Warring Mates

Chapter 21

The smell of waffles and bacon teased my nose as I hopped my way to the kitchen. Collin stood with his back to me, putting the delicious waffles on a plate. His muscles rippled with each movement, and I drooled at the sight of his shirtless back.

"I can feel you staring at me," he said, turning around to place two plates on the table. One with bacon, the other with berries.

I blushed, pushing myself off the doorway. This was the second time he caught me staring. The first one was this morning. He hadn't joked when he said he liked to sleep naked, and he cared even less that he gave me a full view.

"Something tells me you like it." I shrugged my shoulders and popped a berry into my mouth. Ever since we stepped foot into this house, the dynamic between us changed. Almost as if we had been living together for years and not just a day.

"I do." He seated next to me, digging into his waffle with bacon. "In fact, I love it."

He looked up at me when I stayed silent, cocking a brow. I didn't know what to say. He was always so straight forwarded it caught me by surprise.

"You're staring again," he said smugly, a lazy smirk creeping on his face.

I growled and looked back at my plate, shoving my fork into the berries. Him and his stupid smirk. He knew exactly what he was doing to me.

"My beta's mate and Gamma will be spending some time with you today," he said after a while.

I stopped my movements, my fork halfway to my mouth. "What?"

"I have some things to do." He picked up his plate and washed it off.

I stammered, staring at my food. "Do I have to?"

My breath hitched when he leant into me, his arms on either side of me. His lips trailed over the shell of my ear, stopping right above my sensitive spot before going up again.

"You have nothing to be nervous about," he said as he pressed his chest against my back. Shots of pleasure travelled down my spine. "They know who you are and are eager to meet you."

"It's just..." I sighed, leaning my head backwards to see him staring at me. "I never really hung out with people." It was always me and Lachlan against the world. I didn't need other friends. Neither did I have the time for it.

His hand snaked around my neck, adding a little pressure as he kissed me. I moaned against his lips and turned in my chair to have better access. My hands glided over his chest to his neck where I entangled my fingers in his hair.

Reluctantly, he pulled back, but not fully. His face was inches from mine. "You have nothing to worry about," he rasped.

I licked my lips, the salty taste of him still lingering on them. It was a divine combination with the sweetness of the berries. "What are they like?"

His eyes flickered to my mouth, and he gulped before answering. "Leah is a bit like Evie, and Miriam is... Miriam. There aren't really words that describe her. Though, know that werewolves are outgoing in the way that they connect easy with people. Especially when that said person is their future queen."

I shifted on the chair, half-listening to him as I sat on my knees, coming eye to eye level with him. This need for him was consuming me. "Collin."

Before he could react, a loud knock echoed through the house and his eyes flashed golden for a moment. "Damn him," he muttered under his breath as he stepped out of my embrace. "His timing is perfect as always."

I giggled and watched him dissapear into the hallway. A cry of pain bounced through the house, followed by a woman giggling. I slipped off the chair and went to the front door to see what was going on. A man was rubbing his head, a scowl on his face.

I had to admit; he was good-looking. He had that innocent boyish look, his hair ruffled on his head, his clothes simple. But the glint in his eyes told me he was dangerous. They landed on me and I suppressed a shiver. I had never seen such dark eyes—black as coal.

"Lucius, this is Lexi, my mate." Collin placed a hand on my lower back, ushering me forwards.

A fuzzy feeling spread through me. "Nice to meet you." I met him head on, my eyes never leaving his. His presence was pure dominance, and for a split second, I doubted who was the alpha in the room.

His lips curled into a predatory smile. "I like you."

His answer caught me off guard, and beside me, Collin rumbled with laughter. "Don't be too hard on her."

The girl on his right snorted, pushing his shoulder. "Him and nice, don't make me laugh."

Lucius narrowed his eyes. "As if you are any better, Leah. You make everyone run for the hills as soon as you meet them."

"That's not true. She's not running away," she said as she pointed at me.

"Okay," a soft voice said, turning to me. "Let's go inside. These two will bicker for a while." She grabbed my arm and hopped inside.

"Are you Miriam?" I hadn't expected her to look so... child-like. She was a bit smaller than me and had more curves, her light hair framing her face. One glance and you knew she wasn't a fighter.

"The one and only." She giggled, her attention shifting to the guy. "And that man is my mate, but just ignore him. He likes to test people, which is what he just did with you by letting his aura free. If you hadn’t noticed it yet."

I glanced from Miriam to Lucius. That explained his strange reaction, but as for the two of them together. The picture didn't fit. He was so... And she was... "The two of you seem the complete opposites. No offense," I added hastily.

"None taken." She waved it away. "Most people don't believe we are mates since he gives off this alpha vibe, whereas I want to dissapear half of the time, but I wouldn't want anyone else. Even when we weren't mates."

When she said those last words, I felt her pain. It was the same pain I felt when Lachlan died. She had loved someone who wasn't her mate. "Who was he?" I asked softly.

Her eyes widened, but before she could answer Leah barged in. Her braided hair that she had pulled in a ponytail swept through the air with every step she took. Golden rings were braided through it, matching her mocha coloured skin.

"What's up ladies," she yelled, waving her hands in the air. "You didn't think you could take her away from me, did you?" She poked Miriam's cheek.

Miriam swatted her hand away. "She's not your type."

"Yeah, duh." Leah turned to me, a mischievous grin stretching across her face. "I want all the details."

"What?" I stuttered. Details about what…

"Just because you have no filter about your sex life, doesn't mean others like to talk about it," Miriam countered, glaring at her.

Oh. My mouth stood ajar. Those details.

"You mean people like you?" Leah taunted. "I can only imagine how that hunk of your mate is in bed. I mean, someone like him... I can understand why you don't want to talk about it."

Miriam blushed. "What I do in private is none of your business."

Leah shrugged. "What about you, shifter?" She wiggled her brows. "Have the two of you already mated?"

I crossed my arms. There wasn't any animosity in her voice, but her question surely threw me off.

"Oh, my Goddess. You were about to." Leah grinned.

"We were not." I rubbed my hands over my face. Mating... I wasn't sure if I was ready for that.

"It's okay if you haven’t,” Miriam said. “It took me a while before I wanted to mate with Lucius.”

I cocked my head. I had always thought werewolves would mate the moment they met their other half.

“I went through some things,” Miriam explained, moving to the kitchen to grab a glass. “And I am more than grateful to have a mate like Lucius. He was so patient with me, even when it was eating him alive.”

Leah scrunched her nose and turned on her heels. “If you guys are going to talk about your life stories, then I will be outside.”

Ignoring Leah, I followed Miriam to the kitchen. “Can I ask what happened to you?” From what I could gather, she must have been through some awful things. It was horrible, and yet I felt relieved too. She turned into this amazing person. Maybe I would be fine too.

“It’s a complicated and a long story, but the short version is that Lucius was an alpha and left the pack for the moment.” She stayed silent, staring into her glass of water. “After he had come back, they were all slaughtered. He was lucky to get in time or I would be dead too. After that I had a hard time to be around people, including my own mate.”

I didn’t know what to say. To have gone through something like that… To watch your entire life crumble in front of you… I knew how it felt like, but I didn’t lose an entire pack of people you knew since you were born.

“Though I had a mate who accepted me.” She glanced up, giving me a slight smile. “I can’t imagine the struggle you went through these past two years.”

I grabbed my own glass of water and sat on the kitchen island. “It was hard, but I had a great friend who helped me through it.” My voice cracked at the end.

“I’m sorry about your friend.” She squeezed my hand. “Collin gave us a heads up. I hope you don’t mind.”

“I don’t mind,” I half lied. It was my story to tell, but then again, it was easy if they already knew it. I wouldn’t have to explain myself when I bursted out crying or had a fit of rage.

“I only know your friend died. Nothing else,” she reassured me. “Well… He also told us those creatures want you, but I guess that’s more for everyone’s safety.”

I chuckled. “Figured.”

“If you don’t mind me asking…” She bit her lower lip, and I nodded my head for her to continue. “Lucius cares for Collin in a way a big brother does, and…”

“You’re scared I will hurt him,” I finished for her, tracing my fingers over the thin lines that adorned the wooden counter.

“Will you?”

I let out a long, audible sigh. “I don’t know.” It may sound harsh, but it was the truth. My feelings for him were changing, and I loved spending time with him. I couldn’t ignore that. But mating… It still made me wonder if he only liked me because of the mate bond.

“You’re crying,” Miriam whispered, handing me a tissue.

I dried my tears, swallowing the lump in my throat. “The mate bond is so confusing. How do we know if what we feel is real? If we truly love the other or if it’s all a hoax—an illusion to make us think we can find true love.”

“There is this myth that the Moon Goddess created mates for the werewolves and soul bounds for the dragons to calm us,” she started, leaning her head against the cabinet as she sat on the kitchen counter. “Before we had them, we were raging war without a break. Shedding blood without a second thought. By giving us mates, she gave us a purpose—a goal. We couldn’t kill mercilessly anymore. Not without risking the harm of someone else's mate, or maybe our own.”

“And you believe this?” It sounded like a fairy-tail. A myth we would tell our children.

“To a certain extent.” She glanced at me. “I mean… Lucius and I are the complete opposite of each other. So are you and Collin. Even the old king and queen were a match where you doubted if they would be together without the mate bond.”

I stared at her, not following where she was going.

“What if she did that on purpose?” she questioned aloud, and she finished her glass of water. “Giving a cold-blooded murderer a mate who thinks alike could only result in more gruesome bloodshed, but by giving him a mate who is the complete opposite, it could balance it out.”

“I’m not a cold-blooded murderer, and Collin… It’s debatable,” I added with slight hesitancy. He killed shifters without blinking twice, but he also cares. For his people. His family. Even me—a shifter.

“It’s an example, dummy.” Her shoulders shook with laughter. “You are a shifter and he is the shifter-killer. It balances each other out. So do I and Lucius. His wolf’s aura rivals that of Collin, whereas I am submissive. My wolf is nothing special.”

“That isn’t right. My beast could choose her own mate. Why chose him?” Why not chose Lachlan the first time? That would have saved so much heart break…

“Maybe she needed someone who could care for her in a way no one else could.” She hopped off the counter and sat next to me. “Collin is, just like the rest of his family and then especially the male members, a dominant to the point he would want to control your entire life. Lucius is exactly the same. He controls me and not just in the bedroom.”

My brows drew together. “Don’t you mind that? Having him decide what’s best for you. Having no say.”

“In all honesty, I don’t. When he saved me from that gruesome death, I was a mess. I needed him to decide what to wear, or what to eat. I couldn’t function anymore.” She smiled to herself. “For me, that was freedom, and when I got better, he let go of it, but the big decisions are still made by him.”

I pondered about her words. Until now, it was more than clear that Collin was the dominant in the bedroom, but to think he might want more… “I can’t imagine living like that.” I shook the thoughts away. There was no use dwelling on this subject. I wasn’t like that, and he would have to accept that.

“It’s not for everyone, I have to admit that, but…”

“Who was he?” I interrupted her before she could go on. My question caught her off guard, her breath hitching. “I’m sorry.” I pulled my hand through my hair. “I shouldn’t have asked it. Not like that.”

“It’s… It’s okay.” She cleared her throat. “His name was Cassian, Collin’s brother…”

She didn’t have to continue to let me know what happened to me. Collin told me. The horrid way his family had died.

“Lucius was more than friends with him, and this is something even Leah doesn’t know.” She gave me a threatening look. At least, she tried to.

I held my hands up. “I won’t say a thing.”

She stared at me for a little longer before leaning closer to me. “He shared me.”

“Wait…” I blinked. Once. Twice. “Lucius shared you with Cassian.” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. They were even closer to Collin’s brother than I thought at first.

She nodded her head. “It was a form of power play for him. He loves to show me only he can give me what I want.”

I blushed at her words. “You didn’t mind it?”

“No. I actually enjoyed it. Though it was only with Cassian, and I was never intimate with him without Lucius’ approval.”

I let out a breathless sound of disbelief. Lucius and Cassian must have been very close to pull off something like that. I couldn’t stand the thought of Collin being touched by someone else. Let alone being intimate.

“I know it may be weird. Mates are highly possessive about their other half. Especially people like Collin and Lucius, but there was a bond between him and Cassian that was unexplainable. Even I felt it to the point I started to love him. As if he was supposed to be my mate too. If that makes any sense,” she added with a chuckle.

“It does.” Both Lachlan and Collin felt right. I couldn’t deny that.

I finished the chapter I was reading and laid the book on the saloon table. Now that I had the time, reading didn’t sound so bad. Miriam thought the same about it as the book she was reading captured her full attention. She didn’t even notice me standing up and walking to the kitchen to grab a glass of orange juice.

“You have enough energy for some training?”

I yelped, dropping the glass. It shattered on the ground, pieces flying all across the kitchen. “Goddess, Ace,” I clipped, kneeling down to pick up the big pieces. “What is it with you people sneaking up on me?”

“You’re making it too easy.” He grabbed a broom and helped me clean the mess. “Though not as easy as Miriam.”

I glanced past him. Miriam was still reading her book, unbothered by the noise in the kitchen. “I don’t think anything would get her out of that trance.”

“I think you’re right.” Ace grabbed the last pieces and threw them in the garbage bin. “Do you feel good enough for hand-to-hand combat?”

A smile stretched across my face. “More than good.”

“It will be just our hands. No weapons. No magic. And certainly no channeling your beast.”

“I understand.” Not that I could channel her. I could barely feel her.

I followed him outside and to the middle of the open spot. He faced me, his feet shifted in a defence pose while his arms hang beside his body. “Attack me.”

I changed in my attack pose. His upper body was unprotected—easy to hit. Yet at the same time, it also made me uncomfortable. He knew I was no match for him, and that taunt infuriated me.

I charged at him, slinging my right fist at his face. He grabbed it and spun around before hauling me over his body. I hit the ground, the bones in my body protesting at the pressure of it. It forced the air out of my lungs and I coughed loudly.

“First lesson, stay composed. Don’t let your feelings get caught up to you.”

With a grumble, I scrambled off the ground. It was one of the first lesson Zak taught me, and I never cared for it as I won, anyway. Only against Lachlan it became harder and I had to stay calm. I guess that could be said about Ace too, and the rest of his team. I was out of their league.

I clenched my fists. A child. That was what I was compared to them. Nothing but a nuisance. No wonder I couldn’t even land a hit on those creatures.

“You’re not calm.”

“Shut up,” I hissed.

“Rule number two, don’t think.” He crossed his arms. “If you think, you allow negative thoughts to take over your mind.”

“If I don’t think then how do I fight,” I growled.

“Muscle memory. You train so often your body will react instinctively,” he explained. “It’s something that is hard to obtain and only achievable through decades of hard training.”

Taking a deep and slow breath, I shook my hands to release the tension from them. Calm. I could do that.

“Ready to try again?”

I stalked around him, trying to find an open spot. There weren’t any. He was relaxed, his body tuned to his surroundings. To land a hit on him would be hard. Maybe even impossible.

“Even Evie could land a hit on me faster than you,” he taunted.

A growl rumbled in my chest.

“Though I think a child would be faster at this moment too.”

That did it. I snapped.

With a speed I didn’t know I possessed, I charged at him. It surprised him, but not for long. He ducked beneath my fist and pivoted around me. His arms snaked around my waist, pulling me flush against his chest.

“You need to stop,” he ordered in my ear.

A string of curse words flew past my mouth as I fought against his hold. His arms tightened and by the groan he let out when my elbow hit his ribs, I knew he had a hard time containing me.

“You’re channeling her. Stop it now.”

I paused. Channeling… I was channeling her. It explained the strange feeling I felt moments ago. My hearing was better, catching the slightest of sounds in the forest. The many smells almost caused me to sneeze. It hurt my nose—dizzying me.

But above all. My energy was dwindling fast, slipping through my fingers. My legs trembled, my head aching. “Ace.”

“Just try to stay awake for a little longer,” he said, picking me up. My legs gave up on me.

He walked inside. Miriam had finished her book and was now making a sandwich when she saw us. “Are you okay?”

“Can you ask Collin to come?” He didn’t wait for an answer as he strode to my room. “I don’t know what is wrong with your beast, but you can’t channel her. It’s doing more harm to you than good.”

I sighed when my body hit the bed, not bothering to answer him. Sleep sounded great. Dozing off into the unknown.

“What happened?”

My eyes fluttered open at the sound of Collin’s voice. He was watching me, his chest bare, sweat pants hanging low on his hips.

“Unknowingly, she was channeling her beast,” Ace answered before leaving the room. It was all the information Collin needed as he disappeared into the bathroom. The sound of water had me stiffening.

“What are you doing?” I mumbled, knowing he could hear me.

He walked over to me and held me in his arms. “Making you a bath.”

I wiggled my legs. “You don’t have to… I can do it myself.” I wasn’t going to let him wash me.

His nose brushed against my jaw to my ear. “You’re exhausted. Let me take care of you.”

His words brought me back to the conversation I had earlier with Miriam, and I froze. “I can take care of myself,” I said a bit more harshly than I intended to.

Cracks spread through his mask of calmness, and his aura thick with authority filled the room. “Let me take care of you,” he asked again. This time it was an order.

“Collin,” I stuttered.

He closed his eyes, sighing through his nose. For a moment he was silent. “I guess we will need a talk.”

“Miriam told me…”

“I know.” He placed me on the side of the bathtub and knelt between my legs. “And I don’t expect you to change. The only thing I ask is that you let me take care of you and that you submit to me in the bedroom. That’s all.”

I nibbled on my lower lip. These past few weeks he hadn’t tried to control me, always giving me a choice. “No controlling?”

He shook his head, chuckling. “Not unless you want too.”

I dipped my hand into the water. It was hot, but not uncomfortable. “Except you’re not giving me a choice with this.”

“Lexi,” he warned. “Even a blind person can see how exhausted you are.”

“Technically, a blind person can’t see at all.”

Wrong choice of words.

A low growl rumbled deep in his throat. “Do you need help with undressing?”

I swallowed. “I can do it myself.”

He nodded and stood up to lean against the wall, his eyes on me.

“Can you…” He may have seen me naked already, but I wasn’t going to undress in front of him.

His lips curled into a smirk. “Not really feeling up to it.”

I huffed and turned around before tugging off my shirt. His heated gaze burned into my back, halting me to remove the rest of my clothing.

“Go on…” I could hear the smirk in his voice.

Muttering the word ass under my breath, I disposed of the rest of my clothing and made a move to step into the bathtub. I lost my footing, the momentary rush of energy disappearing. Collin caught me in time, his arms around my waist. I gasped as a thousand sparks zapped across my skin.

“I’ve got you.”

I bit back a moan as I let him place me in the water. The knots in my muscles relaxed, the hot water doing its magic. “This feels amazing,” I said, turning to look at him. He was busy removing his pants. “Collin.” I blushed furiously.

“Scooch.” He pressed against my back, forcing me to move forward. Behind me, the water rippled and not long after, he pulled me to his chest. I attempted to move away, but a hand pressed against my stomach, caging me. Now I at least knew why he had a bathtub that could hold easily hold two people.

He grabbed a washcloth and put a coconut scented shower gel on it. My muscles tensed when he rubbed it over my arm and onto my shoulder.

“Relax,” he whispered in my ear, his hand moving over my stomach. Slowly he went lower and lower, and with each inch my mind relaxed. I slumped against his chest, basking in the feeling of his hand skimming over my skin. When he moved to my knee, he placed a trail of kisses from my shoulder to my neck. I tilted my head, giving more access. A soft moan slipped passed my lips as his hand moved to my inner thigh. I spread my legs unconsciously; the need building up inside of me.

“I won’t do anything without your permission,” he rasped, his teeth scraping over the shell of my ear.

My back arched when his other fingers trailed up my stomach and to my breast. He circled it, driving me crazy. “Please,” I begged. “I want to come.” I’d been waiting for this moment for so long. Ever since that day at the Spirit Fest. I had buried this feeling so deep, but now it all came crashing back. Burning me… Consuming my mind.

“Please, what?” He pinched my nipple, and the pain startled me.

“Alpha,” I breathed out. “Please, alpha.”

“Good girl.” He kissed my cheek, his hand dipping low. With one swift thrust, he pushed two fingers inside of me. I gripped the sides of the bathtubs with my hands at the intrusion. He didn’t slow down, bringing me over the edge quickly with merciless strokes. I had never come so fast and neither so hard. Sweat coated my skin, my body trembling as he refused to give me time to regain my breath. His other arm curled around my waist, holding me in place as I was protesting against his touch. It was too sensitive.

“Collin, it’s…” I didn’t get to finish when my breath escaped me. He pressed into the right spot, driving me over the edge for a second time, and before he could go for a third time, I closed my legs. My fingers curled painfully around the edge of the bathtub. A third time would be too much.

He withdrew his hand, and I slumped against him. All my nerves were on fire, but that wasn’t the only thing I was feeling. Content. Through my exhaustion, I was at peace.

“If you keep forgetting, then I’m not sure if you’re going to like what’s to come,” he said in a tone that had the hairs raise on my arms.

“Alpha?” I said with a slight, innocent smile. I had called him by his name… A mistake he obviously didn’t like.

He nuzzled his face into my neck, mumbling, “What’s your safe word?”

“Safe word?”

“It’s for when I go to far,” he explained, moving back to look at me. “Though I doubt you’ll need it when we have mated.”

I snuggled in his arms, wrapping my own around his chest. A safe word… “Lemon. But for what is it exactly?”

“For what just happened,” he said, referring to our little moment, “or the punishments.”

The what now…

I sat up, my eyes wide as I stared into his own. They were twinkling with amusement. “Hold up. I think I’m missing a piece here.”

He leant back into the bathtub, his fingers trailing from my ribs to my hip. “It has to do with you submitting to me, and I promise you, it’s nothing bad.”

“I’m really lost here, Collin.” When I hear the word punishment, the first thing that comes to my mind is pain. That wasn’t something I was into. Neither was the submitting part. At least not completely.

“I will explain it in a moment.” He stepped out of the bathtub and grabbed a towel. “Stand.”

I cleared my throat, heat spreading over my cheeks. “I… I can’t…”

He blinked and then laughed.

“It’s not funny.” I threw a bottle of soap at him, which he evaded with a chuckle.

“I’m sorry.” Though with the look he was giving me, I knew he wasn’t sorry at all. He enjoyed this. Me at the mercy of his help. “Can you hold up your arms, or do you need help with that too?”

“You know what,” I shrieked. “Just go. I don’t need your help at all.”

“We both know, you can’t get out of the bathtub without my help.” He glided an arm under my knees and the other around my back.

“And whose fault is that?” I huffed as he carried me to the bedroom. He placed me on the bed and grabbed a shirt off him out of the wardrobe, throwing it at me together with a towel.

“Get some sleep. I will wake you when dinner is ready and then we can talk.”


Normally I don't write this at the end, but I really have my doubts about this short moment at the end. What do you guys think? Keep in mind that Collin is dominant and doesn't do sweet sex like Lachlan or like Nikai and Jay.

As for the werewolves behaviour, is it clear that they are different then the fae people? Each kingdom has their own culture and behaviour of course^^

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