Vicious Punks (Dolls and Douchebags Part Two)

Vicious Punks: Chapter 5

“Don’t be like this, Dalton. I can make it feel good, I promise.” Mrs. Sullivan runs her fingernail down my chest, trying to play the game of seduction, but I’ve already seen someone who matches my tastes and darker needs.

“Really, Mrs. Sullivan, I’m more into hot, tight pussy, not the loose ones.” I shrug my shoulders, glancing at the door impatiently.

Her gasp of outrage has me looking back at her, taking in her tight clothes that are inappropriate for school. The way she styled her red hair in curled disarray, right down to her bright cherry red lipstick, it all screamed attention to me. When she first came onto me, I thought fuck it. An older chick wants to ride my cock because she’s desperate to feel heaven. I’m not one to brag or anything, but my dick is legendary around these parts. Big enough to make you question your sanity, but by the end of the night you’ll be screaming my name. I mean, I’m not going to pass up free pussy that throws itself at me. Anything to get my dick wet… Now I have my sights on one pussy that’s not going to give it up easily.

I keep picturing her staring into my eyes, her chocolate gaze not breaking eye contact as she took control and focused my teacher on my cock. The thought alone makes me groan out loud, and makes the cougar in front of me reach for my zipper in excitement. Maybe if I let her jerk me off, my thoughts won’t stray to the little bitch. The way her lips stretched wide around my girth, her tongue flickering over me, that almost brought me to my knees. She can put on the act all she wants, but that girl can’t help but love a focused hand. I may have brought her to her knees easily with a little blackmail, but I almost didn’t go through with it until I saw her furious gaze directed at me. I felt the way she wanted me, but hated it at the same time. Her breathing was heavy, pulse pounding on her neck, and eyes wide, but not in fear.



Sometimes when I feel like I’m missing something, just beyond my reach, I find another way to fill that void. Usually my method is with my pants around my ankles and my cock deep in any pussy it can find.

“Let me take care of you and then you can take care of me.” Mrs. Sullivan’s whiney voice draws me out of my musing, her actions greedy as she reaches for my belt buckle.

She gasps in shock as I slap her hand away, and walk around her without bothering to answer her. The final bell rings as I open the classroom door and I know I’ll have to catch Tillie after her class is done, which just sucks ass. She’s going to pay for her little game this morning, getting me hard to the point it hurts and then running away from me. I’m still hard, maybe I should rub one out again before heading to class. It’s a lost cause though, I’ll be hard again in seconds just thinking about her.

“Dalton!” Mrs. Sullivan shrieks, but clears her throat as she realizes how loud she’s being and tries to change her tune, talking to me like I’m being unreasonable. “You can’t walk away from me, I’m the authority figure around here. If it’s that girl from yesterday, she can’t do anything for you! I’ll make sure she gets transferred out of here before you can-” She was smirking, but it quickly slipped away as I shove her beside the door with my hand wrapped around her throat, grasping enough to drive my point home.

“Know your place, woman. I don’t take kindly to anyone going after what’s mine. We aren’t anything. A quick fuck to get your jollies off and make yourself feel young again. Am I wrong?” Her eyes are wide as she claws at my hand, her face a bright red tone that matches her lipstick. “Don’t mess with me. You won’t like the outcome.” I stare hard into her eyes, making sure she understands that I won’t hesitate to make sure her body is never found before I release her.

She falls to the ground, drawing in deep ragged breaths, loud enough that I almost missed the sound of the ding on my phone going off. Stepping over her legs and walking out the door without looking back, I pull my cell phone out and see a video in my messenger

Pressing play, my steps slow as it becomes clear what I’m watching. Shit. I’m hoping that Nicky’s phone has magically stopped working and he doesn’t find out about this. He really liked that dress on her, the stoic faced bastard can’t hide shit from me. He can keep his features all emotionless, but I like watching people. I may be a kinky fucker but it has its advantages at times when it doesn’t involve my cock. Nicky couldn’t keep his eyes off her this morning, watching her stand there in the dress he picked out just for her. He can deny it all he wants, but she’s caught his attention.

I really liked how it clung to the curve of her ass, I could get behind that. Literally. It’s a shame now that it’s covered in thick coats of something clear and wet looking… is that lube? Whoever took the video better pray that it doesn’t reach Nicky. I send a quick text to Logan, he’ll hunt down who took the video and make sure it’s taken down. Maybe the school needs a reminder of who runs this fucking ship. We live harsh lives so when we see something we want… we don’t wait around to claim it because tomorrow you might have lost that chance as you’re lowered six feet under. No regrets and no hesitations. Besides, I’m kind of taking it personally that someone dared to think they could mess with our plaything. That’s my job to make her life miserable.

This whole thing reeks of Paris. She thinks she can do anything without consequences. We gave the word to mess with Tillie, but not without asking for permission first. That’s just how it goes.

Now, where could the little bitch have gone after that show of embarrassment? She wouldn’t dare leave the school without one of us. I pause in the middle of the hall at a thought and quickly turn around, heading towards the gym. She has gym class near the end of the day and I only know this because I went over her schedule, but not in a stalker way. Okay, maybe a little stalkerish, but I’m curious about her too much. I wonder if Logan can transfer us so that at least one of us is in all her classes to keep an eye on her. My dad doesn’t like the sound of her appearing out of the blue at a time when everything in the club business goes to hell with missing shipments. It’s not a coincidence. I take the stairs down to the basketball court and cross the gym with my head down. I’m so lost in thought about tonight’s church meeting and having to tighten security around the compound that I didn’t see her until she’s pounding on my chest.

“Help. Help! Help her. Pencil dicks! Shit. Shit!” Nicola hits my pecs repeatedly in her panic, pausing to flick my nose then starts hitting me again as her head tics to the side without her control.

I grasp her shoulders to push her away so I can look her in the eyes, about to tell her to calm the fuck down but the look on her face stops me. Her hair is a mess, messier than usual. Her shirt ripped on her shoulder, hanging off like someone grabbed her.

“Who did this to you?” I bend my head down to make sure she’s only focused on me, asking in my most calm voice to help her get her words out, but I’m seething inside.

Someone is going to die today.

“Not me! Asshats! Save. Little penis. Save her!” She pushes me away, flailing her arms around while her head ticks to the right side with her eyelashes fluttering, and she points towards the girls’ locker room.

Something in my gut tightens, not having a good feeling and everything is telling me I know who’s on the other side of that door.

“Go get Logan. Don’t tell anyone. Especially Nicky or Tey. Second floor, class 202 and hurry the hell up!” She nods her head fast and takes off running towards the stairwell.

“Fuck.” I don’t waste time breaking into a run with my boots pounding on the gym’s wooden floor. Swinging open the girls’ locker room door as quietly as I can, the thoughts of murder running through my head.

The moment I’m inside, male laughter reaches my ears and I walk on quiet feet past lockers, deeper into the room towards the showers. Peeking my head around the corner, I see those fucking jock losers on the football team holding someone down on the tiled floor.

“See. What did I tell you guys? She wants it, she’s not even putting up a fight,” Gary, captain of the football team, says on top of the girl who isn’t moving.

I look down at my knuckles, seeing them still shredded to shit from last week’s match, but it’s worth it even if I can’t fight this weekend. I debate which one to take out first as I sneak up behind them quietly. Two other guys are holding her down by her arms, but it comes to me easily who should get beat to death first. Gary leans back from on top of the girl, giving me a view which I swear causes a film of red to cover my eyes as rage sets in and locks my muscles up tighter than a bow. Seeing the sunflower dress wrapped around her waist, and her straps torn at her shoulders, I hear this distant echo, a roar that bounces off the walls and that’s when I realize, it’s me.

I rip Gary off her by the back of his collar, sending him flying into the lockers with a bang, and roll my eyes as he passes out so easily. Larry and Stan stare up at me with their mouths gaping open, and turn to look at each other in fear as they release Tillie.

“I-I… it wasn’t-t my idea-a, man!” Larry backs away from Tillie with his hands held up, but I hardly notice as I stare down at Tillie who isn’t moving.

Her head is turned to the side, her chest heaving, and her eyes wide open, but it’s like she’s not even here. The trail of blood on her face sends me over the edge. Larry screams like a little girl and pushes Stan down to the ground as he tries to escape.

“I don’t think so,” I growl at Larry, stepping in his path and punching him in the face just once.

He drops to the ground, knocked out cold, and I turn my murderous gaze toward Stan who wets his pants when our eyes meet. He crawls backwards on his hands, whimpering as he crowds against the wall.

“Dalton. I’ll handle this,” Logan announces from behind me in a deep, angry voice that promises pain.

Lots of pain.

I glance over my shoulder, seeing him standing there with his gaze narrowed on Stan with death in his eyes. I notice the handkerchief in his fist, knowing that blood is about to be spilled. He doesn’t look away from Stan, stepping over Larry, and nodding his head at me without having to say a word. I take a deep breath and turn towards Tillie who still hasn’t moved even though she’s not trapped under their hands anymore.

I approach slowly until my boots are right in front of her face but she doesn’t even blink or acknowledge me. Crouching down, I hesitate for a second but shake it off, as I reach out and grasp the hem of her dress, bringing it back down to cover her thighs. I flick my gaze up to see if she’s about to knock me dead on my ass for touching her, to see that murderous gaze like the other night, but her eyes are wide and staring at nothing… still unblinking. Her mouth is moving fast but I can’t hear what she’s saying. Placing my hands under her knees and one under her shoulder blades, I scoop her up until she’s against my chest. Her head falls onto my shoulder like she’s exhausted, her whole body trembling in what I can only guess is shock. I quickly stand up, clenching her tighter to my chest, and can finally hear what she’s muttering over and over under her breath. The noise of pounding flesh and whimpering echoes behind me, but my complete focus is on the girl in my arms who is lost in her own world.

“Not again. Not again. Not again.” Her trembling lips form the words, her voice a soft mumble, and her gaze distant.

“Little bitch,” I whisper down at her, waiting for her to reply, but she just curls in on herself in my arms as if she wants to bury herself under my skin. “Tillie. I need you to snap out of it. If you show your weakness, they’ll eat you alive.” I grumble into her ear, wondering how I’m going to snap her out of it.

Her chest rises and falls rapidly against mine, her skin flushed warm under my fingertips and her hand suddenly grabs a fist full of my cut to pull me closer.

“Can’t. Breathe,” she gasps, her panicked eyes finally meeting mine as she looks up and clenches my cut with a death grip.

“Hold on. Just take a deep breath, okay?” I grunt out as I pull her up higher in my arms and as fast as I can, I get her the hell out of here before anyone can see us.

Busting through the locker room doors like a man on a mission, I suddenly stop walking under the basketball hoop when I hear the bell for classes to be dismissed ring out. Just great. The sound of the halls filling up with students, some heading towards the gym, like a stampede of horses. I look down at Tillie real quick and notice she’s still stuck in a panic attack. I can’t let anyone see us like this, me helping her and her not being able to walk on her own two feet to stick up for herself.

Glancing around, I notice the gym equipment room to my right and book it for the open door, just as I hear sneakers squeaking over the wooden gym floors. Kicking the door ajar with my foot as we enter, the door slams shut and it’s just me and Tillie. Spying a stack of blue mats under the small window that only allows a little bit of light, I walk over to them and sit down with her cuddled in my arms. I don’t think I could even get her fingers to let go of my cut if I tried. She’s holding on for dear life.

It takes a lot of trust to show someone your weak spot, to lay yourself out there naked for all to see, and pray they won’t take advantage of you. That’s what she’s doing. She may not realize it, but I just became her anchor. I’ll give her this one moment to pull herself back together then give her hell again when she’s ready. I won’t kick a man down when his back is turned, unable to fight back, and it’s the same thing right now. On the other side of the door, I can hear the shuffle of feet and laughter, but the loudest sound is her breathing that hasn’t calmed down.

“Hey,” I whisper softly in a raspy voice, feeling her jump in my arms as her gaze connects with mine, as if she forgot I was here. “You need to breathe. Think of something that makes you happy, a time where you couldn’t stop laughing,” I suggest, letting her know that it’s just the two of us here sitting in the dark where no one can see her breaking.

Her brow wrinkles as she stares up at me, her deep brown eyes look a little lost as if she can’t think of one. I watch her mouth open and close a few times but she doesn’t say anything.

“That’s kind of sad, you know? I don’t have many moments but I can pick out a few that come to mind.” I tilt my head, staring at her for a long minute, wondering what kind of life she’s had if she can’t find a moment where she felt like she could laugh.

“Like what?” she asks on a shuddering breath, her eyes closing as she tries to calm her racing pulse.

“There was this one time I got kidnapped. One of my best memories actually,” I smile, remembering it like it was just yesterday, even though it was a couple of years ago.

“You’re crazy.” She snorts in disbelief, her eyelids fluttering open to stare at me as if I’m well…crazy.

I shift her in my arms to hold her closer against my chest and lean back against the wall to get comfortable because I’m in no hurry to leave. Plus, this gives me a chance to get some answers out of her, if I share a little about myself.

“Only the best kind. Now shut the fuck up so I can tell my story.” I glare down at her to see her biting her bottom lip and I don’t like the way my chest squeezes at the way she’s looking at me.

As if I’m her only hope of a small escape in her dark world. Ever since she’s shown up, this lost look hasn’t left her eyes. It’s the kind of look you get when you think there isn’t a way out, you’re stuck in one place and don’t know what to do. I don’t want her looking at me like that. I’m not a hero and never will be.

“I come from a home filled with violence. Raised in a world of crime that just seems like any other normal day to me. I’ve been following in my old man’s footsteps since I was a kid, being groomed to take over for him when he’s ready to step down or die on his bike. Either one. Being the next to take over comes with a price… there’s always someone who wants your crown instead. A traitor, snitch, a spy in the midst of the club. I learned a lesson the day I was kidnapped.” I pause, staring hard into her eyes and curling my arms harder around her to the point I know it’s painful but she doesn’t glance away, only curls her lip at me in annoyance.

There she is.

“What did you learn?” She glares back at me, knowing where I’m going with this, and she’s gripping my shirt with both fists now as if she’s going to shake me.

This is more like her. Fire brimming in her eyes, her gaze looks like she’s wishing that I’d burn to ashes so she can dance in my remains. I can see her doing that.

“Never trust anyone, even those who say they are loyal to you. I learned my lesson after being buried alive for three days with only a small pipe sticking out of the ground to keep me breathing.” I smile widely and that causes her to draw back from me like I’m sick in the head or something.

“Why are you smiling like that?” she asks warily.

“Because it wasn’t my club brothers that found me. It was Logan, Tey, and Nicky. I didn’t waste time killing those who betrayed my club. I became stronger physically and mentally because I showed them all that no one can mess with me. Revenge is best served cold and now their bodies are buried in the place they tried to keep me, to forever be frozen in the dirt.” I shake my head, reliving that memory and when my eyes focus back on her, she’s staring up at me in wonder, her face closer to mine.

“How? Where does that strength come from, to face something that can leave scars?” She lets go of my shirt and grasps my face between her palms, squishing my cheeks until my lips pucker and brings me closer as she begs me to answer her.

“It’s either ride or die, baby. You should know that already. Now, stop being pathetic and weak. It’s not like they got very far, only a busted lip and a flash of panties. Maybe don’t wear a red thong to school.” I shove her hands away, hating how good they feel on my skin, soft and warm.

I need space from her to clear my head. The slap comes out of nowhere, whipping my head to the side. I slowly turn back to her, rubbing my jaw as I shift the tender spot back and forth at the sting.

“I’m going to kill you.” She actually growls at me, so much venom in her gaze that it’s turning me the fuck on, but then again she can breathe and it makes my cock rise to the occasion.

“You can try. I do love a good fight.” I stare down at my scabbed knuckles, remembering the guy I knocked out flat on his ass just a few days ago.

“You guys are unbelievable. Not everything needs to be violent or controlled. Where is that freedom of knowing peace? Aren’t you tired of fighting all the time?” She grabs my hand, sliding her delicate fingers over my cuts with her brow wrinkled, like she doesn’t understand why I need to fight.

I think deep down she does know. If my hunch is right about the scars decorating her skin that she tries to cover up with tattoos, she’s had to fight her way through enough battles that most people never see in their lifetime. Why does she fight herself on fully living when she can be fighting her way through those that have hurt her? I’ve already hurt her and when she finds a way to bring me down, I don’t think I’ll want to get off my knees. While she’s trapped under our wings, I’m going to teach her it’s okay to fight your way through people with fists.

“Fight me, little bitch. Show me what you got.” I grab her wrists with one hand and slam them against the mats over her head, leaning my upper body over hers before she can blink.

“Get off of me. I mean it, Dalton. I’m tired of all this bullshit.” She blinks rapidly and glances away from me to stare somewhere over my shoulder.

“Where’s the fire, Tillie? Why aren’t you fighting your way to the freedom that you crave so much huh?” She ignores my question and that just won’t do.

I want her undivided attention centered right on me.

I quickly roll, bringing her with me as I grasp her waist with my other hand until she’s sprawled out on my chest. I let go of her hands and watch as she leans up with her palms braced on my pecs, her long hair falling forward to give the illusion that it’s just us and no one else on the other side of the doors.

“Tell me what you need and I’ll give it to you, just this once. Fight me.” I grin at her as she cocks her head in confusion to the side.

“Why?” she asks, her fingernails biting into my chest, leaving marks that she’s unaware of, but I’ll treasure the pain like a lifeline

“If you could do anything to those meatheads, what would it be?” I ignore her question because she can’t ever know that she fascinates me.

She stares at me for a minute in silence, her gaze dropping down to my mouth and back to my eyes as she bites her lip in indecision.

“I’d make them bleed,” she whispers in a gasp, like she’s pulling in her first breath in a long time.

I smooth my hand along her side until I reach the hem of her dress, the pad of my thumb grazing her warm, smooth tan thigh back and forth. She stares down at me, her chest rising and falling in sync with mine. I don’t break eye contact as I try to control the grin that wants to spread across my mouth. I see the fire awakening in her gaze instead of that lost look that drives me crazy.

“What else?” I ask roughly, my voice deepening.

“Make them feel how I did. Powerless,” she breathes on a hiss, her teeth baring as she pushes away so she’s sitting up on my lap.

“How?” I grip both of her thighs to keep her in place before loosening my grasp to run my fingers over her soft skin as I push her dress up until it’s bunched at her waist, giving me the perfect view of her red thong.

“By breaking their fingers first. Making sure they can’t lay them on any female ever again.” She grins in delight at that thought and I swear my cock is going to burst through my zipper at the sinister smile that’s spreading across her face.

“And?” I’m practically salivating for her to continue talking, desperate to just shove her panties to the side and stuff her with my big cock until she feels me climbing up her throat, but I can be a patient man.

I did say she can have anything this one time, so I’ll give instead of taking.

“And I’ll start by bringing a bat to at least one of their knees, so they can never play football again. Their dreams broken.” She sucks in a breath as I glide my palms to the inner part of her thighs, my cut knuckle rubbing back and forth over her damp panties, right over her clit.

“Keep going,” I say with a straight face even though my gravelly voice betrays me.

“Tha-that feels nice.” She breathes heavily and groans in agony when I stop moving my fingers, waiting for her to keep going. “I’ll, uh, make sure that they remember me. Slicing through their skin to leave my mark with my knife.” Her hips shift over my lap, seeking my fingers to give her any ounce of pleasure and I’m feeling generous enough to give in to her silent demand.

“Lean back and brace yourself on my legs but don’t look away from me. Keep talking. Are we clear?” Her chocolate eyes stare at me for a hot, long second before she nods and does as I say, giving me the perfect view that I can’t seem to look away from.

“I’ll watch the blood pool around their bodies, enjoying every second, knowing that I did that,” she says in a daze, watching my fingers push her thong slowly to the side, and seeing her cunt leaking her juices down the inside of her thighs.

“Fuck. You’re soaking wet. You love this, don’t you? Little bitch, I’m going to make sure that your revenge happens.” I promise her in a gruff voice and she flicks her gaze towards mine, which I was waiting for. Knowing she’s going to ask what I mean, instead I start sliding my index and middle finger through her wet pussy, gathering her juices.

I slowly glide my fingers up and down between her pussy lips, her wet cunt soft and soaking just for me. I’m a desperate man, on a mission to hear the sound of her moans of ecstasy, something that will keep me up late at night. My eyes almost roll to the back of my head at the sound of her wet pussy, knowing how much she’s getting turned on at the thought of harming others that deserve everything that’s coming to them.

“I-I can’t think when you’re doing that.” Her head rolls back as she bites her lip and that won’t do at all for me.

I’d prefer to hear her scream and not giving a shit who hears.

“You want me to stop?” A grin spreads across my lips as her head whips back up to glare down at me and she shakes her head. “Then keep fucking talking, keep your eyes on me, and I’ll give you what you want,” I order, circling her clit slowly, coating her in her own juices that I can’t wait to taste.

“Fuck, you’re mean.” She moans in pleasure, her hips moving in slow, tiny circles that’s driving me nuts as her ass rubs all over my raging hard cock. “Once each of those fuckers are begging for mercy, I’m going to give them a show of something they can’t ever have because they are beneath me.” She gasps as I plunge my fingers swiftly into her pussy without warning, and then retreating, the suction sopping wet sound of her cunt driving me crazy.

“What are you going to do?” I’m curious how she will show them, but my attention is more focused on her pussy tightly gripping my fingers as I stroke inside.

I gently flick my fingers on her G spot, rubbing back and forth in a way that I know will have her screaming my name in no time for me.

“I’m going to make sure Gary is begging for forgiveness as I get fucked right in front of him. He’ll see that he will never be a real man and no woman will ever want him. He’ll always come in last place.” She rolls her hips, riding my fingers as I pick up the pace and feel her coming close to the edge as her pussy flutters, but she needs a little push.

“I’ll make it happen,” I say between clenched teeth, loving how blood thirsty she is and the way she hides behind her big, innocent looking brown eyes. “Come.” I rub my thumb over her clit in a fast circle as I pump my fingers into her just as fast, she gives in to my order without hesitation and the sight is seared into my brain.

Without looking away, she comes all over my fingers with a long, quiet moan and I think I like that more than her screaming. It was reserved just for my ears alone. I keep rubbing her clit, feeling her body shake on top of mine as she collapses onto my chest with a groan.

“Why do you fuckers keep messing with me and making me show you my weaknesses?” she pants into my ear with a whisper.

“Because we own you. Don’t forget that. Your weakness is my gain.” My voice comes out deeper than ever, aggressive.

My palm comes down on her exposed ass cheek hard, just before I’m shoving her roughly off of me. I may want to give in to my urges but I won’t let her see my weakness. I seek warmth that wasn’t made for someone like me and she’s had plenty of warmth radiating off her. She shoves her hair out of her eyes and glares up at me as I stand up, stretching my arms over my head with a yawn. I can pretend all I want that I’m not affected by her, but my cock straining against my zipper tells a different tale of how much I want her. I’m not the only one affected, she keeps gazing down at my hard cock with hunger in her dark chocolate eyes before glancing up at me with a glare that could kill a man with one single look.

“I almost forgot for a second there,” She quietly says, standing to her feet and shoving her dress back down over her hips while avoiding eye contact with me.

There she goes again, hiding and not letting me see the secrets she doesn’t think I see behind her gaze. My eyes narrow on her, hating that she won’t look at me. So I stand there waiting until she flicks her gaze away from the wall and glances back at my face. I stalk towards her, enjoying her eyes growing wide until I’m inches away. She doesn’t say anything as I bring my hand up to her face, it hardly looks like she’s breathing. I run my finger across her plump, soft bottom lip and watch her eyes flutter as she sucks in a sharp breath. I pull my hand away and she gazes up into my eyes as she licks her bottom lip, as if to savor the sensation I felt there. Her eyes dilate as she finally tastes her cum that I spread over her bottom lip, leaving behind a wet gloss that makes me want to pull her close and devour her mouth. I pull away with a deep breath and make my way towards the door without another word, before I land myself in trouble. I run a hand over my hair as I stare down at my cock, telling him to cool the fuck down. I can’t walk around forever with a boner. I’ll find a chick to help with my blue balls soon, someone who doesn’t have big, brown eyes that are asking to be saved.


“What did you forget?” I was going to just walk out, leaving her alone, but it’s as if I can’t help myself, wanting to know what’s going on inside of that head of hers.

“What a fucking asshole you are,” she says angrily, and a slow grin comes over my face that she can’t see as I stare down at the doorknob.

Maybe some spark inside her is trying to be lit and I can’t wait to see it fully go off as I strike the match. Today was just a small appetizer and I’m a man with a big appetite, we are only just getting started.

“Don’t forget it for one second, little bitch. It will be your downfall if you let your guard down around us. Also, don’t tell Nicky about what happened today. You aren’t ready to see him let go of his control just yet,” I say with a deep breath, knowing Nicky is going to go on a killing spree once he finds out that not only were jocks messing with his little sister, but his property too.

“See what?” she asks in confusion, but I’m already swinging the door open and nodding to Nicola as she straightens from the bleachers once she sees me walking out.

I don’t look back, even though I want to see Tillie’s angry gaze directed at me. Instead, I’m going to have to be holding back a violent Nicky who’s going to be out for blood once he finds out. I hope Logan has a plan.

Fucking hell.

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