Virgins and Vampires: Blood Falls (The Blood Falls Book 3)

Virgins and Vampires: Chapter 34

“No.” Kris’s jaw clenched.

“We have to try. They led us away on purpose. It was obviously a trap. There had to be something about that space that was advantageous to them.”

“Or just far enough away from our bodies that we wouldn’t have the power to escape,” Rhysa said with a flip of her hand. “We won’t do that again.” She glanced at Dray who now had a permanent scowl on his face.

“How is reversing the roles?”

Rhysa shrugged. “Everything’s new so it’s all weird.”

“I do not like feeling helpless,” Dray gritted out.

“Welcome to the club, big man,” Rhysa cooed. “You’re my second set of senses, just like I’m yours. Deal with it, dragon.”

His eyes narrowed but he didn’t respond.

“This is important, Kris.” I knew his protective instincts were strong, but I was betting on his intelligence winning out this time. Keeping me safe would do no good if banshees crippled me and everyone else.

“Fine. But tomorrow. You both need rest before attempting something like this. And a lot of drink.”

“Agreed.” Rhysa rose from her chair. “We’ll see you tomorrow.”

They shifted to their treehouse, leaving me alone with a very unhappy male. “We’re going for a ride,” he growled, holding out his hand.

“A ride?”

He glowered, his face so close I felt his heat. “You think this is best and I agreed. But I don’t have to like it. So we’re going for a ride.”

The adrenaline. He needs the adrenaline.

“All right then. I’ll slide home and change.”

“An unfortunate necessity. Wear jeans and boots.”

Kris was upset enough he got out his motorcycle. We hadn’t had fresh snow in over a week and even though it wasn’t warm enough to melt, the roads were apparently good enough—or maybe just scary enough—for Kris.

I got a full lesson on how it worked and how I needed to behave. Then another lesson on knowing how and when to slide to safety if it came to that. The scariest part was the winding road down from the house to the main road. After that it was smooth, exhilarating sailing. The winding mountain roads should scare me, but they didn’t. I felt safe with Kris. And maybe the rumble of the engine lulled me into a good mood. Besides, the scenery was beautiful.

The afternoon light was low and angled, but disappeared almost entirely when the sun was hidden behind a mountain peak. I used to hate bare trees in winter. They always looked so sad and naked to me, but over the years I learned to appreciate their beauty too. They looked like characters moving through a white landscape.

I squeezed Kris tight and held my breath as the road curved around and there was nothing but sky beside me. The mountain dropped straight down below. The next peak nowhere nearby. My adrenaline spiked, which I expected, but I was surprised by how much Kris’s did as well.

“You still get excited by that?”

“Not really,” he replied. “But you squeezing me like that does.”

My stomach flipped.

We rode for over an hour. Each time the mountain dropped off into nothingness, my adrenaline spiked and I wrapped myself tighter around Kris. Every time we went around a sweeping curve, I felt like I was flying. I finally understood why this, even more than crawling around the mountain in a four-wheel-drive, was so freeing.

I loved it!

We pulled into a gravel parking lot. The business had a neon sign that promised excellent beer and snacks. Plus it had one hell of a view.

The bar was surprisingly busy considering the off hour. Half the barstools were filled, as were most of the tables around the dancefloor. We grabbed a booth near a window and ordered two beers and what the waitress promised were the best onion rings in the world.

“That’s mighty high praise,” I said when she left.

“If they’re even half as good as she says, they’ll be delicious. And I’m hungry after all that fresh air. How are you?”

“I think my butt’s a little sore, but otherwise I’m good. I’m better than good, actually.”

“Have I created a monster?” His eyes twinkled as he grinned at me.


The onion rings were, indeed, delicious. As was the beer. But even better was the dancing. It was so nice to not think about samhain problems. Here we were in this human bar, surrounded by humans who had no idea our reality was in jeopardy. It made it easy to forget about where we should be and what we should be thinking. For a little while we were out on a road trip, dancing and drinking without a care in the world.

“You’re starting to get handsy.” I bucked against him in time with the music.

“Can’t help it. Your ass is perfection.”

“Yeah but humans are kind of prudish, remember?”

His hands froze and a smile lit up his face. “We could educate them on what they’re missing?”

“Absolutely not.”

“Then,” his eyes darted around the room, “how about trying something new and exciting?”

Based on the look in his eyes it still involved sex. “Maybe?”

“Aw come on, princess. I’ll never put you in danger.”

Maybe not danger, but definitely a compromising situation. “Fine. It better be worth it.”

Our bill was paid up so we didn’t need to worry about the check or going back to the table. Instead, Kris directed me toward the hallway with a sign above it that said, “Restrooms.”

“No. Absolutely not. Humans are gross. I’ve been in a human bathroom before and I vowed never again.”

“We’re not going into the bathroom.” He wrinkled his nose like the idea was preposterous.

And yet we continued down the dark, dank hallway. The walls looked sticky and the floor needed to be redone. I was just starting to think Kris had lost his marbles, he turned down a corner and opened a door marked OFFICE.

“See? Much cleaner.”

Indeed it was. There were filing cabinets, a clean desk and chair, plus a table covered in receipts. “How did you know it was here?”

“My empathic abilities get better by the day. I sensed the boss leave and I heard him tell the bartender he’d be back in an hour.”

“So we better hurry.” I reached for his jeans.

“Someone’s anxious.” He took my hands, stopping them between us.

“Not anxious. Excited.”

He shook his head. “You can’t lie to me. I feel everything you feel, and trust me, princess, you’re anxious. About getting caught. About whether the door is locked. About how we’ll get caught when we’re lost in the lust and don’t notice the boss returns.”

He…was right. “I’m also excited!”

“Oh I know. And I’m starting to realize how often you have feelings you don’t recognize.”

I guess that’s why Kris was the perfect Shield. “Are we going to talk or fuck?”

His eyes gleamed. “You can unbutton my jeans now.”

Suddenly all I could think about was sex. Sex and Kris and his beautiful cock. While I unzipped his pants, he reached back and flipped the lock, then pulled the table slightly in front of it for good measure.

“Now be a good princess and take me out.”

I absolutely loved when he took over like this. So much of our time lately was him protecting me. I craved the opportunities to change things up and follow his lead. I also loved the chance to please him.

So, double win for me!

I stroked along his shaft, it hardened quickly in my hands, growing thick and then long, requiring both my hands to satisfy his size.

“That’s real good, princess. Now, who’s in charge?”

“You,” I breathed, feeling every bit of my inexperience.

“Then why aren’t you on your knees?”

I dropped to the ground, ready to serve him.

He hooked a finger under my chin. “Make me feel good, princess. Maybe I’ll return the favor.”

I wrapped my hands around his erection. He was so incredibly hard now. I could feel the blood straining, more wanting to force him to grow and expand. His veins bulged all the way down his belly and the head of his cock began to swell. As I wrapped my mouth around it, I placed one of my hands around one of his balls, feeling the weight and swell as it filled with the very fluid that would skyrocket my orgasm into the stratosphere. I moved to the other, massaging and tugging, before returning my hand to double first his cock.

“Look at you trying to take my dick like that,” he chided. “Though I do like seeing your pretty mouth stuffed full and there’s barely any of me in there. Tell me, does feeling how hard you make me arouse you?”

I nodded and moaned, knowing my panties were already soaked. My nipples tingled against the fabric of my shirt.

“On your feet.”

I licked off his cock and slowly rose. “Yes?”

He took himself in hand and stroked. “Lift your shirt.”

I lifted it, exposing my breasts to him. I hoped and waited for him to use his mouth to relieve some of my need.

But he didn’t. “Touch yourself. I want to watch.”

I felt strangely on display in this office. Like I had no idea what I was doing. My hands shook a little as I weighed my own breasts, massaging at first, then stroking my nipples. Kris’s eyes grew darker and darker as he watched, his hand keeping up a slow and lazy stroke.

“Like—like this?”

“Mmmm. But I want to see those pretty nipples dark and swollen.”

I picked up the pace, gave them a light pinch, felt them begin to harden. The muscles in my core clenched tight around nothing. The head of Kris’s cock swelled even more, turning dark as it grew in his hands.

“Better,” he said, voice husky. “Bet you’re feeling awfully empty right about now.”

“So empty,” I moaned, my thighs squeezing together.

“I don’t think you could take me at this size. You’ve never had me quite this way.”

I knew that. I could see how his shaft morphed and changed, the base now impossibly thick, growing skinnier near where the crown had once been, but it now bulged and stretched up to the thick knot of his head.

“Lower your jeans just enough to touch yourself, princess.”

I fumbled with the button at first. My hands kept trembling as desire coursed through my veins like fire. Then I slid down the zip and wiggled my jeans down around my thighs, using the desk for leverage.

“That’s right. Show me how wet you are.” He leaned back against the table, one hand on his base, stroking, the other around his crown, fisting.

I was soaked through. My panties useless against the arousal Kris brought out of me. My fingers glided easily through my folds and dipped inside. I showed him my glistening fingers.

“Well come on now, give me a taste.”

He stepped forward and released his cock as he took my wrist, licking it like dessert off a spoon. His massive cock lay between my breasts, which I realized a moment later was what he wanted.

“Beautiful tits look even better with my dick between them.” Then he palmed one in each hand and squeezed them around his shaft. I leaned down and gave his tip a lick, which made him groan and return the favor by pinching my nipples and tugging. “On the desk.”

But Kris stayed right where he was. I thought for sure he’d come with me, yank my legs over one shoulder, and try to pound into me. Instead, he stayed right where he was, back to stroking and watching.

“You can lay down if that’s easier. I can see all of you no matter what.”

After struggling to find a way to stay up and touch myself at the same time, I gave up, laying back on the cool surface, my nipples in the air and my pussy out for Kris to admire.

“Bet you’re missing the Carn right about now.”

Having one of the glowing orbs would be most helpful. As it was, I felt like a bumbling novice feeling around a dark room for a door or a light.

Suddenly Kris was over me. “Front or back?” I felt the warm vibration of the stone against my pussy. “You’re dripping from everywhere.”

“Back,” I hissed, so ready to have something—anything—fill me.

I cried out with relief as it filled my ass, growing long, thick, and hot until I couldn’t take anymore.

Kris moved back to the table, moaning and stroking harder and faster. “Those tits in the air are a work of art. Pity you’re not touching them.”

As if his words were commands, I resumed touching myself while the carn vibrated and pulsed inside me. My inner muscles clenched sporadically. “I need your cock.”

“Sorry, princess. I’m out of commission at this size. You’ve got to take care of yourself.”

“Your hand then? Please?”

“Begging will get you nowhere.”

Out of desperation I shoved my fingers in my pussy, arching off the desk as I tried to fill myself the way Kris did, and failing miserably. “Please, Kris! Your mouth? Anything!”

“Nope. You’re going to finish yourself off. Then you’re going to keep that Carn inside you all the way home. Understand? I don’t care if you come five times on my bike.”

“Oh fuck…”

“That’s right. Come on those sweet little fingers and then you can have dessert.”

I shoved them in and out. As many fingers as I could. I tweaked my nipples and spanked my clit.

And then the unthinkable happened.

Bang! Bang! Bang! “Who’s in there?” The doorknob rattled. “I can hear you in there!”

I came with a loud moan. Wave after wave of pleasure I couldn’t fight or hide.

“I’m calling the cops!”

Kris was over me, pulling me to the edge of the desk and rolling me onto my side. “This will be real quick, princess.” He placed the head of his cock at my entrance. He didn’t try to enter me or stretch me around him. Instead he kept stroking until his hot cum shot inside me, filling me up with his intoxicating arousal until his balls were empty.

“Pants up, princess. We’ve got to get out of here.” He hitched up his own jeans and tucked his still-hard cock away.

A moment later I had my zipper up too, Kris’s hot semen soaking into my core and making me just as aroused as I had been a minute ago. “Ready.”

“Let’s go.” He took my hand and we moved as one outside to the bike. He tossed me my jacket.

“And here I thought I’d have to use the emergency escape button when the motorcycle crashed.”

Kris grinned and bounced his eyebrows. “A lot more fun when it’s for sex.”

Once the jacket was zipped he handed me the helmet and swung his leg over the machine. I hopped on behind him, feeling the carn hum inside my ass. Then Kris started the engine.

“Oh shit!”

I felt his chuckle more than I heard it over the rumble. “Let’s see if we can set a record on the way home.”

I came again before the first turn.

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