Warlords MC – The Complete Series

Warlords MC: Book 2 – King (Tremaine) : Chapter 5

Wrapping her arms around him, Mags knew she was in deep trouble. Not from what just happened, but being up against King’s back. Damn, she was feeling way too warm as her thin tee kept brushing along that leather her wore on his back. She never thought leather would make her nipples so hard. Or was it the man? She sure as hell hoped not.

She peered down at the vest. WarLords MC. A warlord eh? She snickered then caught herself. No, she supposed that was exactly what he was. Max had served with him, yet Max never talked about it. In fact, he’d avoided the subject. Not that she wanted him to think she wanted to know all about King.

She felt the wind hitting the bun she had her hair in and it was starting to come apart. Then she realized it. Her cap, her uniformed cap! Dammit, it was at the scene as it must have flown off when he’d dove them to the dirt. Then again, he had a cleanup crew coming. Yes, and that was another thing, just who the hell was this man really? A clean up crew. Moving her off the case. Following her? And King was not a real name. Okay, she had to admit it. She’d looked. All over the net and not a damn thing came up. She had almost been tempted to use the computers at the station and then thought better of it. Now here she was hanging onto the man she’d been suspicious of… the man she could not stand.

Leaning her head closer to his shoulder, she sighed. A man that fit her curves like a damn mold had been made just for her. If she were an impressionable woman, she would fall for a guy like this. She would bet out of all the men she knew, he could outfight, outshoot and outdo anything she could do. That would be a first. She again, hated herself for sinking this low. She wasn’t impressionable, or so she’d thought. Mags tried to refocus on more important things, less dangerous thinking, because thinking of falling for this man was dangerous to say the least.

Like who the hell had just tried to wipe her out with semi? That was a more important subject. A realistic one.

King slowed and took an exit.

She suddenly realized she hadn’t been paying attention. Where was he taking her?

He rode them down a side road then took another turn.

It was the warehouse district. Not one she’d been in before though, it was far from where she lived and worked. Ok, where the hell…

He then turned into a huge lot. Slowing the bike, he pulled up to a warehouse and powered his bike down. “Well, here we are.”

“And where is here?” she wanted to know.

“My house,” he replied as he sat and seemed to wait.

“Ok, so you live in a warehouse?”

He nodded. “For now.”

She sat and looked around as she let go of his waist.

“Uh, Magdalena?”


“Could you get the hell off, so I can dismount?’

Blinking her eyes, she realized he was waiting for her to get down. “Oh!” She then swung her leg over and hopped off.

Kicking the stand down, King did just that, he dismounted.

Mags simply stared and what a dismount it was. Smooth, fluid and all in one jump. If there was anything sexier than the way this big man moved, she sure as hell did not know what it might be.

“Oh, here,” he said.

“Uh?” she asked.

“Meet the family.” He motioned to the warehouse doors.

The double doors stood open and three men stood there. Three more, good looking, large men. She stared. “Wow, y-your family?”

“Yeah.” He stepped toward them. “Meet Deuce, Joker and Jack.”

Mags continued to stare at them. “You’re kidding, right?”

“No, I’m not.”

She laughed. “So all you’re missing is the Queen and an Ace.”

King shook his head. “Well, they are heading into town soon.”

Her mouth popped open as she swung her gaze over. “Very funny. So really, who are they?”

He walked over to them. “I already said.”

She followed him and took in the group. They all had similar looks. Good looks and they all had that same quality as King. Confidence and all brawn. “So… Max said deck at the station. Now I know what he meant by that.”

“Yeah, they’re my brothers,” King told her.

“Oh, as in MC?”

“Yes, but they are also my real brothers.”

She looked over at him then glanced back at the men.

They were all smiles.

One stepped forward. He was younger than the others were and his eyes sparkled. “So you are the woman who…” His voice fell away when he caught King’s thunderous expression.

Mags laughed a little. “Yeah, I am. The monkey wrench in King’s opt.”

The other two moved closer.

One of them spoke, “I’m Jack.” He stuck his hand out.

She shook it.

Then he turned to the younger one. “This is Joker and behind me is Deuce.”

She smiled. “So you all are named after cards?”

They nodded.

“Your parents liked to gamble or what?”

They all stood still. Then they broke out into laughter.

King crossed his arms over his chest. “Ha-ha. Clever isn’t she?”

She glanced over at him briefly. “Hey, it is a legitimate question.”

He shook his head. “Let’s all move inside shall we?’

The guys all glanced at him then turned and did just that.

Mags wondered why he’d brought her here and she would have asked but her curiosity overrode her better sense as she followed them. Just what was a warehouse…house? What did they do here? Who were they really? The questions went on and on. She made it to the doors and stopped to look behind her.

King still stood there.

“I thought you said to go in?” she asked wondering at his silence.

“I did,” he told her.

She cocked her head at him.

“Sorry, I was just watching you is all,” he admitted.

She felt surprised by this statement. Was he really watching her? Like that? No…was he?

Stepping closer, he motioned for her to go in. “Let’s go in.”

Mags motioned for him to go first. “No, my turn to watch.” She almost grimaced. Now, I’m flirting?

He raised a brow at her then he smiled.

Her chest got all tight and she felt breathless. Damn, she was struck by that smile. All she’d seen was either a frown, a scowl or a smirk up until now.

“Are you coming?” he yelled from inside.

She stepped forward. Ok, that was more like it. Gruff and rude. Shit, if he ever turned on the charm instead of acting like a dick, she would have to change her panties for sure.

Inside, surprised her. It was set up like a huge modern house. One floor layout but it spread out to be huge.

“Great right?” Joker, the younger brother asked.

Nodding, she walked around looking. “Wow.” The government dime was well spent here. She looked over at their operations center and her eyes widened. They had all state of the art equipment. Some she recognized only from articles she’d read but she had never seen images of the electronics they had here.

“So, would you like something to drink?” Jack asked.

Blinking rapidly, she had to pull her gaze away from the operation’s center. “Um yeah. A beer if you have one?”

Joker laughed. “If we have one… She’s cute, King.”

He glared at his brother. “Don’t let her ‘cuteness’ fool you.”

Mags swung her gaze over at him. So, it’s like that is it?

He again gave her a grin.

She instantly looked away. No flirting with Danger Boy, Mags. Bad for your psyche. “So, what all do you do here?”


Except for the clinking of beer bottles as Jack brought 5 over to the counter and set them down.

“Well, we live here,” Deuce replied.

“Yes, but you all are busy, right?” She stepped forward and grabbed a beer.

“Magdalena,” King spoke.

Shucking the cap off of her beer, she tilted it back and took a good long swig.

The men all stared.

She swiped her mouth and let out an. “Ahhh, perfect.”

They all continued to stare then looked at each other.

She finally looked over at King.

He was staring too, but his look was far more intense than his brother’s. “Why do you call me that?”

He shrugged. “It is your name right?”

She narrowed her eyes at him. “It is Officer Giovanni.”

Joker snickered.

Her gaze shot over to him.

He shrugged but did not lose the smile. “Well, getting arrested never sounded so good before.”


Deuce rapped the back of his head with the palm of his hand.

“Owww! What the hell, Deuce?”

Deuce shook his head but he was smiling.

“We need to know everything you know, Officer Giovanni,” King spoke as if none of the boyish shenanigans even happened as he glared at her.

Ok, now here was the King she despised and it was about time he returned. “Just as much as you do, pretty much.”

“No, I don’t think pretty much is going to cover it, Officer.” His eyes blazed at her.

Well, good, he was pissed at her again and that was her comfort zone now. “I know his name is Oscar Chapman, AKA the Gauntlet. I know he heads the largest drug cartel this side of the Rockies. I know he peddles all the newest poison. Blue Diamonds being his latest snake oil.”

The brothers all looked at each other.

“And?” King urged never taking his eyes from her face.

“And what? I got a tip that there was going to be a deal. So I was hanging around that area.”

“Dressed as a bag lady.” King raised a brow at her.

Shaking her head, she replied, “Well, I couldn’t hardly go dressed in my blues, now could I?”

He did not look amused by her jokes. “You know more. You need to share that Intel with us.”

Mags took another swig. Debating on what she should say here.

King clenched his fists. Fighting an inner battle. The more he looked at her the more he wanted to grab her up and shut her mouth in the only way that mattered. With his mouth. Damn, the woman had gotten so far under his skin so fucking fast…he did not know which end was up.

Taking a deep breath and altering his approach he said, “Look, someone tried to kill you tonight. That means you know something or are connected to Chapman in some deeper way.”

She set her beer down and placed her hands on those curvy hips. “Just what are you accusing me of King?”

He shook his head. “I am not saying you are in on it, but something about you has definitely spooked the guy and we need to know what that is.”

Her hands dropped from her hips, as she looked stunned. “I didn’t think he knew about me.”

King stared at her. “Knew?”

Nodding, she looked around and spotted the bar stool at the counter. She sat and grabbed one of the beers sitting there. “Are any of you going to join me or are you just gonna stand there and stare at me all damn night?”

The brothers looked startled.

The youngest laughed. “Damn!”

Deuce and Jack came over and grabbed their beers. Jack handed Joker his.

Mags glanced up at King. “Oh sorry, guess I’m drinking yours.”

He wore a blank expression now, so she wouldn’t see that she was again getting to him as he walked over to the fridge and grabbed one out. Popping the top, he took a slug of it then swallowed. “Okay, spill.”

Letting out a sigh, she spoke. “My dad was murdered.”

“Yeah ten years ago, right?” Joker interjected.

Startled, she looked over at him.

Shrugging, he said, “Hey, it’s our job, ok?”

She studied him for a minute then Jack and Deuce.

King waited for his turn.

It never came as she refused to look at him and continued, “He was after this same man I think?” She raised her head. “No… I know he was. Not think.” She took a swig of the beer as she paused.

King watched her as she licked the beer from her luscious lips. Damn, he was hard all over. Just watching her set him off in ways he’d never would have guessed. “And?” he snapped at her. “Are you just going to take up our time while you give us little tidbits?”

Mags took her time with her beer, then she finally looked over at him. “If you’re going to be rude then you can go fuck yourself.”


Then laughter broke out…male laughter from all three of his brothers.

“Oh, shit!” Joker laughed so hard he had to grip his ribs.

“This is not a fucking game!” King roared. “They tried to off you with a god dammed semi, Magdalena.”

The laughter in the room stopped abruptly.

“You know something… or he thinks you do,” King followed up with a gentler tone. “If we don’t find out what that is, he will go on trying to tap you. So stop hedging and tell us what you know.”

Mags finally seemed to relent. “Ok, my dad had notes on this case. I mean he’d never done that before. Brought his work home with him. This case was a big deal for him. He was working off the clock on it too. At the time, I wondered what had him so engrossed. But I was just a kid really and I had no understanding of what he was actually doing.”


Nodding, she took another sip of her beer.

“And do you know what was in those notes?” he asked feeling like this was an interrogation gone awry. She was holding out and seemed hesitant to share any of it. But why?

“Names, dates, times. Some other scratchings that didn’t make a lot of sense to me at the time.”

“So do you have these notes still?”

Nodding, she set her beer down.

“So, can we have them?” he asked with an edge to his voice again. He couldn’t help it, no one had made him feel this wound up or frustrated before.

His brothers had all since sat in various places watching them both and looking like they might break out the popcorn at any minute.

King shook his head. Well, he was glad she was so entertaining but he was still getting nowhere.

“I think the names were his lieutenants, the dates were when they brought him the sales money. Then the scratchings…” She chuckled. “My dad wrote in chicken scratch.”

King waited for more.

She took a final drink of her second beer and set the empty down.

“And?” he asked with a frustrated grit of his teeth.

“Nothing. I never could decipher them.”

“But you said lieutenants?” Joker asked.

“Yeah, but they all had odd names.” She looked around at the men in the room. “Sorta like you guys.”

“And what do you mean by that?” King wanted to know.

Her gaze finally settled on him. “Well see, we know he is Gauntlet, right?”

King nodded, waiting for the point and not patiently waiting either.

“Tirade, Cannon Ball, Axe, Anvil, and Hammer.”

His brothers all looked startled.

Yeah, this was new to them. King shook his head as he looked at his brothers. “Was there anything else?”

“I’m not sure.”

“You’re not sure?’ he repeated back at her.

She stood up off the barstool. “Look… when he died, it was like my whole world stopped, he was really the only parent I had.”

“Your mom disappeared when you were seven,” Joker spoke up.

She swung her gaze over to him. “You’re a snoop aren’t you?’

Joker grinned. “It is what I do best. I’m not sorry to say.”

Mags looked back over at King. “My dad was talking about her a lot during that time when he was chasing this Drug Cartel. Which I only wondered at years later. Her death… or whatever happened, it had been a non-subject with him for a long ass time. Then…” She wrapped her arms around her waist as if she were upset now. “He was suddenly talking about her. Like she had just left yesterday? It was confusing to me and it still is. He acted so odd back then for six months at least before he was murdered. I never did figure out why. Later on, when I found his notes and files…” She took a step away from the bar. “…I could see that this case was personal to him. He just wouldn’t let it go. His partner at the time Drew…he talked to me about a year after the funeral. Telling me that he felt my dad had indeed been in grave danger but that was all he would say.”

Joker got up and went over to the operations center.

King took a step closer to her. Now she looked so saddened, so lost. It was the first time, he’d seen her without her steel shield as he thought of it. Her protective layer seemed to be gone, the one that set her apart and kept her unapproachable. Damn, he wanted to wrap his arms around her and take away some of her pain.

King stopped in his tracks when he caught the new determined look in her dark eyes.

“Can you take me home now?’ she asked quietly.

King paused. “I’m not sure that’s a good idea.”

Her eyes widened and the lost vulnerable look completely disappeared. “And why not?”

“Someone tried to kil—”

“—yes, yes. You said that. But King, officers on the freeway get hit a lot these days. It was frightening yes, but it is part of my job.”

He knew it wasn’t that, deep in his gut he knew. If he couldn’t get her to stay, he would have her trailed and shadowed. He knew this woman was stubborn. Stubborn? Hell, she was like an unmovable object. He wanted to be the man that could move her. Make her feel things he could see she probably had never felt. He shook his head and tried hard to refocus again. Then again, if he took her home, she might just willingly hand over the files and notes her dad left behind. Afterward, what are you gonna do King? Fight her? Tie her up and bring her back here? That would be an interesting battle but not wise. He let out a breath. “Ok, come on.”

Turning to his brothers, she smiled at them. A dazzling display of a smile.

King suddenly felt like someone had just gut punched him. He couldn’t remember seeing this smile before from her. It was always a frown or a glare. But this? Fuck, it was unraveling him. He looked over.

His brothers all wore the same stunned look he must be wearing.

Blinking hard, Deuce broke the silence. “We hope to see you again.”

“Yeah, and under better circumstances,” Joker called out from where he sat at a PC.

Jack nodded then looked at King and back to her. “Same here. If we can help you, we will.”

King stared at him and felt something odd. A stinging feeling. Jealousy? He paused. Oh, fuck no! But Jack was probably the best looking out of all of them, if King admitted to such a thing. Well, fuck thinking like that. He grabbed Mags’ arm.

She stared up at him.

He had trouble swallowing, as her huge eyes seemed to lock with his. “Let’s go,” was all he could seem to manage as he led her out.

King knew he needed to get his shit together. This woman was too distracting and a bit dangerous to be around and not just because of a semi.

He let her arm go and again, watched her walk ahead of him. Bad idea. That ass and that sway of her hips could make a man actually drool. He stepped up to the bike.

“So will you even let me know when or if you guys get a crack in this case?” she asked as she turned toward him.

“That depends,” he said.

“On what?” She licked her lips and stared at his mouth.

Dammit… he just had to. He knew better than to just grab this woman up so instead, he leaned in close to her lips. “On if you share.” He then got right up against that lovely from of hers and took her mouth.

She went rigid for a second, then she wrapped her arms around his neck.

Now this was what he’d wanted. He tucked her closer and wrapped his large arms around her as he pushed his tongue in and tasted heaven. His mind went utterly blank as his body went hard all over. He kissed her like he wanted to devour her. Her curves and those breasts pushed up against his hard planes and it lit him entirely on fire. His hands roamed as if they had a mind of their own as he finally got the feel those ass cheeks in his hands. The more he felt of her the crazier he got. Images of her beneath him and other erotic visons danced through his mind like a cataclysmic burst of light and heat.

King had finally tasted her and now he knew…. He would have to taste all of her before his sanity would ever return.

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