Wanted by the Wolves

Chapter 13. Rogue or Mate?

K A R A ′ S P O V :

When I ran out of the house, I really don’t know what I was thinking. Maybe it was the fact that staying hidden was going to be so much harder. Or maybe it was because I had just lost any chance of becoming close with Char. Stupid rogue problem. If only I wasn’t the most wanted wolf I would be living a normal life in my actual pack. The one that accepted me, not the one that wasn’t aware I was even here.

During sometime through my thoughts, Rachel took over. And before I knew it, that’s how I found myself in the middle of a forest in wolf form. “Rachel, turn back!” My anger quickly changed to panic at the thought of Jason, or any wolf for that matter, being able to identify my scent as rogue.

I rushed through the woods. If I ran back to my aunt’s house, it would alert anyone passing by that she had something to do with me. So I made a plan to pass the territory line, and to walk back in as a human once I was sure my scent was skillfully covered. Of gosh, I so hoped I didn’t pass any trackers on my way out.

“Um.. so are you planning on walking into the pack naked?” Rachel asked as we passed through the thick woods, dodging trees left and right. If I were human, I would have face palmed. During my shift, I had completely forgotten about my clothes. Oh well, I’d have to mind link Martha to meet me out here with some.

As I was passing through, the most amazing scent hit my nostrils. Although Rachel wanted to pursue it, I convinced her to keep going. It was out life or seeing our mate at this moment. Even though she was reluctant, she agreed and kept our current speed. I cringed as I saw Jason in wolf form tense as we passed. He had smelt us, and before we knew it he would be on our tail.

Rachel, who had a better concept of how to get out as quickly as possible, soon took full control as she weaved in and out of trees. Back by Jason, she had sensed a body of water. For werewolves, we had exceptional sense of smell, but there were always ways to hide or mask your scent. Water was one of them.

Up ahead, about 15 wolves stood in our pack, anticipating our original plan to leave. “Looks like the water is our way to go.” I said as Rachel faked going passed them before turning around and bolting off into a denser part of the forest. This would hopefully give us an advantage over the other wolves hot on our trail.

Soon, the water was right before us, and Rachel jumped as gracefully as she could as to not make a loud splash. Just before we resurfaced, a voice echoed throughout our mind.

“Rogue, identify yourself. Shift back to human form.” The mind link was definitely not from Jason, I would have identified his voice from anywhere. Due to the power radiating off of it, I would make a guess that it was Caleb, his second in command.

Looking through the water above us, we could make out the silhouettes standing around the perimeter on land. Knowing that we were trapped, Rachel broke the surface, and paddled over to some rather large rocks that surrounded the waterfall. Taking it in, I realized the true beauty of the territory out here. “We have more important things to be focusing on!” Rachel reminded me, focusing in on Jason’s wolf as he stood across the water from me.

A low growl reverberated from his chest at the sight of me hiding out. Before I could stop her, Rachel quickly mind linked Caleb. “Would you please explain to your dear future alpha that I am only hiding back here because I don’t have any clothes, and I would rather not shift in front of so many men.”

Caleb, who I am guessing was the grey and brown wolf next to Jason looked taken aback at my sudden powerful tone, but quickly hid it as he relayed the message to Jason, who seemed to calm down slightly. Even still, he stood with his hackles raised and his teeth bared. I shifted like he asked, and with the shelter of the rock, the men could only see my neck up. I breathed in, hoping that he didn’t recognize me.

Looking up, I was met with confused eyes. Jason let out a feral growl that had everyone looking down. Rachel urged me to look at myself, and I found I was dressed in a coral pink t-shirt and lime green shorts, with flip flops on my feet. Since when did I ever wear this attire? Inspecting my hair, I noticed that instead of my new blonde hair or natural brown hair, I had stringy red hair. Interesting.

Jason shifted and borrowed an extra pair of shorts from his pack members while I was inspecting how the sun reflected off my new hair in the sun. It was cut into a short bob and swayed with whatever way my head turned.

He quickly cleared his throat before speaking. “Seeing as how you are taking in your appearance, you probably haven’t been human in a long time. It also appears you have clothes with you, so I need you to come over to our side of the lake.”

Rachel urged me to obliged, which I did as I hopped across the stones to get to the soft grass. From there, I continued around the perimeter until I neared the wolves. Weighing my options, I came to the quick realization that if I were to run, I would most likely be tackled by all of these wolves in an instant.

The wolves I approached moved away, giving me a clear path to Jason. Just as I approached, one of the wolves who had shifted with Jason stepped forward. “Future Alpha, with all due respect, do you really think it is safe let this rogue wander without being held. I-”

Before he could continue, Jason shook his hand, silencing him. “This arrangement is fine. What I would like to know is what you were doing on our lands...” Suddenly, a wave of happiness flooded my senses. Rachel howled in pure excitement as she raced around my head, shouting mate.

I couldn’t react before Jason was right in front of me, his wolf taking over by the way his eyes turned pitch black. “Mine.” he growled out, taking a step closer to me. His hand brushed my cheek, and sparks erupted.

Now, most people are ecstatic finding their soul mates, their second halves, whatever you want to call them. They rejoice over the thought of finding their soul mate. Years ago, I probably would have thought that would be how it turned out. A casual meeting, them feeling the sparks and being overwhelmed by the scent.

But now I found myself with the one choice I had left. Go to Jason, who would be extra possessive because he was an alpha, and bring danger to the pack for being a wanted wolf, or running, and hopefully never seeing them again. My wolf’s heart broke at the thought, but I was left with no choice.

So I ran.

Far off in the distance, I heard that same wolf from earlier question Jason. “Your mate? I thought that was Evelyn, not some rogue.”

“Do not call her some rogue.” Jason’s voice shook with anger he was trying to suppress at the thought of someone calling his mate anything less than a respectful name.

And for some reason, a sense of pride swept through me as I ran into the distance.

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