Villain Retirement

Chapter 91: Prologue to Disaster

Chapter 91: Prologue to Disaster

With the instructors breaking the news of a voting system, the entire academy building was filled with clamor and whispers. Class 1-V was only one of the many classrooms that were in an uproar-- but even with all of these noises, Katherine was solely focused on Riley.

His heart was currently fluctuating; the last time she heard his heart beating like this was when he almost strangled her to death. Realizing this, Katherine could not help but take in a short but deep breath.

Was Riley about to do something? Is he going to destroy the Academy?

Katherine then subtly turned her eyes towards Riley, only to see his eyebrows trembling ever so slightly. contemporary romance

"..." Were they really in trouble?

"What's wrong with this stupid school!?"

And before Katherine's thoughts could go even more awry, Hannah's words once again reverberated throughout the entire classroom. This act would have probably annoyed Katherine; but instead, it made her let out a sigh of relief.

As long as Hannah was here, she was sure that Riley wouldn't do anything that would harm even a single strand of her hair. And so, Katherine could only watch as Hannah took off from her seat, stomping her way to the front of the teacher's platform.

"The Academy can't do this! We're not some freaks that you could just exhibit in some sort of circus!" Hannah continued.

And seeing as how some of the students were nodding, it would seem that they agree with her. Most, however, were just keeping quiet as their minds were lost in thought; with some even shrugging, showing they did not mind.

"What, are we going to perform like monkeys in front of all the people now? Is that what the government wants!?" Hannah said as she slammed her palm numerous times on the platform as she looked up towards Katherine, "What is this, the government playing Big Brother!? You even have some kind of fucked up villain list that you still have not explained--"

"Even if you continue to complain, this is out of my control," Katherine finally had enough as she raised her voice and returned Hannah's stares, "This is the government's orders-- go complain to them."

"Oh, I'm complaining!" Hannah did not let up and raised her voice even further, "They planned this from the start! I wouldn't be surprised if they even created the Dark Millenium in the first place to--"

"Hannah, please calm down!"

"To…" Hannah was about to continue her words, but as soon as she saw the expression on Silvie's face as she tried to calm her down, the only thing she could do was shake her head.

"Fuck this shit," she then breathed out as she returned to her seat, "This fucking government, I swear."

"W… wait," and as soon as Hannah's raging voice started to dissipate, it was then replaced by Gary's somewhat sedated voice.

"If… if the citizens will be watching us in our activities from now on… doesn't that mean we have our own channel or something!?" Gary breathed out as he stood up from his seat.

"There… will be a streaming platform that will have channels dedicated to each of you, yes," Katherine responded, "But I don't know the full details, so we would have to wait for the Academy's official statement."

"W… wait…" Gary's hands started to tremble, "What… what about the followers I gained in YouView!? I… I've just passed a thousand subs!"

"...As I said, I don't have the full details," Katherine's eyes started to twitch, "But it will be implemented next week."

"But who will edit our videos!? Is it just going to be raw!?" Gary's almost screaming and pained voice echoed throughout the entire classroom, "This…

...This can't be happening!"

Throughout the day, there were a lot of mixed reactions; some agreed, some hated it, some were neutral…

...and then there was Gary.

But even with all of the hustle and bustle, the day moved on; the normal classes in the afternoon almost sedated the topic, as the students returned to studying the law-- almost completely erasing the topic from the minds of the students as they all stepped out of the classroom, tired and confused.

There was one student, however, who remained inside Class 1-V.

Riley Ross was still sitting at his desk, his elbows rested as he stared at nowhere in particular. But after a few seconds, a whistling hiss whispered in the room as the metal door opened.

"Is… everything alright, Riley?" Katherine's somewhat soft voice then resounded in the empty classroom. She then took a step forward, locking the doors of the classroom with her tablet as she did so.

However, as soon as she took her 3rd step, she felt binding pressure crawling across her body, and without even having the time to react, she flew across the room, stopping right in front of Riley.

"Y… you're hurting me," Katherine muttered as her arms were completely locked, slightly pressing on her breasts which put her in quite the unflattering position, "Why… why are you so angr-- Eep!"

And before she could even finish her words, she felt herself fall on top of the desk; her face, being slowly wrapped by Riley's deep breaths as his lips were only an inch away from hers.

"..." Katherine could not help but take in a small gulp as she glanced at Riley's warm-looking but pale lips. And after a few moments, she slowly leaned in closer. But before their lips could touch, Riley spoke-- leaving Katherine with her lips mouth slightly opened and her tongue slightly sticking out.

"Mega Woman," Riley then muttered.

"M… Mega Woman?" While Katherine stuttered.

"Hm," Riley then nodded as he leaned back on his seat, "She wouldn't like what's happening now at all, Katherine."

"...What do you mean?" Seeing as Riley had no intention of being physical with her at all, Katherine stood from the desk and started to compose herself.

"Throughout our battles and meetings together… I have learned things about her, you see," Riley breathed out, the tone of his voice almost reflecting his emotions, "We talked for long amounts of time, Katherine… and I know she wouldn't like what the government is doing at all."

"You… talked to her?" Katherine no longer had any unnecessary thoughts as she sat beside Riley, her voice filled with curiosity, "But you told me she was unresponsive when you… hid her in your closet."

"She was, Katherine," Riley shook his head, "I meant our discussions before that."

"...You and Mega Woman… talked even before that?" Katherine breathed out, her surprise slowly building up. Riley… truly had a different tone whenever he was talking about Mega Woman. It… somewhat made Katherine a little… jealous?

"Yes, she approached me once."

"Approached… without the costume!?"

"No… Darkday."

A few years ago, when Darkday's name was already starting to be known throughout the entire world, he was casually roaming across the vast skies…

...busy comparing the screams of those he had killed and tortured. Specifically, which race was the most squeamish. He was on his way home, no longer caring about the happenings below him.

He spoke to himself, he chuckled, he contemplated… but then he stopped.


Because right in front of him, blocking his path…

...was the Earth's mightiest superhero.

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