Villain Retirement

Chapter 163 - 163: Town

Chapter 163 - 163: Town



"There's absolutely nothing here."

"M… maybe we took the wrong turn?"

Like Riley, Hannah was also with a random group. But unlike the rest of the Baby Crew, she was lucky enough to be grouped with Tomoe. And since she was Riley's sister, he had the privilege of borrowing the electric jet truck to reach the places they needed to go quicker.

And so, right now… they were currently in front of the ocean. Relishing at the bridge between the earth and the cosmos; the scent of the endless black, persisting through their noses.

"This is stupid!" Hannah scoffed, "I told you guys we shouldn't have followed the AI shit. This is all the government's ploy to treat us like tools! Argh!"

"E… eek!"

The other members could not help but hunch and step back as Hannah's raging voice reached their ears. It's been more than a month since Hannah was transferred to their class, they were more than aware of Hannah's… peculiar temper. If Hannah thought she was unlucky being partnered with random classmates, then the others also thought the same.

Hannah was like that one student that always came off as a rebellious brat– thought most of Class 1-V. But seeing as she was Whiteking's daughter– But no, Riley is also Whiteking's child, but he is one of the coolest people they have ever met; not to mention he saved them once.

It was just their luck being grouped with–

"What are you guys looking at?"

"N… nothing!"

"Big sister Hannah."


And like an angel saving them from their demise, Tomoe stepped in between them.

"Are you aware that our phones aren't produced by the Government… but by your boyfriend's company?" Tomoe muttered as she respectfully approached Hannah/

"...What? What do you mean b… boyfriend?"

"Julius Reuben."

"Wha– He's not my boyfriend! I'm just pitying him so I… we date from time to time," Hannah said as she looked to the side, lightly scratching her chin as an awkward chuckle slowly escaped from her mouth.

"...I see," Tomoe squinted her already small eyes, "They own the phones we use. They are the richest family in the world right now."

"For real?" Hannah then blinked a couple of times as she looked at Tomoe, "I knew they were rich… but the richest in the world?"

"I thought you knew about it that's why you're dating him."

"Wh– what do you think I am!?"

Hearing Hannah's voice once again rising to unprecedented levels, Tomoe could only look to the side. Hannah was about to say something else, but before she could do so, her phone rang.

"...Oh," Hannah then hummed as she quickly checked on her phone, "Silvie texted– no luck on her side as well."

"Gary also texted me earlier," Tomoe muttered, "He said he's currently in a desert in Texas."

"...What?" Hannah almost choked on her own breaths. But after a few seconds, she let out a short but deep sigh, "Why did Bulwark have to separate us. I'm sure we would have already found Prophet if we were together… I'm starting to think this is just an activity and Prophet isn't really missing."

"Were you close with Prophet?"

"Not that much," Hannah shook her head, "But he's dad's best friend, so he visited our home from time to time back then. Riley's probably too young to remember."

"I… see."

"And he already looked like an old man back then. I'm sure…

…he's alright."


"Oh, it's just you… lame."

"What do you mean lame!?"

Back in Riley's group, Spectacular Mustache Man just emerged from one of the bushes. His mustache, slightly moving as Bella's disappointed sighs reached his ears.

"I thought we were supposed to be incognito? Why did you reveal yourself?"

Another rustle then whispered in the air, causing Bella and Daniel to once again flinch on their spots. But as soon as they saw who it was that emerged from the bushes, they quickly let their guard down.

It was a blindfolded superhero– Nightwalker, Hannah's previous advisor.

"Two instructors?" Daniel muttered, "What are you two doing here?"

"...I think like that should be our line, kid," Spectacular Mustache Man's mustache once again moved as his eyes squinted towards Daniel, "How and why are you outside the Academy? A lockdown should still be in effect."

"Sir Bulwark got us permission," Bella was the one to answer.

"Tch. Must be so great being a member of the Hope Guild," Spectacular Mustache Man muttered.

"Still jealous?" Nightwalker sighed.

"What do you mean jealous? He pushed out Scarlet Mage and transferred her to handle another class. What kind of abuse of authority is that!? If he separated me from my students with who I have spent my sweat and blood, then I will not back down without a fight! I will fight for my students!"

Spectacular Mustache Man then thumped his chest; his mustache, flowing through the air even though there was no wind.




Spectacular Mustache Man then cleared his throat to break the awkward silence that suddenly persisted in the air.

"So, why are the three of you here?" He then said as he looked at Riley and the others.

"We were given an assignment to find Prophet by Bulwark," Bella was the one to answer, "That's why we were allowed to go outside."

"He's powerful enough to allow something like this? Why, I oughtta–"

"And your search led you here?" Nightwalker did not let Spectacular Mustache Man continue his rants.

"Yes, sir," Bella nodded,

"We just followed this guy's advise," she then showed her phone to Nightwalker, which now had MEGAN sleeping on the screen.

"...I see," Nightwalker let out a sigh as he heard Bella's words. He then retrieved a phone from his pocket, "Then we are in the same situation. We've actually been trying to find Prophet for a few days now– but then MEGAN just suddenly told us to go here."

"Eh, you too, teach?" Bella blinked a couple of times… but then wondered how Nightwalker was able to use his phone since he was supposedly blind.

"...This is weird," Nightwalker then muttered, "You said it was your whole class that was allowed to search outside?"


"Then MEGAN should have also led them here. But it would seem we're the only ones."

"Maybe they didn't ask MEGAN?" Daniel joined in on the conversation.

"Impossible," Nightwalker shook his head.

"Then… could it be MEGAN led us 5 here purposely?" Daniel furrowed his eyebrows, "Why us?"

"It's just a computer," Spectacular Mustache Man then waved his hand and sighed, "There's no need to think much of it. It's just like Googoru, it answers what you type or something."

"...Not really, but–"

"I suggest the three of you go back to the Academy," Spectacular Mustache Man said.

"I'm afraid we ain't doing that, teach," Bella quickly answered, "We've already made it here, we ain't backing down. We…

…gotta see this through."



Hearing Bella's words and seeing her unmoving eyes, the only thing that Spectacular Mustache Man could do was look towards Nightwalker… who wasn't doing the same since he was, indeed, blind.

"Why are you 1-V students always so troublesome," Spectacular Mustache Man then sighed, "Very well, you're allowed to come with us. Let us professionals show you how to handle real fieldwork."

"Really!?" Bella could not help but smile as she turned her head towards Riley and Daniel. Even Daniel had an excited smile on his face. To actually see veteran superheroes in action– this was something they have been waiting for forever since they enrolled in the Academy. contemporary romance

"But on one condition," Spectacular Mustache Man's mustache moved, "You follow our orders. And if we tell you to run and get to safety, you run without looking back. Okay?"

"Yes, sir!" Bella and Daniel nodded.

And so, with a cheer filled with adventure and excitement, the unlikely group of individuals started walking deeper into the sea of trees. And very soon, they came across what seemed like a collection of abandoned houses and buildings.

"This… seems like a small town?" Bella muttered, "Why would mister Prophet even be in a place like this?"

"MEGAN, what does this place have to do with Prophet?" Nightwalker then worded out as he retrieved his phone.

[Prophet spent his elementary school days here.]

"In this backwater town?" Spectacular Mustache Man squinted his eyes, "I always thought he was rich… and just how exactly does this little thing know all of this?" He then said as he stared at MEGAN's hologram.

"Mister Prophet, are you here!?"

"Oi, are you stupid!?" Spectacular Mustache Man quickly covered Daniel's mouth… with his mustache, which suddenly grew in length and size almost instantly; wrapping around Daniel's entire mouth area.

"...Ew," Riley then whispered very quietly.

"W… what do you mean ew!?" Spectacular Mustache Man bellowed. And this time, his mouth was covered by Nightwalker.

"S… shh!" Nightwalker hissed, "I hear something from afar."


And as soon as they heard Nightwalker's words, both Daniel and Spectacular Mustache Man started to calm down. Their eyes, carefully looking at all the abandoned houses and buildings around them.



"There!" Nightwalker then suddenly waved his hand, and as he did so, a shadow emerged from his palms; shooting straight towards a certain direction like an arrow. The shadow arrow, however, stopped as soon as a small meow whispered into their ears.

"It… it's just a cat," Nightwalker then sighed as he quickly retracted his powers, "That's weird. I thought I heard a voice."

"Let's… just proceed with caution from now on; we…

…do not know if there is anyone else here."

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