasting every nook and cranny. Instead, I moaned at the feeling of his fingers digging into the skin of my waist, no doubt leaving angry marks in its wake.

"Turn around," he mumbled against my lips, his breathing ragged as if he had a hard time containing himself from ripping this dress off me, from taking me like he wanted to.

I did as he said, my knees trembling with each movement, palms sweaty. A desire-filled fire had been ignited inside of me. One I was losing control of. Starting out as a flicker, burning brighter and unruly, until I could barely hold myself together.

His fingers trailed over my spine, up and up, all the way to my neck. He hooked a finger around the halter of my dress, tugging me backwards. "Do you have any idea what you do to me?" he rasped.

I knew the answer. The evidence poked into my lower back. Still, I couldn't help as I said, or more like purred, "Why don't you show it to me?"

He groaned and ripped the halter apart. My dress fell to the ground, leaving me bare in front of him, as I had known this would happen.

He sucked in a breath. "Goddess."

"I like what you have done to the place." I turned half around, giving him a playful smirk.

His eyes shimmered golden canines poking from beneath his lips, but still he accepted the invitation to play a little. "I thought it would come in handy when one of us wanted to pull away from everyone."

I hummed and walked over to the pillows, my fingers dragging along the rough surface of the dresser. "Like now."

No answer came. Though it didn't matter. I could feel him move towards me, feel the hairs on my skin rise as tangible, sexually charged electricity permeated the air.

His steps sounded closer and closer until they were a mere feet away from me. He undid my braid, let the small flowers fall to the ground, and tangled his fingers into my hair, tugging my head back. A moan rippled through me. His hand caressed my neck, my shoulder, my breast, where he flicked my nipple. He went lower, fingers teasing the skin at the apex of my thighs.

"Please," I whined, skin on fire, core clenching with need.

"Lay down."

I bit at my lower lip and moved to the pillows. They were soft to touch and fluffy to lie on. My hands trembled with nervousness as I laid bare to him.

"You're so beautiful." He undid his tie. "Can I?" He nodded at my hands.

I closed my eyes, breathing out shakily. "Yes." Having my hands tied... The thought sent shivers down my spine, and they weren't the good kind. But I trusted him. Trusted him enough to give this part of me up as my body sung to his touch. His instrument.

He pressed his lips against mine. "Use your safe word the moment I go too far."

"I will."

He tied my hands together and placed them above my head. "Keep them there."

I dared to ask, "And if don't?"

The corner of his mouth curled into a wicked smile. "Then I guess I would need to find out how many times I can make you come before you give up."

I gulped, my thighs clenching together. The action had his smile broaden.

"You like that?" he purred, his fingers wrapping around my ankle. He kissed my feet, the shin of my leg, my knee, and then he spread them apart, hungry eyes devouring me.

Wetness pooled out of me, my muscles on edge. "Collin..."

He tutted, dipping a finger inside of me, curling it. "You're forgetting something."

I writhed in pleasure as he hit the right spots, bringing me to the edge fast, only to slow down again with torturous strokes. "Alpha," I corrected myself, my voice not my own.

"Good girl," he crooned, yet he withdrew back his fingers, leaving me whimpering with need. "Don't worry, you'll soon be begging me to stop."

I shuddered and watched him kiss his way down my stomach, paying extra attention to my nipples, sucking and biting. He then went lower to the place I wanted him the most. I sucked in a breath when his mouth closed around that bundle of nerves between my legs.

"Col—Alpha." Long, lazy strokes drove me onto the edge of insanity. Each lick and bite strategized and planned. His hands gripped my thighs, fingers leaving imprints as he forced them to stay open. My entire body trembled, and with a flick of his tongue, he pushed me over.

My hands gripped the sheets above my head, my knuckles straining from the strength I used. I stopped breathing as my toes curled in utter bliss, a moment of serenity washing over me, and I couldn't be more happy when he pulled back, our last moment still fresh in his mind.

I pried my eyes open, a sweat bead rolling down my temple. He was removing his shirt, revealing those delicious abs and intriguing tattoos that adorned his chest, curling around the bicep of his arm. I wanted to trail my fingers over the patterns, follow them. But I knew he wouldn't appreciate that. I was in his domain now and had to abide by his rules.

My mouth parted when his hands reached for his pants and unconsciously, I wetted my lips. I wondered how he would taste like, how he would take me. Rough, with primal need, or loving, teasing me until my voice was raw from all the begging.

"What do you want?" he asked, dropping his pants, revealing his already hard cock. My mouth dried upon seeing the sheer size of it. "Well?" He raised a brow and knelt between my legs. "Do you want me to take you now?" His fingers touched my knee, travelling down my center. "Or do you want something else?" His voice contained a hint of cruelness, as if he already knew what my choice was and how he would dominate me.

"I want to taste you."

And there it was. That insufferable, wicked smirk. "Hands and knees," he ordered. His voice had changed. No longer was it filled with playfulness. No. This one was thick with control. A warning not to disobey.

With my hands bound, I moved into the position, his cock dangling in front of me. Pre-cum wetted the tip, and I opened my mouth for him. "Please, Alpha."

He growled in satisfaction, his fingers grabbing the back of my neck. He brought the tip of his cock to my mouth, staining my lips with the pre-cum. "I'm not going to hold back."

"I don't want you to."

He stared for a little longer into my eyes as if he was searching for a hint of doubt. He wouldn't find it. I wanted him to take me roughly, to feel him fully let go off himself.

When he had assured himself, he shoved his cock further into my mouth. I glided my tongue over his shaft, relaxing my throat, and as he hit the back, a moan vibrated through me. The fingers in my hair tightened, tugging at the strands. The pain sent a wave of pleasure through me.

He groaned, thrusting once, twice. I couldn't keep up with it as he picked up the pace, his hand diving between my folds, teasing me with lazy strokes.

"Goddess." He stilled, cock as far as he could reach down my throat. From the tension that rolled through his shoulders, I knew he was close. "Your mouth feels amazing." He pulled back, only to plunge back in, hard, before stilling once again, cutting off my oxygen supply. He did this a couple more times, each time synchronizing with a thrust of his fingers inside of me. Tears sprung to my eyes, the pleasure of him fucking my mouth combined with those earth-shattering strokes almost pushing me over the edge once again.

"You can't come. Not until I have thoroughly fucked you."

I tried to plead, but every attempt was shut down as he continued with those torturous strokes. In, out. In, out. It wasn't until his rhythm turned sloppy he pulled out of my mouth, allowing me to breathe again.

"Stomach," he rasped. I didn't obey, busy trying to regain my breath. He didn't like it. "Do I need to repeat myself?"

I shook my head, turning around with weak muscles. "No, Alpha."

He pressed his chest against my back, spreading my knees apart with his own. "Hold on tight," he whispered in my ear before slamming into me with a force that had me scream in both pain and pleasure and just like he promised me, he banged into me again and again, his hand holding me back by my neck.

Tears flowed freely over my cheeks as intense pleasure wrecked my body. He hit all the right spots, forcing me to the edge, knowing I wasn't allowed to come.

"Alpha, please." I couldn't hold it back, not for long. "Please."

"Beg harder." He squeezed my neck. "Tell me what you want me to do to you."

Lost in this sea of pleasure, I shamelessly said, "I want you to fuck me harder, to let me come until I have no voice left." A moan ruptured from my throat when his finger probed around my anus.

"Do you want me to push it in?" To put meaning behind his words, he pressed the tip of his finger inside of it, the hole already lubed by our rough lovemaking.

I nodded my head, unable to form words.

"Then come." It was all I need as I let go of the strings that barely held me together. As he nudged his finger deeper inside of me.

He grunted when my walls clenched around his cock and leant down on me, pressing my body further into the pillows. "I can have you wrapped around me all night."

"I have the stamina, Alpha," I teased weakly.

"Then I guess, we have the time to explore that ass of yours." I whined when he wriggled his finger. "Would you like that? Would you like me to fuck that ass of yours one day?"

"Yes, Alpha." My eyes rolled back when his canines scraped over my shoulder blade. "I would love that."

"Good." He pulled back and turned me around, startling me. "But for now..." His lips crashed against mine, his cock filling me again. This time with slower strokes, strokes that teased me. "I want you to come one more time."

My body listened to him on instinct, as if those words were enough. I clenched around him, and he plunged into me hard and relentless as he sought his own release. With a roar he came, canines piercing through my skin one more time at the same spot as his mark. I spasmed in pleasure, my back arching from the ground.

After a couple minutes of regaining or breaths, both exhausted from the intense orgasm, he fell onto his back, taking me with him. “I love you,” he whispered so softly I wasn’t sure if I heard it correctly. But I did. Through our heavy breathing, I had heard him crystal clear.

With my breath stuck in my throat, I snuggled into his side, echoing those same words into my mind, letting him feel the love I felt for him. How he was the air, I wished I didn’t need. That drop of water on a hot summer’s day. I hated it. Yet my soul craved him to the point I could no longer deny it, because deep inside of me I knew... I had always loved him. My unyielding mate, who yielded to me in the end, his little shifter.

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