Virgins and Vampires: Blood Falls (The Blood Falls Book 3)

Virgins and Vampires: Chapter 17

Bonds with Shields came in all different shapes and sizes. A familial bond is just that—familial. The blood that already binds us is strengthened so that a connection can be maintained even when I’m on the Plane. The ritual is simple. We drink from each other’s wrists while a spell is said.


It’s the lightest of the bonds. But on the opposite end of the spectrum, a Fated bond, is the strongest and most intense, as is the creation of that Bond. Kris carefully undressed me, showing me how he would take care of me. He caressed every inch of my skin. While I stood naked in front of the fire, he bared himself to me, one article of clothing at a time.

Giving himself to me.

His mind, his body, his life.

Our connected minds would allow us to communicate no matter where I was or what happened to me. He gave his body to protect mine. He would sacrifice his life to save mine.

I felt the weight of that responsibility. Having his life in my hands scared me. I had to protect it in return by being as powerful as I could be. The only way to ensure our survival was in finding my ultimate strength.

“I give my life for yours, Rhiannon of Gatlin. I stand as your shield against the enemy and anyone who would threaten you.”

“And I take you, Krysippa of Wren as my protector, my guard, my Mate.”

He grinned. “My Mate.” He took me in his arms, pressing our naked bodies together. “I like hearing that.” He backed me up to the bed, hands everywhere, as he kissed me senseless. And then I was on my back, Kris moving over me as he nuzzled my neck. “Whenever you’re ready.”

As he rutted against my center I opened a psychic channel to his mind, establishing a link that could only be severed by the two of us. Kris groaned as our feelings collided, combined emotions overloading our minds and bodies. In a rush he surged forward, his cock pressing inside me.

I sighed with relief. It wasn’t new for me to have a rush of someone else’s feelings, but it was for Kris. At least at this level. It was natural for his body to respond. It sent a thrill through me.

Plus the physical connection was imperative for making the bond complete. He moaned wildly as he entered me, deeper and deeper. Then he suddenly rose up, threading our fingers together and held my hands above my head as he thrust into me over and over.

“This is a lot more intense,” he gritted out.

“Just follow where it naturally takes you.” I relaxed into the pleasure of feeling Kris inside me.

“You’re always so ready.” His head fell forward, hanging from his shoulders. “It’s as if you were made for me. I love the feel of your tight pussy wrapped around my dick, squeezing me tight. It’s like you’re pulling me home.”

He thrust deep and I arched off the bed at the sudden sharp stretch. “Yes, Kris. Fill me up.”

Once our bodies were locked together I could open the full channel, completely connecting us in every way.

“Almost there,” he gritted out. Another push, another stretch, and then…bliss.

We took a moment to enjoy the satisfaction of locking together. My inner muscles trembled around his shaft which twitched in reply. His head dropped to my shoulder.

“Drink, Kris.”

He nodded, shuddering. The blood bond would connect us, but it would also help calm him enough for the final link.

I arched under him again, only there was nowhere to go as he sank his fangs into my vein and pulled. I let out a shuddering moan and tried to move my hips, looking for some friction to help alleviate the tension building inside me.

Kris took long draughts, his big body shuddering and then thrusting. His cock pulled out the crown and then slammed deep. I was held captive beneath him and I liked it, liked feeling the full brutal force of his need.

When he licked away it was my turn. Just before I sank into him I opened the final psychic channel. This time our thoughts collided. Just as my first thought entered his mind, I sucked, drawing into my mouth. His blood tasted sweet against my tongue at first, but it quickly turned to a fire that filled my veins with his power.

I barely noticed how much wilder he grew with each thrust. Neither of us was in control anyway. The Bond had us. The more wild we were, the better. That way the Bond could map our outer limits as well as our most intimate thoughts. The freer we were now the better our Bond would be.

A cold tingling began on my scalp and toes. It felt like something was pouring a coating all over us. It molded us together as one. When it sealed, I licked away from his throat and moaned. His thoughts flooded my mind, but mostly, at this point, it was the raw emotions that overwhelmed everything else.



And most of all, a fierce protectiveness.

My orgasm seemed to come from nowhere. There was no build up, no tensing. It hit like a lightning bolt. I screamed and Kris roared, coming too. Our orgasms mixed and mingled, spurring the other on until it seemed like we’d been coming forever.

When we finally collapsed, the Bond surrounded us, moved between us. Kris raised his eyebrows. So this is it? His voice echoed through my mind.

“We’re bonded,” I whispered in reply, overwhelmed.

He grinned. We should celebrate. Then he flipped me over and drove me right back to orgasm.

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