Vicious Punks (Dolls and Douchebags Part Two)

Vicious Punks: Chapter 15

I’ve had enough. I can only sit here and be quiet for only so long before these idiots kill each other. I’m usually one to sit back, not get involved from years of lessons to mind my own business. I was just about to get in between them, not fully understanding what’s going on, except that they are in the middle of a fucking rave with plenty of witnesses. I doubt most would open their mouths, I mean, hello… we’re surrounded by men who keep flashing their guns around. But I never get the chance to tell Logan to sit his ass down because a flash of pink and blonde hair launches at him and glues itself to his side.


What the hell? Why is she here? Did he… no. He wouldn’t have asked her to be here, not after what we did in Franco’s office. Then again, he keeps hurting me when I least expect it, and I continue to fall for it with the guy who acts like he gives a damn about me. I need to knock some sense into myself, this is temporary, and I don’t need to keep looking like a fool. Love is for fools. Hope is for fools. I should know better.

“Baby! I’m here! I knew you couldn’t stay away for long,” she says in a snotty voice, petting the front of Logan’s chest, and he just stands there with his whole body tense. He looks down at her with a stiff facial expression, without saying a damn word.

He makes eye contact with me and quickly glances away as he sits back down with a relaxed posture. He fucking pulls Paris onto his lap, her arm wrapping around his neck in a possessive gesture as she smiles smugly at me.

“What the fuck knuckle?” Tey growls so quietly under his breath, I don’t think I was supposed to hear him.

But yeah! The fuck knuckle is right. I’m embarrassed and hate the way the rest of the guys keep glancing back and forth between us like they expect me to explode into an act of violent jealousy. As if! I don’t stoop that low, but I can think of ways to rip out Paris’s hair one piece at a time. My fingers are fisted at my side so I’m not tempted to launch at Logan, kick him in the balls until he’s singing soprano, and rip apart Paris like a rabid dog. I’m a freaking lady so I’ll just sit here with a smile plastered on my face like nothing is wrong.

“I’ll only say this once, Dom. One time for you to understand. Don’t underestimate me. If you try to cross me, or what’s mine, I’ll end you.” Logan makes that warning clear, never taking his gaze off Dom.

“What’s yours? Your business means nothing to me, I have my own. What could I possibly take away from you? Not them, they can handle their own. I’ve heard stories,” Dom wanders his gaze to Nicky, Tey, and Dalton, then finally pauses on me with a small curl of his plump lips. “Her? Does she mean something to you, Ese?”

I’m about to answer him, tell him to mind his own Goddamn business, but Paris opens her mouth.

“Her?” She points towards me and laughs while stroking the back of Logan’s neck with her other hand. “She wishes. Tillie here is nothing but trash, straight from the gutter. She follows them around like a lost puppy and they only keep her around because she easily spreads her legs. They’ll get over you soon and I’ll be here still.” Paris grins like she’s won, and maybe she has.

My breath stalls in my chest, I swear the music stops, everything narrowing down until only Logan is in my sight. I stare at him, willing him to say something. Anything. But he just glances away from me with his jaw ticking and holds Dom’s stare as he answers him.

“She’s just a slut, like Paris said. She won’t be around much longer. Sit down, Tillie, you’re embarrassing me,” Logan says without looking at me as Paris giggles, whispering something in his ear.

After hearing his words, I realized I never sat back down. I’m standing here like a pathetic person, wishing for a different answer, one I’m probably never going to get. When I glance around, I notice Nicky glaring down at his gun with his hands curled into fists on his knees. Dalton and Tey are on the edge of their seats but neither of them says anything either, not looking me in the eye.

“I see,” Dom slowly nods, his dark eyes staring a little too closely at me… seeing everything.

That’s when anger starts to boil under my skin, causing my heart to race and my only focus is to make Logan, all of them, feel my pain. Step one of revenge, make these assholes jealous and I know just how to do that. They aren’t the only ones who can give me pleasure, my body is awakening and I’m testing my limits tonight.

The DJ starts playing Pony by Ginuwine and my center of attention rests on the sexy, dangerous man that hates Logan. I plaster a fake smile on my lips, making sure to look at Logan, who narrows his honey eyes like he knows I’m up to something and I reach behind me to untie the mesh skirt around my waist.

“Of course, Logan. I’m a slut so it only seems natural that I act like one.” The skirt drops to the ground as I place a knee on the coffee table, leaving me only in the tight white booty shorts and fishnet top covering my matching bra.

“Don’t even think about-” Logan stops himself from saying anything else and puts his hand up to stop the rest of the guys as they start to stand. “Let her be. She knows her place.”

I flash him an innocent smile, my grin spreading across my face until it hurts and I turn back to look at Dom. He sits here with his legs spread, leaning back into the cushions and raises an eyebrow at me with a smirk. He knows what I’m going to do, crooking his index finger at me. My body relaxes, letting the music take over like it’s always done. Placing my other knee onto the table, I start crawling across it slowly towards Dom and pause in the middle of the table. Running my hands up my body, I grab the hem of the fishnet top and drag it over my head to toss towards Tey’s face.

“What the hell is she doing?!” I hear Paris screech, but I’m hardly paying attention, making sure to not break eye contact with Dom.

I uncurl my legs from underneath me, bringing myself into the splits as I toss my hair with a flip. I hear Dalton groan from behind me as my ass bounces up and down, knowing he has a clear view of me. Good. He deserves to be tortured for not saying anything to defend me. Coming to my knees again, I spin around on the table and glare at Logan before laying down. Arching my back, my eyes catch Dom’s as my head tips back, and I can see that dark, glistening look of lust in his eyes as he stares at me. Why does that turn me on, making my shorts damp. Sticking my feet straight in the air, I spread my legs wide and run my hands over my breasts.

“Tillie,” Nicky growls low in that deep voice that never fails to make me shiver.

“I’m going to come in my pants,” Tey says with a moan.

I ignore him, everyone around me. I can block everything out surrounding me when I’m like this, in my element. Putting on a show. It’s like an instinct that never goes away. Flipping back around, I crawl the rest of the way across the table and climb to my feet, standing between Dom’s legs.

As the song blares the lyrics, ‘Someone who knows how to ride, without even falling off’, I quickly drop to a crouch facing him. Grabbing his strong thighs, I spread my legs and tip my head back as I slowly move my hips side to side to give him a clear as hell view of my body.

“Beautiful,” Dom mutters in a thick, harsh voice and stares down at me with hooded eyes.

I almost slip, catching myself, because I’ve been called a lot of things while dancing for strangers but not beautiful. Climbing to my feet, I place my knees on either side of his hips and feel his big hands slip around my waist towards my ass. He grabs a handful, bringing me closer until my asscheeks are resting right over his dick. I notice right away how hard he is through his pants, the long length thick running down his thigh. I roll my hips in sync with the song, grinding down on him as I lean back while running my hands down my stomach. Quickly popping back up, I grasp a fistful of his hair until he has no choice but to look up at me. He flashes a lopsided grin and squeezes my ass, making me shift my hips again over him. My body moves, rolling my hips in a figure eight to the song and actually loving every second of it. He’s going to have a wet spot on the front of his jeans by the time I’m done. My shorts are riding up the front each time I grind down on him. The fabric causes friction and his dick hits my clit in just the right spot each time I shift over him. It’s hard to hold back a moan of pleasure. I release my hold on his hair and bend backwards again as I quicken my pace, grinding hard. He chuckles darkly at whatever he sees over my shoulder and leans forwards to lick a long line, starting between my breasts and making his way up to my throat with the flat of his tongue. God, he smells good.

“That’s enough!” Logan shouts behind me, the sound of his tone is hard and angry, with an underlayer of jealousy.

Good. He deserves worse.

Climbing off of Dom’s lap, I turn away to face the man who gets on my very last nerves. He’s standing on the other side of the table, breathing hard like he just ran a marathon, and ignoring Paris who is shouting at his feet where he seems to have dumped her.

“It was just getting good,” Dalton mumbles, ever the pervert.

“You cunt! Why can’t you just leave?!” Paris screeches at me and jumps to her feet, literally stomps her foot like a spoiled princess as she glares up at Logan for him to do something.

“You have something to say?” I raise a brow and cross my arms as I wait.

His finger twitches on his thigh, his eyes hard and lethal as he stares at me without ever opening his mouth.

“Fine. That’s what I thought,” I say with a fake smile and uncross my arms as I lower my body, planting my ass right on Dom’s lap again, but facing forward this time. “Papi.” My voice comes out raspy and suggestive.

Dom slides his fingers through my hair, moving it over to one side, leaving room to rest his chin on my shoulder as he slides his arm around my waist while the other one rubs up and down my thigh.

“Yes, little queen.” His arm tightens and he lifts me farther up his lap until I’m comfortable, leaving me feeling secure, surprisingly.

“Tillie, don’t call him Papi,” Dalton says in a gruff tone and stares hard at the arm around my waist like he wants to rip off Dom’s limbs.

Nicky huffs a sigh next to Logan, grabbing his gun to slip back into his jacket, and starts to walk around the table just as Tey does. Both of them coming at me from either side like sharks sniffing out for blood in the open ocean. Shit. I’m in trouble. I can see it in their gazes. Burning jealousy and their breaking point.

“Paris, leave,” Logan orders, grinding his teeth and not bothering to look as Dalton grabs her elbow and shoves her at a guard who pushes her away like she has a disease.

She stumbles with her mouth hanging wide open, completely shocked. She blends in with the crowd and Dalton walks back over, dusting his cut off, as if she left a disease behind.

“If you don’t want her, I’ll gladly take her,” Dom drawls out in a sexy rumble, as he climbs to his feet with me and keeps me close like he doesn’t plan on letting go anytime soon.

“She’s our property and no one touches what’s mine,” Logan says in a frightening tone that also sounds very fucking possessive.

“That’s what I thought. Tell me, mama, do you want to stay with them?” Dom asks in my ear, loud enough for Tey and Nicky to hear, and making them freeze as they wait for my answer.

I suddenly feel trapped, the weight of their stares becoming too much for me. My gaze shifts left and right, stopping on the dance floor. I’m not sure what I’m seeing, maybe the flashing lights are playing tricks on me, but the man standing on the edge of the dance floor keeps glancing over here as he pretends to survey the crowd. Right at Dom. My body tightens, a pending doom feeling giving me chills. I watch as if in slow motion as the guy turns fully towards me, letting me see the gang tattoo on the right side of his neck. He reaches behind him, his arm coming back just as fast and starts to lift something metal that flashes in the strobe light. He’s pointing it in this direction.

“Gun!” I’m moving as I shout, grabbing the glock in front of me off the table and aiming without thinking.

My finger pulls the trigger, making my body jerk backwards at the force and crash into Dom. The sound of the gun going off makes the crowd scream in panic and everyone starts running in every direction to escape. I gasp in a startled breath, it’s been a long time since I even held a gun in my hands. When Uncle Rig was around still. Slowly blinking, I watch people trip over the body laying on the ground, not even pausing once to see if he needs help. But the bullet hole in his forehead says enough. Can’t help the dead.

“You fucking set us up, Dom?” I’ve never seen Logan this angry as he pulls me out of Dom’s muscular arms and shoves me at Tey, who easily grabs a hold of me.

It’s like watching a standoff, any minute one of them is going to pull out their guns and fire, but too bad for Dom because I’m still holding his. Logan has his fist clenched on the front of Dom’s shirt while his other hand places a gun to rest against his enemy’s forehead. I crouch down between them, stretching my hand out to give Dom his gun back. Fair fight and all. I don’t want Logan to die but maybe a shot to the thigh would make me feel better.

“Yes, I intentionally had some asshole come into my rave and point his gun at me.” Dom’s sexy lips curl in a sneer, sarcasm heavy in his tone.

“It’s time to play, kitten. Buckle up,” Tey announces and smacks a wet kiss on my cheek just as he pulls out his unicorn to tie the tail around his gun.

At first I’m confused as Logan flips the table in front of me and Dom drags me down behind it just as a gunshot blasts through the air, splattering wood pieces everywhere. I watch, eyes wide, as Dalton and Nicky spring over the couches and start firing into the crowd.

“Stay down and don’t move. You did good,” Logan hesitantly says to me and stands up to fire his gun rapidly while looking hot as fuck.

Something about this man and the confidence he oozes is a big turn on, unfortunately. I’d rather he was butt ugly, so I wasn’t attracted to him at least, but that’s just my luck.

“Stick with the crazy blond over there. Don’t worry, mama, I’ll be back in a flash. It’s just a little gang rivalry,” Dom smirks and leaves me speechless as he quickly places his perfectly, thick sculptured lips against mine, then he’s gone.

“What in the…” I mutter to myself and shake my head in bewilderment.

I turn my head, seeing Tey laughing with his head thrown back as he fires his gun over and over again without looking. Jesus. I’m just going to stay in my safe little hideout, not worrying about anything as the gang war blazes around me.

“Shit!” Tey shouts suddenly, his gun making a clicking noise that lets me know the chamber is empty.

My whole body flinches as a gang member tackles him in a quarterback move. Both of them go down and roll until Tey shoves his boot against the guy’s chest to send him flying. I watch as Tey sits up and quickly grabs his gun before I can blink… the gun with his unicorn on it. It’s head is barely hanging by a thread, it must have ripped as he was tackled. I haven’t seen that look on Tey’s face before. It’s sad, devastated, and that sends me into a rage at seeing him like that. While Tey’s distracted, the same gang member strides up to him and places his gun on the back of my crazy psycho.

I don’t fucking think so!

Grabbing the nearest object near me, which happens to be a beer bottle that rolled over here as everyone on the dance floor ran around in freaking circles. I don’t think, I just act. I’m jumping out from behind the table and leaping onto to the couch to dive off the ledge, attaching myself onto the gang member’s back like a fucking spider monkey. I bash the beer bottle over his head while screaming like a banshee even when he falls to his knees.

“How dare you touch his unicorn! Look what you did, you pencil dick!” I’m breathing hard by the time I climb to my feet and flip my hair out of my eyes only to freeze as Tey stares at me with a lost look in his eyes, heartache.

“I can fix it.” I promise as I grab the unicorn out of his hand and examine the damage done to it.

The gunfire is starting to slow down, I can hear both Logan and Dom barking out orders behind me, but none of that matters right now. It’s about never wanting to see that look in his eyes again, lost and hopeless, it’s one that I know oh so well. I’ve had enough moments in my life where I question what else could happen to me. How much more can I handle? I’m not letting his psycho ass go through that.

“You’re not allowed to leave, Tillie. It’s too late.” He actually says my name in a hard tone that makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up.

Usually, he’s always using nicknames to drive me crazy, but I secretly like them.

“What’s too late?” I cock my head to the side as I shove the stuffing back into the unicorn, not fully understanding what he’s saying and why my heart is racing at his words.

“You’ll find out soon enough.” That’s all he says, and I breathe easier as that wicked smile spreads across his lips.

I take the hair tie off my wrist, wrap it around the stuffed animal’s head a few times, until it doesn’t look like a decapitated unicorn. Good enough for now until I can sew it back for him.

He takes the unicorn back, carefully stuffing it in his pants back pocket and reaches over his head to grab the back of his black shirt in his fist. He pulls it off, leaving his hair messy, and helps me by placing his shirt over my head and down my body until it falls to my knees. Any normal woman couldn’t help but stare at him, even with gunshots blasting around them, because hello, abs. Tight, chiseled abs that are meant to be touched.

“Are you kidding me? We don’t have time for this right now. Tey, go with Nicky to the warehouse. He’s over there sitting on the soon to be dead fucker, after you guys ask him some questions. I want to know why the west side gang is trying to start a war.” Logan’s jaw is clenched tight as he grabs my hand and starts leading us to the exit of the tunnel with Dalton close behind, while I try not to stumble over dead bodies littered on the dance floor.

“Until next time, mama.” Dom looks just as pissed off as he kicks a body on the floor but he takes a second to wink at me as we walk past him.

“Not a word,” Logan demands, I can practically feel the anger radiating off him.

“Did you have fun tonight, little bitch?” Dalton snickers behind me, grabbing my other hand and not letting go, even when I shoot him a nasty look.

“Not really. I really wanted to dance,” I sigh in disappointment as we cross the dance floor, wishing it wasn’t covered in blood and the DJ hadn’t run off.

“You were dancing all right, and don’t think we’ll forget it for one second.” I can hear the promise of retaliation in his gravelly voice.

Damn it. It was just one small, little itty bitty lap dance. So why does he care?

“Get over it! You don’t get to talk about me, or to me, that way and get away with it.” I poke at Logan’s chest as we stand in his driveway, matching him glare for glare.

“Get over it? Get over it?!” he shouts at me with anger coloring his tone, his face flushed as his honey eyes darken.

This is the first time I’ve actually seen him use a real emotion, he always seems to hide from everyone else so he appears calm and collected. Anger is a good thing, it’s what makes us human. It shows we actually are passionate about something, care enough that we release that pent up emotion just to feel better. Wait… why is he angry at me? I’m not the one who brought Paris along and tried to make a point by flaunting her in front of everyone.

“Yeah, I’m just going to, well, uh, go make us some food before we drive to the warehouse… how about you go get that paint off, princess?” Dalton rubs the back of his neck, watching as Logan and I just stand there glaring at each other. “Alright then.”

Dalton whistles as he walks into the dark house, heading towards the kitchen, and disappears around the corner. I continue to stand here with my arms crossed, enjoying the way he actually looks uncomfortable as he shuffles and clears his throat. I’m waiting for any excuse for hurting me to come out of Logan’s stupid mouth. I’ve had enough of his back and forth games. I should just tell him the truth, who my father is and why I’m here but I don’t want that pity look to be directed at me. I’d rather he think I’m here to ruin his life, it makes it easier.

“Why are you so frustrating?” I grumble under my breath, shaking my head in annoyance, and head into the house without looking back because I’m done with his shit.

“We aren’t done talking, baby girl,” he growls as he follows behind me, matching me step for step up the stairs, right on my heels.

“Logan, I swear to God, I’m going to cut off your precious, big penis while you’re sleeping and stuff it in your mouth if you don’t leave me alone right now. I’m so tired of this. Go see your perfect Paris, and leave me alone.” I’m at my breaking point, all I want to do is curl up in a ball and cry.

I want to cry for hours, days, maybe even years. To take back what’s mine, to let it all out until I’m gasping for breath. My hands shake as I fling my bedroom door open and head towards the bathroom to wash off the itchy, cracking paint.

“Are you jealous?” I can hear the smile in his voice, the tone making my shoulders hunch in embarrassment.

He grabs my wrist and spins me around, into his arms, not letting go, even as I pound on his chest. He raises my chin with his index finger so I have no choice but to stare into his honey eyes that always seem to know what I’m thinking, what I’m feeling.

“You are,” he says with a sigh and tugs me closer, his hand sliding to the back of my neck. “I had to check, Tillie. To see if he recognized you. I can’t let Dom know that you’re mine. But it’s too late now. I couldn’t have it both ways. I had no choice but to bring you, so I thought someone disposable would do as a stand in. Paris means nothing to me and she never will.”

“What?” Even to my own ears, I hear the surprise in my voice, wondering if I’m hearing things… There’s no way he really wants me without acting like I’m an object.

He runs a hand through his brown hair and steps back to start pacing, muttering to himself until he stops in front of me again as he comes to some sort of conclusion.

“I need to know why you’re here. You just need to tell me… I’m losing my mind thinking about you all the time and I shouldn’t when you could be my downfall,” he rasps out, running a finger down my cheek as he stares intensely into my eyes.

“No. You don’t get to say that. You’re playing with my emotions and it’s messing with my head!” I knock his hand away, my fingers tangle in my hair as I try not to scream in frustration, “What do you want, Logan! What?!” I’ve had enough, if he wants to keep playing this game then I’m done holding back because my body constantly gravitates towards him.

No more. I’ll go full force at him until he’s begging for forgiveness.

“I want you! Just you, but I can’t trust-I don’t know who to trust.” He stares up at the ceiling in clear frustration as he takes a deep breath before he glances down at me. He reaches out to grab my wrist, but I knock his hand out of the way before he can touch me.

“You better figure your shit out then because I’m not a toy that you get to decide which way you want to bend me or control me anytime you want. Trust is earned, but I haven’t done a damn thing to make you doubt me. This is who I am, take a good look.” I hold my hands out to my sides, letting him look at me.

He stares at me as if he wants to sweep me off my feet and throw me on the bed. Hot, needy lust takes over his facial expression as he slowly drags his gaze starting at my feet and slowly moving up, taking his time until he’s looking into my eyes again. I know what he sees. Me, drowning in his friend’s shirt that hangs at my knees, as the rest of my body is covered in paint, but that doesn’t stop his gaze from switching to anger and then going straight into lust. He tries to take a step towards me, but I move my hand in front to rest against his chest before he gets too close.

“No.” He freezes before he can come any closer, hearing the way my voice croaks.

“Tillie-” He starts but I cut him off.

“I’m too tired to deal with this right now. If you come any closer, I’m going to cave and that just puts me right back at square one. Let me go.” I stare at his chest, not wanting to see the pent up desire and longing in his gaze, knowing I’ll break within seconds to give in to him.

He doesn’t say a word, the only sound in my bedroom is our breathing that seems to be in sync. I slowly pull away, watching as he takes a small step backwards to give me space. I turn my back on him as I finally walk into the bathroom and shut the door quietly as my chest aches. When will it ever get easier? Will I ever be able to let anyone in without getting hurt? Tears form at the corner of my eyes as I stare into the mirror, hating the look on my face. One of hopelessness and defeat. Turning on the tap water, I splash my face until all the paint is gone and washing down the sink with the rest of my night. A loud thump comes on the other side of the door followed by a groan, making me wish he would just leave me alone. I can’t tonight. I just can’t deal with this right now.

With a sigh, I swing the door open, planning on ripping him a new one until he’s storming out of my room but I’m only met with silence and the dark. Chills sweep up and down my body as I rub my arms. Walking towards the curtains where the moonlight is shining through, I’m about to open them when I trip over something on the floor. Crashing on my hands and knees, I swear under my breath and reach up to rip the curtains open and turn around to see what I fell over. My breath stalls in my chest as I see a pant leg sticking out from the other side of the bed. Crawling forward, I see Logan passed out and a pool of blood forming around his head. Scrambling towards him, I lean down and place my head against his chest. The steady thump under my ear makes it easier to breathe. What happened to him? I skim my fingers behind his neck as I lean back up and my fingers come away warm and wet at the base of his skull.

“Logan? Wake up!” I shake his shoulders roughly and feel relieved when he groans in pain but his eyes don’t open.

“Tillie, come out, come out wherever you are.” A voice so familiar, one that I could never forget, suddenly echoes almost like a whisper of the wind, taunting me from somewhere inside the house… Payne.

No. No. No. He’s found me.

I quickly look around and my whole body shudders at how the walls seem to be closing in on me as my breathing comes faster and faster. There is no escaping this time, I’m going to die tonight. He’s here inside the house. I glance down at Logan as his eyelashes flutter, noticing how quiet the room seems. I can’t leave him out here like this, they’ll put a bullet through his brain. This is all my fault, I shouldn’t have come here. To keep Logan alive like this, for me to find him still breathing tells me enough. This is Payne’s way of getting inside my mind to fuck with me, he’s playing with his food, which just happens to be me. He’s going to kill everyone who’s ever helped me right in front of my very eyes and there’s nothing I can do about it. He knows me well. I never was any good at my obedience lessons, and I rebelled with everything inside my body. He’s provoking me to come out, to show myself. Logan can’t stay here. Payne really will torture him in front of me before he kills him to make me suffer.

I stand on shaking legs and bend down to grab him under his armpits. I don’t know how people do it in the movies, moving a heavy body around without breaking a sweat. I start dragging him across the room, a few feet towards my closet and his breathing picks up as if he’s in pain the whole time I’m moving him. I pause and take a deep breath as sweat coats my skin even though I’m cold, beyond freezing. With one more pull, I let go of him and fall on my ass in the huge closet. His head thumps against the floor and his eyes snap open as he sucks in a sharp pained breath.

“Get out of here. Run,” he whispers, his lashes fluttering as he tries to focus on me.

“There’s no escaping, Logan,” I reply back, my voice drained of any emotion because this is finally it… the end for me.

Everything I did was for nothing. That one small chance of freedom is already gone. At least I finally got to live for a little these last few weeks. I found a way to survive where I wasn’t constantly hiding in fear. I made friends for the first time ever that made me laugh. I found pleasure that I never thought was possible for someone like me. I found a strength I didn’t know I possessed, standing up for myself against these assholes who tried to bring me to my knees, but here I am. I’m still standing.

“Will you just listen for once! Run, Tillie,” Logan says in a commanding, raspy voice just before he passes out.

Run? That’s the thing…there isn’t anywhere to run. All I have left is to face Payne head on. But, even if I die, I’m bringing him with me, straight into hell.

I search underneath Logan, feeling the gun tucked into the back of the waistband of his pants, and pull it out from under him. I stare almost numbly down at it… it takes just one bullet to end it all. Glancing down at Logan, I regret that things couldn’t have turned out a different way. He could have learned to trust me and I could have had him on his knees even just once as he learned I’m not his enemy but those things won’t be happening. Leaning down, I rest my lips against his ear, only so he can hear my voice even though he’s passed out.

“You asshole, I hate you for making me feel. You won’t ever see me again and you won’t ever know this but thank you.” I stay like this for a second, trying to gather my courage to get up and face my father.

I reach into his pants pocket and grab his cellphone as I stand up. Placing his thumb on the screen, I scroll through his contacts and hit dial once I find who I’m looking for.

“Logan,” Nicky’s deep voice says through the phone, oddly calming me.

“It’s me. I needed someone to know I’m going to disappear. Demon Jokers are in the house. Logan is in my bedroom closet knocked out and bleeding. I don’t know where Dalton is…” I trail off, closing my eyes and praying he’s not dead.

It takes a lot to take down my giant biker, but Payne doesn’t do his business alone. I know he will have brought some of the club members with him.

“Stay right the fuck there. Don’t leave the closet and, Tillie… if this is a trap, I’m going to have to kill you.” His voice sounds strained and he curses in Japanese under his breath.

“Nicky,” I choke out and stifle the sob trying to break free. “I need to make sure Dalton isn’t… I can’t leave him down there by himself. By the time you get here, I’ll already be gone. Tell Tey I’m sorry I can’t fix his unicorn. I’m sorry.” The sob I’ve been trying to hold back breaks free as I hang up, cutting off whatever he was shouting.

Dropping the phone by Logan, I bite my lip to stay quiet as tears keep trailing down my face. I shouldn’t ever have been born, this is an endless cycle of me going back right where I belong. I’ll kill myself before they can drag me back to that hellhole. I take a deep, shuddering breath and walk quietly out of the closet, shutting the door behind me.

I’ll say it again and again, I hate the dark. Every dark shadow looks like it’s going to jump at me and drag me away until I’m just a memory, stuck in the darkness. Creeping out of my room, I don’t hear anything but my own breathing and the sound of my teeth grinding to stop them from chattering. Glancing up and down the hallway, nothing moves and I step out, heading towards the stairs. Passing the doorways, I stick close to the walls and bring the gun up each time I look inside. At the top of the stairs, I freeze, feeling as if someone is staring at me. I pinch my eyes closed in dread, opening them a second later to confront my worst fear and slowly spin on my heels.

“You didn’t think you could hide forever, did you?” Poe stands a foot away from me, his leather cut with the Demon Jokers patch mocking me.

Just hearing his voice causes me to flinch, almost dropping the gun as I aim it at his face. He grins when he sees my hand shaking, making the gun tremble, and steps closer.

I pull the trigger without thinking and only hear the clicking sound in return. Nothing happened. The blood drains from my face and it feels like I’m back in the basement, everything narrowing down to this moment.

“I’m very disappointed, Til. After all that training on how to use a gun, you don’t check to see if the chamber is empty?” He shakes his head, clicking his tongue, and brings his own gun out faster than I can track it.

He whips it towards my face and slams it down on top of my head, making my knees buckle under the blow. Grabbing my head, my fingers come away wet as my stomach turns. I end up throwing up at his feet, everything a blur as he snarls in disgust and grabs a fist full of my hair. I whimper as he starts walking down the stairs, leaving me no choice but to follow. I scramble to my legs, almost falling again with how dizzy I am. He whistles, ignoring my weak attempts to swing at him but the angle he has my head leaves it impossible to reach him. I leave scratch marks on the walls as he drags me down, trying to slow him down. I’m not ready to face the devil.

He thrusts me down hard to the ground once we reach the first floor, and takes intimidating steps towards me as I crawl backwards on my hands and feet to get away from him. Each step he takes sounds loud to my ears, it’s a noise that keeps jolting me into moving faster. I bump into a wall and he looms over me before bending down, clasping his hand around my throat like a collar locking in place. He lifts me off the ground by the neck, ignoring me as I gasp for breath and scratch at his forearms as my feet drag against the floor. Poe continues walking forward, leading us into the kitchen and slamming me backwards over the kitchen island. I claw at his hand, seeing spots dance in my vision and I know if my eyes close, I’ll wake up to see myself living in my worst nightmare.

“Nice of you to join us, Tillie.” Payne’s voice skitters down my spine, making me wish Poe would keep squeezing until he crushes my neck. “Release her, she doesn’t get to escape that easily. I have many plans for her,” Payne chuckles in the same gruff, sinister laugh he’s always used just before he started his obedience lessons.

Fingers unwrap from my neck and I’m able to draw in a deep breath as I cough. I realize I’m always in this position where I can only ever see a ceiling as I’m placed on my back. Poe grabs the front of my shirt and makes me stand up while turning me to face the other side of the kitchen.

Dalton starts struggling in the chair he’s tied to once our eyes make contact. His hands are bound behind his back and a piece of tape covers his mouth but he doesn’t stop trying to shout. My lips tremble as I try not to cry when I notice his shirt is torn at his side, the material soaked with his blood and dripping onto the floor around him. Movement to his right finally has me glancing at the monster I call Father. I don’t know what I expected, but it’s not what I was imagining when I thought about seeing him again. Payne looks like the reaper is going to claim him any second now, his skin is sickly pale and heavy dark circles rests under his eyes.

“I went through a lot of trouble to find you.” Payne toys with the knife in his bloody hands and clasps a hand on Dalton’s shoulder in a threatening move that says he’ll kill him without breaking a sweat, as he waits for me to speak. “Nothing to say to your dear old dad?”

I stay silent, my mind racing a mile a minute as I try to think of a way out of this, but I keep coming up blank. Footsteps to my right has me glancing at the mudroom, to see Whiskey striding towards me without planning to stop. I try to back up but Poe tightens his hold on the front of my shirt and lifts until I’m standing on my toes just as Whiskey grabs my arms to hold me still.

“Did you miss us? It’s been a while since I’ve been between those creamy thighs. That night we all took a turn squeezing into that tight virgin hole of yours still plays in my head like it was just yesterday. I guess raping you never tamed your rebellious side, but we still have time to give it another try.” Whiskey winks at me and lifts his hand to run down my cheek but I quickly whip my head away before he can touch me.

My stomach turns, feeling vomit climb up my throat again and sweat rolling down my spine, but I try to keep my face blank so he doesn’t know how terrified I am. I can’t seem to focus my gaze on anything, but the moment I glance at Dalton, my world seems to stop and all I can see is him. His eyes burn with fury, his jaw tight, and it looks like he’s not breathing as he stares back at me.

“How did you find me?” I croak out, my voice sounding dead to my own ears.

“I paid a little visit to Hell’s Devils and congratulations, boy, it seems you’re the club’s new President. I have to say, you’re the spitting image of your old man. He had that same look on his face just before I killed him.” He gestures to Dalton’s face and I can’t look away as Dalton bellows behind his gag in rage, reminding me of a caged animal, and his eyes widen with deep sorrow.

The chair groans under him as he struggles with the ties, his face turning pale as his blood keeps seeping out of his wound, soaking his shirt and the chair under him. Sweat rolls down his temple from his hairline and he gazes at me with violet eyes that promise chaos once he’s free. I know he’s imagining all sorts of ways to kill Payne, but I wouldn’t blame him if I’m part of that plan, because it’s all my fault that Dalton’s dad is dead. I led the devil right to their doorstep.

It’s all my fault.

“You fucking monster!” I scream at Payne with fury in my eyes, tears falling down my cheeks as I see the devastation in Dalton’s eyes when I look back at him.

Payne just laughs and suddenly punches Dalton in the stomach, right over the area that’s bleeding. I cry out, struggling between Poe and Whiskey, but they just tighten their holds on my arms. Locking me in place so no matter what I do, I can’t escape.

“Bring her here, he’ll get to watch. Tell me, boy, did you fuck her? Most of my club members already did, all but one.” Payne taunts Dalton as Poe drags me by the shirt over to my father and shoves me face down over the counter so I have a clear view of Dalton.

Payne walks around the other side of Dalton’s chair and comes to stand behind me. This is going to hurt, it always does. He’s going to torture me right in front of my biker and there’s nothing I can do to stop this. No one can. I can’t see Payne but I feel something cold and wet rest against the top of my spine. The cutting of my shirt down the middle is like a gunshot going off and blood fills my mouth as I bite my tongue to hold in a whimper that desperately wants to escape. My shirt falls off to the sides, drifting off my shoulders to expose my back. Dressed only in my underwear and bra, my breathing picks up as the hairs on my arms stand on end.

“I’ve waited a long time to do this, you almost robbed me of this chance, but I’m going to claim this fucking cunt while your lover boy over here watches,” Payne whispers in my ear, my whole body locking up tight as the air is sucked out of my lungs.

No! Not again. This can’t be happening. Wake up, Tillie! Just a dream… it has to be.

I try to push up on my arms as I start to lose my mind, my legs kicking with everything I have, hoping to connect with any flesh but Poe and Whiskey hold my arms down as Payne kicks my legs apart with his boots.

“Why? How can you do th-this to your own daughter?” My teeth chatter, fear eating me alive as I ask a question I’ve never thought would come out of my mouth.

I feel everything, wishing I couldn’t, and all I can do is stare at Dalton. His eyes are wild, going crazed as he keeps shouting behind his gag at me, but words don’t matter. I know he’s going to see everything and not be able to do anything, but for once I’m not alone. That might be selfish of me but I don’t care. His gaze says he’s here with me, to not look away as everything else fades away into the background.

“Don’t you know?” Payne sneers behind me in mockery, his chuckle evil and haunting as he leans over my body with the sound of a zipper lowering. “I’m not your daddy.”

To be continued…

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