
Chapter 16

Chapter 16 

Shawn’s expression was unreadable, while Freddy’s voice continued, filled with frustrated anguish. “Naomi, I really don’t get how you could have changed like this. Not only do you lie, but you’re also cruel and heartless. You’ve disowned your own parents and your own sister, and you refused to save her. How can you be so selfish?” 

Freddy continued, “And what did I ever do to you that you want to break up with me? I treated you so well, and you just call it quits like that?” 

Then he shouted, “Naomi, you just want money, right? You could’ve just told me! As the son of the Sanders family, can’t I afford to buy you a Ferrari? You lied and cheated us, just to find a sugar daddy. Have you lost your sense of right and wrong?” 

Shawn finally spoke up calmly. “Son of the Sanders family. You’re Freddy, right? You’re on my radar now.” And with that, he hung up the call. 

He held the phone and walked into the kitchenette. “Some guy named Freddy just called you.” 

Naomi didn’t take the phone. “Oh, you answered it? That mad dog didn’t say anything harsh to you, did he? If he did, I’ll get even with him one day and send you the proof.” 

A slight smile tugged at Shawn’s lips. “Just 

Naomi’s face broke into a grin. “Well, if 


wardly worth my attention.” 

Shawn said, “After lunch, you’ve got some chill tim family, just tell Chandler. He’s got your back.” 

“Okay, thank you, Mr. Fischer,” Naomi said. 

“You’re welcome,” Shawn replied. 

you, I’ll teach him a lesson.” 

m not here to cage you. No need to jump at every call. If you need a hand to deal with your 

Shawn settled back on the couch and sent a message to Chandler: [Terminated all the contracts with the Sanders family.] 

Chandler texted back in an instant: [Got it, Mher.] 

Chandler got on it immediately. From the first time he saw Freddy at the hospital, he sensed that guy was in trouble. Ms. Edwards was now working for Mr. Fischer. She was under his protection, and no one messed with Mr. Fischer’s people without consequences. 

Naomi had lunch ready in no time. After setting the table and lining up the cutlery, she called out to Shawn. “Mr. Fischer, lunch’s ready.” 

“Coming.” Shawn walked into the dining area and spotted a single set of cutlery. His eyebrows came together in a quick frown. “Why won’t you eat with me?” 

“Huh?Naomi was confused. 

He slid the plate and cutlery over, commanding, “Sit down and eat.” Naomi quickly fetched another knife and fork, placing them across from Shawn with gratitude. “Thank you, Mr. Fischer.” 

Shawn didn’t say another word, diving silently into his meal. 

Naomi watched him out of the corner of her eye, reflecting on how she’d never been allowed at the same table with Javier, Victoria, or Rosalind. Yet, in Shawn’s presence, she found an unexpected sense of respect. From her first meal at Spring Villa till now, Shawn had never made her feel 

unwelcome at his table. 

A warmth bloomed within her, and emotions bubbled over. Before she knew it, tears slipped free and dropped into her soup, making tiny ripples. 

Shawn set his fork down with a thud. 

“Mr. Fischer, I’m really sorry.” Naomi rushed to apologize without thinking. “It was completely unintentional.” 

Her eyes were red, and her voice cracked. “I’m sorry, Mr. Fischer, for ruining the mood.” 

“Naomi, even though you’re just my personal assistant, you should carry yourself with pride,” he said, in a deep voice with concern. “What’s Freddy to you that you’d cry over him? 

Naomi’s mouth opened, but no words came out. She wanted to say it wasn’t about Freddy. Instead, it was about being treated nicely by Shawn here. Back when she was ten, Javier and Victoria picked her up from the orphanage, claiming people at the hospital had stolen and sold her at birth, but back home, they were never nice to her. 

Eating separately from them was one thing, but she was also burdened with chores alongside the house staff. If she slipped up, Victoria’s scolding would follow, sometimes even leading to a beating or getting locked in the basement. 



Chapter 16 

“It’s not about Freddy, Mr. Fischer.” Naomi’s voice was hoarse. “It’s about you… Your face must have hurt so much.” 

Shawn froze. He never expected to hear such words from her. 

Naomi put her fork down, pulled out a tissue, and wiped her eyes. “Mr. Fischer, remember when I said I could heal your scars?” 

She fought to steady her breathing to reclaim control over her emotions. “You’ve been so good to me, and I want to do something for you” 

Shawn’s lips curled into a faint smile. “So, a meal and a job means I’ve been good to you?” 

“Yes,” Naomi nodded earnestly, “these have been the best days of my life for the last twenty years” She was telling the truth with no flattery or exaggerations. 

Shawn’s mind went back to the report Chandler had given him, and a wave of annoyance hit him. Then he grabbed his phone and texted Chandler: [Terminated all the contracts with the Edwards family, too. 

Chandler texted him back: [Understood, Mr. Fischer] 

“Enjoy our meal,” Shawn said. 

“Okay” Naomi uttered a word. 

Shawn didn’t say more, and neither did Naomi. She prepared a simple meal, not sure if it was to Shawn’s taste, 

The two ate in silence, and afterward, Shawn told her to take a lunch break. Cleaning dishes was someone else’s job. Naomi wasn’t expected to help. 

Seizing the moment, Naomi suggested she could take a closer look at his scars. In her previous life, she helped Wilson–her mentor,come up with some pretty effective herbal remedies, including scar removal cream. 

Shawn was ready to say no, but somehow, he found himself saying okay instead. 

Naomi scrubbed her hands clean and gingerly touched Shawn’s face. “Mr. Fischer, if anything I do hurts or feels off, just let me know, alright?” 

“OK.” Shawn replied. 

As Naomi’s fingers met the scars on Shawn’s face, he felt a zap, like electricity coursing through him, making him shudder unexpectedly. The impact she had on him was way more intense than he thought it would be. 

Naomi’s touch was cold as she carefully checked the bumpy scars on Shawn’s face. Her eyes couldn’t hide her pity. As she continued, her hands began to shake uncontrollably. 

Shawn grabbed her hand suddenly. “Scared?” 

Naomi shook her head. “No… It hurts to see this.” 

“It must hurt so much back then…” Her words trailed off as her tears started falling again. 

At first, after her comeback, Naomi had a motive for getting close to Shawn. But now, as she touched his scary scars, she couldn’t help but feel sorry for the man in front of her. 

“Good thing your legs are fine,” she murmured. 

Suddenly, Shawn cupped her chin, leaning in to kiss away the tears on her face. 

Naomi’s eyes widened, tears welling in her eyes. With every kiss from Shawn, the tears rolled down even faster. 

He furrowed his brow. His kisses turned gentler until her cheeks were dry. Then he spoke softly. “It’s me who suffered pain. What are you crying for?” 


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