Villain Retirement

Chapter 155 - 155: Family

Chapter 155 - 155: Family

Project Forest.

–As the name suggests, was a plan to 'plant' several clones of Megawoman all around the world by the Government. Translated to its Latin counterpart as Project Silvie– or woman of the forest.

Why did the Government even think of such a plan? Because of a threat– No, not extraterrestrial threats like Dark Millenium suggested; not even the threats of supervillains.

It was the threat of the heroes themselves. With the people relying more and more upon the superheroes, the World Government had been losing their authority over the people for years now.

This was not a new problem. Ever since the dawn of time, strength has always been synonymous with authority. The words of someone like Megawoman weighed more than the words of a country's President– and it was only when she was gone that the World Government had finally put their plan into action.

"Wait, hold up. Are you seriously trying to tell us the Government decided to clone the world's greatest superhero… because they thought that superheroes were a threat? Who is the retard that thought of that? Don't tell me it's you again, dad?"

"...This has been planned before I was even born."

"Are you sure?"


Bernard's short but very heavy sigh echoed throughout the entire Korean Shaved Ice store– which was darker than usual as all the windows and doors were barred shut by rollers; no one was allowed in or out.

Surprisingly, even though Bernard was currently divulging one of the World Government's biggest secrets, not a single Government official was present… maybe except for Silvie's father, who was currently ominously standing at the corner of the shop, his back leaned on the wall and his arms crossed. His eyes, not even once looking at Silvie since he arrived with Bernard earlier.

Hannah, Riley, Tomoe, Gary, Silvie were seated together at their usual table, with Bernard walking around the shop as he exposed the Government's secret. He had just been here the other day telling the secret of his affair to his children… and now he was here telling the secrets of the Government.

He had always thought that he would take this burden to the grave… but who would have thought that his daughter would force him to unravel it all in just the span of 3 days.

"So… that's it, then?" Silvie then let out a small but exhausted gasp, "I… I really am just a clone?"

"You're not just any clone, Silvie. You are Megawoman's clone."

"Shut up, bro. I don't think that's helping right now!" Hannah pinched Riley's arm as she gestured for him to shut up.

"I am only telling the truth, sister," Riley then let out a small sigh as he looked Silvie straight in the eyes, "You are Megawoman's clone, Silvie. By default, that makes you better than most of the people in this room."


"Why do I feel attacked all of a sudden," Gary said as he clasped his heart.

"Fuck, Bernard. Seriously?"

And surprisingly, throughout this talk… Charlotte was also present. She closed down the shop for Bernard for a single condition– she should be present with whatever discussion was going to happen. It was her shop, after all.

"I knew you were a slimy scum, but to think you would actually willingly put a young girl like this in–"

"Not willingly!" Bernard stopped walking; stomping his foot on the ground as he raised his voice, "I had to do what I had to do to keep what Hannah did a–"

"Wait, so this is my fault?"

"I'm not saying that, It's just–" contemporary romance

"Have you been selling information about your other teammates to the Government, you brat?"

"What? How did it even come to–"

"You're probably holding a dark secret of Empress that's why someone as hot as her is…"

And just like that, chaos once again ensued throughout the entire store; with Bernard being the brunt of all the accusations and questions. It was fine if he had the chance to explain himself or actually answer the questions, but all that was happening was him not being allowed to say anything.

"Wait, can I–"

"Can all of you shut the fuck up!?"

And right when he was about to have the chance to talk, Silvie stood up from her seat– almost snapping the windows as her roars cracked in the air.

"I thought we were here to talk about me!? About who I am!?" Silvie bellowed,

"But all I hear is you yapping about your newly discovered parental issues!" Silvie then yelled as she pointed a finger towards Hannah, "I am grateful for you, for all of you for being there but isn't this supposed to be my moment of truth!? You already had yours the other day!"

"..." Seeing Silvie lash out; with her roaring voice completely trembling, the only thing that Hannah could do was look to the side and shut her mouth.

"And you, why the heck are you even here!?" Silvie yelled as she looked at Charlotte, "I get you were supposed to be a big deal like millions of years ago, but I don't see why you should be sticking your nose here when you don't even meet your daily sales quota!"


"And Mr. Whiteking!" Silvie did not let Charlotte say anything as she slammed her palm on the table, splitting it in half, "Why… why are you such a pretentious and snake-y person!? You're supposed to be a hero and yet… and yet you're involved in…"

Silvie was not able to finish her words as tears soon emerged from her eyes; her voice, once again cracking as she slowly turned her head towards her father,

"And you," Silvie then whimpered, "Why are you just standing there like this doesn't involve you? You… you're supposed to be my father, right? You're supposed to be playing the role of my father?"

Silvie's sedated words whispered through the entire store; her father, however, just remained still and quiet.

"At least play your role now," Silvie then whispered as a trembling smile crawled on her face, "Hug me, embrace me… tell me…

…tell me I'm still your daughter, please…. Please… at least just look at me."


What followed her words were silence, with only the sound of her tears dropping to the floor responding to her loud cry for an embrace.


But soon, her eyes retained life as she heard her father's voice.

"I'm… just a scientist, Silvie."-- And yet these were the only words that came out of his mouth before he once again embraced himself in silence; his eyes, not even once looking at Silvie.

"...What?" Silvie let out a small chuckle; almost causing her to choke with the tears and saliva flowing inside her mouth, "S… scientist? We had a home in Russia, father. There… you tied me in the bed so that–"

"Emotional Response Assessment."

And before Silvie could finish her words, Bernard seemed to have answered her question.

"The Government was trying to see how you would respond in the case of trauma and stress– if you were going to lash out violently against your parent."

Unlike when he was talking to Hannah, Bernard's words were now clear and without hesitation. "We were trying to program your behavior naturally instead of inducing it surgically like the first subject."

"The first… Dark Millenium?" And with Bernard approaching her with a calm tone, Silvie could only sniffle and wipe the tears plastered on her face.

"Yes. The information inside her head became tumultuous," Bernard nodded, "The Government had previously told me that Silvie-01… had already been disposed of. So I am actually as surprised as any of you to see her still alive."

"Yeah, I don't think so," Hannah joined in, before once again keeping her silence.

"And what exactly was your role in… in creating me, Mr. Whiteking?"

"I… created the containers that you and Silvie-01 were confined in," Bernard muttered, "That's all."

"How… how did they create me?"

"Silv, I don't think you should–"

"Zip it!"


"There… is a Super groomed by the Government capable of cellular alt– capable of cloning other people and putting them… in an empty vessel," Bernard explained, "I have only seen her once but… judging from her wrinkled skin, she was probably well over her 90s. I don't even know if she's still alive today."

"Doesn't… doesn't that mean that I don't really have any family left?" Silvie's voice once again became weak as she returned back to her seat,

"You… you killed my sister," she then whispered; her head slowly turning towards the broken table, "I'm… I'm all alone now."

"Silv… you have us. We will–"


Hannah tried to comfort Silvie, but Silvie gently pushed her hand away. She did not try to run like before; she was just… completely defeated. Almost the same state as Dark Millenium when she was cornered by the Hope Guild.



"S… since everyone is revealing their secret, can I reveal mine?"

And amidst the sudden silence that surrounded the store, Gary suddenly raised his hand.

"I… I actually knew everything," Gary then said as he let out a small but awkward chuckle.

"...What?" Hannah quickly reacted, "We have no time for one of your–"

"I'm not joking," Gary said as he raised both his hands, "Since… Since Silvie's identity had already been discovered, my… I feel like my secret is bound to get exposed as well."

"...Gary?" Silvie furrowed her eyebrows as she looked at Gary.

"When… when you said you don't have a family left," Gary muttered, "That's not necessarily true… I'm kinda your brother."

"You… you're also a clone?" Silvie's eyes widened.

"No, I'm Aerith's son."



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