Viciously Yours (Fae Kings of Eden Book 1)

Viciously Yours: Part 2 – Chapter 26

She loves me, Rennick thought, his heart soaring. “Lift your dress, love.”

Without question, she gathered the fabric in her hands. He grabbed her thighs to hoist her into his arms. Her long legs wound around his middle, pressing their bodies closer together, yet not close enough.

“I think I can feel you,” she whispered with a touch of uncertainty and awe. “There’s a feeling in my chest that matches what I feel, but it’s not mine.”

Interesting. He assumed her fae abilities would manifest when they wed, but possibly being on fae land started the process early.

“Get used to that feeling, love,” he murmured while silently praying to the gods that he lasted more than three minutes when he felt her warmth encompass his cock.

Finn told him the first time would be quick, and he loathed to know he couldn’t stay buried inside her for hours at a time. Something hitting his leg interrupted his thoughts.

Looking down, a snow lynx similar to the stuffed one he’d had as a child stared up at him. He set Amelia down and pushed her behind him. Lynx were small creatures, coming in at about knee height, but they could be vicious.

The lynx made a sound and knocked its body into his leg again.

“Stop,” Amelia chastised, stepping around him.

Rennick stared at her incredulously. “That’s a wild lynx.”

“I think he’s someone’s pet and lost,” she replied. “He’s been following me all morning.”

Could it be…

He grabbed the edge of the bodice of her dress and tried to pull it aside, but she grabbed his wrist. “What are you doing?”

“Seeing if you have a familiar mark.”

She gasped and ran to a mirror, but her shoulders slumped. “There’s nothing there.”

Rennick’s eyes narrowed on the lynx, and he swore the cat glared at him. Maybe the magic drew the cat to her, and she’d get her mark later.

“What’s his name?”

Amelia joined him in the sitting room and jokingly said, “He didn’t tell me.”

“You should name him.”

“And keep him like Eddy?” she asked, bending down to pet the lynx. “What if Eddy doesn’t like him?”

Lynx aren’t domesticated. He had to be her familiar. Rennick smiled. “Something tells me they’ll get along fine. Keep him.”

He felt her excitement that mirrored the look on her face, and his grew, too.

She squatted in front of the cat. “Charlie,” she said with finality. The lynx purred. “You don’t have to stay, but if you do, I promise you’ll have a good life.”

“He has to find something to do for a while, though,” Rennick tacked on. He needed to fuck his mate after her declaration of love. Charlie made a rumbling sound. “Unless he wants to see my bare ass.

The cat chuffed and headed to the door.

“They’ll try to throw him out,” Amelia protested.

She was right. Rennick rang the bell near the door. “I’ll give him an escort.”

“You’re already getting the royal treatment,” Amelia cooed, petting Charlie’s head.

Rennick smiled down at her. “You took to a wild animal quickly.” She must feel the connection.

She shrugged. “Eddy is a wild animal. Maybe I’m an animal whisperer.”

“Do not go near another wild animal,” Rennick said sharply. “They might hurt you.”

She started to say something with an ornery look on her face, but a knock at the door cut her off.

Rennick opened the door to an expectant maid, and he summoned her into the room. She squeaked at the sight of the lynx and backed up.

“He’s harmless,” Amelia assured her. “He’s mine. Can you escort him wherever he wants to go? I don’t want anyone to throw him out.” An incredulous look affixed to the maid’s face.

“Tell every staff and guard you pass that this lynx is as welcome in the palace as Reyna.” The maid snapped her gaze to Amelia. “He’s not a familiar,” Rennick added quickly, not wanting anyone to get any ideas, “but he is a domesticated pet.”

Charlie glared at Rennick again, and he fought a laugh. Definitely her familiar. He wondered when her mark and their bond would appear.

The maid nodded. “Yes, Your Majesty.”

“His name is Charlie,” Amelia added. The maid simply nodded and led Charlie from the room with a nervous smile.

Once the door shut, Rennick scooped Amelia up and threw her on the bed. A grin split his face when she laughed—the sound was his favorite in all of Eden. The joy and desire he felt from her was pure ecstasy, an addiction he would do anything to feed time and again. Gone was the shy woman he’d watched for years, and in her place, a goddess had come to life.

Reaching down, he grabbed her ankles and yanked her to the edge of the bed.

“Rennick!” she squealed with another laugh as her dress bunched around her legs.

He glared at her skirts. “There are too many layers between us.”

“I’m not fond of this dress,” she teased. “Or these boots.”

He frowned slightly at the dress and boots he’d gifted her. Did she not like them?

Pushing the thought aside, he crawled over her and leaned down, licking her neck, wanting nothing more than to sink his teeth into her delicate flesh.

The thought of his teeth marks on her flesh made his dick harden to the point of pain, threatening to spill too soon. Unable to take anymore, he sank down, kneeling at her feet to remove her shoes.

Amelia propped herself up on her elbows with an eager glint in her eye. “Hurry.”

“Patience, love,” he tsked, freeing her foot. The skin of her calf felt like silk beneath his lips when he placed a gentle kiss there, and within minutes, he’d tossed both boots behind him and stood.

As he reached for the bodice of her dress to rip it to shreds, she held out her hand. “Wait.” He stilled midair. “I was kidding. I do like this dress. Don’t rip it.”

Pride swelled in his chest. He leaned down to peck her lips, then he helped her stand and quickly undid the three buttons at the top of her back and untied the back of her skirts. Turning to face him, she lifted her arms in the air, and he gathered the heavy fabric to slide it over her head.

How do women get these off without help? He would see to it that Amelia had a lady’s maid to help her dress.

Random freckles dotted her skin, and more than anything, he wanted to kiss every one, but there was no time. He needed her now. He reached out and ran a thumb over the nipple visible through her lace breast band. Once he had her back on the bed, he laid her down before leaning over and latching onto her breast, wetting the lace.

Amelia’s hands raked through his hair, her whispered sounds of pleasure egging him on. His teeth closed around the rough lace and pulled to release her breasts from their confinement. They bounced lightly, and he groaned. “You’re stunning.”

Rennick ran his tongue along the valley of her chest, biting the side of her soft flesh hard enough to leave a mark. She cried out and jerked beneath him.

As he traveled down her body, he hooked his fingers around the band and slid it off, along with her underwear.

She tried to press her knees together, but he caught them and shook his head. “None of that. Open up.”

Her knees fell apart, exposing every inch of perfection for him to admire.

Kneeling, he pulled her closer and kissed the inside of her thigh. Her lower lips clenched before she relaxed on the bed with a contented sigh. Slowly, he ran his tongue the length of her pussy, swearing when her taste hit his tongue.

Like a man starved, he feasted on her delicate flesh, licking every inch of slick skin he could. His tongue ventured between her soft folds and circled her clit, sucking it into his mouth. Fuck. She bucked and clawed at the bed, crying his name and squeezing her thighs around his head. When he laid on his deathbed, he wanted this to be his final meal.

Her hips were soft when he gripped them and forced her body against his face to fuck her harder with his tongue. No matter how many times she came, he would never be sated. He flattened his tongue and licked slowly from bottom to top, lapping up everything she had to offer. The more he moved, the more she gave him to taste, and it urged him to eat faster.

She screamed and, knowing she was close, he moved his mouth back to her clit and pressed two fingers into her, curling them toward her stomach. They pumped in tandem with his mouth, and her body lifted, knees drawing up as her walls fluttered around his fingers and coated them with cum. Her climax rocked through him as well, and he moaned with her. The euphoric feeling of her release would never get old.

“Rennick,” she panted, reaching for him.

He stood, never moving his eyes from hers, and sucked his fingers clean.

She licked her lips as he swiped his fingers against her entrance again to ensure nothing was left.

The glazed look in her eyes mirrored his own, and he took his time removing his clothes, watching her eye-fuck him with drunken lust. He tossed his pants aside. “I like it when you look at me like that. I can’t promise this will last long, and it might hurt.”

“I’ve been using the gifts you left me for my twenty-fourth birthday.” She turned a pretty shade of red, rendering his restraint a thing of the past.

Rennick aligned himself with her entrance and met her gaze. She nodded once, and he pushed into her, stopping after a few inches with a hiss. “I—fuck,” he swore.

Nothing in the world could have prepared him for this.

“More,” she moaned, struggling to move her body down, but he held her firm.

“Not yet,” he rasped with a glance at where their bodies connected. “I wish you could see how your pussy looks around me.” Moving his hips back, he slid out, stopping with only the head left inside before pushing in more. “So red and swollen,” he murmured. “Swallowing my dick like a godsdamn dream.”

He kept his thrusts shallow until he could seat himself without hurting her, and when he filled her to the hilt, they both gasped. Every ounce of his pleasure was heightened by hers pulsing through him, too.

“Faster,” she begged, lifting her hips, and he felt her wild need.

“If I go too fast, I’ll cum.”

Her eyes met his, and a mischievous smile spread across her face. “Good.”

The effect her words had on him was unmatched, and when he rolled his hips faster, it took four thrusts until a tightness started in his balls, sending a tingling sensation throughout his body.

Black dots spotted his vision as he came with another strangled moan, panting as his cock twitched inside his mate and his movements slowed. Breathing hard, he dropped his head into the crook of Amelia’s neck. “I’m sorry, love.”

She grasped the side of his neck to bring his face to hers. “Don’t be sorry,” she murmured before gently pressing her lips to his. “I’m not. And… I felt a bit of your pleasure, too, I think. It was hard to tell.”

Gods, I love this woman.

“I’m going to take care of you,” he promised, before slipping out of her with a groan. “I’ll be right back.”

Amelia couldn’t put her finger on it, but something inside her had changed. Sex with Rennick was better than anything she could have imagined, and thoughts of how it would be when he stopped restraining himself had her worked up all over again.

For a man who had never had sex before, he moved his hips like a professional, and had he lasted a little longer, she would have come a second time.

There was something to be said about being a man’s first and knowing no other woman had touched him intimately before her. A possessiveness she’d not known reared its ugly head, and an understanding of her mate’s behavior settled in her soul.

He was hers, and she couldn’t wait to tell Ora to get the fuck out of their home tomorrow.

Maybe I will let him fuck me while the princess watches.

Her brows pinched together at the absurdity of her last thought. Amelia had never been a vindictive person, but the situation with Ora turned her into someone else. She was still herself in all other aspects, just not where Rennick’s childhood friend was concerned.

Amelia no longer questioned Rennick’s loyalty, but that didn’t mean she would sit back while another woman disrespected her and her relationship. He was her mate, not Ora’s, and it was time to make that abundantly clear.

Rennick walked into the bedroom in all his naked glory, carrying the largest of the fake dicks he’d sent her last year. Never looking away from her, he spit into his hand and wet the shaft. Her eyes snapped to his in question, but instead of answering, he set the toy on the bedside table.

“Did you think I would leave you wanting, love?”

Her chest heaved as she looked from his real dick to the fake one to his expectant face. “What are you going to do?”

“Stand up,” he instructed, ignoring her question.

Cum dripped down her legs when she stood, making her squeeze her thighs together to stop it.

Moving behind her, Rennick sat on the edge of the bed and tapped the top of his muscular thighs. “Sit down.”

She made to straddle him, but he stopped her, flipping her around to sit with her back pressed to his front and grabbing each of her legs to hook over his own. The position left her exposed, and she shivered from the cool air caressing her most intimate parts.

He pressed her close to his body and leaned over to grab the toy from the side table. It glistened with his spit, and her body coiled tight.

Using his free hand, he moved her hair to one side and brought his lips to her ear. “Keep your thighs spread, love, and watch yourself take everything I give you.”

Amelia’s eyes remained glued to the large cock in his hand, the textured base covered with knots to tease her.

Rennick swiped the tip of the toy through the sticky cum coating her thighs, gathering as much on the tip as possible. The head of the cock moved gently over her pussy, grazing her clit and entrance.

What he intended to do was the most erotic thing she’d ever done, and the anticipation building within her made sitting still seem impossible. Rennick’s chuckle vibrated down her back. “Stop squirming or it might slip somewhere you aren’t ready for, little mate.”

She almost knocked his nose with her head when she whipped around to look at him. “You wouldn’t dare.”

“Not until you’re ready.” Smirks shouldn’t be that attractive, but his was.

Any further retorts died on her tongue, replaced with a decidedly unattractive squeak at the feel of the slick rod pushing into her. The need for him to fill her had her hips canting forward of their own accord, eager for more.

Rennick slid his free hand to palm her breast with a light squeeze. “Look how beautifully you take it.”

Amelia couldn’t take her eyes off his large hand wrapped around the base of the clay cock, pulsing the toy lightly as it slid in a little at a time. Again, she tried to push her hips forward, needing the fullness. And the knots.

Rennick’s hand left her breast and snaked up her chest to grab her throat. “Lay your head back.” Soft lips brushed against her neck as she rested her head on his broad shoulder.

The toy filled her completely in one swift move and retreated just as fast. A cry burst from her lips. “Rennick.”

Again, he pushed it all the way in, but this time he twisted it, stealing her breath. Had he not been pinning her by the neck, she would have fallen off his lap from the shock of it. He pushed and pulled faster, twisting each time the knots reached her skin.

Overwhelming pleasure and need controlled her body; every part of her chased the promise of release. Rennick released her neck and replaced his hand with his tongue and teeth, lightly nibbling on her sensitive flesh.

“I can feel how much you like it.” His voice was tight, as if her building release was his own. Oh, how she couldn’t wait to experience that fully once they were married.

She was in sensory overload, whining like a bitch in heat, begging to be mounted. Her hips moved faster, her back bent away from his body, and when her pussy started to spasm, teeth sank into her neck.

A scream tore from her throat from both pain and pleasure as her orgasm ripped through her, at odds with the throbbing pain his teeth had created.

Rennick licked and sucked at the spot he’d bitten, purring against her skin, “Such a good mate.”

His praise paired with her already sensitive nerves sent an aftershock through her. A small whimper escaped when he removed the toy, but when she felt something wet against her mouth, her eyes flew open. He rubbed the tip over her lips, leaving behind a trail of their mixed pleasure.

“Lick your lips,” he said with an authority only a king could possess.

The slick on her lips didn’t taste like much. A little salty, but nothing more.

“Look at me.”

Another command she couldn’t resist.

Her mouth fell open at the sight of his red-tinged lips, and when he winked and smiled, running his tongue over his bloody teeth, she got light-headed.

She reached for her neck. “What did you do?”

“There isn’t a part of you I won’t taste before this life is over,” he promised. Unpleasant images came to her, but she assumed he hadn’t meant that literally. Though, happily licking her blood did toe the line of insanity.

Why is that oddly attractive? She shook the thoughts from her head and jumped off his lap on wobbly legs. “You bit me.”

He rose to his feet, his wide body dwarfing hers.

“And I’ll do it again.” He brushed his thumb over the wound. “I now understand why animals mark their territory.”

She slapped at his hand and left the room to clean up, throwing over her shoulder, “Don’t bite me again.”

Rennick followed her into the bathroom with a smile that said he would bite her again, and she narrowed her eyes at him. He maneuvered her to stand in front of the mirror, wet a washcloth, and tenderly cleaned her broken flesh. “I can’t wear my necklace now,” she complained, inspecting the set of perfect teeth marks blemishing her skin.

He frowned and glared at the bite mark like it wasn’t his doing. “I can buy you a matching bracelet.”

“No, that’s okay,” she rushed, then cleared her throat, aiming for a more casual demeanor when she said, “I can wear it when this heals.”

A yelp escaped her as he lifted her off the ground, carried her to the massive bath, and lowered her feet to the bottom of the porcelain tub before turning on the water. The water warmed quickly, and he ran the wet rag over the inside of her thighs.

“I can clean myself,” she protested weakly.

He rinsed the cloth and tilted his head to look at her. “I can either clean you with this cloth or with my tongue, but either way, I will clean you.

“The cloth is fine,” she muttered, knowing if she chose the latter, they’d never leave their rooms again.

As he washed her legs, she had a sudden realization of how surreal her life was. She could remember his first letter like it was yesterday. To think she’d thought the strange note was a joke.

“What are you thinking about, love?”

Her lips twisted to the side to prevent herself from laughing at the memory of a thirteen-year-old boy trying to woo a girl he didn’t know. “Do you remember the different pet names you tried out in your first letters? You always marked them out, but I could read them, anyway.”

“Yes.” He laughed lightly. “I was nervous because I wanted it to be perfect.”

“It was.” She paused before asking him, “What made you decide on ‘love?’”

Depositing the cloth into a nearby pail used for dirty linens, he grabbed a fresh towel and held it out for her. “It’s what my father called my mother when I was young.” He cleared his throat and shrugged a shoulder. “I wanted a relationship like theirs. It felt right.”

A ball of emotion clogged Amelia’s throat. “I love it.”

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