Vicious Bonds: A Dark Romantic Fantasy (The Tether Trilogy Book 1)

Vicious Bonds: Chapter 75

A whole day passes because Beatrix still isn’t home. Alora allows us to stay in the palace (really, we have no choice. She refuses to let anyone go into the city), and while we do, we eat, wander the grounds, and collect berries from one of the gardens, and by the time the sun sets, she sends three girls to paint my, Juniper’s, and Maeve’s nails.

Our nails aren’t painted using the same method my world does. In Vanora, they use paint brushes and a thick liquid that hardens on the nail. One coat is all they need. I go with gold—it seems fitting for us being in Vanora—while Juniper goes for black, and Maeve chooses a blood red.

Alora doesn’t get her nails painted. Instead, she sits in a chaise in a corner, chatting away with Maeve and Juniper. I find it hard to have a conversation with her right now. In fact, I’ve been mostly avoiding Alora after finding out about her and Caz.

I’m not sure where this jealous, territorial side of me has come from, but it bothers me that he was ever with her. It’s possible he may have been on those red pills, and yeah, maybe he was drunk, but it’s the fact that it happened. I never would’ve guessed they’d done something together.

Luzian and Clara enter the room with food and drinks on gold trays, setting them on a table nearby. They offer a glass of something bubbly to me, but I pass on it. Juniper takes her glass and walks to the balcony, standing next to Maeve who is smoking a bloom.

“Something’s troubling you.” Alora’s voice is close. I swing my eyes to hers, and she has her head in a slight tilt.

“Why do you say that?” I ask.

“I can see it all over you.”

She narrows her eyes, studying my face. I look toward the balcony where Juniper and Maeve are.

“Ah.” I turn my head again as Alora snaps her fingers.


“It’s about Caz and me.”

I avoid a frown. “What do you mean?”

“Let’s not play ignorant, Willow. I know that you know. It’s why you can no longer look me in the eye.”

I’m not sure what to say to that, so I don’t say anything at all. Alora stands and walks across the room, sitting on the edge of my ivory chaise. She’s so close I can smell her floral perfume. It’s a delightful scent.

“Do you want to know the truth?”

I sigh. “I think I already know the truth.”

“No, you don’t.”

I meet her eyes.

“The truth is, I’m a woman who loves a challenge. And here was this man, coming into my palace, acting as if he were untouchable. I mean, he literally did not want to be touched. Wouldn’t even shake my hand!” Her head moves side to side in disbelief. “So, sure, I flirted with him, and I invited him to my room. And he stopped by…but do you want to know what happened?”

“I don’t need the details,” I mutter. The nerve of her.

“When he came to my room, he told me he wasn’t going to sleep with me. In fact, he specifically came to my room to reject me.”

My eyes stretch and my jaw drops a bit. “Wait…so, nothing happened?”

“Other than a long, long chat about the things he was going to change about Blackwater, nothing happened. But I can tell you what happened for me?”


“I developed a deep respect for Caz that night. Never had a man been so certain about what he didn’t want. I always come across these arrogant men boasting about the things they have, or the things they want or can steal, but never a man who is so passionate about what doesn’t interest him.” She huffs a laugh, as if tickled by the thought. “It’s how I knew Caz was different. He’s not like other Vakeeli men. He’s more, and my dear, he’s yours. He is literally bonded to you. No one can take that. Not even the queen herself.” She places a hand on my shoulder, smiling. “Now please quit your moping, my love. This side of you is extremely boring.”

I laugh as she stands and strolls across the room toward the balcony with the others.

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