Vicious Punks (Dolls and Douchebags Part Two)

Vicious Punks: Chapter 10

I stand at the end of Tillie’s bed with a cup of coffee, watching her sleep peacefully…with Tey wrapped around her like a koala bear. He’s always been the big spoon, I’ve caught him plenty of times in my bed, snuggling up against me while I was sleeping. I used to give him shit when we were younger, telling him to stop sneaking into my bedroom, but he said he needed to feel the warmth of something next to him. So I didn’t bring it up again and pretend it’s normal for my best friend to hug me while I sleep.

He’s been like this for two days, since the night at the warehouse, and it worries me. I’ve caught him each night in here with a large grin on his face while it’s buried against the back of her neck. He’s becoming attached. It’s what I feared from the beginning.

I walk to his side of the bed and flick his ear, stepping back with perfect timing. His knife whips out, missing my face by mere inches as he grumbles in his sleep.

“Tey. Wake the fuck up and go home. Check on the foster kids. You know you’ll regret it if you don’t,” I whisper and wonder why I’m trying to be so quiet.

I glance at Tillie, seeing her face completely relaxed in sleep, which is the opposite of how it usually is when I come in here to watch her as she dreams. She always looks worried, her shoulders tight as if she feels like someone is at her back, staring her down, getting ready to attack her. I like the way her parted lips look plumper, fuller than usual while she sleeps. A perfect way to wake her up would be me shoving my cock in her mouth, but I don’t want my third arm bitten off. She’s feisty like that. I grab Tey’s knife, watching him sigh in content as he snuggles into her some more. I lean over both of them, just to fuck with her while she’s fast asleep and to see what she’ll do.

The moment I graze my thumb over her nipple, it hardens, peeking through her shirt. The soft moan she lets out has Tey snapping his eyes open. He’s no longer pretending to sleep, making eye contact with me over her shoulder and wiggling his eyebrows.

“No. Go home. We’ll meet you at school, take my car. I’ll keep an eye on her.” I straighten up and hand him my coffee cup as he mumbles under his breath sleepily, pouting like a baby when he leaves her bedroom.

It gives me a second to look her over without her knowing, growing more curious about her as the little wrinkle forms between her brows and she stretches her arm out like she’s looking for Tey and the warmth he left behind. Every time I stare at her, she seems to know. Always looking my way, meeting my eyes before curling her lip and glancing away, as if disgusted. It could be that Paris has been hanging off my arm the last few days, following me around like a stray dog. Maybe it’s the way half the school’s population calls Tillie crude names as she walks by, or stuffs her locker with trash. The other day was used condoms, which set me off. No cum touches her but mine, or the guys if I allow it. I put the mark on her back and said that she’s an open target for the students to go after her, but it’s my way of seeing how much she can take. She hasn’t backed down, not once. She takes it and gives it right back. I admire that.

My gaze slides down her body as she lays on her side, the t-shirt rising up to the curve of her bubbly ass and the blanket tangled around her feet. I could look at her toned, tan, smooth legs all day, imagining them wrapped around my waist.

“Are you going to stand there perving all day or get the hell out so I can get ready?” She mumbles out in a groggy voice, her eyes still closed before she squints them open to look at me with a raised brow.

“So what if I was staring? Just appreciating my slut. It’s a nice view, I’ll admit. You never did tell me how much you charge by the way. I feel like getting my cock wet again.” I duck as she chucks her pillow towards my head and actually growls at me as she sits up.

“Get out before I cut off your balls in your sleep and feed them to you.” She smirks as my body shudders at the idea.

“Ouch, baby girl. That would be a shame, my little swimmers wouldn’t be there for the baby making.” I click my tongue and head towards the bathroom door to shower.

“I’d do the world a favor, devil’s spawn,” she whispers to herself and suddenly starts struggling in her sheets to get out of bed. “Hey! Let me use the bathroom first. You take forever to style your hair, you’re worse than a girl,” She demands as I slam the door, twisting the lock just as she makes it, her fist thumping on the wood.

“Go get breakfast then. It might be a while. The shower holds a special memory for me, so I might jerk one off.” I hold in my laugh as what sounds like her head thumping against the door on the other side.

“Ass!” she shouts and goes quiet as I start the shower.

Going through my routine, I sing under my breath as I soap my body up and wrap my fist around my cock, stroking as I picture her on the other side of the door, listening to me beating one off with her on my mind. Once I come with a low groan while splashing cum on the shower wall, I stand there under the water as I take deep breaths with her still occupying my thoughts. Grabbing the shower hose, I wash the wall and decide to take forever on my hair just to fuck with her. I get out of the shower with a grin and dress simple today in ripped jeans and a grey sweater, slipping on my Rolex last as I head downstairs towards the kitchen. We have an hour before we need to leave for school.

“Oh, dear! I’d love to have lunch to chat, but that’s the ladies’ luncheon that day and I can’t miss it. Another time? Maybe we can go shopping.” Diana’s voice sounds strained and that has me pausing outside the kitchen doorway, looking around the corner.

Tillie is at the end of the island, sitting on a bar stool as she eats a bagel, her smile forced as she stares at Diana like she’s feeling awkward. The gold digger won’t even look her own daughter in the eye, and I wonder what happened to the loving mother who fainted when she met her long lost daughter. The crocodile tears aren’t in sight any more. Diana’s smile is tight around the edges as she walks around the other side of the kitchen to Franco to say goodbye. She kisses him on the lips deeply, moaning loudly for us to hear, the sound too high pitched and fake to my own ears. Franco doesn’t bother to touch his wife back as he leans against the kitchen counter. He doesn’t do anything but watch Tillie as his wife tries to act like a porn star in front of her daughter. I clench my hand, wanting to pound my fist into his face for how he’s looking at her. Like she’s the juiciest steak in the universe and he’s starving. What the fuck?

“That’s, um, fine. We can talk about Uncle Rig and go shopping, maybe next week? No rush.” Tillie coughs, takes a drink of coffee, and looks away from them as they break apart as if she can’t stand the way Diana is staring at her accusingly.

“Not much to tell, but I’ll share anything I know. They are painful memories, I’m sure you understand that,” Diana says, turning to stare at her daughter with another fake smile, as she wipes at her smeared lipstick with a napkin.

“Yeah. Completely understand,” Tillie says quietly, looking defeated as she stares into her coffee cup.

“I knew you would. Bye, dear.” She smoothes a hand down Franco’s chest and turns on her high heels to leave.

Diana pats her hair down and grabs her purse off the counter as she walks towards the garage door, leaving just Tillie and Franco alone. I stay hidden, waiting to see where this is going to go because I don’t like the way Franco hasn’t taken his eyes off Tillie this whole time. She won’t even glance his way, her body strung tight, and she keeps glancing at the clock on the stove.

“You remind me of her,” Franco suddenly says, breaking up the awkward silence.

Tillie looks up from her food, her bagel halfway to her mouth. She swallows before questioning Franco about what he could possibly mean.

“Who?” She tilts her head to the side, just as confused as I am.

“My first wife,” he replies and walks around the island to sit down next to her, so close that his shoulder rubs against hers as she shifts on the barstool.

My body goes rigid. I must have heard him wrong.

“What?” Tillie chokes out, dropping her bagel on her plate as she pounds on her chest.

“She was innocent, too. Was never meant to experience the evil of this world, but before I could protect her, I was too late. I know who you are Tillie and I can protect you,” Franco says, leaning forward and whipping a smear of cream cheese off the corner of her mouth with his thumb.

He watches her as he brings his other hand to the back of her neck and places his thumb firmly on her bottom lip. I can’t move, I need to see what she’s going to do. My father may run the family business, but I have to know who’s side she’s going to be on. Franco holds the key right now, he fucking knows who she is and hasn’t shared that piece of information.

“I’m no-not innocent.” She tries to lean back but he stops her with his hand gripping the back of her neck.

“If that cherry of yours wasn’t already popped, I would have given you to Jin once I found out just who you are. Virgins sell for high prices. There’s lots of greedy men out there who would love to get their hands on you,” he threatens and watches Tillie start to tremble, pressing his thumb past her lips, into her mouth. “Suck,” he commands.

Tears water in her eyes as she closes her lips around his finger and refuses to meet his gaze, looking over his shoulder at the clock again as she sucks the cream cheese off his thumb.

“The only innocence you had was taken away from you, and you didn’t have a choice where you grew up. I can keep you safe, a place to come and go as you please, as long as you follow my rules under my household.” Franco removes his thumb, his gaze dropping down her body, his meaning clear. But he drives the point home as he places his palm on her upper thigh, right on the edge of her shorts.

Her eyes finally stop looking at the clock, as if she was wishing time would speed up, and they start to slowly close. Knowing she’s hiding her tears, so accepting of what’s happening to her, that is my breaking point. I don’t want to hear anything come out of her mouth because she’s not one to beg, and I refuse to allow her to get on her knees for him.

She’s my baby girl.

I make sure my face is completely blank of any emotion, not wanting Franco to see the anger coursing through my veins. Rounding the corner, I walk a little louder than normal to make some noise as I clear my throat. He leans away from Tillie, who sits frozen in her seat with her fists clenched in her lap. I see him squeeze her thigh one more time, even though he knows I can see him, before he stands up and grabs his blue jacket off the counter with his matching hat.

“Logan, any progress on the missing shipment or the other thing I asked Nicky to look into?” he questions, acting like he doesn’t already know, and I wonder what else he’s keeping from me?

I’ve never wanted to kill him, but right now, that’s all I want. To see him on the ground, looking up at me in fear, as he finally sees who’s in charge. I’ll find out all of his secrets. He stopped being my father the day my mother died. He made sure of that as he beat me with his belt, or his fists, all while telling me how to be a man. He placed a gun in my hand and made me kill my first time in the warehouse at the age of twelve.

“Nothing yet, but it’s only a matter of time before it comes to light.” My voice is stoic and he pauses as he grabs his car keys to glance up at me.

My face stays void of any emotion as I stand there, staring at him as he tilts his head at me before glancing quickly at Tillie and back towards me again.

“I’m sure it will, Son. Oh, before I forget. Don’t get caught doing anything that shouldn’t be seen. Reports say federal agents have been sniffing around.” He gives me one last look and walks out the door, the sound echoing around the kitchen as we listen for his car to start.

The moment we hear him drive away, Tillie lets out a deep exhale. Turning towards her, she places her head in her hands with her shoulders shaking. The first sniffle chips away a small piece of ice in my heart. I walk calmly to her side, hesitantly placing my hand atop her hair and slide my fingers through the dark strands. She stops crying and lifts her head, her watery eyes connecting with mine as I stroke her long brown and purple hair.

“Are you petting me?” she asks in shock.

“What? No. You have something in your hair,” I lie through my teeth, but continue sliding my fingers through her hair while staring down at her upturned face.

“Why are you comforting me?” she questions, not looking away as my hand pauses its movements.

The question surprises me because I don’t have an answer. It’s not from pity. I’ve seen people who deserve to be pitied, but I never felt anything for them. Maybe it’s the way she fights back on her own that I admire, and I don’t want to see her break down, accepting the hardships that life throws at her.

Hopeless isn’t for someone like her. She’s different.

“I don’t know, but I do know something that will make you feel better. Come with me.” I grab her wrist, pull her out of her chair and down the hallway to Franco’s office.

“What are we doing here?” she hisses, glancing around like we’re going to get caught any moment.

“This is my way of saying fuck you to Franco. Hop up on the desk,” I demand in a deep voice, sending papers flying as I swipe them clear off the desk and sit down in my father’s office chair.

She eyes me for a second, before glancing at the spot I pat on the desk in front of me. Then she looks back into my eyes, with her lips twitching at the corners.

“You’re bad.” She bites her lip and walks over towards me with a sway of her hips, as I spread my legs for her to stand between them.

“Only the baddest, baby girl.” My fingers hover over the button of her shorts before unsnapping it and slipping them over her ass and down her long, toned legs.

Standing before me in only a tank top and a black thong, I grab her hips and lift her onto the surface of the polished, cherry wood desk. By the time I’m done with her, the shape of her asscheeks and her juices will be left on the desk, as a reminder of just exactly who she belongs to.

“Spread your legs,” I order, sitting back in my father’s chair as I glance down at the wet material on the front of her thong.

She meets my eyes, her chocolate ones seeking mine before she slowly opens her legs.

“Now what?” Her voice comes out raspy, sexy.

“Now I’m going to eat out your delicious as fuck pussy and make you scream my name.” I roughly grip her thighs, pushing them as wide as she can go, but she smacks my hands away.

She leans back on her elbows and lifts her heels off the ground to form the perfect V, with her legs straight in the air, as she grips the edge of the desk by her ass.

“Is this okay?” She smirks as I growl and lean forward, running my nose down the front of her panties.

“Fuck, you smell incredible,” I groan at the intoxicating scent of her cunt, moving lower to lick right over the wet spot on her thong where her pussy lips are.

She lets out a soft moan, spreading her legs wider as I grab the back of her thighs and hold her still. I slide my hands up the back of her toned legs and back down, loving the silky smoothness of her golden skin. I look up to see her already staring down at me, as I shove her thong to the side to expose her pretty, pink, hot pussy. All of it is just for me.

“Logan,” she pleads the longer I stare, devouring her slippery, wet cunt under my gaze.

“I’ll give you what you want, but you have to say it first.” I hover my mouth over her pussy lips, taking a deep inhale to draw her sweet scent of oranges in, and exhaling to make sure she feels my hot breath.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Her voice comes out as a purr, playing coy with me as she peeks under her lashes with a smirk, spreading her legs wider, showing me just how flexible she is.

I’m in charge here.

I sit back a little and without giving her a warning because she’s not being a good girl, I bring my hand down on top of her pussy. My palm smacks hard enough to leave a sting, turning her skin a blush color. I soak up her loud moan, her eyes widening with her hunger and lust.

“Say it. Tell your stepbrother what you want,” I demand, with another slap to her pussy, just to hear her cry of pleasure. I practically feel my eyes roll in the back of my head when I take my hand away, she gives chase with a buck of her hips.

She likes it. She likes the pain, a lot.

“Touch my pussy, Logan. I’m your slut, damn you.” She glares at me and grasps my hand to place it back on her. “Again. Touch me. Make me come. Again!” Her tone is a forceful demand that isn’t holding anything back, and the sound of her raspy voice has my cock straining against my slacks, wanting to dive right into her pussy.

She’s a bossy little thing. I like that, it gives me a chance to show her how I like to deliver my punishments.

“Good girl,” I say and smack her pussy suddenly, the strength a mix between hard and gentle. The sound of her slick lips gets louder and louder after each slap.

I can’t hold back any longer, after seeing her juices sliding down between her asscheeks and having her breathy moans fill my ears. Diving between her legs, I lick around her ass, chuckling at her quick gasp the moment I touch her with the tip of my tongue. Her body freezes, and I look up to see her staring at me as I give her another long lick all the way to her clit, circling slowly around that spot that makes her legs shake under my hands. I pause and raise a brow at her to see if she wants me to continue. Biting her lip, she grabs the back of my neck and shoves my face back down in a command to keep going.

“More. Please. I never knew that spot could feel good instead of being painful,” she whispers, sliding her fingers through my hair and holding tight.

I want to show her how good it can feel, something that she’ll never forget.

I’m going to devour this girl, make her scream my name until her throat is sore and I have her begging for more.

Not wasting any time, I bury my face between her legs. Slowly licking between her folds, like I’m licking my favorite ice cream. Then I plunge my tongue in and out rapidly to hear her moan.

“Why is your tongue so long? H-how are you doing that?!” she shrieks out as I drag my tongue up to her clit and start flicking swiftly, grinning as she tries to draw away from me when the pleasure becomes too intense.

She tightens her grip in my hair so much that it’s almost painful. Just seconds later she is rolling her hips to drive me closer, and pulling out a groan from me. She can’t help herself, needing to feel the ecstasy that drugs us all.

“I’m-I’m going to come.” She throws her head back as I glance up at her from between her thighs, and grab her waist to hold her still, feeling the tiny scars under my fingertips.

“Break for me, baby girl,” I command in a deep husky voice before flicking my tongue in waves, quickly moving side to side, and sucking her clit hard so that it has her clenching her thighs together around my head.

Her body tenses up and I can’t stop staring up at her, not wanting to miss the look on her face. Her pink, plump lips part, forming a perfect O, while her eyes meet mine before rolling back into her head.

My mouth floods with her juices as she comes, making me groan and she screams loudly with her pleasure. Her whole body shakes as she rides my face in jerky movements with her hips, before she slumps back on the desk, breathing heavily.

I lick her again, loving the way her body shudders and she moans while pushing my head away like she’s too sensitive for more. She slowly blinks up at the ceiling in a daze as I nuzzle her inner thigh and bite the tender flesh between my teeth. She sucks in a breath, swatting at me to stop as she mumbles something. I can’t stop grinning. Did I break her?

“Baby girl?” I recline in my father’s chair, licking my lips, the taste of her lingering on my tongue and I’m content enough to just sit here watching her spread out in front of me.

“Lo.” She uses my nickname in this breathless voice, and I know without a doubt I broke her.

“Move your ass to the right for a second,” I say and enjoy her groan as she shifts her body to the right, not bothering to cover herself.

I stroke a hand up and down her hip absentminded as I pull open a few drawers of the desk until I find what I’m looking for. Holding the flash drive up, I plug it into the computer and wait until all the files are downloaded. I’m going to find out what Franco is hiding, it’s come to this point. He used to say family is everything, but I think he cares more about himself than anything else these days. Pocketing the flash drive, I turn back to Tillie to see her looking at me in question. She starts to close her legs when I don’t answer but the palm of my hand stops her from moving.

“I’m not done. We have about ten minutes before we have to leave, and I’m a man who does everything to the fullest.” I stand up, leaning over her body as she sits up, looking confused. “You didn’t squirt for me and that won’t do. You’re going to squirt all over the place and clean it up with that naughty mouth of yours. Do as I say, baby girl, and you’ll be rewarded.” I glide my thumb over her bottom lip as her mouth pops open in shock and her body flushes hotly under mine.

Like I said, I always rise to the top by being the best. Can’t back out on my reputation now.

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