Villain Retirement

Chapter 130: Half-Opened

Chapter 130: Half-Opened

"All the planes had the mark of the Dark Millenium in them– the exact same helmet you are wearing now. If anything…

…you sent a message, and we heard it loud and clear."

Although the people already had an idea of who the perpetrator was, the Dark Millenium's involvement with the Seven Planes was kept in wraps– the news about there being multiple helmets found on the scene was kept hidden.

And so, as soon as Empress's words reached the Dark Millenium Leader's ears, she could not help but slightly take a small step back. The death of the students in Toronto, as well as the Seven Planes– was there someone that was deliberately messing her organization?

She first thought that one of the Days had been going around her back… but was there actually a 3rd party involved?

"I see," the Dark Millenium Leader's robotic voice then vibrated from her helmet, "Someone has been setting us up."


A high-pitched whirring sound then whistled in the air as V's mecha suit opened up, revealing her face that already had a smirk plastered on it; her eyes, causing trickles of green lightning to emerge whenever it moved.

"For a terrorist group that kidnapped children, you sure are high on that horse, you Dark Millenium bitch."

"Back off," Dark Millenium carefully raised her hand towards V, "I do not wish to fight the heroes who might one day stand with me to fight the greater evil that is coming to this world."

"You're quite delusional, aren't you? Now that you're surrounded, you're quite meek."

"Delusional?" A small robotic harrumph escaped from Dark Millenium's helmet, "I could crush you if I wanted to, girl."


"Enough talk!"

And before V could even retort, a small thunder erupted in the air as the ruined ground beneath them slightly trembled; Hera's solid fist, once again heading straight towards Dark Millenium's head.

Dark Millenium, however, only raised her arms to block Hera's fist, causing her feet to instantly burrow through the ground, creating a crevice as they plowed the pavement as if it was sand. She continued to slide through the pavement, even the walls of the building were enough to stop her momentum; creating a huge hole as she went straight through it.

"Hera, do not go alone!" Empress waved her hand, "Keep the damages to the city to a minimum!"

"Minimum!?" Hera roared, "You think that's possible!? This Darkday copycat is stronger than we thought!" She then said as she leaped straight towards the hole that Dark Millenium created.

"Do not engage– Tch," the only thing that Empress could do was click her tongue, before turning her attention towards Tempo, "Has she taken her meds!?"

"There is a 100% chance that she has not."

"Pft, she's always like that."

"She has, Empress," Whiteking proclaimed.

Tempo, on the other hand, only shrugged his shoulders before disappearing from his spot; running to the inside of the building to quickly check on Hera.

"...Hera?" Tempo squinted his eyes to try and quickly adjust to the darkness; his steps, ever so careful and ready as soon as he even catches a shadow of Dark Millenium. "Hera, you're starting to get the boss angry, you won't like her when she's– Hera!"

And before Tempo could finish his words, he saw Hera sitting on the ground, her back on the wall as blood gushed out like a waterfall from her nose.

"Hera, are you–"

"I'm alive, you bastard," Hera quickly pushed Tempo to the side as he tried to help her up, "Dark Millenium, where is she?"

Both of them then look through the darkness, but even after a few seconds of their eyes strictly waiting for a sign of any movement– not even a shadow flickered.

[She is escaping, follow her!]


And as soon as Empress's voice entered through his ears, Tempo once again disappeared from his spot, causing Hera to once again drop on the floor as she was using him as a stand.

"Where did she go!?" Tempo then quickly bellowed as he returned to the others.

"She flew South West," Whiteking said as he looked at the view of the satellite from his helmet.

"Why aren't we chasing her!?"

"Let her go," Empress stretched her arm to block Tempo, "Only the two of us could follow her; I am not taking that risk."


"I think we are all in agreement about something…" Empress then breathed out as she looked at Hera, who was causing the edges of the brittle wall to collapse as her muscles plowed through it like styrofoam as she stepped out of the building. The mess around her mouth, however, was still quite obvious as the fresh blood flowing from her nose reflected the rays of the sun,

"...We're not just dealing with a simple copycat here."


"F… Fuck, that was intense… But… are we sure we shouldn't have helped them?"

"We would have only gotten in their way."

The Baby Crew truck was still flying through the air. But even with the strong wind hitting the surface of the truck, the passengers' fettered and nervous breaths were still enough to drown everything else.

"The Hope Guild? works as a group," one of those noises, was Hannah's heavy breaths; escaping each time she tried to open her mouth, "If we stayed, we would only disrupt their flow."

"...You seem to know a lot about the Hope Guild for someone who's supposed to not be interested in superheroes," Gary let out an exhausted chuckle.

"...One of the members is my father."




"Anyway," Hannah once again let out a long and deep breath to break the sudden silence, "Riley, let us down."

"Father told us to go back to the Academy, sister." contemporary romance

"I know. But let's take it slow… I need fucking time to process all the shit that just happened."

"Agreed," Silvie also let her back fall to the seat as she let out a deep sigh of her own.

"Very well, sister," Riley then nodded as the truck slowly made its way down back to the ground.

"I wonder how they are doing no–"

Gary was about to say something, but as soon as the tires of the truck touched the pavement, the sound of the driver's door violently opening drowned whatever words were coming out of his mouth.

It was then followed by a whisper of a thud, as Hannah's legs immediately became jelly; her palm dropping to the ground as the sound of her retching pierced the ears of everyone near her.

And soon, tears started to fall from her face; mixing with the contents of her stomach that were now resting on the scorching pavement.


Of course, she would break down. She had been trying to hold in the tears since they left the battlefield.

Of course, she would cry; how could she not?

She thought Darkday was going to kill all of them– she only stood her ground since her brother was in danger… but now that they were safe, the only thing her body wanted to do was scream the tears wanting to come out of her.



And with her roaring cries, Gary and Silvie also stepped out of the truck; their faces once again falling into frustration as the realization also finally dawned upon them.

They thought they were already full-pledged heroes due to the past days of roaming around; helping and rescuing the people of Miami. But as soon as they were faced with an enemy far greater than them, they quickly folded.

"Are we… going after the fake Darkday?"

And as the lament of the three members of the Baby Crew pestered the air, Tomoe's quiet whispers echoed inside the truck; her eyes, looking back and forth between Riley and the others.

Riley also turned to look at his sister, but after a few moments, he shook his head, "No, being with my sister is more important right now, Tomoe."

"O… Okay," Tomoe slightly stuttered as she opened the door on her side; but as the door was halfway open, she once again turned to look at Riley,

"Master… Can I ask why you have not given me any orders for weeks now?" She then whispered, "Silver Moon seems to be the only one that is by your side. Am I… still your Subordinate?"

"You are," Riley answered without pause, "But you are also my sister's friend, Tomoe."

"That's… is that the reason why I am not receiving orders?" Tomoe stuttered, "If… If it's between serving you and having big sister Hannah as a friend… then I choose to serve you, Master Riley."

Tomoe then ever so slowly started to close the door; her hand, slightly trembling as she did so.



And before the door could completely close, Riley's short but deep sigh entered Tomoe's ears.

"I am not letting you choose, Tomoe."


"Then follow my order now," Riley then suddenly looked Tomoe straight in the eyes, causing her to flinch and hold her breath, "Protect my sister no matter the cost."

"B… but," Tomoe resisted the urge to gasp, "I am already doing that."

"Protect her even if it means sacrificing your life."

And with Riley's words softly but strictly whispering into her ears, Tomoe's trembling hand that was holding the handle of the door relaxed– leaving the door still half-opened.

"If that is your order, Master Riley…" Tomoe then bowed, her head almost touching Riley's lap as she placed both her palms on the seat between them, "...Then I will lay my life if need be. I will– !!!"

This time, Tomoe could no longer stop the urge to swallow; her gulp, loud enough to echo throughout the truck.

"M… Master Riley?" Tomoe stuttered; her face completely red as Riley suddenly touched her chin.

"Raise your head…

…Night Queen."

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