
Chapter Warming 11

Chapter 11

Lucas frowned and narrowed his eyes. Spencer had been watching him the whole time, so he immediately noticed this and asked, “What’s wrong?”

Lucas ignored him. Instead, he turned to Lucille, who was unexpectedly silent in Spencer’s arms. He asked seriously, “Do you have a coagulation disorder?”

He was confident that he was right when he couldn’t stop the bleeding, he just wanted to know whether she was aware of her condition.

Everyone else was taken aback. Spencer released Lucille and looked down at her. She didn’t meet his gaze. Instead, she turned to Lucas calmly and said, “Yeah.”

Lucas was surprised that she was so unfazed. Anyone with coagulation disorders would be in trouble if any injuries they suffered weren’t attended to in time. Besides, if anyone knew they had such a condition, they would try their best to avoid getting injured.

He got up to get some different medication and soon returned. His expression was serious. His professionalism was acting up. As he tended to Lucille’s wound, he asked grimly. “Why did you allow yourself to get hurt if you were aware of your condition?”

This was a question Spencer and the others wanted to ask, too. Lucille didn’t say anything. Lucas continued, “Don’t you care about yourself? If your wound were any larger, it’d be almost impossible to stop the bleeding. You do realize you’ll die from that, right?”

Lucille was lost for words. Things weren’t that bad. She knew where her limits were. What had happened earlier was only an accident.

Spencer’s heart trembled at the mention of her possible death. His anxiety levels. rose. To prevent Lucas from going any further, Lucille cleared her throat awkwardly and said, “Uh… I know where to draw the line, doctor.”

Whenever she’d injured herself in the past, Avery Winton would nag her incessantly while tending to her wounds. It was annoying.

It took an hour for Lucille’s wound to stop bleeding. If something as minor as this had taken an hour to stop bleeding, how long would major injuries take?

Spencer silently stayed by Lucille’s side as they waited for the bleeding to stop. He didn’t even realize how tightly knit his brows were. Lucas asked her, “When did your


Chapter 11

discover you had a coagulation disorder?”

She stood up and massaged her left wrist. After some thought, she said, “Since I was a child.”

Lucas was taken aback. Is it hereditary?”


He was about to question her further about her family when Spencer shot him a warning look. And so, he shut his mouth.

There actually weren’t many people who knew about Lucille’s condition. Her mother had always told her not to let anyone know about this secret. But for some reason, she found herself placing her faith in Spencer and his friends.

“Ahem. I’ll prescribe you something so you can take it home with you. Remember not to get any water on your wound.” Lucas left the room after that. Lucille and Spencer were alone.

“Wait here for me. I’ll go get the medication, and I’ll send you home later.” Spencer’s tone was gentle, but it was hard to miss the command in it.

She looked into his deep and tender eyes. They were totally different from how they’d looked at Nightvale Club. For a moment, she found it hard to determine which one was the real him.

Spencer sighed to himself when he saw her staring at him without saying anything. He wrapped an arm around her waist and easily pulled her into his embrace. He placed his other hand on the back of her head and caressed it gently.

She allowed him to hold her without struggling or moving. For some reason, she found that she wasn’t against having physical contact with him.

Lucille rested her jaw on Spencer’s shoulder. His fragrance wafted into her face and gave her a sense of security. He said, “Don’t overthink things. You’re the one I want to get to know–the real you.”

His words made the crack on her sealed heart grow bigger. Could he really read minds? He continued, “Promise me that you won’t let yourself get hurt anymore, okay? It’ll break my heart if you do.”

His last sentence was whispered into her ear. She could feel his breath on her ear. It tickled not only her ear but her heart as well. This was already Lucille’s second time experiencing something like this with him. It wasn’t something she could describe.

After a while, she said, “high”

Spencer took the

mity to say, “I’ll probet you from now on, so try to rely on

They only known each other for a few day, but he could already tell how good tuelle was at masking herself. She’d ever herself with thome and prickles, but they were only there to protect herself.

Okay “He tightened his hold on her at her

her at her response, which filled his heart with

Te dicot know whether she was only bushing him off or whether she was genumely willing to trust him, but at least ale hnch’s turned him down outright. It was good enough they had plenty of time in the future. One day, she would love her grand around him and accept everything he could give her

“Give me three minutes. Be good and wall in, okay?”


As soon as Spencer stopped out of the room, he now Mack and Samuel in the

“Mr. Layton ”

He grunted in acknowledgment before turning to Samuel. “I’ll send her back later, so you can go now.”

Samuel didn’t dare to object or ask further. Be could only say, “Understood, sir. Fl leave Ms. Johnson in your hands”

He was good at reading the room and knew when he wasn’t needed. He turned and left without hesitation. Not too long ago, he witnessed how Spencer had doted on Lucille, so he knew nothing would go wrong

Besides, Lucille wasn’t exactly young anymore. Now that she was no longer engaged to Harold, it was time for her to get a new boyfriend. Her new boyfriend had such a powerful background that Samuel almost fel smothered, though

Still, he supposed this was only to be expected of someone as wise and great as Lucille Harold was unworthy of her, and Samuel fully supported Lucille and Spencer as a couplet

Chapter 11


Lucille, who was still inside the clinic, had no idea Samuel was prepared to hand her over to someone else.

Mack followed Spencer as he hurriedly reported the things he’d found out. Spencer’s eyes were frosty and ruthless as he growled, “I don’t want to see those three ever again.”

“Yes, boss.” Mack prayed silently for Donald, Keith, and Philip, who were Everton Corporation’s board members. There were thousands of people they could’ve set their sights on, yet they’d chosen to go after Lucille the apple of Spencer’s eye. They’d dug their own graves!

It was also thanks to this incident that Mack realized how much Spencer cared about Lucille. He had to remind himself to treat her how he would treat Spencer from

now on.

Honestly, who would’ve expected Spencer, who’d always been averse to women, to suddenly fall for someone at first sight?

He’d even sneakily signed some dumb premarital agreement and used a contractual marriage to trick Lucille. Those were only his excuses to get close to her.

Still, Mack admired Lucille’s skills. She’d broken three men’s ribs, and they’d ended up bruised and battered. They were even… It truly wasn’t wise to offend a woman, especially one who was good in a fight.

Three minutes later, Spencer showed up before Lucille as agreed and held her hand as they left the hospital. Three people stood not far behind them.

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