Villain Retirement

Chapter 132: A Bigger Problem

Chapter 132: A Bigger Problem

"We had a fucking jet-truck hybrid shit all along…

…And you didn't tell!?"

"You said you wanted to enjoy the drive, sister."


Hannah's loud voice reverberated in the air; drowning everything else, even the sadness that once persisted in her tone. Her steps as well, were somewhat bouncy as she made her way to the truck's driver– No, to the truck's pilot's seat.

"You think I wouldn't enjoy flying a fucking jet truck more!?"

"You have weird tastes, sister," Riley then said, "I do not presume to know what goes into that brutish mind of yours."

"What– your mama's weird!"

"That's possible, she killed me."



"...Fuck, you win. Let's just go!" Hannah then opened her window, tapping the side of the door as she gestured for the others to hop on. Gary, Silvie, and even Tomoe, however, had their mouths slightly opened as they remained staring blankly at the sudden transformation of their truck.

Was the design cool? Of course not, it was basically a truck with wings; like a lego that was set up by a child, or a mobile suit made with laundry clothespins. But still, to suddenly have an aircraft as their group's steed... that was something they never expected would happen any time soon.

After all, out of all the superhero groups and organizations in the world, there were only a handful who had one, including the Hope Guild.

But finally, after a few more seconds, their feet started to subconsciously step back into the truck.

"...Do you even know how to drive this thing?" Gary then immediately asked as he quickly buckled himself in.

"Who do you think I am?" Hannah scoffed as the air… truck began to ever so softly tremble, "I've been trained by dad to operate all sorts of machinery."

"Then why can't Riley even ride something as simple as a motorcycle?" This time, it was Silvie who asked, her tone truly curious.

"W… well," Hannah let out a small chuckle as she glanced at Riley, "Mom didn't really let her near any of dad's gadgets, let alone his automobile collection."

"I… see."

Gary and Silvie then let out a long and deep sigh. They were somewhat envious of Hannah having access to so much cool stuff since she was young, but when they heard Riley's case, the only thing they could do was feel somewhat lucky.

To have all those cool things near you… and not even allowed to use any of them?

That was probably torturing.

"There is no need to be sad for me, Gary and Silvie," Riley seemed to have realized what they were thinking as he too, let out a small breath, "My interests…

…lie elsewhere."



"Let's go, boys and girls!" And before any of the two could even reply, a loud whirring noise echoed through the truck, causing Gary to slightly sink into his seat; gripping his seatbelt tight as the truck suddenly lifted from the ground.

"To Hawaii!"



This time, it was Gary's turn to puke as soon as the airtruck landed; his retching, even worse and louder than Hannah's as the birds of Hawaii that were supposed to greet them with songs all flapped their wings away in disgust.

The contents of his stomach, mixing with the rubber of the tires that were once again slowly emerging from beneath the truck.

"I… I hate flying," Gary then let out a loud gasp as he lifted himself up, slightly causing the truck to sway.

"...But you were fine when Riley was floating us."

"That's different!" Gary bellowed; the others, quickly moving away as the little bits of puke remaining inside Gary's mouth spewed out, "When Riley was floating us, it felt like being carried by a mother… but with you piloting it's… like I was inside a washing machi– Bleurgh!"

"Stop being such a wuss!" Hannah shook her head as she started stretching her limbs. Unlike with Miami, where they were mobbed by a crowd as soon as they landed; everything seemed peaceful in Hawaii, except of course Gary's occasional puking.

Of course, there was also the fact that Hannah decided to land on a secluded part of the state; where there were visibly no people… and as far away from the beautiful beaches as possible.

"...Why are we here?"

"Disable the drones that are following us, Riley."

"As you wish, sister."

And with the words that were exchanged by the siblings, both Gary and Silvie could not help but slightly take a few steps back.

"W… wait, are… did you take us here to kill us!?" Gary muttered.

"...Don't be stupid," Hannah let out a small but deep sigh as she removed her mask, "...We can't very well have masks while on vacation, right!?" contemporary romance

Hannah then threw her mask back inside the truck, loudly clapping her hands as she tried to hype herself up,

"Now, to get this thing off," Hannah then suddenly unclipped something on the side of the truck, and as soon as she did so, the graffiti that had their group name on it was quickly removed like a tarp.

"...That was removable!?" Gary bellowed, "You made us endure the embarrassment of having that on our bad-ass truck!?"

"Well, we can't have people recognizing us everywhere now," Hannah breathed out as she opened the back of the trailer; spending a couple of minutes there before coming out now wearing casual clothes.

"Is there really any point anymore in hiding our identities?" Silvie then muttered.

"Of course, there is," Hannah sighed, "Besides, only my brother would be instantly recognized as Whiteking's son. As for the rest of us…

…we're completely anonymous."


"It's the Baby Crew!"

"...Let's change venues."

The group landed near a beach called Waimea, then drove the rest of the way there. It was going so well, with none of the people bothering them as they each stepped out of the truck with their casual clothes.

Of course, for precaution, each of them was still wearing a pair of sunglasses that Riley seemed to have in spares. Smiles all crept on their faces as they walked ever so casually, one might even say cool, even as the rays of the sun hit their skin.

They needed to buy swimwear, of course– so they quickly headed to the boutiques and stores on the sides of the beaches.

They forgot one little minor detail, however. With Riley being easily recognizable… it stands to reason that the people would immediately connect two and two together. And so, as soon as one of the people recognized Riley…

…the group had no choice but to rush away from the beach while covering their faces.

"That's it…" Hannah then said as soon as they once again landed in a secluded part of Hawaii, "...Gary, buy a fucking black hair dye, those temporary ones!"

"Gladly," and before Gary could even finish his nod, he quickly rushed away from the forest they were hiding, even almost hitting the trees on his way as he created clouds of dust.

And not even a quarter of an hour passed, Gary was back with a hair coloring set.

"I do not wish to dye my hair, sister," Riley breathed out.

"Your wish does not outweigh our need to have fun and relax, brother," Hannah said as she quickly took the bottle of hair dye from Gary and shook it, "Besides, it says on the back it would wash out with the shampoo it came with."

"Should… should we really be doing this, big sister Hannah?" Tomoe then added as she took a few steps to block Riley from everyone's view.

"Do you not want to see Riley with black hair?"

"That's…" Tomoe's eyes slightly widened as soon as she heard Hannah's words. In truth, when she hadn't discovered that Darkday was Riley– she had always imagined Darkday to have long and black hair; all of those were erased, however, with Riley's image.

But now that a sudden opportunity to see Riley sporting black hair arrived, the only thing she could do was step to the side.

"I am truly sorry for this betrayal, Master Riley," Tomoe could not even look at Riley as she turned her head to the side, "I will accept any punishment you wish to lay upon me later."


And before Riley could even say anything, Hannah suddenly threw the bottle to Silvie and rushed to hold Riley from behind, trying to prevent him from escaping.

"Do it for the crew, Riley. Just…

…accept it."


"Hm, how about this one?"

"It's still too revealing, Hannah!"

"We've been here for more than an hour now! What am I supposed to wear, a fucking hazmat suit!?"

Tomoe, Silvie, and Hannah were inside a small boutique somewhere on the beach of Waikiki. And as Hannah exclaimed, they have been there for more than an hour now– with the sun threatening to disappear on them anytime soon.

"And besides, the two of you haven't even tried to fit even a single swimsuit yet!" Hannah then bellowed as she almost threw the dozens of swimsuits being presented to her by Silvie and Tomoe.

Her now black hair, swaying with each of her movements.

"I think ours can wait," Silvie let out a sigh,

"Yours… is a slightly bigger problem," she then said as her eyes slowly traveled to Hannah's posterior. With Hannah's body almost trained to perfection, her muscles were very well defined, but not to the point that it was bulky, no.

It did, however, make her butt… larger and more finely shaped than most; making any swimsuit or bikini she chose to become more… erotic than they were meant to be.

She was meatier where it mattered– as Gary ever so eloquently described.

And as for the maestro of words, he and Riley did not really have any trouble in picking up what to wear. After all, confidence is everything that matters when it comes to swimsuits– Gary thought as he chose to wear a Brazilian bikini.

With this towering figure and bulging... muscles that had veins almost popping out from them, almost all of the eyes were on him as he walked through the plaza of boutiques; only a towel partnering his… bikini.

The eyes did not stay with him for long, however, as there was another who literally outshone him.

"Bro… can you move a couple of steps back. You…

…are stealing my limelight."


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