Vicious Punks (Dolls and Douchebags Part Two)

Chapter Vicious Punks: Prologue

“Hold still, you stupid cunt,” I sneer down at Lorrie as she flops around on the table like a fish out of water.

Worthless whore can’t tolerate her cocaine anymore, just a spaced out junkie who will do anything for the next hit. I should just kill her, a bullet right through the skull, but then again she is good at spreading her legs with a smile on her face and a needle in her arm. Obedient. Loyal. Those are the only things I ask for, people to be squeezed tightly in my fist. My fist bangs on the table near Lorrie’s hip, startling her enough that she stops sliding her hands up and down her body that’s pumped full of drugs. She shoots up into a sitting position with a screech leaving her gaping mouth. Fucking powder slides off her stomach and on top of the table underneath her, disappearing through the cracks of the floor. So much money goes in and out of the club with drugs, but to waste it like that makes my eyes haze over until all I’m seeing is red.

The rock music shuts off abruptly, my club members looking over from their lounging positions around the bar. I grab Lorrie’s halter top, that’s stuck to her sweat slicked skin, to bring her closer to my face until her trembling chin is almost touching my beard.

“I’m this close to making an example out of you.” I grab her cheeks, squeezing until her wide eyes focus on me, terror shining through them. “You remember what happened to Tillie, don’t you? How you gloated for weeks after she was fucked within an inch of her life, left bleeding on the basement floor. Why don’t we see if you can scream higher than she did.” My spit flies into her reddening face; the harder I squeeze, the more labored her breathing becomes.

She shakes her head in my grip, her puckered lips trying to move, but I’ve had enough with how worthless she is. At least the other cunt, Tillie, looked me in the eyes, yearning to be broken. I was just the man to place her right under my boot to control. I should have taken more from her, made her remember who’s in charge, just like I did with her mother. Women, all good for only one thing. I become more enraged the longer I think about that slut running away from me. Roughly grabbing Lorrie off the table, I push the sobbing mess away from me in disgust. She crashes into a chair on unsteady feet, the legs of it breaking under her weight and leaving her on the floor, pleading up at me.

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry, Payne!” she screeches through pathetic sobs, disgusting me further and making my club brothers laugh at her expense.

The music starts back up, the sound of fucking and drunken laughter resumes as if nothing happened. They know their place, who’s the leader, and when to turn a blind eye. Liquor spills, drugs are passed around, and there’s enough pussy to last all night, no matter how used. My boots stomp across the worn wood floors, passing two of my members fucking a sweetbutt at the same time on the pool table. Her moans are high from pleasure, but it’s not the kind of sound I like to hear anymore. It’s unsatisfying, I want to hear her scream in pain instead. I want…no… I need Tillie begging for her life, on her knees, as my hands cause her unbelievable suffering.

‘Nix! Where the hell is Cruz?’ I bellow, fed up after everyone looks at me with blank stares.

Cruz has earned my respect over the years, killing and getting rid of bodies without questioning me. It’s unnerving how he stares at me as if at any minute he’ll stab me in the back, and not give a fuck, as he burns the rest of the club to the ground. I try to keep an eye on him at all times because something about him doesn’t sit right with me, like he’s lacking any emotions with that empty gaze of his. Although he doesn’t question my shit like my little brother used to. Since Rig disappeared, Cruz stepped up and paved a way to show that he earned his spot. I did promise Tillie to him, but that cunt is mine and only mine to have. She deserves everything she gets and what is coming for her, thinking she can escape me. You can never leave hell once you’ve been burned by the flames.

‘He’s in the basement again,’ Nix says in a bored tone, leaning against the bar with a beer in his hand as he watches the debauchery taking place.

Without another word, I walk past the high table tops and approach the basement door that holds a lot of memories for me and spilled blood. The door creaks on its hinges as it opens. I descend the wooden stairs, my boots stomping down each step to announce my approach. I’m not surprised he’s down here without any lights on. I’ve caught him sitting down here enough times in the dark.

‘Jesus fuck, Cruz,’ I grind out through my teeth, once I flip the lights on and see him clearly.

He’s sitting in a chair looking up at the rafters that hold rusty chains that have been well used over the years, his head tipped back as he smiles at the ceiling. His hair is slicked back, greasier than usual, and he has dark circles under his eyes. But it’s the crazed smile that has me scratching my beard, eyeing him warily. His obsession with the girl started when I took him in as a kid, he followed her around with a need to watch her every move. I remember seeing the empty look in his eyes that day I found him in an alleyway. Not once showing fear for the big, scary biker in front of him, and it made my decision easy. I molded him into the man he is today, he’ll do as I say until one day he doesn’t. A man’s control snaps suddenly and without warning, but I think Cruz never really had control over his urges. It’s only a matter of time but I’ll be the first to pull the trigger until then. He has his uses, getting the job done without caring who he has to kill.

“You know, Payne, I find it funny how secrets can reveal themselves over time. Something buried so deep can rise to the surface, even a missing body can be found eventually.” He chuckles to himself, his icy blue eyes suddenly connecting with mine.

My head pounds in sync with the blood rushing through my body as my anger controls me, making my nose bleed from the excessive cocaine use. I let it soak into my beard, watching how Cruz’s eyes follow the trail of blood with a hungry gaze. I crack my neck side to side to relieve the tension there and walk behind his chair while fixing my cut, he stares straight ahead once more. He doesn’t fear me standing behind his back. I’ve seen death, caused it plenty of times, and seen the grim reaper claim a soul. For Cruz, I think even death doesn’t want to linger around him.

“What are you going on about, boy?” I ask casually, picking up tools randomly on the workbench, and notice something misplaced near the knives.

A tan piece of fabric with a design rests against the table wrapped in a napkin, with jagged edges and its color a discolored brown. Not the most messed up thing I’ve seen, but to see the cut up piece of flesh laying there like a delicately wrapped gift… really takes the icing on the cake.

“You recognize that tattoo?” he asks with a smile in his voice, ignoring my question.

My secrets go to the grave with me. Only myself and Rig know my deepest secret, the one that could ruin me, but he’s gone, so there’s only me left. I peer closer at the raised design, seeing the club’s Demon Jokers symbol with small red roses surrounding it and the edge of wings cut off from the rest. Yeah, I recognize it.


She’s been around the club for a long time, a sweetbutt, but never an old lady. The club took Doris in long before Lorrie even showed up. Lorrie doesn’t even know who Tillie’s real mom is, but I placed her in that role of motherhood so no one could ever question it. As if you could even call Lorrie a mom. I internally scoff at that. She hates Tillie because of the attention I give her. Not even the other Demon Jokers dare to bring up who Tillie’s real mother is, the ones who have been riding since I became President keep their traps shut. It’s in the past, where it belongs. It does something to me if anyone dares question me, makes me pull the trigger faster than they can blink. It would make sense that Cruz doesn’t know because no one utters a word behind my back.

“Your methods don’t surprise me anymore, Cruz. What did she do?” I slam my fist on the table at the thought of her double crossing me.

If she’s betrayed me, I’ll lock her up where the sun doesn’t shine and make her wish for death. It doesn’t matter that she’s kept my bed warm over the years, she’s just another warm cunt to sink into.

“I found your traitor and she had a lot to say. I left a nice little present on your bed for you.” He chuckles in delight, the chair creaking as he climbs to his feet to walk towards the stairs and glances over his shoulder just before he reaches the door. “She said that Tillie was hiding with her mom but I find it funny that Lorrie seems to be walking around daughterless. Don’t you? But don’t worry, I’m going to find her and she won’t be going anywhere once I have her in my grasp. Finders keepers right, Payne?” He smirks and climbs the stairs without a backward glance.

My breathing is labored as uncontrollable fury consumes me. The door shuts behind him and not a moment too soon as I swipe my arm across the bench of torture devices, sending them flying.

After all I’ve done for that kid and this is how he repays me? Thinking he can take something that is rightfully mine, no matter what I’ve promised him. He should know by now that lies come out of my mouth in smoke. He knows my secret, that small thread of information he just hung over my head tells me that Cruz is now a threat. I won’t be having anyone taking my position as President, not until I’m ready to hand it over. I’m not going to be knocking at death’s door early because of Cruz stabbing me in the back.

I’ll just have to get to him first, let him find that ungrateful cunt and maybe I’ll let him go a few rounds with her before I kill him, too. Making my decision, a smile spreads across my lips as I head back upstairs and to the main part of the compound. Nix is still in the same spot, leaning against the bar while watching two whores get face fucked on the pool table. He catches my eye as I give him a head nod to follow me from across the room.

“Get the fuck out of my way before I’m having someone dig your grave. Ever been buried alive?” I ask the drunk prospect, whose name I can’t recall or care to remember, but he’s blocking the hallway that leads towards my office and bedroom. I watch him in disgust as his dilated eyes widen and he stumbles away, mumbling excuses under his breath like a little bitch.

I’m grinding my teeth by the time I swing my door open and instantly take a step back at the rancid stench that hits my nostrils. I’ve been wondering why Doris has been avoiding me, I guess I know the reason. That fucking cocksucker cut her up until she’s almost unrecognizable and left her on my Goddamn king mattress. I honestly thought the useless woman was avoiding me because she knew I was planning to give Tillie to Cruz. The whore doesn’t know that Tillie would always be under my boot, no matter who thinks she belongs to them. I own this compound, the people I feed and continue feeding until they want for nothing…They signed their lives away to me right when they chose this path. Once a Demon Jokers, always a Demon Jokers. Patch in and patch out by death.

“Damn, Payne. At least clean up after yourself,” Nix suggests with a gag, wrinkling his nose at the sight of Doris spread eagle on my bed.

I should feel something. I’ve known the whore for a very long time, she’s warmed my bed a lot over the years, but I couldn’t care less to be honest. She wasn’t always a Demon Joker, jumping from club to club until she landed here just like all the whores before her. There was one she stayed with for a long while…what was that club’s name? Devils? Some Charter based out in Los Angeles… Rig did some business with their president years ago. Come to think of it, he’s the one that brought Doris back home with him. A shame really she’s dead, she knew what I liked in bed, but I have just the person in mind to warm it whether she wants to or not.

“Cruz has a way of getting a message across, does he not?” I nod to the twisted way Cruz stripped pieces of her skin until she only resembled a juicy slab of meat. I mean fuck, the kid even took out her eyeballs.

“He’s stepping out of line, boss. Should we just kill him before he gets any ideas?” Nix picks at his nails with his knife in a nervous gesture and looks at me with a raised eyebrow in question before quickly shifting his gaze away.

“Not yet. If anyone can find her, it’s him. He wants her badly enough and he’s the only person I know who won’t sleep until she’s his completely. I want you to keep an eye on him and let me know what’s going on.” I hold eye contact with him until he swallows hard and glances away.

“Yeah, I’ll contact you if anything comes up.” Nix spins around to leave but before he’s halfway down the hallway, he glances over his shoulder at me. “A dangerous game you’re playing, Payne. You should have left Cruz on the streets because even I know he won’t hesitate to kill you if you try to stop him from getting Tillie.” With that, he enters back into the bar and disappears into the sound of drunken laughter echoing through the music, along with pussies being fucked roughly.

My rage explodes once I’m completely alone.

My boot connects with the door over and over until it’s hanging off its hinges and blood is dripping from my nose again, mixing with the cocaine from earlier. Looking at Doris with disgust, I head back into the main compound to fuck some pussy, willing or not, snort another hit of pure white powder, and all while wondering who I can trust within my walls. No one can know my secret. I’ll kill anyone who tries to take over my club, to expose my lies. Anyone.

I need to go back to the beginning because the only person who would know where Diana is hiding is Rig. Impossible to ask him since he’s gone, but that doesn’t mean he didn’t leave any hints behind as to where that cunt is. I could let Cruz find her first, but something tells me he’s gunning for my spot, my legacy. And once he has her, there’s no stopping him from doing whatever he wants.

My club won’t think I’m fit to be president anymore if I can’t handle my own daughter. Cruz will prove that to them. My time is running thin and that makes me a desperate man.

I’ll do anything to stay in power. Anything.

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