
Chapter 20

Chapter 20 

Rosalind spoke up first to mislead the public, immediately accusing Naomi of impersonating her. 

Naomi just stared back, her eyes cold and indifferent, devoid of any warmth or hatred. 

Rosalind felt a pang of guilt under Naomi’s gaze, but she wasn’t going to give up the glory that was almost hers. She had to be the author of the comic, even if she couldn’t draw. She could always hire someone to ghostwrite with enough money. She would never worry about finding an artist to update the comic. 

She said, “Naomi, if you wanted my work, you should’ve just asked when we were at home! I would’ve given it to you.” 

Rosalind’s eyes welled up with tears, her voice full of mock sorrows. “Naomi, I know you need money. It’s bad enough you found a sugar daddy, but you can’t steal my work!” 

Naomi smirked, pulled out her phone, accessed the camera, and focused it on Rosalind. “Come on. Let me see how good your acting has gotten.” Freddy frowned, stepping in front of Naomi. “Apologize to your sister.” 

“Who do you think you are?” Naomi’s gaze turned icy. “Just some trash I discarded, but now Rosalind regards you as treasure.” 

Freddy’s face darkened instantly. He didn’t show his dislike to Naomi, but he couldn’t stand being referred to as “trash” or being dumped by her. His pride wouldn’t allow it. 

He raised his hand, ready to slap Naomi. But in the next instant, a loud sound echoed. Freddy’s face turned from the force. 

Naomi had caught his hand and slapped him without hesitation. 

“Ah!” Rosalind screamed and lunged at Naomi, aiming to slap her, too. But Naomi simply pushed her, and she fell onto the ground. 

“Naomi, are you insane? How dare you slap Freddy! How dare you push me!” Rosalind shrieked. “We’ve been so good to you. Why did you treat us like this?” 

Naomi smirked and said, “Because… I don’t want to be your personal blood bank 

re, Rosalind!” 

Her voice was slow and distinct. “Rosalind, you’ve always been so good to me, but every time you take so much of my blood, it hurts a lot! Since you are so kind, shouldn’t you care about me and tell Mom and Dad to stop taking my blood for you?” 

She mocked, “Think about it. You’ve been alive for over twenty years, and ten of those years were thanks to my blood donations. If you care so much about me, shouldn’t you return some of my blood?” 

She glanced at Freddy and said, “Rosalind, if you liked Freddy, you should’ve just told me! Why sneak behind my back? But I guess I can’t blame you entirely. As they say, it takes two to tango, and birds of a feather flock together. I dumped him for you, so you two wouldn’t have to keep it a secret anymore.” 

“Honestly, I think I’m being the better sister here!” she concluded. 


Naomi’s voice dripped with sarcasm as she stared at Rosalind. She didn’t mention why she was at Sky Animation, and the website owner, Warren, didn’t bring it up, either. He just stood there enjoying the show. 

Naomi could bring significant profits to his company, and his daughter adored her. Besides, he had received a heads–up from higher–ups, so he wasn’t about to offend either Naomi or the higher–ups who considered her a goldmine, 

Whatever Naomi needed, Warren was willing to cooperate. Besides, she hadn’t asked anything unreasonable of him. 

The employees crowded around Warren’s office door, eager to watch the drama unfold, and Warren didn’t shoo them away. Clearly, he was okay with everyone enjoying the show. 

Freddy rushed to support Rosalind. “Naomi, how did you become so vicious?” 

Naomi sneered, “I’m vicious because 1 slapped you? Should I just stand here and let you hit me? Rosalind isn’t vicious, right? She’s only been taking her sister’s blood for ten years.” 

Naomi picked up her bag. “I don’t have time to watch you two act. Now get out of my way.” 

Freddy reached out to slap her again, but Warren stepped in, grabbing his hand. “Mr. Sanders, Sky Animation may not be the most famous in Atopan, but we won’t allow you to keep bullying our comic writer.” 

He advised, “Both of you say you’re Elf in the Evening. Well, it is easy to prove it. I’ll set up a public contest. You’ll both go on stage, and I’ll invite TV stations and reporters to make sure it’s recorded and broadcast live.” 


Chapter 20 

With that, Warren gave Freddy a hard push, making him stagger back a few paces. 

Naomi smirked and then looked troubled. “I don’t mind, but my hand is hurt. I can’t draw right now.” 

Rosalind’s worry faded at Naomi’s words. As long as Naomi didn’t agree to compete, Rosalind had a chance to convince her to give up the comic rights. 

Rosalind said, “Mr. Pratt, Kelly, sorry you had to see this. There might be a misunderstanding between my sister and me. We’ll settle it privately and come back to you.” 

She glared at Naomi, then stepped closer to hug her and whispered, “Make terms outside, but don’t make a scene now.” 

Naomi bit her lip, looking like she was struggling, and then slowly nodded. “We’ll talk outside.” 

“Elf, call me if you need help.” Warren came out of the office and called out to her, realizing Naomi wasn’t just any writer but someone significant enough for a heads–up from higher–ups. 

“Thank you, Mr. Pratt.” Naomi nodded slightly and strode into the elevator. 

Rosalind and Freddy quickly followed, their expressions changing as soon as the doors closed. 

Freddy asked immediately, “Naomi, what’s your deal? Why did you sneak behind Rosalind’s back to come to Sky Animation? Do you know how much effort she’s put into this comic?” 

Rosalind stopped him. “Freddy, don’t blame Naomi. It’s my fault. I didn’t know she had issues with me. If I had known, I wouldn’t have come today.” 

Naomi let out a mocking laugh. In the past, Rosalind was harsh with her, and Freddy would comfort Naomi. But now, it was reversed. Freddy was scolding her while Rosalind, the angelic bitch, played the nice sister. 

“What do you mean by that, Naomi?” Freddy frowned, clearly displeased. “Your sister was just joking around with you. Do you really need to hold a grudge?” 

“Of course, I do,” Naomi said coldly. “Let’s go to a place.” 

She hit the button on her car key, and the white Ferrari beeped as it unlocked. She opened the door and got in. “Rosalind, Freddy, if you want the account password, follow me.” 




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