Want You in My Life

Chapter 197 Alliine Had A Hard Time In Love (Part One)

When Alline saw this sentence, she subconsciously felt that Cathy was crossed in love, or she wouldn't have said it in such a tone. She paused for three seconds and slowly typed on the screen, "If you can't forget him, don't be too hard on yourself. Time will make you forget him. Sometimes, the more you want to forget someone, the more you can't forget him. So, Cathy, don't push yourself!"

After that, she took a deep breath and waited for Cathy's reply. Did Cathy really break up with her boyfriend? Cathy was indeed a little out of control last night, but after she asked Austin, he kept silent.

Alline was a little headache. She bit her lips and didn't move her eyes.

Unfortunately, Cathy didn't reply, and the red fox profile didn't beat any more. Her seductive eyes and posture were still seductive, just like her whole body, always in the most beautiful state to show the best charm.

Alline sent several messages to Cathy but she didn't Her profile picture completely darkened. Alline was in a daze and collapsed there powerlessly. She had a feeling that Cathy didn't want to talk about it. She just wanted to vent her anger.

What's more, what happened to Cathy today made Alline nervous. When she was about to call Cathy, Cathy called her first. She asked directly, "Did Rebecca commit suicide?"

"Yes. Alline replied her honestly and asked her, "Cathy, what's wrong with you these two days?"

Cathy's voice was as usual, with usual charm. She gently shook it, like a wind bell floating in the wind, "I just want to tease you. Alline, you care so much about me. You'd better care about your man's problem!"

Hearing Cathy's words, Alline rolled her eyes.

"By the way, is Rebecca dead? Cathy threw out another time bomb.

"I don't know. Alline replied sulkily.

"Hey, why don't you know that your rival in love is in hospital? Don't you go to the hospital to declare your sovereignty? Cathy teased.

"Declare what? Compared with Rebecca, my feelings for Hiram are nothing! Alline smiled bitterly, perhaps she was the most miserable legitimate wife in the world who has suffered so much. Her husband's ex-girlfriend committed suicide for him, but she was helpless at home. Thinking of this, she had a headache!

There seemed to be ten thousand horses galloping in her heart. To be honest, she really didn't want anything to happen to Rebecca, so she could only wait until the news of Rebecca's safety came back. As for others, she didn't even have the courage to call Hiram. On the one hand, she was afraid of hearing bad news. On the other hand, she didn't want to feel that her husband was worried about other women.

Cathy changed her posture, sneered and said lightly, "Alline, let me tell you. Rebecca is good at pretending. I don't believe that she is really willing to die. If she really wants to die, she won't cut her wrist, but her neck. "

"Why are you so cruel? Do you have any sympathy! If Rebecca is really dead, Hiram will never be happy for the rest of his life. She will always be the only one between the two of us! Alline knew that Cathy was making fun of her, but she couldn't help making fun of her.

Cathy's smile froze for a moment.

There was always a dead person between her and Stephen. If Caroline was still alive, she would dare to fight with her. But when she heard that Cardine was dead, how could she fight with a dead person? What could she do with that? That was really funny. The smile on her face disappeared in an instant. She suppressed the bitterness in her heart and said, "Well, don't be so sentimental. We will call Jenny later. I'll tell you what's going on with Rebecca. Don't worry. She is very lucky!"

Back then, when Rebecca fought with her, the two of them fell into the lake. She didn't drown, but how could she die now!

It was just a trick or two of a

woman, but Rebecca was so annoying. Did she think that she could get back at Hiram in this way? She didn't think about it either. How could Ethan allow her to marry into Mo family? But if she tried her best, she could do nothing but receive some sympathy and pity. She could see it clearly. She knew that when Rebecca knelt down in front of Ethan and begged him to let her marry into the Mo family, Ethan didn't even agree. But now, it was even more impossible, let alone that Alline was the granddaughter in law selected by him in person!

Therefore, at most, she just wanted to make Hiram feel a little sorry for her. There was no need for her to do that. It was enough to have Emma involved, and Rebecca was also stirring up the situation. Alas, Alline's love path was very bumpy! 'But think about yourself, Cathy, how can you laugh at others?'

After the two girls chatted for a while, Cathy stopped the call and told Alline not to think too much. She might come to HC City tomorrow!

That night, Hiram didn't come back. Before going to bed, he called Alline. His voice was unprecedentedly deep, which made people's heart ache, "Alline, you can go to bed early. Don't wait for me. I will be in the hospital today!"

Sitting cross legged on the sofa with a brush in her hand, Alline asked, "Hiram, how is Rebecca?"

"She's better now, but she is still very

weak. The doctor said that she might have some psychological problems, and she has the subconsciousness to commit suicide again, so we have to stay with her all the time! Hiram replied flatly. To be honest, he felt that today was just like a battle. He was tired from beginning to end. He rubbed between his eyebrows and lowered his hand slightly helplessly.

Alline was surprised, but she quickly said, "Then you... Just stay with her in the hospital!"

Hearing this, Hiram chuckled. He walked to the window and took a deep breath of fresh air to ease the dizziness in his brain. He said in a low voice with a little ambiguity, "Alline, are you jealous?"

"Don't be jealous. I'm not jealous. I'm asleep! Alline's voice sounded a little annoyed. She didn't want to admit that she was jealous. In fact, she was already jealous, but sometimes, she didn't want to admit that she would be jealous, and afraid that one day, Hiram would be together with Emma again. Moreover, there was also Rebecca, who looked exactly like Emma.

Emma grew up with him. The two grew up together and promised each other for the rest of their lives.

Rebecca had been taking good care of him for so many years.

As for her, it was just because Ethan wanted her to marry into the Mo family and become Hiram's wife. After all, Alline had an inferiority complex. In front of the two sisters, she thought she had no chance of winning. Except for Ethan supporting her to become the daughter- in-law of Mo family, no one else approved of her.

She rubbed between her eyebrows tiredly and took a deep breath, as if she was going to spit out the annoyance in her heart.

No matter what, she wouldn't admit defeat. Even if Rebecca risked his life to retrieve the relationship, she wouldn't let Hiram go. She loved him, and she wanted to live and retreat with him. As long as Hiram didn't give up, she was willing to be with him side by side. This was her promise. As for Rebecca, she prayed that God would protect her! 000

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