Virtual Sword God!

Chapter 150: What plan?

As the VSW team readied themselves to start their semi-final match, each of them was nervous as they got into the pods. They were about to go into uncharted territory for their team.

When practising for the upcoming match the team had always either played with Lucas or Alex as their leader. There was never a time when Lucas and Alex were playing together without Novis.

As they entered into the game and selected their warriors, the team had gathered in the centre just outside there castle. They had a minute to decide what to do just before the NPC knights would spawn.

The big discussion on everyone mind was what their strategy would be. Before the team focused on two things, grouping up and fighting together as a team, with Novis as a focus. With the hope that when they grouped up, there was the chance that Lucas would sabotage his own teammates.

But now these two things weren't even in the game, Lucas or Novis.

"Are we still going to group up like we've been practising?" Scarlett asked

The whole team was looking on one person to make the decision for them and that was Alex, who had been guiding them the way this whole time.

"We continue with the plan, Dan, Ashley, you two will be our main focus point. Frank will stay upfront just ahead of you two and act as a shield. You two stay right behind him and when you see the opportunity to go in to do the most damage, do it. Scarlett will stay a little behind and I'll protect her in front, just in case they decide to go for her instead. Everyone understand?"

Everyone in the team nodded. Although they no longer had Novis nor did the other team have Lucas. Alex felt like this was still the best plan. If they went in the standard formation against such a veteran team as Westgate he really couldn't imagine winning.

There were just so many tactics they could use in the lane that the others just wouldn't understand, as they were still new at the game.

The NPC knights had now spawned and Frank was the one who took the centre and started to head down his lane. While doing so the group had split into two halves. Ashley and Dan, and Alex and Scarlett. These two groups went into the forest on each side staying a few feats away from the lane and just far enough back to not be spotted.

As Dan went past the second tower he was now located in the middle of the map. The crowd was able to see both teams' positions while watching the match. While the other two teams were not. The crowd could see that Montem was planning for an ambush and was starting to get excited.

A five vs five confrontations was always exciting to watch.

The two Montem groups were in position ready to attack at any moment and Frank was letting the enemy knights push forward. He chose not to help out his own NPC knights that way the enemy team would be closer to his tower.

But as the knights got closer, the Westgate player remained at the back. staying close and near to his tower not once going in front of his NPC knights.

"Missing top here, be careful."

"Missing on the bottom lane as well." The Westgate players said.

As soon as they had gotten into their lanes and couldn't see the opponent, they had immediately informed their team member. Since the middle lane was the only one that had an enemy warrior. The Westgate player decided to play cautiously and wait.

The longer they waited and continued to see no enemy players the quicker they would be able to take down the top and bottom towers.

"Alex, what do we do?" Scarlett asked. "He's not moving forward, we're only wasting time."

There were two options for them, they could roam around the map as a five, going between two of the lanes. Either rotating from top to mid and fight like that. But judging by how quick and cautious Westgate's playing style was.

As soon as they saw someone missing, the team would communicate this and they would then stay behind the tower. Only waiting time.

Or they could push as a five anyway and try to storm through the middle lane rushing towards the enemy base before they reached theirs.

"Let's go attack!" Alex said.

Just then all other four members had come out from the forest and into the middle lane.

"All five of them are here." The Westgate player said, "You can move forward now, attack their towers."

Although the Westgate team were unable to see the Montem players in the top and bottom lane. They still played cautiously just in case they were waiting to ambush them.

But now that they knew that all five of their players where in mid, they could move forward without worry.

The Westgate player made sure to stay behind his NPC knights and just far away enough so the others couldn't get him by surprise. He did a good job of stalling the Montem team. The weapon he used was a spear which had a chain attached to the end.

Using this, he was able to throw out his spear at the Montem team while they were busy fighting against the NPC knights. Then he would pull the spear back with the chain and throw it out again. This was one of the few weapons in the game that acted as a ranged weapon as well as a melee weapon.

Using this tactic of throwing the spear at just the right time, he was able to slow the Montem teams advance. However, with five of them, it was impossible for him to slow it down completely. After pushing forward they were finally able to take down the first tower.

The Westgate player quickly rushed back and headed for his first tower just in front of his castle.

< Blue team tower destroyed >

Just as the team were about to celebrate their fast takedown of the tower, two more messages had appeared.

< Red tower destroyed >

< Red tower destroyed >


Meanwhile, in the car park, Lucas's body had just suddenly collapsed on the floor. Arthur was standing by his side and covered in sweat.

The enemy's group could see that their strongest member was on the floor lying still.

"That man is too strong, he managed to take her out so quickly."

"Come on, let's get out of here, she's done for."

The group had instantly thought Arthur was the reason for Mortem suddenly falling to the ground. They figured he had used some special technique to get rid of her.

Seeing this they decided the only thing they could do was escape with their own lives. The group quickly rushed off and originally Xin went to chase after them but he quickly stopped after he realized that George and Arthur weren't doing the same.

George looked at Arthur and could see he stood there still staring at Lucas's body.

"Arthur what's wrong, did something happen?!" George shouted.

"It's Novis, he's disappeared," Arthur replied.

As George looked closely, he now released that Novis, the spirit was nowhere to be seen. Although Novis would also be able to travel to Arthur's dream world if he didn't wish to stay outside, Arthur would know if he was there or not.

An odd feeling had come over Arthur, it felt like half of him had gone missing. He thought back to what had happened just moments ago. Novis had broken free from his body and went to grab Lucas but the moment the two touched hands a strong energy was felt and it caused Mortem to fall while Lucas and Novis had disappeared.contemporary romance

Now that the spirits had gone, Xin and Hastam decided to switch places. "Grab Lucas's body and we'll bring him back to the hotel with us." He said, "Maybe we can figure out something back there."

Arthur then placed Lucas over his shoulder, while they all started to head back to his hotel. Lucas was now lying on the giant queen-sized bed in the hotel room.

Hastam was busy pacing backwards and forwards thinking about everything Arthur had just said.

"Is my Bro really missing," Bill asked.

"I can't lie to you." George said, "That's what we're trying to figure out."

Then Hastam finally stopped pacing backwards and forwards as he thought of something. "Hey Novis was able to harbour both you and George in his body, right? Well what if the same thing happened inside of Lucas?"

"You mean, that Lucas and Novis are inside Lucas's body?" George asked.

"Exactly, the two spirits wouldn't just disappear suddenly."

"Then what about the evil spirit that was controlling Lucas's body?" Xin asked.

"Well if it isn't out here, then it must mean it's inside with them." Hastam answered.


Special thanks to IceValkyrie, edboy49, and yogoboi for the gifts it really helps me with my dream of becoming a full time author.

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