Villain Retirement

Chapter 80: A Rain of Red and Yellow

Chapter 80: A Rain of Red and Yellow

"Hannah, Riley!"

"D… Dad!"

Even with the smoke still covering the air in a dark cloud, Whiteking was there to receive his children as soon as they landed on the ground. The other students that joined the Rescue event, as well as the Academy staff that played the role of the civilians, were also there surrounding the building.

They were the ones closest to the scene of the crime and they wanted to do something, but before they could even act, it was already over when the member of the Dark Millenium committed suicide.

"H… how, how could they have entered the Academy!?" Hannah quickly bellowed as she rushed to hug Whiteking. If this wasn't confirmation that Riley and Hannah truly were Whiteking's children, then they don't know what is.

"We don't know yet," Whiteking shook his head, letting out a short but deep sigh as he looked towards Riley, "But if it wasn't for your brother, then there would definitely be more casualties. We found their other members planting bombs all over the Academy; if Riley didn't report to us when he did…"

"Anyone would have reported what I found, Whiteking," Riley only glanced at his father before looking towards the sky, "I… just happen to be at the right place at the right time."

"Even so," Whiteking breathed out, "Your luck saved a lot more lives than you think…. Everyone!"

Whiteking's words then reverberated through the speakers as he raised his voice, "Please remain put where you are as we try to find if there are more members of the Dark Millenium inside the Academy! We--"

[Whiteking, please respond.]

"Whiteking here," Whiteking's words were then disrupted as a voice transferred to his receiver.

[We have an unidentified projectile moving towards the Academy, can you confirm with your satellite?]

And without even saying another word, Whiteking immediately raised his arm and tapped the screen of the tablet wrapped around it multiple times,

"I see it. With its speed, it shouldn't be a prob-- Fuck!"

"H… Hey!"

Hannah could not help but back away as Whiteking's cape suddenly hardened, before shaping into some sort of wing; but instead of a violent flap, a thunderous explosion erupted from behind Whiteking's leg-- instantly launching him towards the air.

"All available Super of Grade-B and above, we need you outside the Academy!"

[Affirmative, Whiteking. Can we confirm what projectile--]

"It's not a projectile…

...It's a fucking plane!"


"M… mommy, what's going on!?"

"S… shh, it's alright. It's alright, honey."

Janice was now currently trying her best to scooch in between the seats, hiding her daughter from whatever it was that was happening. They heard some sort of loud bang coming from the front of the plane. She thought it was just some sort of turbulence, but when the plane suddenly shifted, most of the people started to panic.

"M… mom--"

"Please… please keep quiet. Mommy's here, okay? Mommy's here. I won't--"

"This is your captain speaking… Next stop, Mega Academy!"

And before Janice could finish comforting Julie, the people once again started to scream as a weird announcement reverberated through the entire plane. Most of the people finally realized what was happening-- they were being hijacked.

"N… No!"

And then once again, the people started to scream as some of them started pointing towards the front. Janice quickly looked to see what was happening, only to see the young man he was talking to earlier…

...being lifted by the neck by one of the flight attendants, who was now wearing some sort of motorcycle helmet.

"R… Riley!"

"Everyone, stay in your seats," the flight attendant's monotonous voice then whispered into all of their ears, "If you don't, then I will start killing you one by one…

...Starting with this rat here."

"No! Please don't!" Janice quickly stepped out to the aisle as soon as she heard the flight attendant's words, "Why--"

And before Janice could even finish her words, an orchestra of gasps entered her ears as the flight attendant plunged her hand straight through the young man's chest.

"W… why…"

And without even saying another word, the flight attendant threw the young man in front of Janice before heading back to the cockpit.

"N… no, you… please… please, no," Janice lightly patted the young man on the chest several times. Her mind; at a loss as to what to do.

"M… mommy? What's… what's happening to the angel?"

"D… don't look, honey!" Janice then quickly went back to her daughter and hugged her, "He's… he's going to be alright… we're going to be alright."


"Help me slow it down! I'll go inside!"

"Are you crazy!? That thing is moving like a thousand kilometers per hour!" (620mph~)

"Does it matter!?" Whiteking was currently floating in the sky, a few kilometers away from USMA. There were also 6 other people from the Academy… including Scarlet Mage.

"Scarlet Mage, can you try removing all the air within a 500-meter radius!?"

"That's-- I'll try," Scarlet Mage quickly nodded as she looked in a certain direction, "But I need to concentrate all my powers."

"Green Fly, focus on carrying Scarlet Mage!"

"No problem!"

"The rest of you get ready! As soon as the plane enters within the No-air radius, slow it down enough so I can enter the plane!"

"Roger that!"

Even with the wind threatening to scrape their faces off, no one seemed to be faltering as they all looked in the same direction.

A second,

A minute…

...and soon, the silhouette of the plane showed itself. And without even saying a word to each other, the veins on Scarlet Mage's neck and face started to etch through her skin, crawling across her entire body; her now silver hair moving in a static as her eyes turned grey.

She then stretched her trembling hands, and with the release of her breath; it was as if the air in front of them became peaceful.

A thunderous explosion then erupted through their ears as Whiteking thrust towards the incoming airplane; the three others were also flying from behind him, but soon deviated to the side.

Whiteking's entire body then rotated horizontally, and as it did so, several drones shot out from his costume; and as he stopped and stretched his limbs, the drone flew like rockets towards the plane.

The drones seemed like they had a life of their own as they attached themselves to the sides of the plane, effectively slowing it down gradually. And as soon as it reached a certain speed, the 3 remaining Supers flew towards the plane's wings and nose.

They were careful not to move against the plane too much, in fears that it would crumble.

With the plane now at 25% of its original speed, Whiteking propelled himself to the plane's door, attaching some sort of instrument on it before it automatically opened for him. The 3 Supers slightly crumpled that part of the plane they were holding at it shifted from the sudden change of turbulence, but they were able to easily stabilize it to allow Whiteking to enter.




"Whiteking, what's the status of the passeng--"

"Go back to the Academy now!"


"The plane…

...It's empty!"


"Mommy's here… mommy's here."

"W… what's happening, mommy?"

"Shh… shh, it's alright. Mommy's here."

Janice was now seated back at her seat, cradling her daughter in her arms as she looked outside through the window. She then turned to look at the body of the young man, before closing her eyes and embracing her daughter even tightly.

"It's alright, honey… we're going to be alright."

"What… what about Mr. Angel? Mommy?"

"He… well, he's in heaven now, okay?"

"Heaven? Can we meet him there, mommy?"

"N… no," hearing her daughter's words, the tears that Janice was trying to stop finally trailed on her cheeks, "Not yet… please not yet."


Janice once again opened her eyes as she looked at the window, and seeing the buildings now so close to them… the only thing she could do was close it before hugging her daughter even tighter.


"Mommy loves you, okay? Mommy loves you very much… always… always remember that."

"I… I love you too, Mom--"

The tiny voice and her last words.

The last message of a mother to her daughter. contemporary romance

These two… were only a fraction of the voices that the world will never be able to hear again.

"O… Oh my… god."

"No… no!"

"What… what the fuck is happening?"

Red and Yellow.

All of the eyes inside the Academy reflected the colors red and yellow as they all looked above. The sound of thunder filled their eyes as smoke slowly started to envelop in a dome, covering their sky in darkness.

It was all too sudden, and only some of them saw what truly happened-- and those who did have their hearts now trembling.

"It… it was a plane," Silvie then whispered. Just a few moments ago, she and the others were checking up on Hannah when she heard a whistling whisper into her ear. And as soon as she looked up, she saw the silhouette of a plane flying towards the Academy; and without even having the time to react, she saw it being flattened as it made contact with the Academy's dome barrier.

"...A plane?"

"L… look!" Gary then pointed towards a certain direction in the sky; and although it was quite hard to see from the distance, those who had enhanced eyesight were able to quickly recognize what he was pointing to.

"Isn't that… a person?"

There was a person hanging on the dome, but before they could even say another word-- his blood and guts smeared as a part of the plane squashed him.

"N… no, no!"


And as the situation finally registered in everyone's mind… another explosion erupted. And this time, everyone was able to see what crashed into the dome-- another plane.


And before they could even breathe out a gasp…

...another explosion erupted.

And another… another…

...and another.

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