Wanted by the Wolves

Chapter 9. The Truth, or Lies?

K A R A ′ S P O V :

Trying to hide my scent from Jason was hard enough when we were in the same building, and sometimes same room. But being trapped in a room with him analyzing my scent up close was ten times more complicated.

“What do you mean, I am going to reveal my identity to him?” I quickly ask my Aunt, only getting a playful smirk in response.

“Now why don’t we invite our guests in,” Martha said, making me back away from the threshold of the door. I hadn’t realized I was blocking their entrance. Not that I had been inclined to let them in. I was anything but.

“Can we discuss what I talked to you about?” Jason sent me a wary gaze as he said this, obviously conflicted. His two options were to either leave me completely and utterly confused and on the brink of discovering the werewolf world or leaving me out of the conversation.

“Oh don’t mind Kara. Just come in and sit down.” The three men nodded, before making themselves comfortable in her small quaint living room. “Oh, Kara dear, could you come here for a minute?” I ran into the kitchen, not wanting to be left alone with the high ranking boys to find Martha bustling around preparing snacks.

She quickly mind linked me so that the wolves in the room next door couldn’t hear our discussion. “I want you to put away the dishes, and pretend to clean and finish your snack while we have our conversation so that you can hear. Your werewolf skills should allow you to do this, am I not mistaken.”

“Yes, so I should just listen and not intervene?”

“Not until you have to reveal your identity, you don’t.”

Martha must’ve seen my face because she quickly spoke without mind link. “Don’t worry. Just finish your chores and eat. This will be done in a minute, I promise.”

After she left, I set to work, listening in to the discussion.

“Are we ready to get started?” Jason’s deep voice asked, and it had Rachel practically swooning in my mind. I scolded her for demonstrating such weakness. We should be paying attention to the conversation, not fantasizing about some else’s mate.

“Of course. So you wanted to speak with me about recent transactions, I hear?” Martha asked, playing dumb. Wait, transactions, as in her sales on the black market? What was going on?

“You’re quite right. I - we - wanted to discuss with you about the potential one of your potions could have been sold to a rogue to mask their scent.”

“Oh my, have you found any leads on rogues in the pack?”

“We only got an anonymous tip that the most wanted wolf in the nation has gone rogue and could be in any pack. We just wanted to confirm they weren’t here.” I swear that I could feel my heart beat pick up speed. They had found me, I needed to move packs. I couldn’t bear to stay here anymore... “But, like I said, it is only a tip. We aren’t certain if the wolf is even in this area.”

“Well, what I can tell you is that I don’t sell masking sprays without the alpha’s consent. In fact, I haven’t sold any in years. The last time... the last time it was for a wolf that transferred packs and didn’t want rogues tracking him down. Both your father and the alpha of the new pack signed a letter giving him permission to purchase it.”

Jason seemed pleased with the answer because he didn’t question it further. My masking spray was her last transaction. I was glad she was at least lying for my protection. That was when my heart dropped.

Being any high-ranking role in the wolf hierarchy, you had the ability to distinctly tell whether someone was lying or not. Not even a witch could prevent that. Oh gosh, I needed to do something. Maybe Jason wouldn’t suspect anything if he never saw the spray...

The spray! My eyes widened as realization hit me. I had left the spray in my backpack, which was in the... I bit my lip uncomfortably as I glanced into the room next door. No, no, this wasn’t good at all! But before I could even think about warning Martha through the mind link, Jason spoke.

“Not to sound accusing, but I did see Kara applying some sort of spray earlier today. It smelt like... nothing. You wouldn’t have happened to give her a potion, would you?”

It felt like my throat was closing up. No, no this wasn’t happening. I couldn’t let him figure out this way, that I was a rogue and not only that but the most wanted werewolf the nation has ever known. During my minor freak out, Rachel wouldn’t stop purring about how he wouldn’t hurt us if the secret slipped out.

I shook my head, ridding myself of those ludicrous thoughts. He was Evelyn’s mate, not ours.

“Oh Kara dear, why don’t you come in here for a minute?” I instantly froze at the sound of Martha’s voice. This was the calm before the storm. The one peaceful moment I had left before all my secrets my mother and I had worked to protect were let loose and unleashed from their cage. And if they got out, they sure as weren’t coming back, that I could guarantee. “Don’t worry, you aren’t in trouble.”

Putting on a blank face, I entered the small living room to find the three pack members sitting on the small couch with Martha on the armchair in front of them. Hesitantly, I stepped forward, causing everyone’s heads swivel to look at me. I stood awkwardly beside my aunt, not exactly sure where to sit.

“Now Kara, I want you to pull out that perfume I gave you from your backpack over there.” Not quite sure what her plan was, I decided listening to her was my best option. If I refused, it would signal that I knew something that was worth the Alpha and his pack to find out. I bent down in front of my bag, trying to ignore the lasers being shot into my back from the wolves intense gaze.

When I pulled out the small bottle, I looked to my aunt for my next instruction. “Now if you would, hand it over to Jason.” Gulping, I turned to face and walk towards him. Examining his facial features, he didn’t think that my fear towards him was odd. In fact, it came of as if he expected me to act this way due to the aurora of unseen power floating around him.

Upon handing it to him, I felt small sparks as our hands accidentally touched. I turned away before he could see the expression on my face and took my place back by Martha’s side. A low growl pierced the air as Jason’s eyes flickered yellow, a sign of your wolf looking through.

“What kind of witchcraft is this?!” Was all he could spit out before chaos erupted around us.

Just how I wanted my night to go. SMILES ALL THE WAY! *cough* so not the most uncomfortable and hectic day of my life *cough*

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