Wanted By The Alpha King

Chapter Found her

Mandie was shocked when she heard of Nessa's condition. She was in a critical condition? By who?? Who could've attacked her?

She rushed towards her to room to see for herself, and getting there, she was surprised to really find her friend in a terrible state. She was are already sleeping - unconscious - and looked really terrible. What could've happened to her? Who attacked her?

"Nessa?" She called and tapped her hand, but there was no response.

According to her informant, they have no idea who or what attacked her. And the two companions she'd gone with didn't return with her.

Wow... she looked really terrible. Was she going to make it?


Kaylan stood under the tree in the dark, staring at the breezy restaurant in front of her.

It looked so busy with people trooping in and out of it. To Mandie, it was a mini-bar.

She could feel her self salivating as she stared at it, imagining what it would feel like having a good meal - or maybe a half good meal.

She was so hungry and thirsty and felt she might pass out any moment

if she doesn't find a quick solution to

it. But she had no money with her; not even a dime. What does she do? en.swhovels.net

She stood there for a longer time and continued staring at it. She could recall how difficult it was finding a restaurant in the first place. She had to walk and walk a long distance and now, she was just

going to let it go?

That was definitely not the best thing to do.

So, without further hesitation, she started walking towards the restaurant, damning the fact that she wasn't having a dime with her.

Her hands were in her cardigan pocket as she walked with her head down, trying so hard to avoid eye contacts.

*Come on, Kaylan. They're humans,

not werewolves" she tried assuring herself. But how was she sure everyone of them would be human? There might actually be werewolves amongst them, in disguise. Yeah, her mother was a hunter and she knew most of this.

She made sure her head was low enough as she continued walking and finally, she got to the entrance and pushed the door open, walking in.

Alpha Zane stood and watched from a distance as the Hunter's daughter walked into the restaurant. A creepy smile crept onto his face. At long last, he's found her.

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