Villain Retirement

Chapter 125: Family Secrets...?

Chapter 125: Family Secrets...?




15 minutes. Riley and Butcher spent a whole 15 minutes in silence after Butcher asked his sudden question. The only sounds that could be heard were the whispering horns and sirens of the waking city.

But finally, after a few more seconds of this somewhat awkward silence,

"I am afraid I have to refuse your offer, Mister Butcher," Riley said no.

"I see," Butcher's disappointed, but still monotonous sigh traveled the air, "I expected that answer; there was a 24% chance that you would reject my invitation."

"I believe it was 0% from that start, Butcher."

"Hm," Butcher could only squint his eyes from Riley's words. And after another bout of awkward silence between the two, Butcher's red, almost glowing eyes landed towards Riley's motorcycle.

"Your father did not teach you how to ride?"


"Your mother was very good with motorcycles," Butcher muttered.


"Your biological mother."

"I know who you meant, Butcher," Riley shook his head, "My adoptive mother would not even fathom the idea of touching a motorcycle."

"...Then do you know who your biological mother is?" Butcher squinted his eyes.

"Is it Ms. Phoenix from the Hope Guild?"

"That's…" Butcher's eyes squinted even further from hearing Riley's non-hesitant words, "...Did Whiteking tell you?"

"No, I surmised on my own."

"Then do you know how she died?"

"...No," this time, it was Riley that slightly squinted his eyes as he slightly turned his head towards Butcher.

"Do you want to know?"

"Do you wish to tell me?"

"Join the Hope Guild and you'll know it."

"Then, no."




"I see."

Once again, another bout of awkward silence. If it truly weren't for the orchestra of sounds being produced by the city, then the two might as well be inside a movie theatre 30 minutes before the show starts. Thankfully, Butcher did not let the silence last long as he let out a small but deep breath.

"I suppose I should just tell you as a sort of investment," Butcher then said as he closed his eyes, "Ms. Phoenix was killed by your father and some other members of the Hope Guild during that time."

"..." Hearing Butcher's words, Riley's eyebrow slowly started to move; his breaths, momentarily stopping before once again returning to their rhythmic and unfettered drumming.

"You do not need to be so alert," Butcher shook his bald head as his red eyes once again showed themselves, "They had no choice but to do it to save you– Ms. Phoenix was strangling you when you were just 2 years old, If I am to be correct."

"I see."

"You… do not seem to be surprised by this information?"

"I had my suspicions."

"How?" Butcher breathed out.

"Because I inherited her powers."

"...I do not really see how that correlates to you knowing the circumstances of the past," Butcher muttered as he placed his hand on his chin, "But no matter. Do you wish to see where your mother is buried?"

"No, I have no interest in the dead."


"If I were you, I'd get the fuck out of here about 3 seconds ago."

And before Butcher could say another word, the back of his bald head suddenly shone in red. He slowly looked back, only to see Riley's sister with her arms engulfed in a fit of raging flames.

"Stop whatever it is you're trying to do to my brother," she then said as she took a few steps forward.

"...There is no need to be alarmed," Butcher slowly raised his hand in surrender, "I was only hoping to invite your brother into the Hope Guild."

"You already have our father, just scram."

"..." Although the tone of Hannah's voice was quite thuggish, Butcher still did not fail to see her slightly trembling hands. For her to not back down even though she was clearly afraid of him, a small smile slowly crawled on Butcher's face.

"As expected of Whiteking's daughter," Butcher breathed out, "Very well, I will not push this topic any further; The Hope Guild and I owe a lot to your father. Did you know my costume was made by him?"

"I don't care, please go away."

"It keeps my power in check– controllable," Butcher sighed, "Same as yours."

"What the fuck are you on about?" Hannah clicked her tongue, "Just leave us alone."

"Hm," Butcher's smile did not go away as he nodded to Hannah, before once again glancing towards Riley, "If you change your mind, just contact me through your father."

And with those words, Butcher tapped his foot on the ground– and as he did so, his feet started to slide away across the pavement… menacingly.

"W… what the fuck is his problem?" Hannah then let out a long and very deep breath as she rushed to check on her brother, "Are you… are you alright?"

"I should be the one asking you that, sister," Riley said as he looked at Hannah, whose breaths were enough to throw him away.

"Those Hope Guild freaks, I swear," Hannah then shook her arms off of the flames that were still lingering on her sleeves.

"Did I wake you, sister?" Riley then asked, "If that was the case, then I apologize."

"Yeah, you did," Hannah let out another sigh as she stood closer to her brother, "I was just going to sleep again, but then I heard that guy's voice."

"I… see," Riley said as he let out a small sigh; turning his head to the direction where Butcher disappeared to, "Then did you hear what he–"

And before Riley could even finish the words he wanted to say, he felt Hannah's warm arms wrapped around him.

"I am your sister," Hannah then whispered; her words, muffled, but still so very clear, "...Okay?"

"Yes?" Riley could only blink a couple of times as he slightly leaned his head to look at Hannah.

"Whatever that bald guy said, whether it's true or not… Know that mom and dad love you and will never do what that Ms. Phoenix did to you," Hannah breathed out.


"I love you, okay?"

"I…" Riley's hands slowly made their way to Hannah's back… but dropped before they could reach embrace her.

"I wish I could say the same to you, sister."

And as Riley's words reached Hannah's ears, her embrace became tighter as she let her face be buried on his chest. contemporary romance

"I really do, sister."

"You…" Hannah then let out a small and quiet chuckle as she released her embrace, before gently holding Riley's cheeks; leaning closer as the warmth… of their foreheads touched each other.

"I know," Hannah then said; their breaths, embracing each other.


"Silv, what are you doing!?"


"Tch. Riley, restrain her for now!"

"W… wait, no–"

And so, once again, with the start of the day begins a new chapter in the Baby Crew's superhero lives. Unlike the first day where they all separated, the group decided they should stick together for now just in case something like what happened the other day happens again.

And right now, they were currently running through the alleyways; the shadows flickering on their faces as the heat of the sun welcomed them again and again with each alley they go and exit through.

They were chasing the supervillain known as Dr. Glutes, who, despite his large hips, could actually run swiftly– agilely weaving through the dumpsters and cars they come across. He could almost be categorized as a Sprinter with the way he was moving… if it wasn't for the fact that his hips were wide and strong enough to scrape the walls like they were made of styrofoam.

"Why are you running!? Why are you running!?" Gary bellowed as he leaped from wall to wall; until finally landing in front of Dr. Glutes.

"Dragon Shoulder of the 8th Tribulation!" Gary then roared as he rammed his shoulder straight to Dr. Glutes's chin.

Unfortunately for Dr. Glutes, the rest of his body was not as strong as his glutes. There was almost a loud crack snapping in the air as his body spun in the air several times before violently dropping on the ground.

"Fuck, Gary! Did you kill him!?"

"No," Gary immediately let out a small scoff… before squinting his eyes and looking at the unconscious Dr. Glutes, "M… maybe half?"

Hannah could only roll her eyes as she crouched to check Dr. Glutes's pulse.

"He's going to be fine, sadly," Hannah then let out a small sigh, before standing up and turning towards Silvie, "Silv… why did you do that? He was about to surrender to us peacefully if you didn't go ape-shit again."

"I–" Silvie's face winced before she could utter a single word; her mind, slowly being filled with a sort of static that almost changed the scenery around her.

Seeing Silvie once again acting up, Hannah could only shake her head with another sigh, "We're taking a break… we've delayed talking about your condition enough already."

"No, we just–"

"Silv, she's right," this time, even Gary held a somewhat somber tone, "I'm just gonna surrender this mofo to the five-Os and meet you back in our base."


And before Silvie could utter another word, Tomoe grabbed her arm.

"..." Seeing everyone seemingly agreeing they all went back, the only thing that Silvie could do was follow the others back to their base of operations– the grocery parking lot.

Back in the Academy, her records were almost flawless; she came out on top of the class even with the regular and normal classes. But more and more… she could feel she was losing it.

And seeing the look on her friends' faces as they stared at her, they could feel it too. And even with the dome of ice encasing them, Silvie could still see the warmth in their eyes.

"Spit it out," Hannah was the first to say something, "What's happening with that pretty brain of yours."

"I… don't really know," Silvie once again repeated the words she had been repeating several times now, "I was fine… right? I was…

…but with everything that's been happening– the Dark Millenium, all the deaths… I've been having dreams."


"Like I'm trapped inside a very small space," Silvie breathed in, "And no matter how hard I tried… I can't escape."

"...Is that why you were screaming the other day inside the pod?" Hannah furrowed her eyebrows.

"...Yes," Silvie nodded.

"..." And with that, there was a sudden pause in the conversation. Hannah didn't really know what to say anymore, she tried to look at Gary, but he just shrugged his shoulders, "You–"

"Can you tell us about your father, Silvie?"

But surprisingly, before any of them could speak again… Riley broke the silence.

"My… father?" Silvie could not help but blink a couple of times as Riley suddenly looked her straight in the eyes, "What does my father have to do with–"

"Have you considered that you might be half-alien, Silvie?"


"What are you saying to her, brother!?"

"Have you ever asked your father if Mega Woman is your mother?"


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