Vile Boys (Spine Ridge University)

Vile Boys: Chapter 28

Later that week

She throws her knives at my face, and I narrowly avoid them as they hit the tree behind my head. But the second I turn, she’s right in front of me, knife at the throat, and I can’t help but gleefully smirk.

“That’s my girl,” I muse.

“Learned from the best,” she says, winking before retracting her knife.

“Let’s take a break,” I say as she pulls the knives from the tree.

I grab the bottle of water off the bench and chug it down while she sits to take a breather. I hold out my bottle and offer her a sip, which she gladly takes, chugging it all down until only a few droplets are left. And as she pulls the bottle away, my eyes can’t help but home in on the few droplets landing on her lips and the tongue that dips out to lap them up.

What I wouldn’t give to suck them off.

She hands back the bottle, and I immediately chug down the remaining water, but the mere thought her lips were on this bottle just seconds ago makes my hard-on twitch in my pants.

“God,” she murmurs, leaning her head back. “This training thing sure takes up a lot of energy.”

I chuckle. “If it feels easy, it won’t do anything. It’s supposed to be hard work.”

“I know.” She sighs. “I just wish it could’ve been different. That I wouldn’t have had to learn any of this, you know?”

I smile and pick another rose from the nearby bush in this maze. It’s the only place we’ve been able to train in peace and quiet during the day without people looking at us. I’ve seen her performance with and without people watching her, and she’s ten times better if no one can see how good she is.

It’s like she automatically downgrades her own skills just for the sake of appearing weak.

And I understand. This world is harsh on women and especially those who don’t conform to the norm she tries hard to be a part of.

But I see through that thin veneer of perfection, the innocent, sweet girl facade she’s made into her core being. Underneath all that hides a fighter, a fierce creature determined to protect the ones she loves … and herself.

Her parents may have called her after a crystal, but she’s like a diamond in the rough to me.

Beautiful, not in spite, but because of the sharp edges.

“We’ve been at it for so long,” she mutters. “It’s already gotten dark again.”

“Good. It’s better to train at night,” I reply.


“Because then no one can see how you fight.” I wink.

I mean, that’s what she wants, isn’t it?

“Can I ask you a question?” she asks, catching me off guard.

“Well, you may ask, but I can’t guarantee a satisfying answer,” I reply. I roll the rose between my fingers to get rid of the thorns, but her eyes are fixated on the spinning move. I wonder what she’s thinking about—if she’s trying to decipher the thoughts in my head like I’m trying to unravel her. If she thinks about untying my clothes slowly, meticulously, wondering about every part that will appear from underneath, just like I do with her.

She swallows. “Ares helped you, right? Did his family force you to fight for them?”

“Oh no, fighting was my own choice,” I say. “Out of honor. And spite, of course. But mostly so I could stand on my own.”

I’m curious that was the question she wanted to ask.

“What … what was it like being near him?” she asks tentatively.

I smirk. She wants to know more about me?

“Sorry if I’m being intrusive,” she mutters, waving it off. “Forget I asked. It doesn’t even matter.”

“No. I won’t forget.”

Her face flushes.

“Since you worked out so hard, I’ll reward you. But …” I raise a finger. “You must promise me you will tell me something about you too.”

She gulps but still nods, and a wicked grin spreads on my cheeks.

My history is boring, but hers … now that sounds like something I definitely want to dive into.

Five years ago

“Faster!” my sensei barks while I swoop my stick around and knock the dummy off balance.

Sweat drips down my forehead as I fling the katana around and around, trying my best to be as fast as he is.

“C’mon, Blaine. You gotta put more effort into this if you want to get as good as I am,” he grits.

I know I need to perform better than my best. There’s no other option. No other choice.

I owe it to Ares to be the strongest I can be so I can fight for him when he needs it to repay the debt.


With a quick slash, I cut through the dummy’s head and knock it off.

“There you go,” my sensei says, clapping his hands. “See? You can do it if you put your mind to it.”

But his appreciation isn’t the only reason I want to get strong.

I need to become someone no one can ever beat, no matter the cost.

I have nothing left in my life to give to the guy who saved me, so the only gift I can give him is my life itself.

My sensei snaps his fingers. “Again.”

When my training is done, I head to the showers and rinse off the sweat and hard work.

The door squeaks. “I see you had your daily bout of fun again.”

“Is there anything you need, Ares?” I ask, lathering myself with soap.

He always comes to watch during my training at the dojo, but never this late.

“I’m just wondering why you refuse to use a gun instead of such a clunky weapon,” he murmurs while looking at my katana lying on top of my clothes.

“I’m proud of what I do,” I reply.

“A gun would kill so much faster,” he responds.

So I tilt my head as I look him straight in the eyes and say, “But a gun wouldn’t allow me to taste my victim’s blood on my tongue like a savage killer, now would it?”

He snorts, and we exchange vicious smiles.

“Dad’s asked if you can accompany us tonight. He’s striking a deal with a new party in town. Don’t know if they’re trustworthy. We need the extra defense.”

I wash off the soap and turn off the shower.

“Your father asked for me?”

He nods. “I guess it’s finally time to put those skills of yours to the test.”

A grin slowly spreads on my cheeks as I wrap my towel around my waist. “Cutting into wood is exciting but not half as thrilling as cutting into flesh.”

He flashes a gun behind his back. “Want to count bodies?”


“Wait … Ares was there when you trained?”

“I didn’t mind. I got used to it eventually.”

“Wasn’t it … hard to grow up with him?”

I snort. “Are you implying he’s been rough on me?”

Her eyes widen. “Oh no, I just meant that—”

I chuckle. “Relax. I’m only trying to poke the bear.

“Oh …” She breathes a sigh of relief … as though she was worried there for a second that I might be insulted, meaning she cares about my feelings.


I sit beside her, but the second I do, she inches away, retreating into herself as though she’s unsure what to think of me. As if my size alone and the strong hand that grips the back of the bench makes her fear me.

So I lean in and softly place the rose behind her ear, whispering, “You’d rather die than fear Ares, yet you offer it to me freely. Why?”

She licks her lips and averts her eyes. “I …”

I gently catch her chin between my fingers and make her look at me. “You promised to tell me a truth about you too.”

“I’m not scared of you. I’m scared of myself.”

I frown. “Because of me?”

“Because of what you’re teaching me.”

Oh …

I’d almost hoped it was because of something else.

Her eyes darken. “Because I don’t want to become as cruel as they are.”

“You? Cruel?”

“You think I can’t be?” A hint of mystery tugs at her lips, and my God, does it harden my cock.

“You’re learning how to defend yourself,” I say.

She fishes her knife out of her pocket and stares at the blade. “And how to kill.”

My whole body almost erupts into goose bumps just at the thought of her slicing her way through her enemies. Good God, I was right. She does have a violent streak to her.

“What?” She scoffs. “You don’t think I could kill?”

“Oh no, that’s not it …” I muse, tilting my head so I can look at her. “I’d pretty much sell my soul to see you kill.”

Her eyes find mine in the dark, glimmering with a burning curiosity that makes it so hard to look away.

Lord, I know those two fucks want her, but I could never deny her if she ever gave me a chance.

Slowly, she leans in and gives me the softest peck on my cheek, and I swear I’ve never cherished anything more.

“Thank you,” she mutters. “For helping me.

The way she looks up at me, with that gaze of adoration …

Fuck it.

Without thinking, I grab her chin and smash my lips to hers.

God, her taste is divine. No wonder those two couldn’t keep their hands off her. She’s like a sinful little package waiting to be unwrapped, and I groan into her mouth just from the sheer desire that’s been roaring through my body ever since I first saw her on Ares’s lap, mewling to his touch.

Maybe I should steal her from him.

Would he kill me if I tried?

She pulls away from me and stares at me, eyes flickering back and forth between both my eyes and lips, as though she’s contemplating whether to kiss me back … or kill me for daring to try.

I wouldn’t blame her if she did.

I might not even stop her if she tried.

But I will never, ever regret kissing those beautiful lips.

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