Voyeur (A student/teacher romance) (Voyeur Series)

Voyeur: Chapter 27


“Come over this weekend,” I said against Oaklyn’s neck. I watched her walk into the conference room where the printer was. She had her back to me, and I snuck up behind her, loving the way she sucked in a breath when my fingers brushed her hair away from her neck. “Dress up. It will be a pseudo date. Please,” I whispered, quickly pressing my lips against her smooth skin before stepping back.

“Yes,” she’d agreed.

I’d rushed back to press one last string of kisses up her neck, loving the moan that vibrated against my lips. I wanted to stay, pinning her to the desk, but the door wasn’t locked, and we wouldn’t be able to explain that away.

So, I stepped back and said, “Tomorrow,” before walking back out the door.

I couldn’t stop thinking about our conversation the other night about dates. Imagining her all dressed up, a shy smile in place as I walked into a restaurant with the most beautiful woman on my arm. I needed to give as much of that to her as possible.

Saturday night, I’d pulled out all the stops. I had candles on the dining room table, in the kitchen, in the entryway, and lit the fireplace in the living room trying to set the

mood. Trying to hide the fact that we were still at my house rather than the decadent restaurant I really wanted to take her to.

But none of it mattered when I opened the door to the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen. Her golden eyes seemed to glow under my porch light, wide and filled with nerves. It was an intoxicating mix with the black dress she wore. Sleeves stretched down her forearms, but her shoulders were left completely exposed. It was fitted up top, just hinting at cleavage before flaring out above her waist. I stepped back with my jaw hanging open to let her in and looked down at a small expanse of thigh exposed before being met with over the knee suede boots.

Her fingers touched my chin, lifting it back up to close my mouth. I breathed a laugh, still unable to form words.

“Like it?”

“I fucking love it. You look beautiful.” Her makeup was still subtle, and her hair pulled back in a pony tail that looked both sophisticated and still hinted at her nineteen years. “Come on in. Dinner’s ready.”

Her eyes looked all around, wide with excitement as she took in all the candles.

Her smile from across the table as we ate, talked, and laughed filled me with pride that I’d put it there. She joked, asking me where I hid the tin containers the food came in.

It had to have been one of the easiest dates I’d ever had.

She set her silverware aside and took a drink of water, watching me the whole time. It was intoxicating watching the candle light flicker across her features.

“Thank you for the flowers,” she said. I’d given her a dozen roses once we entered the kitchen and she beamed, saying no one had ever gotten her flowers before. I loved being a first for her.

“I’m glad you like them.”

“My dad always got my mom flowers. Sometimes they were the ones they were about to throw out at the store

and sometimes they were even just wildflowers around his building at work. Mom said it didn’t matter. It was the fact that he’d thought about her.”

“How are your mom and dad?”

“Good. Busy as always. Life hasn’t seemed to change too much for them over the years, minus having to support me.

But they still work a lot to stay afloat.”

I hated that she’d had to struggle, but her smile when talking about them, didn’t make it seem like it had affected the love too much.

“How are your parents?” Oaklyn asked.

“They’re good. Just got back from a trip in Italy. Dad had some brief business to do, and my mom talked him into staying the whole week. She called me last night to tell me all about it for over an hour.”

She laughed at my eye roll. “You seem close to them.”

“I am. They’re good parents and always strove to give the best to me. They just want to see me happy.”

Her eyes dropped to where her thumb was rubbing at the side of her glass before she spoke. “What do you think they would think of me?”

Probably not happy that she was my student, but I didn’t say that. “I think they’d like you because you make me happy.”

She peeked up at me from under her lashes. “Good.”

“It’s very good.”

“Are they visiting you any time soon? Not because I’m trying to hint at a meet and greet,” she rushed to explain.

“I just know you haven’t seen them in a while.”

“They may at the end of the semester. They were just here for Christmas.” I took a drink of water and tried to decide if I wanted to confide in her, but it was a no-brainer.

I always wanted to confide in Oaklyn. She was my safety.

“They actually mentioned me coming home.”

“I thought you didn’t go home,” she said, sitting upright, concern covering her face.

“My cousin, Sarah, is getting married.” I took another drink of water trying to ease the tightening in my throat.

She didn’t say anything, but I could see the question in her eyes. “Sarah was his sister.”

“Are you okay?”

I paused before answering, taking stock of my body.

Other than the nerves of speaking about it, I was calm. No sweating. No racing heart. No shaking. I was okay.

“Surprisingly, yes.”

“Good,” she said smiling. “What are you going to do?”

“My original thought was no, but I feel like I’m in a better place, like maybe I could. I always assumed I’d never go back to California, but maybe . . .” I hadn’t been sure I was going to say anything, but just seeing her across from me, feeling her happiness for me, I had to. I had to ask. It was an urge I couldn’t swallow down. “But I thought, maybe, with you by my side, I could face it.”

Her eyebrows rose toward her hairline. “You want me to go home with you?”

“If you want to,” I rushed out. Her eyes were wide and not really giving any of her emotions away and nerves began to set in. “It wouldn’t be until October.”

She didn’t say anything, and I couldn’t look away.

Concern shot through me when wetness glazed over her eyes and my mind scrambled to figure out why. She scooted her chair back and stood, and for a moment, I feared she would leave. I’d pushed her too far, said too much. But with her lip firmly planted under her teeth, she walked over to me and pushed me to lean back in my chair. Then she threw a leg over my lap and planted herself there, a smile hinting on her lips. There was no hesitation on my part as my hands fell to her hips, securing her against me, loving the pressure of her on top of me. I scooted back a bit to give her room before she reached out to hold my cheeks and lean down to kiss me.

She kissed me gently and I let her lead the way, getting lost in the soft grazes she gave me. Too soon she pulled back, but just enough to look me in the eyes, hers flicking back and forth before she whispered, “I’d go anywhere with you.”

I didn’t wait for her to take the lead then. I dove in and began devouring her lips, eating her promise straight from them. I wanted to take her everywhere with me.

I loved her.

The truth of it had lingered inside me for a while, but right then, it consumed me.

To keep from letting it slip past my lips, I kissed her harder. Her hands dragged down my chest and she scooted back, working my buckle before opening my pants. I jumped a little when her soft hand wrapped around my cock, but not because I was scared, but because her touch shot electricity through every part of my body, making my skin come alive. She stroked me up and down, not hard enough to make me come, but enough to make me desperate for more.

I gripped her bottom and held her as I stood. After I’d shoved the plates to the side, I sat her atop the table and worked my lips down her neck, sucking at the pulse beating frantically. I dipped down into her cleavage as far as the dress would go and then I tugged the material down, making her pert breasts pop free.

No fucking bra. Thank god.

Wasting no time, I latched onto her pink nipple, tasting her skin. She thrust her hips up and wet heat came into contact with my cock. My body jerked and pulled back to look up at her. I could only imagine what my eyes looked like. Wide, frantic, nervous, excited, terrified.

“No panties?”

She shrugged, and one side of her mouth ticked up in a half smile. Swallowing hard, I stared down at her, her hand making its way into my hair and tugging me to her lips. She

bit, licked, and sucked pulling me back into the moment. I cupped her warm breast in my hand and swallowed her moan when I pinched her nipple. I did it again and her hips jerked up, bringing the wet heat straight in line with the head of my cock.

The world froze for what seemed like days while I tried to unscramble the emotions tearing through me. But then her tongue flicked across my chin, followed by a bite and I groaned, my hips thrusting forward again of their own free will, slipping another inch inside of Oaklyn.

My chest heaved, a mixture of panic and desire. She gripped my face and tilted my head back until I was staring at her. She seemed just as nervous as I was. Her eyes flicking across my face, her tongue slicking out to wet her dry lips, her breaths coming just as fast as mine.

“Look at me,” she breathed the command and then lifted her hips, letting me slide in a little more. “It’s okay, Callum.

It’s just me. Don’t look away from me.”

Using her eyes as my focus, the flickering candles around the room illuminating her beautiful face, I pushed all the way inside her. Then I pulled back until only the head of my dick remained nestled in the warm, wet folds of her pussy, and pushed in again. And again. And again.

She never once looked away. Even when she leaned down to kiss me, her eyes stayed on mine. Her wet heat enveloped me, welcomed me, gave me the sweetest gift.

Emotions squeezed my chest, making it hard to breathe.

Desire ignited throughout my body making me feel more alive, more everything than ever before.

“It’s okay. It’s just me. It’s okay.” Over and over her voice guided me. Her desperate whispers shifting into moans as my hips picked up the pace.

“Oaklyn,” I said her name like a prayer, like she was my mecca, and I’d finally found my way there. I pulled her to me, her chest flush with mine. Her thighs tight around my hips, her hands still clutching at my cheeks. “You’re so

fucking tight. So wet.” I closed my eyes on a thrust, feeling every inch of her clutched tight around me. “God, you feel so good.”

“Don’t stop,” she pleaded.

“Not a fucking chance.”

I hadn’t even considered it. My mind too focused on the wet glide of her core around my dick. The way it squeezed and milked me. The fire it lit in the base of my spine and a pleasure I felt through my whole body. The pleasure of choice. I chose to be inside her. I chose to feel this pleasure. I had control over it.

I had control, and no one was taking that from me.

“Oaklyn,” I said again. My throat almost closed up and fire burned the backs of my eyes at the same time that it shot down my spine. I became lost in her, lost in the moment, the magic of it all.

“Please, please,” she cried against my lips, each one more desperate than the last until her whole body stiffened and her eyes slid shut as her jaw dropped open. She clung to me and moaned through her orgasm.

“You’re so beautiful when you come.”

I pinched her nipple, completely in awe of her in that moment. Never having felt like more of a man than when I watched her flush from the intensity of her orgasm.

It sparked my own, and I buried my head in her chest, squeezing my eyes shut and fucking her faster. Completely lost in the pleasure that zipped through me.

“Yes, Callum. Fuck me,” she encouraged, taking every thrust.

My body broke out in goose bumps as my hips jerked, my balls pulling up tight. I groaned against her neck, holding her to me as I emptied myself inside her.

As my breathing returned to normal, I finally began to feel her hands running though my hair, her soft kisses to the side of my head, and the soft cries shaking my body.

“Shh. Shh. Callum. It’s okay.”

I should have been embarrassed. Still buried inside her, coming down from my orgasm, and crying into her neck.

But it was Oaklyn, and she’d given me something I never thought I’d ever have. Comfort, acceptance, patience, pleasure.

Pleasure that I had control to stop if I wanted to.

Pleasure I chose to have and not because someone made me.

“Thank you. Thank you.” I said it over and over, letting the bliss slowly ebb. My dick softened and slipped from her heat. I finally let go of the tight grip I had along her back and wiped at my cheeks. When I looked up, her own cheeks held tracks of tears and I loved this woman all over again.

“Thank you, Oaklyn,” I said again.

“Thank you.” She grabbed my cheeks again and placed a gentle kiss to them before slipping off the table. She held my hand and pulled me along as she blew out each candle.

I followed behind obediently, willing to go wherever she took me.

Once they were all blown out, she led me upstairs to my bedroom. Before we laid down she turned to me. “Is this okay?”

“God, yes. I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else but here with you.”

She bit her lip, smiling as she looked down. I took off my shirt and pants, pulling my boxers off along with them.

Nothing seemed impossible, including laying naked next to her all night. I may have ended up waking up to a nightmare, embarrassing myself, but I wanted to try. I wanted to do it for her.

When I laid down she backed toward the bathroom door saying, “I just have to, um, clean up.”

My eyes dropped to her legs and I imagined my cum slipping out and coating her thighs. Groaning, I flopped back to the pillow and listened to her laugh.

“Also, I’m clean and on the pill.”

My eyes shot open. “Shit. I didn’t even think about that.

I’m sorry I put you in that risk.”

“It’s okay,” she said. “I knew what I was doing. I didn’t want anything to distract us from the moment and I knew I was safe.”

“Thank you.”

When she came back, she slipped out of her dress and climbed into bed beside me. I curled into her and lay my head on her chest, listening to her heartbeat.

It beat against my cheek as her fingers sifted through my hair. She didn’t say anything but held me as I clung to her. Before I was lulled to sleep, I turned to place a kiss to her skin, whispering one last thank you.

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