Wanted by the Wolves

Chapter 32. I'm the Human's Mate?!

J A S O N ′ S P O V :

By the time I had pulled into the pack house’s driveway, I was completely confused. Was Kara more than a friend to me? Or was the kiss from last Friday night putting weird fantasies in my head?

I entered my room a few minutes later, and set the folder of information on my cramped desk. I would have to present the information at dinner tonight. Just the thought of saying something bad about Kara made my skin crawl in disgust.

Wait, did I have feelings for the human? What about the rogue, Amy? Wasn’t she my mate?

“She could be, but we felt sparks with Kara....” Ethan pointed out smugly.

Oh gosh, was I the human’s mate?!

“Jason, you wanted to present something to us?” My father along with Caleb, Ryder and their dads stood together in the meeting room. I stood up and cleared my throat before starting.

“Today when I was coming back from school, two of our highly trained warriors delivered this file to me,” I held up the folder, catching everyone in the rooms undivided attention. “They said it had something to do with the wanted wolf we’ve been looking for.”

“How does this help us with tracking the wolf?” Caleb’s father, the current Beta asked.

“Well, the information in this folder suggests that they are living in our territory as we speak.” I showed them the photos and read through the documents before allowing them to investigate for themselves.

Caleb looked up at me with a pleased expression plastered on his face. “Well it looks like you found some information on that ‘human’ after all.”

I shocked them all by giving a low and deadly growl. “Do not talk about her like that.”

In an instant, everyone in the room besides my dad bowed their heads in submission before apologizing.

“What’s wrong, son?” My father asked, concern trickling into his voice. “Why are you upset about how the human is referred to?”

I took a deep breath in, trying to calm my nerves. Why was I so protective over her? Why didn’t I want anything bad to be said about Kara? Just thinking about her caused butterflies to erupt in my stomach and my face to heat up. Ugh, why did I have to act like a teenage girl?

“Because you like her,” Ethan said, “and probably because she is our mate.”

“Mate?! Ethan, stop joking around here,” I mind linked him, panic lacing into my tone. No, it couldn’t be. Amy was my mate, not Kara!

During my internal battle, everyone in the room had stared at me curiously. “Jason, you don’t care for her, do you?” Ryder’s father asked in a quiet tone.

I looked up, feeling my eyes flashing as Ethan tried to take control. “I-I think she might be my mate.”

Silence echoed throughout the room. Of all the things they had expected to hear, this definitely wasn’t it.

Ryder stepped forward, watching me cautiously. “Jason, are you sure?”

I nodded my head, working my jaw as I tried to figure out how this was possible. It wasn’t uncommon to have a human mate, that happened all the time, but as a Luna?

Ethan growled low and deadly in my head. “Don’t you dare disrespect our mate in any way, shape or form.” I reassured him I wouldn’t. Honestly, the last thing I wanted to do was to hurt Kara in any way.

My dad stepped in front of me, a curious look in his eyes. “What does it feel like, being around her?” I knew where he was going with this. He was trying to see if the symptoms of my puppy love was actually the mate bond or some stupid crush.

So I spoke honestly. “When I’m around Kara, I feel like I am the happiest I can be. And whenever I think about her, it brings a smile to my face. When we touch, it feels like sparks are exploding-”

“Okay, okay, Jason. That’s enough. You are starting to sound like a love sick teenage girl. Pull yourself together,” Caleb laughed. I the whole speech was really cheesy, but I knew deep down he felt the same for Charlotte.

“I think the human may be your mate, Jason,” my father spoke wisely. “So how are you going to break the news to her about what we are?”

My face fell at the thought. How would she react? Would she leave me forever? Or would she accept me for who I was? “I guess once I know she has developed strong feelings for me back, I’ll tell her.”

Ryder whistled quietly. “Good look telling that to her. You’ll be lucky if she doesn’t run and hide. Ouch!” I looked up to see Ryder’s father smack him on the back of the head with a warning look.

I buried my head in my hands. “No, Ryder’s right. She will probably freak out and run off if she finds out what we are. She is in that anti-wolf club after all.”

“We can do a little background search on her to figure out if she knows anything about wolves.” Caleb suggested, and the other members voiced their approval.

“This was all the information they could get on her,” I said, referring to the trackers as I pulled out some documents. “A lot of them look forged, and according to this, no one named ‘Kara Thomas’ existed until that human showed up here.”

My dad cocked his head to the side, a far off look in his eyes. “Maybe... maybe she already knows about our world.”

I snorted. “Good try dad, but do you really think I wouldn’t have noticed my mate is something else by now?”

He shrugged. “Her aunt is Martha, it would make sense for her to use a masking spray...”

“Well, either way, I am still her mate. I will fight for her ’till the end. Nothing is going to stand in my way. Even if she isn’t human.”

Everyone nodded, seemingly pleased with their future alpha’s devotion to their new Luna.

By the time the night had ended, I decided it would be wise to try and text Kara one last time.

|Jason: Hey Kara|

When I didn’t receive a reply of some sort I decided to leave it at that. I wasn’t going to spam her phone if she didn’t want to talk to me.

“You are so whipped,” Ethan smirked.

And I didn’t deny it either.

Because I knew I was falling for Kara.

The human.

The future Luna.

My mate.

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