Viciously Yours (Fae Kings of Eden Book 1)

Viciously Yours: Part 2 – Chapter 36

Days later, Rennick and Amelia greeted their guests as they filed into the dining hall for the coronation celebration. The large room had been transformed into a ballroom with tables sprinkled around the dance floor. It was impressive, to say the least.

A few council members from the Desert Kingdom gave her curious stares, and she knew they took note of the similarities between her and their kingdom’s royal family. She wondered if any of them had been friends with her mother. Do any of them know who I am? Her decision to wear a high-neck dress that hid her familiar mark proved to be a wise decision, because if they didn’t already know who she was, a mate possessing a familiar mark would have given her away.

The Tropical King and Queen arrived next, introducing themselves and offering their congratulations before disappearing inside.

A tall, statuesque woman with ebony skin and black hair pulled into a tight knot approached them. It couldn’t be… could it? Though she’d never met the woman, Amelia would recognize her face anywhere. The Human Queen wore a small tiara and a white dress adorned with crystals. Rennick bowed. “Thank you for coming. Let me introduce you to my wife.”

The woman stared intently at Amelia with an affectionate smile on her face. “I have waited twenty-five years to meet you, dear.” She held out of her hand. “I’m Charlotte, and this is my husband, Hollis.” Her elegant hand gestured to a handsome man with pale freckled skin and fiery red hair that Amelia recognized as well. She’d learned about the royals of the Human Kingdom in school, but she never thought she’d get to meet them.

Knowing what Queen Charlotte did for her made the meeting even more surreal.

The Human King stepped forward and took Amelia’s hand in his own, kissing her fingers. “It’s a pleasure, Amelia.”

Amelia couldn’t stop staring at the woman in front of her. Her throat tightened with emotion. “Thank you.” She didn’t have to explain. It was clear by the knowing look on the Charlotte’s face that she understood.

Charlotte’s eyes shined, and Amelia sensed the woman held back emotions of her own. Charlotte reached out and grasped Amelia’s hand, squeezing it lightly. “I would love to sit and chat when you have time.”

Amelia nodded dumbly. “I’d like that, too. Lunch tomorrow?”

“That sounds perfect, dear.” After trading quick pleasantries with Rennick, the human royals left to find their seats.

Rennick leaned down. “Are you all right, love?”

Before she could answer, a man standing about six-foot-two or six-foot-three with a muscular, lean build sauntered toward them with a lazy smile. His hair was a mix between brown and blond, his jawline strong, and his light grey eyes danced with mischief.

He wore trousers with a button-down shirt and militant style jacket similar to Rennick’s, but where Rennick’s was white, this man’s was a bright blue that made his eyes pop. He exuded raw sex appeal and arrogance, and Amelia surmised he was the Garden King.

“Rennick,” he drawled, sticking out his hand, “it’s nice to finally meet you in person. I apologize for not coming sooner.”

“Think nothing of it,” Rennick replied, shaking the man’s hand before motioning to Amelia. “This is my wife, Amelia.”

Something flickered across the Garden King’s face, momentarily breaking the cavalier mask he donned well. He flashed her a charming smile and brought her hand to his mouth. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” He kissed her hand in a way that would have flustered her had she not met Rennick. “I’m Dean.”

Rennick yanked Amelia to his side. “Careful how you look at my wife.”

Dean chuckled, the sound smooth and velvety. “Easy, Mountain King. I only meant to greet her properly.” He winked and walked away before Rennick could rip his innards out.

It didn’t escape her notice that Dean didn’t wait for her to return his greeting, probably out of self-preservation. Dean was lucky Charlie wasn’t here. He would have bitten his leg before Amelia could stop him.

Once all the guests were greeted, she and Rennick joined the others on the podium. Callum announced Rennick’s reign and marriage, and after a heartfelt toast, dinner was served.

The podium housed the other royal families and their council members, the Mountain Kingdom’s council members, and Rennick and Amelia’s closest friends.

Birdie and Fawn insisted on sitting with the other staff, but Amelia wouldn’t have it. Echo had no compunction about joining the royal table and immediately began shoving food into their mouth.

Tully, Ora’s father, was notably absent due to the letter his daughter had left the night before. It stated she couldn’t bear to see Rennick with another and that she wouldn’t be returning to the Mountain Kingdom anytime soon.

Finn’s idea.

Their table erupted with laughter when Echo said something utterly inappropriate, drawing the attention of those around them. Amelia noticed Dean’s head snap up, his fist rubbing over his chest as he scanned the other tables on the podium before stopping on theirs.


A server who looked to be in his early twenties tapped Fawn on the shoulder. She turned with a wide smile that turned into a scream when the boy was ripped backwards and thrown to the ground by a possessed-looking Dean.

Fawn scrambled out of her chair to get away from the Garden King, but he snagged her around the waist and tugged her against him. His chest heaved as he stared into her scared eyes. No one in the room moved. They recognized a royal claiming what was theirs.

“I thought you were dead,” Dean rasped, lifting her into his arms.

Fawn kicked her legs and thrashed around. “Put me down!”

He lowered her to the ground and stared at her with wonder. “You’re stunning, Fawn.”

She backpedaled until she bumped into her chair. “How do you know my name?”

The room watched the two with unwavering attention, hanging onto every word of the drama unfolding before them. Damned palace gossips.

“I’ve known your name since I was thirteen years old. My father had men searching the four fae kingdoms for you.” He stopped with a pained expression. “But when we were fourteen, I felt agonizing pain, followed by a deep sorrow.” Fawn trembled under Dean’s intense gaze. “And then I felt nothing at all.”

Callum, ever the father of reason, stood and approached the two. “Let me take you two somewhere private, where you can discuss things without prying eyes.

Fawn composed herself and schooled her features into the picture of calm, but Amelia saw the quick flash of panic in her eyes. “You’re his mate,” Amelia said softly. “He won’t hurt you.”

“I’m only half fae.” She turned to Dean. “There’s been a mistake.”

“There is no mistake, darling.” He caressed her cheek, looking at her with enough adoration to make the entire room swoon. “You are mine, and I’m not leaving here without you.”

“Come.” Callum wrapped his arm around Fawn’s shoulders. Dean didn’t look happy with another man touching her, but he was wise enough to let it go.

The poor server still lay on the floor in a state of shock, and Echo rolled their eyes and hauled the boy to his feet. “You’re lucky he didn’t kill you.”

The boy fainted.

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