Chapter Introduction to Author
Introduction to the Author
In times of my life, I have come across good times as well as bad. For some of us, we may find ourselves thrown into situations of chaos where the difference between right and wrong becomes muddled. We cannot see friends around us, and those we try to save or hurt become mixed. How does one overcome this? What do we do when it drives us mad, destroying our logic and reasoning? What is chaos?
In many stories and in my own, chaos is eating at someone on the inside as they try to resist it. The more their surroundings are not in their control, the more they lose themselves to the darkness.
In times like this, the best situation I can come up with is the Civil War in America. During those times, friends killed friends, parents beheaded their own children. So much slaughtering happened during this time and the land was covered in blood. My Grandmother was a good Genealogist back in her age when computers did not exist. Grandmother told me horror stories of some of the actual things that happened during that age. How ashamed she was of all the bloodshed that happened here a while ago.
Who was right during this time and who was wrong? Or was everyone wrong since so much blood was spilled that it can never be cleansed as my grandmother mentioned. Do those who give into the darkness become monsters or was it something else? No one knows the answer when people find themselves in chaotic situations.
However, I always wondered if you ever came across it, was there another solution? Can you still fight it once you have given into the darkness or are you lost for all eternity?
I am writing this story in a fantasy setting to describe that darkness and sometimes the darkness may not be what it seems in the end. Hopefully upon reading this story, you will form an answer for yourself and see that all darkness comes in many shapes and forms that you might not expect.