Villain Retirement

Chapter 66: The Dragon Monarchs Will

Chapter 66: The Dragon Monarch's Will

"We… we need a medic here!"

With Hannah's screams heating up the air itself, the attention of most of the people within the vicinity gathered towards her… as well as Gary, who was currently lying on the ground; each of his breaths stifled as he writhed in pain.

Even with his mask almost covering half his face, the redness of his face which almost resembled a tomato was still quite obvious for everyone to see.

Hannah was at a loss as to what to do; they had been trained to perform chest compressions and other basic emergency survival assistance-- but that was for normal people. Gary was a Super who had the strength to probably break her bone with a single swing of his fist; and with him wriggling around, she wouldn't be able to even touch him.

"I need help--"

"What is it you require, big sister?"

And before Hannah could once again ask for help, a girl wearing what seemed to be a set of white ceremonial Japanese robes appeared in front of her.

"T… Tomoe?" Hannah then blinked a couple of times in confusion as Tomoe suddenly jumped beside her, wearing sunglasses that were eerily similar to the one that Riley was wearing. If she wasn't mistaken, then her costume was also a recolored outfit from the TV series that she and Riley were watching, Latino Mafia Reborn-- minus those glasses, of course.

They haven't seen Tomoe around for a couple of days… was she working on this costume?

No, that didn't matter at all. What matters is how she was suddenly here when Hannah was calling for help. Was she… stalking her or something? Or maybe she just happened to be in the area.

Yes, that's probably the logical explanation.

No, that didn't matter at all. What matters now is that something was happening to Gary.

"Can you call for help? Everyone seems to just be busy watching instead of fucking doing anything!"

"I have already called for someone, big sister," Tomoe swiftly answered before turning her full attention towards the writhing Gary, "What happened to him?"

"Do I look like I? have a fucking clue? We just ordered drinks from that booth and--" And before Hannah could finish her words, her eyes quickly moved towards the red drink spilled beside Gary, and without any hesitation, threw away the cup that she had as well.

"What did you put in our drinks!?" Hannah's arms then burst into flames as she rushed towards the booth near them.

"E-- Eek!" The two students that were watching over the booth as their kiosk suddenly went up into flames as soon as Hannah slammed her palm on it.

"What did you put in our drinks!? Hannah then once again repeated her words as she walked over the burning kiosk, "Did you lace it with poison!?"

"W… what? No!"

Both the students all put up their guard as Hannah slowly got nearer and nearer to them, "We… we didn't put anything in it besides syrup and alcohol!"

"If you didn't lace it with anything, then how can you explain--" Hannah pointed towards Gary as she tried to pin the two down for their supposed crimes, but as soon as she realized the last part of their sentence, she could not help but stop in her tracks.

"...Alcohol?" She then breathed out, "You put alcohol in our drinks!? This is a school you fucktwits!"

"We… we got permission from one of the staff!"

"What!? Who's the fucker who approved of something like this?"

"W… Whiteking." contemporary romance

"..." And as soon as Hannah heard who it was that allowed something like this to happen, the flames that were violently dancing around her arms instantly withered away.

Her father... again? First, allowing a student-teacher relationship, and now allowing the consumption of alcohol within school grounds… and with visitors from other countries no less!?

Just what kind of shit is he trying to pull in the Academy!? She knew that her father and Prophet were old friends, but for him to have this much authority in the Academy was truly jarring.

"W… what's happening to me?"


Hannah's thoughts were then disrupted as Gary finally stopped breathing like a dying monkey.

Tomoe was there to help him up, but as soon as both his feet were firmly planted on the ground, he pushed Tomoe away and caused her to fall but first on the ground.

"What the fuck, Gary!?" Hannah bellowed as she rushed to check on Tomoe.

"Why… why is everything moving so slow!?" Gary's eyes started to move erratically as his head swiveled left and right, "Who… who are you people!? What have you done to the Dragon Monarch!?"

Gary started to wave his hand violently, causing a waft of air to breeze towards the faces of the onlookers. A smile and a chuckle then started to form on the students' faces as they saw Gary dancing like a monkey; most of them were about to raise the cameras on their phones, but before they could do so, trails of smoke started to fume from Gary's eyes.

"You… you dare mock the Dragon Monarch!?" Gary then roared as his smoking eyes started to release a red glow, "I will let you see the difference between a dragon and a mortal…



"I'm on it!" Tomoe quickly opened up her palm, creating a wall of ice that blocked the laser beam violently gushing out from Gary's eyes. A part of the ice wall was quickly being melted away, however, creating a huge hole that soon threatened to collapse.

But before it could do so...

"You're causing trouble again, Dragon Monarch?"

A white silhouette suddenly appeared behind Gary.

"Move away, people! Move away!"

A pair of huge bre-- Katrina's voice then echoed through the air as she landed from above, quickly ordering the onlookers to leave the scene and let the Police force handle the situation.

"Seriously… I feel like we're the only ones responding to troubles," she then sighed before turning her attention towards the white silhouette standing behind Gary, "Why is it always people from our class!?"

"There is no need to be so surprised, Hurricane Katrina," Riley also let out a sigh as he shook his head, "I already expected to apprehend Gary on the first day."


And before even letting Gary utter a single word, Riley waved his hand forward. And as soon as he did so, Gary's entire body also flew forward… hitting the thick wall of ice that Tomoe had planted in front of him.

"You…" Riley then whispered as he took off his sunglasses, "...should cool off for a while, Gary."

"...You did that on purpose, didn't you?"

"I did, sister."

Gary's body slowly rose up in the air as Riley turned towards Hannah, "We're authorized by the Academy to use force to settle disputes, you see. Katrina would take your statements of what happened here while I bring and lock Dragon Monarch in his room."

"W… wait."

But before Riley could leave with Gary's body, Hannah grabbed his hand. "The retard has a match tomorrow."

"Then he would just have to forfeit, sister."

"That's not possible. There's no one to replace his slot this late, our class is going to lose chances at winning the Combat tournament," Hannah sighed.

"I don't believe it matters, sister," Riley also let out a sigh as he looked her sister in the eyes, "Since American Mega Girl is likely to win the tournament for our class."


"N… no."

And before Hannah could even ask why his brother called Silvie that way, the previously unconscious Gary lifted his head; struggling a little as he looked at the two, "The… the will of the Dragon Monarch can not die… it shall live on… you, brother," Gary's trembling hand then pointed towards Riley, before his entire body once again became limp.

"Wait, that's right…" Hannah then clapped her first as her eyes started to shine, "You...

...haven't joined any of the events yet!"

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