Villain Retirement

Chapter 108: The New Mega Student (2)

Chapter 108: The New Mega Student (2)

"Do you have something to say to our Mega Sponsor this month!?"

"I don't drink coffee."



Silence. The entire auditorium was once again clouded in silence as Riley's nonchalant tone echoed throughout everyone's ears. Even Starbeans' annoying original soundtrack was stopped by the DJ as she could not help but double-check if she heard it right.



"O… Okay, let's all clap!" The host then started clapping his hands incessantly as he violently gestured for the DJ to once again start up the music, "O… once again, let's all give our students a round of applause!"

"Pft," a short burst of laughter then escaped from Julius's mouth as he approached Riley,

"Now… how do the Americans say this…" He then muttered, "What you just did was quite… epic, was it not?"

Even with all the noise and confetti being thrown around everywhere, Julius still seemed to manage to be full of composure as he lightly nodded at Van, "I believe we have met before but not had the pleasure of introducing ourselves-- My name is Julius Reuben."

"I am Riley Ross from Class 1-V."

"Hm," Julius once again nodded before gesturing towards the other person on stage, "That shy one over there is Gintsune; she can't really speak English that well yet, but she is quite talkative once you get to know her."

"..." Riley then turned his head towards Gintsune, only to see… a petite ninja bowing towards him; her fox mask managing to stay on her face.

"C… Conglations… c... congratulations."

"..." Riley looked at her for a few seconds, before also bowing his body at an almost 90-degree angle, "Arigatou gozaimasu."

"O… oh," Gintsune was slightly shaken from Riley's words as she once again bowed. She was about to stand up straight, but as soon as she heard Riley's next words, she almost tumbled where she stood.

"Hajimemashite," Riley breathed out, "Watashi no namae wa Riley Ross-degozaru, yorushiku onegaishumasu."

"E… Eh?" Gintsune then lightly backed away, "Degoza-- Eh? Nihongo hanashimasu ka?"

"Yes, I learned a few years ago… from a guest."

"T… that's amazing!" Gintsune then started to lightly hop in place-- the ears on her fox mask seemingly wagging.

"Hm…" Julius then squinted his eyes as he watched the two suddenly speaking in another language,

"...I suddenly feel a little bit left out."



A loud shrieking noise then pierced Riley's ears as soon as he stepped out of the auditorium. He looked, only to see Gary crawling towards him.

"Motorcycle! Let's get two motorcycles!" Gary then cried out, but before he could reach Riley, he was pulled away by Silvie and Hannah, his fingers leaving trails on the ground as he screamed, "N… No!"


"Master," Tomoe then approached Riley as she bowed, "Congratulations on winning the title. I expected nothing less of you even if it was not your intention to become the Mega Student-- I am afraid your greatness does not allow anything you do to result in mediocrity."

"Thank you, Second Subordinate." contemporary romance

"Big sister Hannah and the others would like to celeb--" Tomoe's words were suddenly cut short as she noticed the pair of eyes intensely staring at her behind Riley.

"N… Nihonjin?" Gintsune then muttered as she slightly tilted her head to the side.

"...Half," Tomoe slightly squinted her eyes. But after a few seconds, completely ignored her and returned her focus to her master, "The others would like to celebra--"

"Ah, it's you!"

But once again, Tomoe's words were interrupted by a loud but still slightly posh voice. Julius Reuben stepped out of the auditorium, waving his hands and quickly making his way towards Hannah as soon as he saw her.

"W… what do you want?" Hannah then quickly let go of Gary's foot as Julius suddenly ran towards her.

"Maybe I could have your number now, seeing as we were fated to meet again today?"

"Are… are you crazy!?" Hannah stuttered as she slightly backed away, "C… can't you see I'm with my friends?"

Hannah's eyes traveled towards her so-called friends, but what met her was betrayal as Gary and Silvie were suddenly far away, looking at her with their shoulders slightly trembling-- obviously trying to stop their giggles from being released.

"That's… a no, then?" Julius then let out a small sigh, "Then perhaps I could just invite you to dinner?"


"Psst, do it!" Gary's whispers managed to reach Hannah's ears, "Julius Reuben… he's from the richest family in the world."

"Please don't expect much," Julius then chuckled as he lightly tapped the cane he was holding, "My parents are the ones that are rich, not me. So… may I please invite you to dinner, even if it is just a humble one?"

"T… that's…" Hannah then started to look at her friends; Gary had an uncontrollable smile plastering his face, while Silvie was still trying her best not to giggle.

"R… Riley, what do you think?" Hannah then turned to her brother for help.

"This doesn't involve me, sister."

"J… just help me out here!"

"...As long as you don't get hurt, then I do not see a reason to refuse a free meal," Riley let out a small sigh, "Father and mother had also said countless times that it is time for you to have a partner, perhaps this is the right moment?"

"I am glad to hear I have your brother's appro--"

"But if you do hurt her, Julius," Riley then looked Julius directly in the eyes, "I will kill you."

"Oof," Gary winced, "Quite protective of--"

"But first, I will kill your family and every single person that lives in your country so you could hear their screams; knowing that it was your fault that they suffer. Then I proceed to drown you in their blood, leaving you with no choice but to drink and eat their guts."

"T… that's…" Julius could not help but take in a small gulp, "I… would make sure to return her without any strands missing on her hair."



"Silvie…" Gary then whispered to Silvie, "Remind me to never make advances to Hannah ever again."


"Fine!" Hannah then shook her head as she let out a loud and deep sigh, "But I get to choose the place!"

"O… of course!"



After a few minutes, Julius found himself staring at the flavored shaved ice at his table. He then turned his head towards Hannah, who had her arms crossed as she was seated in front of him.

"..." Julius then looked towards his left, only to see Gary and Silvie with their eyes wide, watching each and every moment of their… date.

"M… Ms. Hannah, this…

...isn't a date."


"Alright, settle down!"

A few days after Riley was crowned the new Mega Student, life in the Academy has once again slowly become normal as the students gathered in their classrooms.

Even Class 1-V, who was famous for not escaping trouble even just for a day, was having a normal day that it almost seemed too good to be true.

Even Gary, who was usually making a lot of noise, was just happily humming in his seat.

"...What's with you and your disgusting mood?"

"Riley said we're gonna buy motorcycles later."

"What?" Hannah furrowed his eyebrows as she quickly turned her attention to Riley, "Bro, don't let this monkey use you like that."

"Oh, it's not just for me," Gary giggled, "Riley said he's also buying one."

"What? Riley you--"

"Settle down!"

And before Hannah could finish her words, Katherine once again clapped her hands to get everyone's attention, "Before we start our training for today, I have an announcement to make-- there will be a school-wide activity happening next week."

"Already!?" There were mixed reactions from the students as they all looked at each other.

"This time, you will be spending a full week outside the Academy."

"W… what!?"

"Can you not react with every sentence!?" Katherine's eyes started to twitch as she could not continue her announcement with the students all letting out gasps with each of her words,

"Each of you will be given a district to watch, or otherwise protect if needed."

"Y… you mean--"

"That's right," Katherine then let out a small sigh,

"It's time for all of you to become…"

Is she going to say it!? The students' eyes all widened in anticipation as they waited for Scarlet Mage to say the word they have been waiting to hear for months now. After months of training, after all the tragedy, after all the hardships… finally-- they were finally going to do the duty they swore to do.

Finally, it's time for them to become superhe--

"...slaves of society."




***Author's Note***

Hi, if you are liking the story so far and want to support me more, I do have a patr*on account. patr* I will have illustrations of the characters there soon! Only Riley so far. As always, thank you for reading!

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