Villain Retirement

Chapter 116: Sun Babies

Chapter 116: Sun Babies

"A… Amazing."

Silvie, as well as Tomoe, could not help but watch in awe as Hannah just culled the numbers of the gangsters almost in half-- without even using her powers.

If only Silvie had the same combat experience and skill as Hannah, then maybe she wouldn't even need to resort to her using her abilities that much, preventing herself from accidentally hurting people, and just using it to protect herself.

She had always thought that she had the perfect power to protect people-- but lately, it was becoming more and more evident that even though she was granted the same powers as Mega Woman, there was something inside her that wanted to hurt people.

...It's not about the powers they have-- but how they use it. Silvie thought as she continued to watch the normal people backing away, and Hannah not even doing anything.

"...They really are just watching."


Silvie's thoughts were then disrupted as she heard Tomoe's whispers, "It's nothing. I was just amazed to see everyone just watching and not attacking us."

"...Now that you mention it," Silvie then said as she looked around. Even she and Tomoe just stood there and watched-- something that only happens in movies. But alas, the crime leader seemed to have noticed this as well as he pushed one of the supers forward.

"Why are all of you just watching!? Kill them!"

And as soon as he said that, the supers of the gang all rushed towards Tomoe and Hannah, with 2 heading towards Hannah, "Don't let the boss come here himself!"

"..." Tomoe quickly grabbed Silvie's shoulder, using it to push herself away as the ground beneath her turned into a road of ice; the super that threatened to punch her quickly slipped to the ground, tumbling in front of Riley, who was casually watching everything as he continued to drink his beverage.

"You--" The super gangster was about to grab him, but before he could do so, he was suddenly lifted into the air by Silvie. And without even having the chance to say another word, was thrown towards the other supers rushing towards them. Unfortunately for him, instead of being gently caught by his comrades, he was swatted away like a fly.

Silvie was about to fly towards the two approaching supers, but before she could do so, several normal gangsters suddenly ran to their path, instantly causing them to trip.

"..." Silvie then looked towards Hannah, who had her thumbs up towards her even as she fought two supers and a crowd of normal people. Silvie was always able to defeat Hannah during a one-on-one fight, but it would seem when it comes to real scenarios… Silvie was the loser.

Silvie then turned towards Tomoe, who had already subjugated the supers she was fighting in ice-- while trapping the normal people by binding their feet on the ground.

"..." Silvie was supposed to be the No. 1 student… but now she was proving more and more to be inadequate. Perhaps… she wasn't really as good as she thought she was; she wouldn't be tied up by her father during childhood if she was.

Was it an illusion?

Was her strength all just an… illusion?

What was she even supposed to do when everyone else was this capable? What was she even supposed to do when they could protect themselves?

Does she even have a reason to exist?

Silvie then turned her eyes towards the super in front of her, who had been punching her in the face for almost 5 seconds now and she couldn't even feel it.

"Go away," Silvie's voice then became cold as her eyes started to glow red, "I'll kill you if you try this again."

And as soon as she said that, the super gangster could only take in a small but deep breath, before proceeding to run away.

"..." Did that work? She was trying to imitate what Hannah did by intimidating the enemy in front of her. She might have threatened to take his life, but she wasn't really going to do it… Right? She wasn't going to…

...Was that a threat? Or was it real? Did she really want to kill the man?

Silvie's eyes once again started to move erratically as several thoughts once again began to race in her mind. Her breaths, reverberating enough that it made every person within the parking lot stop whatever it is they are doing.

"This… is bad," Hannah muttered as she pushed the face she was holding away, "The girl's turning crazy."

Silvie's eyes were currently flickering in red; indiscernible whispers mumbling out of her mouth as she just stood on her spot without moving.

"E… everyone!" The crime leader's words then echoed throughout the parking lot as he… made his way back to his car, "H… hold them off while I get the boss and the others, he… he's the only one who can kill these--"

And just like that, the crime leader decided to leave his subordinates, not even bothering to finish his words.

"No, you don't!" Flames exploded from Hannah's back like wings, propelling her straight to the escaping car's path.


But alas, before she could even reach it, red reflected on her eyes an almost deafening whistle pierced her ears as the crime leader's car was suddenly split in half, causing its chassis to screech through the hard pavement.

"S… Silvie?" Hannah then looked towards where the red beam came from, only to see Silvie now floating in the air; her eyes, completely covered in a red curtain.

"E… eep!" The crime leader seemed to be unscathed as he hastily crawled from his car like some sort of cockroach-- he was about to run but tumbled on the ground as a laser trailed across the ground beside him.

"What are you doing!?" Hannah was now behind Silvie; the only reason why the crime leader still had his head was that Hannah pushed Silvie's head to the side, "You're going to fucking kill the guy!"

"... drug-related operations… eliminate."

"W… what?" Hannah furrowed her eyebrows as Silvie's stuttered words clearly reached her ears, "What do you mean eliminate!?"

"....possession of illegal weapons with intent to use… disrupting peace…"

"Snap out of it!" Hannah bellowed; she wanted to chase the crime leader and the other gang members that were starting to run away. But she was afraid that once she leaves Silvie, she would start to laser the fuck out of everyone.

Even Tomoe did not give chase as she just watched as Silvie's eyes started to once again flicker-- her erratic whispers, loud enough for her to hear even from the ground. These words… it was almost as if she was…

"Snap the fuck out of it, Silv!" A loud snap in the air then cracked as Hannah slapped Silvie on the cheek; but like shaving a bald head, it did nothing. It did, however, get Silvie's eyes to land towards Hannah.

"Obstructing… you're obstructing…"

"W… what?" A small explosion then erupted as Hannah slightly backed away from Silvie as her flickering eyes started to distort the air. And without even warning…

...a laser beamed straight towards Hannah's chest.


"H… Hannah!" A platform of ice instantly crystallized beneath Tomoe's feet, lifting her towards the two. Of course, she took a glance as to what Riley was doing, only to see him still sipping on his drink, now wearing his sunglasses as he just casually watched what happened to Hannah.

Could it be… he didn't care for Hannah as much as she thought he did? Tomoe took in a small breath with the thought. If he could just discard his sister like that… then as his subordinate-- wasn't she practically nothing to him?

Tomoe slightly bit her lip as she continued to make her way towards the two. But halfway there, she noticed that Hannah… was still floating in the air-- her eyes wide.

"H… holy fuck," Hannah then touched her chest, her costume that was supposed to be immune to extremely high levels of temperature slightly scorched-- her skin, however, was completely unscathed, "You… did this bitch just try to kill me!?"

Hannah's entire body became engulfed in fire, causing Tomoe to quickly wear her sunglasses. But even with the added protection covering her eyes, she still could not help but look to the side as the fire coming out from Hannah's body was almost as bright as the sun.

"Don't blame me if this hurts tomorrow!" A small explosion then erupted as Hannah once again flew away, the flames on her back slightly forming into the shape of a wing, "I've been learning this new trick, you see."

Hannah then stretched her arms to the side, and as she did so, balls of fire quickly materialized in front of her hands. contemporary romance

"I call it…

...Sun Babies!"

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