Virgins and Vampires: Blood Falls (The Blood Falls Book 3)

Chapter Virgins and Vampires: Prologue


The falls were my favorite place. Sure they were nice to look at. When they turned blood red it was impossible to look away. Our own private miracle. No tourists came here because they didn’t know it existed. Blood Falls had been Wren property since before the United States existed.

But what I really liked was the quiet. The roar of the falls and the babbling of the river drowned out everything—even my own thoughts. Something I needed a lot of help with these days.

I was normally a quiet, solitary guy. I lived alone in the barn above the garage. I built my cars and rode my motorcycles down the winding mountain roads. I never had to worry about dying in an accident because I had better reflexes than any human and I could shift away if something dangerous were to happen. I was content with my projects and my life.

Until her.

Rain. Er…Rhiannon of the House of Gatlin.

Now I was suddenly very not content. She unnerved me. Partially because she was my sisters’ age and that felt weird. Bridge and Cass were babies…at least they were to me.

But Rain wasn’t a baby. No, she was very much a full-grown female. A gorgeous female I was very, very attracted to. And that wasn’t even the really unnerving part.

She could read my thoughts.

And for someone who didn’t like to be around too many people because it felt too invasive, being attracted to a female who read my mind was a hundred times worse.

So I came down here to collect my thoughts. Privately. And get some peace. There had been too little peace since we were taken into the Salishan cave.

There was only one problem.

Rain was already here. I watched her walking alone under the tree by the water as I sat on the bench in the shade. Could she hear my thoughts from here? Was there a proximity requirement? Or could she read anyone’s thoughts anywhere at any time?

That was kind of terrifying, if I was being honest. To know I’d never have my thoughts to myself again? I shuddered and stuck my hands in my pockets. The snow was lighter today, so I was able to dig my waterproof boots into the ground and create a little hole for them to rest in.

She had thick, long, almost black hair that she braided as often as she left it loose. Today it was in a long braid down her back. She wore a red hat that covered her ears, and a matching jacket. She wore black snow pants and black boots, which meant she’d probably been hiking the mountain.

I sat patiently as she worked her way up to me. She didn’t seem startled to find me here, so I guess her “Spidey” senses were working. She stopped right in front of me, a little out of breath, and pulled a flask-style water bottle from inside her jacket, drinking.

“How was the hike?”

She replaced the cap and slid the bottle back into its pocket, zipping the jacket back closed. “Beautiful. The falls at dawn are a remarkable sight.”

She’d been out here a while. Maybe she needed the escape, too. “This is my favorite place in the whole world.”

“I can see why. I think it might be mine, too.” She didn’t sit. “What are you up to?”

It felt silly to lie or play games with someone who could literally read my thoughts. “I came out here to be alone.”

“Alone…or for the quiet?”

“The second.”

“Same,” she sighed, finally sitting. “I’m not in your head, by the way. I try very, very hard to stay out of everyone’s heads.”

“For privacy?” I was a little relieved I wasn’t an open book, but still a little pissed there was nothing I could do to stop her if she wanted in my head.

“No.” She sighed again and sat back, shoving her gloved hands into her jacket pockets. “If I let it all in I’d go insane. As it is, it’s a fine line most days. Why do you think I haven’t been to a party in years? My rooms at home are reinforced with enchantments to help keep the noise out so I can rest.” She looked up at the falls. At the mountain she just hiked. “It’s why I like it here. It’s quiet. Even for me.”

“I’m sorry. I guess the last week has been pretty brutal for you.” I was so impressed with her ability to save our lives that I hadn’t considered what it might have cost her.

Being taken by the salishan and held captive in a cave were one thing, but it was Rain’s exceptional psychic gifts that helped us escape. Without her power we would never have broken the metaphysical handcuffs they put us in. And then on top of that, she spent days helping the Doctor explore the Salishan minds and helped keep her cousin Rever’s mind together after he was taken into a rift.

I didn’t know how she did it. Rain wasn’t just Cass and Bridge’s old friend who came over to giggle and make trouble. Not anymore. Now she was a remarkable, powerful female that had my full, male attention.

Rain didn’t speak for almost a minute. Then she swallowed hard and shook her head a little. “I held it together.”

The break in her voice, the raw emotion, it was too much. I couldn’t stay away. I slid closer and put my arm over her shoulders. She was much smaller than me, even in all her snow gear. The lust I tried so hard to hold back came barreling right back to the surface, making me uncomfortably hard. “Does this help? Physical contact always helps me.”

She rested her head against my shoulder. “Yeah. I think it does.”

“Do you want to talk about any of it?”

She laughed, but it was the hopeless, frustrated kind of laugh. “I think you’re one of the only people I could talk to about it.”

It was hard to explain to someone who wasn’t there. Actually, it wasn’t the explaining that was hard. It was needing someone to just know so you didn’t have to relive any of it.

“Well I’m here if you ever need to talk. What happened to us, what you went through with the interrogations, any of it.” The longer we were this close, the harder it was to deny the natural physical reaction to her. My body responded on instinct, wanting to hold her, get closer, to kiss her and make her feel better.

It baffled me.

“What else works?”

“Works?” Damnit. I sniffed her hair and got a little harder. Cliche as hell.

“Coming down here and letting the falls and nature do their job helps quiet your mind.”


“And physical contact. What else.” She sat up, but didn’t move away, so her lips were tantalizingly close to mine. I could see the striations in the color of her eyes, the curve of her lips…

“Riding.” I couldn’t stop staring now. And it wasn’t entirely physical. While in the North I got to know her better. Rain was quiet and funny. Kind. Powerful. Self-contained. I liked her as a friend as much as I wanted her body whenever we were close.

The lust hit me hard and immediately when she first arrived. I’d never felt anything like it. At first I dismissed it as a crush, but it didn’t waver. In fact, it seemed to be growing at an exponential rate. Every moment near her drove me a little closer to ripping her clothes off and claiming her as mine.

“Riding?” she whispered.

I had to force myself to think. To remember what we were talking about. “My motorcycle. Long, winding mountain roads can be soothing.”

Her nose wrinkled. “On snowy roads? That sounds terrifying.”

Not half as terrifying as falling for someone you barely know and feeling like there’s no way to stop it. “Oh, it is. And that fear and focus is what drowns out everything.”

Her eyes widened and her lips formed an O. “That sounds amazing. Take me.”

For a split second my sex brain interpreted that as take me to bed, not take me for a ride…on your motorcycle. “I don’t think that’s a great idea.”

She shot to her feet, grabbing my hand and pulling me up. “Don’t be precious.”

Precious? I let her little tugs start my momentum and then I stood tall, towering over her. “We’ll take the Jeep instead. Four-wheeling through the snow is a thrill too.”

Her lips twisted off to the side and I couldn’t help myself. I leaned down and kissed her, wrapping her in my arms and molding her tiny little female body against mine. Sure she could probably feel my erection, but I didn’t care. If I was going to be with her then I needed to get used to the idea that she would always know whatever I was thinking anyway.

She pushed back, gasping. “What? Kris?”

Somehow she was surprised. Huh. Maybe she really was keeping out of my head. “Like I said, physical contact is also very helpful.”

“But…you’re Bridge’s big brother.” She kept blinking as she touched her lips.

“Are you not of age?”

“I—yes. I am. I just…”

“Just?” I stepped closer again so that we were nearly touching.

“You know what? Never mind. It doesn’t matter.”

“Did you like the kiss?” We really needed to focus on the things that mattered.

“Yes.” She blushed. Her already rosy cheeks bloomed even redder.

Her reaction pleased me. “I liked it too. I like you.

“I…didn’t expect that.”

“Do you want me to stop?” I cupped her cheek, eager to taste her a second time.

She tilted her face up and allowed me another kiss. This time I noticed the hesitation…the inexperience. As I guided her, she followed along, the tension slipping away, the instinct taking over. She was a naturally good kisser and I enjoyed it immensely. But one thing was becoming very clear to me, very quickly.

Rain hadn’t kissed many males before. Maybe none.

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