Virgins and Vampires: Blood Falls (The Blood Falls Book 3)

Virgins and Vampires: Chapter 21

I practiced every other day for a week. I needed the recovery day in between. But as I hoped, I got stronger and was able to start practicing every day. Five minutes became ten, then fifteen. I was now up to twenty minutes on the Plane every day without hurting myself.

Which was good because Saoirse had become such a nuisance Rhysa banned her from the House of Wren until I was ready. I felt the pressure to achieve. To find answers.

Rhysa worried me. Mostly because she acted like my daily practice sessions were every bit the same as the daily sparring out in the snow instead of an attempt to permanently reach her mother. Like I was training for my health instead of working hard towards a very real goal. Of course all Rhysa really knew of her mother was an encounter on the Plane when Rhysa had been poisoned. Her mother found her and kept her tethered, which to me was a huge sign that Marhysa wasn’t simply lost on the Plane, but was there on purpose.

“Give me another day and then I’d like to try,” I said to Rhysa, Leena, and Gigi.

The Wren sisters all looked wary. “There’s no rush,” Gigi said first.

“I know that. I do. But…I feel like I’m lost. I can use my psychic gifts to navigate and sense, but I have no idea where to look or what a sign I’m going in the right direction might be. I would like to make a real attempt before we bring Saoirse back into the fold.”

“And stress you the fuck out,” Rhysa said with a nod. “How can we help?”

“I have a terrible idea that Kris will hate.” I adjusted in the chair, the skirt of my dress shifting around my ankles. We had no plans to go off-roading or anything else today, so I took the chance and indulged in a long dress that was really only practical indoors.

“Ah, there we go,” Gigi said.

“Let’s have it. We’ll either help you or talk you off the ledge,” Leena agreed.

I took a breath and blurted it out. “I will psychically link to Rhysa and Leena will use her gift to amplify the connection and help Rhysa see what I see. Maybe she’ll have an idea of which way I should focus my energy.”

“Excellent idea,” Leena said, “but you do remember the last time I used my gift in this way we almost all died, right?”

Which was true. “Well now you know the wrong way to do things so it should be fine.”

She cocked an eyebrow. Gigi shook her head.

Rhysa nodded. “Okay, let’s do it.”

“Rhysa!” Gigi whisper-yelled. “You cannot be serious!”

“Why not,” she shrugged.

The best friends glared at each other for a while, then Gigi stamped her foot. “You’re in denial. That’s the problem. You walk around all day every day acting like your mother doesn’t exist.”

“That’s because she doesn’t exist to me. She’s a ghost.”

“No,” Gigi kept going, “you’re afraid of hope. If we never reach Marhysa again, then you’ve lost nothing. If we try and we get close, that hope will bubble up, but if we ultimately fail, then it will hurt. You’ll have gotten your hopes up only to lose your mother once and for all. If you go in there with Rain before you address how you really feel, you’ll put everyone in danger.”

Rhysa glared at Gigi. “I am not in denial. I just…can’t feel something for someone I’ve never known!”


“I’m not lying!” Rhysa yelled back.

I stood up. “I agree with Gigi.”

Rhysa turned her glare on me. “Excuse me?”

“Either you’re lying to yourself or you’re a robot. I’ve been worried. I think the best way to find Marhysa is you, but Gigi is right, I can’t risk it if you’re in denial about how you really feel. Emotions are powerful and delicate.”

Rhysa stormed off with Gigi chasing after her. Leena grabbed a book and dropped into a large armchair. “Hopefully that yanks Rhysa out of her funk. Find something fun to do for a little while.”

“For how long?” I glanced around the room wondering if I needed a good book, too. It had been a while since I cracked one open…

“Maybe an hour? Maybe a day? Not really sure, but stick close.”

I highly doubted Rhysa would come to terms with her true feelings in an hour, so instead of reading I wandered across the snowy yard to the barn. Kris had one door open so it was chilly inside but not cold. The first few rows were essentially parking spots for the various Wren vehicles. Beyond them Kris kept the tractors and off-road vehicles stored. In the back was an old car in pieces and his motorcycle. The back wall was all tool chests and worktables, bisected by the stairs that led up to his apartment. I shivered in my puffy jacket as the cold air wafted up my bare legs.

I found Kris bent over his motorcycle with some sort of gun looking thing that made a very loud high-pitched noise. It echoed off the walls and disappeared up into the air of the tall roof above.

“Hey princess. What brings you to my castle?” He set the tool on the workbench and wiped his hands on a rag. As usual he had his baseball cap on backwards, a grey t-shirt, jeans, and boots. Today’s blue flannel was tossed over the banister. He had grease stains everywhere.

“I’ve come to realize I don’t spend very much time in your castle. We always go to mine.”

He grinned, eyes twinkling. “You had a break and nothing to do?”

“Yep.” No point in twisting the truth. I liked the barn well enough, but the loud tools bothered me. Today Kris had it quiet in here, but just as often there was music blaring from the speakers placed throughout the barn. “How’s the motorcycle?”

“Almost good as new. She’ll be ready to run when the snow melts.”

“Will you take me with you?” Kris promised the rumble of the bike and the open road was as good for the head as the cave behind the falls.

“As soon as it’s safe.”

“What if I don’t want safe?”

He grabbed my open jacket and pulled me closer. “Adrenaline junkie looking for a new high already? I thought I’d get at least a few months out of the Jeep.”

“Oh I’m still excited for adventures with the Jeep. But you’ve made this bike sound very sexy.”

“Come on.” He swung a leg over the machine and straddled it. The bike moved and settled with Kris sitting and his feet on the ground. “Climb up, princess. Get a feel for it.”

I scrambled up behind him, pressed my inner thighs around his outer thighs, my body flush against his, and slid my hands around to his stomach. “Like this?”

“Fast learner,” he choked out.

I snuggled into his heat, feeling the flex and roll of his back muscles, reminding me just how strong and capable my male was. I moved my hands up his hard torso. “So this is why motorcycles are sexy.” I slid them back down, feeling his abs through the cotton, then slipped under the hem to feel them without anything between us.

“Fuck me, Rain,” he groaned.

Then in a move only a Wren with incredible speed could pull off, he had me in front of him, turned to face him, my heat pressed against his very hard erection.

“Oh my! I love it when you do that!”

He bit his lower lip and let his darkening eyes drink me in. “I need you, princess. Right here, right now. Take me out.”

His sexual command sent a zing straight to my core. I fumbled at first in excitement, but then I pulled it together and unbuttoned his jeans, slid down the zip, and dug out my prize. His long, thick cock stood at attention, ready to spear me right here on his bike.

I stroked up and down his smooth length, moving in all the ways I learned Kris liked best.

“I wish you wore skirts more often, princess.”

“So do I. You may have just converted me to the cause.” I thanked my past self for her wardrobe choices as I pressed up off the black seat and angled toward Kris.

“You’re in quite a hurry.” He wrapped his arms around me, helping me move just so. “Something you want?”

“Your cock,” I said on a breath.

“You’re going to have to do most of the work.”

“I just…I just need you inside me.” Once we got started it was like I lost all sense. I just wanted.

“Need me to stretch you wide again? Fill you up until you can’t breathe?”


He eased us together, his cock pressing until I stretched around his thick crown and took him inside. “Fuck, yes!”

I groaned, letting my head fall back. As I sank down around his shaft, Kris pushed my jacket off my shoulders and gripped the sleeves of my dress, pulling down until my breasts were exposed.

“I love that you don’t wear bras.” Then his mouth was on me.

I always wondered what drove a female to wear a human bra. The contraption was so stupid. But then again, my own mother could barely let go of her corsets, so I guessed some liked their fashion.

Whereas I was all about function. Sports bras had their uses. Even bralettes. But anything else? I’d rather be free.

Especially if it meant quicker and easier access to having Kris’s mouth on me.

“That’s right. Take me deep, princess. Fuck you’re fun.”

I had my wall up but when his emotions took over I felt the echoes no matter what. Every time we were together I learned something new. As we began to move, his tongue flicking my nipple as I pressed up and then slammed down on his cock, I realized there was an emotion simmering under all the others.


It grew in strength as we moved. As I explored the feeling I realized it matched my own. I didn’t come to the barn for sex. I came to spend time with my favorite samhain. But the motorcycle, straddling Kris, out in the open? It sent a sizzle through me. Physically and psychically. I loved that it was spontaneous and a little risky. I loved—just like Kris said—that it’s fun.

And I could only enjoy it because I loved Kris and he made me feel safe. He made me less lonely. Actually, I needed to stop putting it in that light. With Kris loneliness wasn’t a factor anymore. There was no part of me I ever had to explain to Kris. He understood me. I understood him.


It’s why we were perfect together.

And the fun? It was the adrenaline we both thrived on.

“We could go upstairs.”

Kris growled. “Fuck no. You’re riding my cock on my bike while I watch these gorgeous tits bounce. Can’t do that in a fucking bed.”

I shivered but it wasn’t from the cold.

“You afraid someone’s going to walk in on us?” He thrust up and into me just once. I cried out at the sudden, deep invasion. “Or is that what you like, princess? Knowing anyone can walk in at any moment and see your skirts up around your hips, tits bare as you take what you want from me?”

I felt his excitement grow, his calm following in kind. My skin tingled with excitement. “I like it,” I groaned as he filled me over and over.

“Which one?”

I chased my orgasm, rubbing against him one minute, then arching back on the bike and riding him shallow and fast the next. “Both. All of it.”

“Need all of you,” he grunted. His thigh muscles tensed as he moved over me, pressing my back into the bike. With his hands on the handlebars he drove into me deep. Relentlessly. Until we both came hard. He stayed inside me while our bodies quaked. “I hate to say it, but I’m going to need you to pull your dress up.”

He hovered, so close but so far, while I slid my sleeves back into place. He shot me a wink before he pulled out with a groan and tucked himself away. Then he lifted me off the bike. “Get your coat on before the cold sets back in.”

I had just pulled it on and flipped my braid behind me when Bo walked in. “You in here?” he called.

“In the back.” Kris grinned at me, his eyes raking down my body. While I was lost in the lust, he still had enough control to sense his brother coming. “I can sense him from a mile away. He broadcasts his emotions like a spotlight.”

“Oh hey Rain. How are you?” Bo and Kris had very similar builds. While Dray was wide and a little imposing, Kris and Bo were both leaner, their strength disguised by their twinkling eyes and flirtatious smiles.

“I’m good. How are you?”

“Good. Gigi’s looking for you.”

“Was she in a good mood?” It seemed fast for her to have worked her magic on Rhysa.

Although Kris certainly worked his magic thoroughly over me, so who knew?

“Not really. I’d say she was somewhere between annoyed and pissed off.”

So things weren’t going well at all. “Thanks, Bo.” I turned to Kris. “I’ll see you soon?”

“We have practice, right?”

Whether Rhysa and Leena were helping or not, I needed to get my minutes in. “Whenever you’re free. There’s no rush today.”

“I’ll be over soon.”

I pressed a kiss to his cheek and waved goodbye to Bo, not knowing that my day was about to take a very strange turn.

A turn that would change everything.

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